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Chapter 479 Duan Hongxuan talks about Factory Director Yao

 Director Lin said goodbye. Factory Director Yao came with Director Lin. Naturally, it was not easy to sit still, so he had to say goodbye reluctantly!

Everyone exchanged a few words before saying goodbye to each other. Similarly, Duan Hongxuan also received a gift from Director Yao and Zhou Wenyuan, the factory director of the thermos bottle factory who came with him!

When everyone came to the yard, Director Lin and Director Yao put down the large and small bags on their bicycles and handed them to Duan Hongxuan. Duan Hongxuan thanked them politely and sent them out in person!

When Duan Hongxuan returned to the room after sending everyone off, everyone was putting the things that Director Lin and Factory Director Yao had just given on the table to look at. Seeing Duan Hongxuan coming back, Zhao Guowei quickly pulled Duan Hongxuan over, "Come on, come on, come on.

, Xiaosi, come and see for yourself, good guy, Director Yao of the Thermos Bottle Factory is really generous. He has a lot of chicken, duck and fish, as well as eggs and vegetable oil!

Come over and take a look at the things sent by the steel rolling factory. They are more generous than the thermos bottle factory, and they only have a lot more things than the thermos bottle factory!

Each of the two families also has an envelope with some money and tickets in it! What to do with these things? Is it possible to accept them too?"

Duan Hongxuan smiled and said nonchalantly: "Since you gave it away, just accept it. You can't give it back to others, right?"

When everyone heard this, they looked at Duan Hongxuan in surprise. They never thought he was greedy for money before! But what is going on now? Everyone is a little confused!

The expressions of Mr. Wei and the other four elders darkened, and the room suddenly became quiet. Director Wang's expression was extremely gloomy, and he scolded Duan Hongxuan severely: "Xiaosi, you bastard!

You just collect things, but can you collect money at will? I used to think you were quite generous, as if you didn’t care about money. How come you have become like this in just a few days?"

As soon as Zhao Yuejuan saw her mother's face, she knew that her mother was really angry. She looked at Duan Hongxuan worriedly and wanted to defend Duan Hongxuan: "Mom, Xiaosi...!"

"Shut up!" Director Wang interrupted Zhao Yuejuan angrily before she could finish her words. Zhao Yuejuan shrank her neck in fright, quickly shut up, and then winked at Duan Hongxuan, which meant that her mother was mad.

, I can’t stand it anymore, just wish yourself well!

Although Director Wang spoke sternly to Duan Hongxuan, Duan Hongxuan felt happy from the bottom of his heart. He quickly came to Director Wang's side to please him, took Director Wang's arm and said, "Godmother, please don't be angry yet. Don't be afraid that your anger will damage your body!"


It’s not that I’m greedy for money, it’s just that I have to accept this money!”

When Director Wang heard this, he became even more angry. He glared at Duan Hongxuan and said, "You are still reasonable! You have to accept this one!

Okay! I’ll listen to what you can say today!”

"Godmother, let's talk about the steel rolling mill first.

I now go to school one day a week, and basically spend the rest of the time at the steel rolling mill. I have to help them straighten out the process. Next week, the steel rolling mill will probably get the official production documents from the ministry!

Godmother, you also know that the steel rolling mill used to be a factory that smelted steel and produced some steel accessories. This is completely different from the production of machine tools and complete machines. Their factory has no experience in this area!

When the steel rolling mill gets the production approval and really wants to produce machine tools, I and the teachers in our department will have to help them sort out the entire production process bit by bit, and we will also have to help them train their workers and technical departments.


So I will be very busy next! This busy work will take several months. It is no different from working in a steel rolling mill, but I am not an employee of a steel rolling mill and do not receive wages from the steel rolling mill.

For me, it’s entirely up to me whether I teach well or poorly or to what extent I teach!

But for the steel rolling mill, they certainly hope that I can be more attentive in teaching, be more considerate when training their technical personnel, and impart more knowledge to their technical personnel. I hope I will not hide it.

Can teach the technical staff of their factory carefully!

Godmother, I put you in the position of Director Yang. For me, who is not an employee of the steel rolling mill and does not receive wages from the steel rolling mill, if you want to take something more out of my belly, what will you do?


Although I will not be selfish when teaching rolling mill technology, I am willing to teach them as much as they can learn, but Director Yang doesn’t know, and he has no way of knowing! I said I would teach them everything.

, but all this knowledge is in my own head, how can others know how much I have taught?

What should we do? In order for me to teach them carefully, the steel rolling mill specifically discussed such a subsidy method at the factory management meeting!

In addition, the steel rolling mill also expects me to help them develop more new machine tools in the future, so of course they must show me as much kindness as possible!

So I took this money, so that the steel rolling mill can rest assured. If I don't take it, I will return the money to them later. Godmother, believe it or not, the leaders of the steel rolling mill, big and small, may not be able to sleep well!

Moreover, this money was discussed and approved by the leadership meeting of the steel rolling mill. This has become a reasonable and legal expenditure for the steel rolling mill. It is also a reasonable and legal income for me. Besides, this is my use of my labor.

In exchange for my technical knowledge!

So godmother, I can feel comfortable collecting this money, and no one else can say anything about it! Don’t worry!”

After Duan Hongxuan said this, everyone figured it out. Indeed, as Duan Hongxuan said, if Duan Hongxuan really returned the money, the people in the steel rolling mill would be uneasy!

And just like Duan Hongxuan said, since this expenditure has been unanimously approved by the leaders of the steel rolling mill after discussion, there will be no problems on the books for the steel rolling mill, and others will not be able to catch Yang Factory in this regard.

No matter what the leader or Duan Hongxuan is!

Mr. Wei and others finally looked better now, and Director Wang also nodded, "Okay! The money for the steel rolling mill is reasonable, but what about Director Yao's money?"

Duan Hongxuan smiled and asked Director Wang: "Godmother, what do you think of Director Yao?"

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Director Wang looked at Duan Hongxuan angrily, "Now I'm waiting to hear your explanation, but you asked me about it instead!

Okay, let me talk about it!

Factory Director Yao may not have a high level of education, and he has a rough and carefree personality, but he is a straightforward person, straightforward in what he says and does, and not too thoughtful, which is not bad!"

Mr. Wei frowned slightly at this time. Duan Hongxuan looked at it and asked, "Brother, do you have a different opinion?"

"Oh? Junior brother, you can ask that, it seems you also have an opinion?"

The two looked at each other and laughed at the same time!

"Hahahaha! Senior brother is a senior brother after all. He has been a doctor for so many years and has met countless people. He is also the health director of the commander-in-chief's mansion. He usually comes into contact with many dignitaries. It seems that senior brother has also developed a sharp eye!"

"Hahahaha! Junior brother, thank you!

In any case, I am dozens of years older than my junior brother You Chi, and have decades more experience, so I have naturally developed the ability to see people!

I didn’t expect that, junior brother, you would have such a vicious vision at such a young age, senior brother, I admire you!”

The whole room was confused by the conversation between the two senior brothers. Director Wang was also a little surprised. He looked up at Mr. Wei, then looked at Duan Hongxuan and asked: "Why, could I be wrong?"


"Godmother! I would rather make friends with Director Yang than Director Yao!

Director Yao looks like a big boss, but in fact he has more evil intentions than anyone else. He deliberately uses his rough appearance to cover up his evil intentions!

Moreover, Director Yang is a person who deals with things as they happen, and does not have so many thoughts of speculation and profiteering. He just concentrates on doing things!

But this Director Yao is relatively more humane and sophisticated in his bones!

He doesn’t care whether things are done well or not, he only cares about the impression that what he does can leave on others!

You must not be deceived by his appearance, but his appearance is indeed too deceptive. I guess even old comrades like Director Yang actually have no idea what Director Yao is like.


Director Wang was shocked when he heard this, and asked Duan Hongxuan in surprise: "According to what you said, isn't this Director Yao very treacherous?"

Duan Hongxuan shook his head: "It's not so much about treachery, it's just that this person cares too much about personal gains and losses, values ​​his own future too much, and is quite selfish!

Generally speaking, he is not as upright as Director Yang, but he is not a treacherous person either. If you really want Director Yao to harm someone, I'm afraid he won't do it!

This kind of person will use all means to make all the connections he thinks are useful to him to pave the way for his personal future, but he will not benefit himself by harming others!

Generally speaking, normal interactions with people like Director Yao are enough. There is no need to have a deep friendship, and there is no need to worry that he will harm you! At best, he is just using you, provided that he thinks you are valuable!

You helped him, but he felt that you were not of much help to his future. He would repay you, but after repaying, there would be no future!

But once he feels that you are helpful to his future, even if you have never helped him, he will deliberately make friends with you!"

After listening to Duan Hongxuan's words, Director Wang couldn't help but look at Mr. Wei. Mr. Wei nodded with a smile and said: "Junior brother's eyes are really poisonous. This analysis has made Director Yao's analysis so profound!

That’s right, Director Yao is a person you can be friends with, but not a heart-to-heart! Moreover, this person is pretty well-behaved, and if he benefits from you, he will definitely give you something in return, which is pretty good!”

Upon hearing this, Director Wang nodded thoughtfully, and then asked Duan Hongxuan: "But what does this have to do with you collecting his money? If this is the case, then you cannot accept the money!"<


Duan Hongxuan smiled and said: "Godmother, just because Director Yao is such a person, I really have to accept the things and the money he gave this time, otherwise not only Director Yao will be uneasy, but he will also have to deal with it endlessly in the future."

It’s annoying me!”

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