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Chapter 490 Duan Hongxuan visits He Yuyu’s school

 The manuscript Duan Hongxuan handed over to Professor Lu contains Duan Hongxuan’s overall plan and suggestions for this manual, as well as a general outline and general table of contents, and then the specific content of the chapters!

It can be said that Duan Hongxuan has given the skeleton, and all that is left is to fill in the content, and what exactly this content should look like, Duan Hongxuan also gave a detailed template!

With Duan Hongxuan's manuscript, I can basically understand how to write this manual. Even if I just copy the gourd, I can still complete this manual relatively easily!

Of course, even with the skeleton and flesh and blood samples given by Duan Hongxuan, if you really want to complete this manual, you will still need to do a lot of meticulous work, because this is a medical manual after all, and every piece of flesh and blood content filled in it is

There is no room for sloppiness in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of specific diseases!

But Professor Lu still hurried home excitedly with Duan Hongxuan’s manuscript!

Duan Hongxuan can finally breathe a sigh of relief. He doesn't have to rush as much as he did these days. From now on, he will give Mr. Wei a part of the content every two weeks or even every week, which will be much easier than now!

The reason why Duan Hongxuan has been rushing these days is to come up with a sample and give it to Mr. Wei as soon as possible, so that Mr. Wei can have a good idea of ​​what the manual should look like, so that Mr. Wei can start specific work as soon as possible.


Now that Duan Hongxuan has a little more time, it's time to deal with other things, such as the trouble He Yuyu and Yu Haitang encountered at school!

The next day, Duan Hongxuan went to the steel rolling mill in the morning. After lunch, he said hello to the people in the technical department, then left the steel rolling mill and came to He Yuyu's school. Without entering the school, he pushed his bicycle and walked slowly.

Walking outside the school, let go of your mental energy and pay attention to the situation inside He Yuyu's school!

After wandering around for more than an hour, Duan Hongxuan finally determined who the sophomore boy He Yuyu and Yu Haitang were talking about!

After sensing this guy, Duan Hongxuan was happy!

This guy's appearance is really unique. Although he is not short, he is as skinny as a bamboo pole. There is not much flesh on his body. He looks like a tuberculosis ghost and his appearance is very shabby!

This thin bamboo pole was followed by several followers, but the one he valued the most was a little fat man. Judging from the little fat man's clothes, his family must be in good condition. Hongxuan really didn't understand why this little fat man became a

Got this skinny bamboo stalk follower!

After determining the target, Duan Hongxuan marked the two people with soul master skills. With Duan Hongxuan's current soul master level, this mark could only allow Duan Hongxuan to detect the marked target within ten miles, and then determine the marked person.

Or the specific location of the object.

If Duan Hongxuan does not take the initiative to remove this mark, it can last for about ten days. At present, this distance and maintenance time are enough. As Duan Hongxuan's soul master level increases in the future, the range of mark perception will also expand, and the maintenance time will also increase.

It will be lengthened!

Moreover, this mark acts directly on the human body. Even if you change clothes and take a shower, you cannot remove this mark. Unless the person is also a soul master or a warrior, and then slowly removes it using his own soul master or warrior abilities.

When this mark is worn off, it also depends on the specific level of the soul master and warrior!

Duan Hongxuan waited until they were out of school and followed these boys from a distance. The focus was on the thin bamboo pole. He also wanted to determine who the thin bamboo pole's brother was!

This group of boys did not go home directly after school. A group of them squatted on the curb across the road from the school gate. Then the little fat guy took out a few cigarettes from his schoolbag. These guys squatted on the curb.

Go up, start to puff up carelessly, look at the students coming out of school, it seems that they are waiting for someone!

Duan Hongxuan immediately understood that these people were probably waiting for He Yuyu and Yu Haitang!

Sure enough, He Yuyu and Yu Haitang pushed their bicycles out of the school gate. The group immediately stood up and seemed to be preparing to cross the road.

Duan Hongxuan looked a little angry and gave the thin bamboo pole a shocking stab. Of course, Duan Hongxuan didn't dare to use force, he just hit it lightly. After all, he was just an ordinary person.

But just this slight frightening sting made the thin bamboo pole feel a sudden sting in his head, as if there was an awl in his head and stabbed him hard. The thin bamboo pole screamed in pain and covered his head with both hands.

, fell to the ground and started rolling and wailing.

This sudden change frightened the people around him. They all looked at the thin bamboo pole rolling and wailing on the ground in panic, not knowing what to do!

He Yuyu and Yu Haitang also saw the group of people on the other side of the road. They were still annoyed at first, and they were thinking about how to deal with these guys quickly and go home quickly.

As soon as the two of them left the school gate, they saw this group of people squatting across the road. Before they could figure out how to get rid of this group of people, something happened across the road, and the leader of the group, the thin bamboo pole, was also gone.

I don't know why, but I suddenly fell to the ground holding my head, rolling and howling.

He Yuyu and Yu Haitang didn't care at all what happened to them. They wished that these people would disappear quickly. When they saw this situation, they looked at each other in surprise, and then drove away in a tacit understanding.

Got it!

Duan Hongxuan only stabbed lightly with the frightening thorn and did not dare to use force. After all, the frightening thorn is also one of the soul master's killing skills. Although Duan Hongxuan is not a high-level soul master now, if he is really serious about ordinary people,

You can kill this person directly or from the soul level, which can be said to be killing invisible!

From a medical point of view, this person is directly brain dead, and the cause of death has not yet been found!

Although Duan Hongxuan didn't want to kill anyone, he just gently taught this guy a lesson, but in any case, it was a blow and damage to the human soul.

It's like if you didn't want to kill someone, but you just used a knife to stab him in non-vital parts of his body a few times, it would still leave wounds and bleed. It is still considered an injury, and the person who was cut by the knife must stop the bleeding.

It will take several days to wait for the scab to heal slowly!

So even if Duan Hongxuan didn't want to kill someone, it was still too much for Shou Zhugan. It was equivalent to saying that this guy had been stabbed in the soul several times, and the wounds still hurt!

The key is that this wound and this pain are in the soul, invisible and intangible, and the damage to the soul is completely different from the damage to the body. Not only is it hidden, but the key is that it is more difficult to recover, unless you have something to target the soul.

And spiritual drugs, or any other exercises!

According to Duan Hongxuan's estimate, after being stung by his shock, this thin bamboo pole will probably not even think about continuing to go to school in the future. It will be difficult for him to go out. I am afraid he will have to rest slowly in bed for the next one or two years and take a good rest at home.

Years later, the trauma on the soul will slowly recover this time!

In the past two years, this thin bamboo pole has been completely weak, and after all, there is a wound in the soul, slight pain will still occur, and within two or three months, the head will hurt all the time, which is inevitable!

After two or three months, the pain in the head is gone, but the person still feels weak and has no energy at all. He has to be helped out of bed and fed to eat. This situation will last for about six months to a year!
Anyway, this guy doesn’t want to go to school, so he might as well not go to school, so as not to harm other people in school!

A group of people were busy for a long time, and then someone thought of notifying the school teacher quickly.

Soon, the school teacher came out and saw the thin bamboo pole still holding his head and screaming on the ground, with snot and tears coming out. The teacher was also shocked and asked the students, but the students themselves were baffled.

, I can’t explain why, I don’t care about anything at this time, just say something quickly!

So this group of students told the teacher exactly what they were doing. They were squatting and smoking. They originally wanted to block the two girls in the school, but suddenly their thin bamboo poles became like this. They didn't know what happened!

The teacher didn't know what to do at first glance, so he had to quickly notify his family and send him to the hospital!

The teacher said something to the group of students, and then one student ran away quickly, apparently to inform Shou Zhugan’s family.

The teacher went back to school and soon came out with another teacher, each pushing a bicycle.

Everyone scrambled to lift the thin bamboo pole from the ground and onto the bicycle, and then the group went straight to the nearby hospital!

Duan Hongxuan also followed from a distance while pushing his bicycle!

Duan Hongxuan only pricked him once, and the most painful thing was the first moment. Although it hurt afterward, it was not that severe, but it was not uncomfortable. After all, there was still a wound!

Today's medical technology is not that developed, and there are not so many various examination methods, let alone domestic hospitals, such as CT MRI!

So after Shou Zhugan was sent to the hospital, the hospital checked for a long time but couldn't find anything, so they had to prescribe some medicine to treat the headache and then be hospitalized for observation!

Not long after, Shou Zhugan's family came, and through their conversation, Duan Hongxuan finally learned about the situation of Shou Zhugan's family!

Shou Zhugan's father is a small cadre of the district committee, and he is also very skinny. His mother works in a supply and marketing cooperative and is still a small leader. However, she is a little bit fat and can only be considered plump.<


The little fat man's parents both work in the supply and marketing cooperative, and Shou Zhugan's mother is the leader of the little fat man's parents. Now Duan Hongxuan finally understands why the little fat man is so flattering to Shou Zhugan!

After a while, the thin brother also came, with a fierce look on his face. He was also a thin man. It seemed that both children had inherited their father's genes!

Duan Hongxuan was waiting for this brother, so he quickly marked him and then rode home!

This chapter has been completed!
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