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Chapter 416 He Yuyu and Yu Haitang accidentally overstuffed themselves

 He ​​Yuyu and Yu Haitang finally understood why the two of them were in the same state just now. Duan Hongxuan then explained in detail, which made them happy and at the same time full of gratitude to Duan Hongxuan.

If it weren't for Duan Hongxuan, how could they have encountered such a good thing? Even if they did, they wouldn't understand the meaning behind it. With the current dietary situation, according to Duan Hongxuan, if the body is not replenished, it will be exhausted immediately. This kind of

It will take several years to make up for the shortfall.

If it hadn't been for Duan Hongxuan, they would have lost all the benefits they had gained without knowing it, which would have been a huge loss!

Now with Duan Hongxuan's guidance and help, the two of them no longer worry about their health, they just want to feel the benefits of this time as soon as possible!

The two chattered happily non-stop, very curious about what Duan Hongxuan said just now, what kind of epiphany, the unity of heaven and man, etc., to He Yueyue and Yu Haitang, it was like listening to a book from heaven.

It's like a fairy tale to them.

So the two of them curiously asked Duan Hongxuan various questions, and Duan Hongxuan patiently answered them one by one.

The two of them were curious about what kind of skills Duan Hongxuan practiced, and he was able to practice it like a god, and it could affect the people around him.

Duan Hongxuan had no choice but to give them some explanations based on some Taoist theories.

In fact, before on Earth, the master who adopted Duan Hongxuan also taught Duan Hongxuan how to practice martial arts, which is traditional martial arts, and it was a serious martial art that could kill people. However, his master did not tell him how advanced the martial arts he practiced was.

Dark energy turns into energy and so on.

It was also after the death of his master that Duan Hongxuan saw descriptions of some realms of martial arts in some books and materials. After traveling to the world of high martial arts, he began to be exposed to more profound martial arts knowledge, and Duan Hongxuan had his own understanding of the realms of martial arts in the past.

Some understanding.

He concluded that Ming Jin is a person who has thoroughly practiced the strength of the whole body. Each move can maximize the use of all the muscles that the body can use to exert force.

An Jin, on the other hand, has improved his understanding of how to use Jin. He also understands some ways of exerting force, understands how to use the smallest amount of effort to achieve the maximum damage effect, and knows how to control the force emitted to a certain level.

The range gives it a certain penetration, and a secret word explains everything.

To put it bluntly, Ming Jin just hits people with a hammer. Although it can still kill people, it is a bit too wasteful.

The button is used to stab someone with a knife. On the surface, the wound is not big, but the internal damage is very large. It also saves energy. All the energy is concentrated on the knife, making it penetrating!<


As for the final transformation of energy, it is no longer just an understanding of energy, but a deeper understanding of oneself. After understanding oneself to a certain extent, coupled with a deep understanding and mastery of effort, one can control the whole body very well.

You can exert your energy anywhere, and eventually reach the point where the so-called flies cannot land!

These are just some of Duan Hongxuan's superficial understandings. He roughly explained these to He Yuyu and Yu Haitang, who were dazzled by what they heard!

Finally having answered their questions for the time being, Duan Hongxuan warned them: "Tomorrow is Liu Guangtian's wedding banquet. I'm too lazy to attend tomorrow, so I got an excuse and said I have other things to do, so I won't go tomorrow!

Rainwater, please give me a gift tomorrow and explain it casually.

I haven’t shown up in the past two days, so I’m hiding in this small courtyard. Don’t let me know tomorrow!”

He Yuyu pouted: "I don't really want to go either!"

"It makes sense why Haitang doesn't go, because she's not from this courtyard.

You are considered a resident of the courtyard after all. If you don’t go, it will look bad on your face!

Moreover, the second uncle doesn’t remember gratitude, but he has a good memory for remembering grudges!”

He Yuyu pursed his lips dissatisfiedly and said: "Okay then, I'll show up tomorrow!

Brother Hongxuan, how much gift do you plan to give?"

Duan Hongxuan frowned and said: "I really don't know this!

The last time your brother got married, your brother and I had a special relationship, so this was a big gift!

To be honest, Liu Guangqi, I am not familiar with him at all, and I don’t think highly of his character.

I don’t really want to deal with the second uncle, so I’ll just give him the gift as an ordinary neighbor. How much is it usually?”

He Yuyu looked at Duan Hongxuan and then at Yu Haitang. Yu Haitang also shook his head and said that he was not sure: "How about a gift of one yuan?" Yu Haitang tentatively gave an answer!

"One dollar?" He Yuyu and Duan Hongxuan looked at each other. They really didn't know whether what Yu Haitang said was reliable!

"How about I go find someone to ask?" He Yuyu suddenly slapped the table and said: "Brother Hongxuan, I know what to do!

I’ll ask the deaf old lady!”

"Hey! That's a good idea!" Duan Hongxuan agreed, and then told He Yuyu: "When you go to ask the deaf old lady, don't let others know that I am here!

If the deaf old lady really asks about me, just tell her the truth secretly. The deaf old lady is smart, she knows what to do!

Okay, this matter has been settled. Aren't you two hungry? It's time to eat!"

When He Yuyu heard this, he immediately ran to Duan Hongxuan, hugged Duan Hongxuan's arm and said coquettishly: "Brother Hongxuan, I'm really hungry when you say that, but just like you said, Haitang and I consumed so much

Da, can you go and cook something delicious for us?"

"No way?" Duan Hongxuan's eyes widened with an expression of disbelief, "I've been working so hard these days, and I stayed up all night yesterday!

I just came back today, and I planned to relax and have a good rest. I was also thinking about eating ready-made food, but you actually asked me to cook for you. How do you feel about your conscience?"

"Brother Duan Hongxuan~!" He Yuyu held Duan Hongxuan's arm and shook it back and forth: "You haven't been at home these days. Haitang and I have to cook for ourselves, or we go to my sister-in-law's place to mess around.

I haven’t eaten the delicious food you cooked for days!

We were just influenced by your so-called unity of nature and man, and now we really don’t have the energy to cook, so just take pity on us and cook us a good meal, okay?”

"Hey!" Duan Hongxuan quickly stood up and pretended to be disgusting and said: "I really can't stand your disgusting look!

Okay, okay, you’re good, I’ll cook!

Alas! My life is so miserable! If I had known, I would have stayed at the steel rolling mill for a few more days!

I stayed at the steel rolling mill and was served delicious food and drinks every day. This time, I want to serve you!


Duan Hongxuan sighed and walked towards the kitchen!

"Duan Hongxuan! Who are you calling stupid!" Immediately afterwards, He Yuyu's dissatisfied protest came from behind. Duan Hongxuan quickly rushed into the kitchen in a few steps, leaving only the sounds of He Yuyu and Yu Haitang's fights in the yard!<



Duan Hongxuan cooked a table full of delicacies, which were all eaten by the three of them. He Yuyu and Yu Haitang were so full that they were half-lying on the chairs holding their bellies and groaning! <


Duan Hongxuan scolded in a funny way: "I told you two to take more nutrition these days, but I didn't ask you two to eat so desperately!

You two are not afraid of bursting your stomach. Looking at you two now, you don’t look like two big girls. You are just like two starving ghosts reincarnated!

Really promising!"

The two of them were slumped on the chairs, rubbing their stomachs and groaning in discomfort, and had no time to pay attention to Duan Hongxuan!

Duan Hongxuan shook his head in amusement, stood up, cleared the dishes on the table, and then took them to the kitchen to clean them!

Duan Hongxuan cleaned up the kitchen and came out to see He Yuyu and Yu Haitang still looking half-dead. He smiled and poured himself a cup of tea, deliberately sipping the tea in front of them!

This made He Yuyu very angry. He Yuyu shouted angrily to Duan Hongxuan: "Brother Hongxuan, can you drink tea in a lower voice!

You ate a lot just now, but how come you are fine now and can still drink tea! This is really annoying!"

Seeing Duan Hongxuan's proud look, Yu Haitang revealed to He Yuyu: "Brother Hongxuan did this on purpose. He deliberately made the tea drinking scene so loud in front of both of us!

He had never made such a big fuss while drinking tea before!

Brother Hongxuan is deliberately making us both angry!"

Of course, He Yuyu also realized it, but now the two of them could only look angry, and there was nothing they could do to Duan Hongxuan!

Duan Hongxuan saw that although the two men looked furious and wanted to hit him, they could only sit on the chairs and had no way to deal with him. He couldn't help but laughed proudly: "Hahaha! The way you two look now is so funny.

Got it!"

"Brother Hongxuan!" He Yuyu shouted, then glared at Duan Hongxuan with a look of resentment and indignation.

Duan Hongxuan quickly raised his hands and surrendered: "Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore!

The two of you are really old. You are so old. You can eat yourself like this when you eat. There is no one else!

Okay, okay, I won’t say any more!

How about we change the topic!

By the way, have Sister Feng and Qin Lan been here these days?"

Seeing Duan Hongxuan taking the initiative to sue for peace, although He Yuyu was still a little dissatisfied, Duan Hongxuan finally stopped laughing at them and was kind to them, so it was just okay. Let's do this for the time being, wait until her stomach feels better, hum, hum!

Thinking of this, He Yuyu responded to Duan Hongxuan in an unhappy tone: "Sister Feng and Sister Qin Lan came here just once. Knowing that you haven't been at home for dinner recently, they said they wouldn't come for the time being and wait until you're done! <


Although you were not there that day, the cakes made by Sister Feng and Sister Qin Lan were delicious!

Haitang, Sister Qin and I all tried it, and it was delicious!

I think both of them can become masters!

By the way, Brother Hongxuan, I followed your method and asked Sister Feng and Sister Qin Lan to each take some of the cakes they made that day. I also gave some to Sister Qin, and I gave them to Deaf the next day.

The old lady also took some and gave some to my sister-in-law. Did I do something wrong?"

This chapter has been completed!
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