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Chapter 406 The superior performance of new machine tools raises the issue of national self-confidence

 The test results of the new machine tool finally came out, but the expressions of Liu Gong and Qi Gong caused everyone to misunderstand, thinking that the performance of the new machine tool was poor.

Just when everyone was disappointed and depressed, unexpectedly, something unexpected happened. The test results that everyone heard from Liugong were very different from what everyone thought. The performance of the new machine tool turned out to be very good, not only far exceeding that of the same machine tool.

Types of domestic machine tools, and they are completely comparable to the same type of advanced machine tools in the United States and abroad!

This big turn surprised everyone, and Director Yang almost fainted from the joy and sorrow.

While Minister Lu was overjoyed, he asked Liu Gong very dissatisfiedly: "Liu Gong, since the performance of this new machine tool is so superior, why did you and Qi Gong look like that just now? Not only did you look ugly, but you also sighed, which almost made us think

The performance of the new machine tool is too poor!"

"Ah?" Liu Gong scratched his head in confusion, and then suddenly realized: "Oh! Minister Lu, you are talking about the expressions on our faces just now! Hi! I'm really sorry, this is all a misunderstanding!

The reason why Qi Gong and I had bad expressions and sighed was because we were completely shocked after seeing the performance of this new machine tool!

The two of us have been working at the airport for most of our lives. It’s not just the two of us, there are many people like us across the country who specialize in machine tools, but in the end we are not as good as an underage guy!

This makes both of us feel so good!

Alas! We are getting old. It seems that we are really old. If we are not old, we are still behind the times!

It really echoes the old saying that a hero does not ask where he comes from, and his ambition does not depend on his age!"

Looking at Liu Gong who seemed to be deeply hit and had a depressed look on his face, everyone could not express the complaints and complaints in their hearts. Minister Lu looked at Liu Gong and Qi Gong, suppressed the unhappiness in his heart and comforted him: "You guys are the best."

It doesn’t have to be like this!

Not to mention you two, just now our leaders, including me, the dignified minister, Deputy Minister Xie next to me, and Vice President Gao, we were all verbally educated by Duan Hongxuan, a young man.


Young people are more capable than us, can achieve better results than us, and can do many things that we cannot do. This should not make us feel depressed, but should make us feel happy and happy!

We should get stronger from generation to generation, so that our country will develop better and better, and our nation will have more hope of becoming stronger and stronger!

If each generation is not as good as the last, wouldn’t our country and our nation be going backwards?

So when we see young people who are more capable than us, we should not be depressed, but should feel sincerely happy!

It is a good thing that young people are talented. This proves that each generation of our country is getting stronger than the previous generation. The value of our old guys’ existence is to guide these young people at any time so that they can avoid detours on the road of life. Don’t let them suffer because of their achievements.

A little bit of achievement makes you proud and complacent!

Although we may be surpassed by young people in terms of talent and work ability, our life experience and life experience are a valuable asset, which can allow us to help these young people move more steadily and achieve success in the future.

Bigger achievements!

Therefore, LiuGong and QiGong, see that Duan Hongxuan, a young student, can develop such an advanced machine tool, why should you be depressed? You should be happy!

No matter how powerful he is, he is just one person. Your help and support will be indispensable in the field of machine tool research in the future. You can also take this opportunity to exchange knowledge and learn from each other!

Think about it, if a foreign expert like Duan Hongxuan came to communicate with you, wouldn’t it be a happy thing, and it would be something you could only dream of!

But now there is a person of the same level right in front of you. Is it just because he is not a foreigner that instead of being happy, you are so depressed? What is the reason?"

At the end of the sentence, Minister Lu’s tone became more and more severe!

Minister Lu's words were like a heavy hammer, hitting the hearts of everyone present. Everyone present was shocked, and then they suddenly realized it like an enlightenment!
Yes, if someone of Duan Hongxuan's level is a foreigner, what is their attitude at this time?

Thinking of this, everyone present, especially technical people like Liu Gong and Qi Gong, suddenly felt ashamed, ashamed of their own narrow-mindedness and short-sightedness!

Liu Gong was even more ashamed to reflect on Minister Lu: "Minister Lu, what you just said is absolutely right!

I was completely blinded by my status as a machine tool expert and my jealousy. I am narrow-minded. I reflect on you and apologize to classmate Duan Hongxuan!"

Minister Lu waved his hand and said: "You don't need to review or apologize! Speaking of which, I can say this because I was completely inspired by what classmate Duan Hongxuan said just now!

Duan Hongxuan just said it well, we must be self-reliant, but first we must have confidence. Although we are temporarily lagging behind, we should believe that we have the ability to catch up with the advanced Western countries. We cannot feel that we are inferior just because we are temporarily lagging behind.

Nothing works. Once a genius emerges, the first thing that comes to mind is not protection and affirmation, but questioning!

This kind of thinking is very important!

Why must foreign products be good? Why can’t our own people produce talents? Who stipulated this?

No one has stipulated that this is because we first doubt ourselves and doubt that we are not as good as others in everything. So once someone among us can develop slightly better technology, a bunch of people will immediately come out to question it!

This is a sign of lack of self-confidence and self-denial. This is a sign of not being able to straighten your spine!

When the People's Republic of China was first founded, the commander-in-chief solemnly announced at the founding ceremony that we Chinese have stood up since then!

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But after so many years, many of our comrades still can’t stand upright. This kind of thinking is very scary!

Comrades, today is the day when the steel rolling mill pays tribute to the National Day. It is we who saw the solar cooker and the new machine tool that was completely independently developed by us and whose performance is comparable to the advanced foreign machine tools of the same type.

I am both happy and deeply worried today!

Fortunately, despite the blockade and containment imposed on us by Western countries, we have finally relied on our own self-reliance and are able to develop advanced machine tools with equally superior performance. This will have a great impact on the development of our country's heavy industry and all walks of life in the country.

development is of very important significance!

What is worrying is that it also reflects our big ideological problems. This is a more serious problem than our technological backwardness and poverty. It is worthy of our deep thought and review!

Fortunately, through today's incident, this matter was exposed in time, which is also a good thing and can be regarded as a blessing among misfortunes!

I hope that all the comrades present will seriously think about and review what happened today!

Lao Xie, I think this matter today is very important. The two of us will meet after we go back and write a written summary report as soon as possible!

I feel that this is not an isolated incident. It is probably a serious ideological problem that exists widely in all walks of life and in all fields. This issue deserves our attention!"

Vice Minister Xie nodded seriously: "Indeed, I also feel that this problem is very serious! We must pay attention to it immediately!

Classmate Duan Hongxuan is very good. Not only is he technically excellent, but his ideological and political qualities are also excellent!"

Minister Lu looked at Dahongxuan with great relief at this time, and finally a smile appeared on his face!

At this time, he saw that everyone present had serious expressions and looked heavy, so he comforted everyone: "Don't be so serious, everyone. What I said today is not to criticize everyone. I was inspired by classmate Duan Hongxuan. Through this

I saw a bad ideological problem in this matter!

What I said just now is not only a reminder to everyone, but also a self-examination!

This is not the fault of any one person here. If it weren’t for classmate Duan Hongxuan today, let alone you, even Vice Minister Xie and I might have this kind of ideological problem that is not worth our backs!

Fortunately, classmate Duan Hongxuan reminded us today that we were able to discover this serious ideological error in time and gave us the opportunity to correct it in time! This is something worth being happy about!

Hongxuan, what you just said about self-confidence is very good! Regarding this matter specifically, is there anything you want to say?"

Following Minister Lu's question, everyone looked at Duan Hongxuan. Seeing that Duan Hongxuan was a little hesitant, Minister Lu couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he encouraged him with hope: "Hongxuan, it's okay to tell me. If you have anything to say, say it boldly."

Come out!"

Duan Hongxuan hesitated for a moment and then said: "Uncle Lu, due to historical reasons, our country and our nation have been enslaved and invaded for a long time in the past, which has also caused us to be backward in all aspects!

Although we have established our own country and have gotten rid of the history of being enslaved and invaded, in fact, due to the reality that we lag behind Western countries in all aspects, many of us subconsciously feel that we are inferior in everything.

Someone else!

In fact, it boils down to one issue, national self-confidence! How to rebuild our national self-confidence!"

"Okay! Well said, national confidence, very well said!" Minister Lu was so excited that he couldn't help but cheer loudly.

Even Vice Minister Xie was so excited that his eyes shone with excitement: "National self-confidence! That's a really good summary! You're really not a simple guy. You see things astonishingly and enlighteningly as soon as you open your mouth!

Hahahaha! Lao Lu, today’s harvest is really great!”

"Yes, the harvest is really great. It is so big that I can hardly imagine it. National confidence! What a good summary! Compared with this, machine tools and solar cookers seem a bit insignificant!" Minister Lu is now extremely excited.

Self-control, he can't stay in the steel rolling mill for a moment anymore, he just wants to go back to the office and make a good summary of today's events!

This chapter has been completed!
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