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Chapter 492 At Minister Lu’s request, Director Yang took Duan Hongxuan to visit Minister Lu’s house

On Friday, when Duan Hongxuan was discussing the machine tool production process with everyone in the technical department of the steel rolling mill, Director Yang suddenly came over. He pulled Duan Hongxuan aside and whispered to Duan Hongxuan: "Hongxuan, let's get off work today."

Don’t leave in a hurry, come with me to Minister Lu’s house, Minister Lu asked me to take you to his house for dinner!”

"Ah? Today?" Duan Hongxuan felt very sudden, "Going to Minister Lu's house today? Uncle Yang, do you think I can get some gifts?

As a junior, it’s my first time to be a guest, so I can’t go empty-handed!”

Director Yang waved his hand and said: "It's okay, no need to get any gifts!

Minister Lu also specifically told me not to bring gifts to my door! As an old leader, I have this temperament. If anyone brings gifts to his house, he will immediately become unhappy and can kick you out on the spot!

So every time I go to the old leader’s house, I go empty-handed. If I dare to get some gifts for the old leader, the old leader will not only call me a bitch and kick me out of their house, but I will never even think of visiting him again in the future!
Besides, you are still a student now, so just go empty-handed, don’t worry!

After work, just wait for me under the factory office building!"

Duan Hongxuan thought of the original play in which Silly Zhu was taken by Factory Manager Yang to Minister Lu's house for the first time, riding in the factory's car, so he asked again: "Uncle Yang, do I still want to ride a bike?"


"How can it be that you still want me to ride with you if you don't ride a bike?" Director Yang felt that Duan Hongxuan's question was a bit silly!

"Ah!" Duan Hongxuan was a little confused by Factory Director Yang's answer, "I thought we were taking a car from the factory!"

Factory Director Yang gave Duan Hongxuan a strange look: "What are you thinking? Minister Lu asked me to take you to their house for dinner after get off work. This is a private matter after get off work. How can you use the factory's car?

If I really dare to take you to Minister Lu's house in a car today, it would be strange if my old boss didn't scold me to death!

I said Hongxuan, how did Uncle Yang offend you? You tried to dig such a big hole for Uncle Yang today!"

"Ah! No, no, Uncle Yang, I really didn't want to harm you!

I, I...!" Duan Hongxuan suddenly understood. The reason why Director Yang took a trolley from the steel rolling mill to Minister Lu's house in the original drama was because Xu Damao was going to the movie with him, and Xu Damao wanted to take him with him.

With a projector!

In this era, the vast majority of leading cadres are relatively simple, and few can do the kind of thing of using a public car for personal use after work. He is trying to do something wrong!

Thinking of this, Duan Hongxuan quickly made an excuse to Factory Director Yang and explained: "It's not Uncle Yang, I just haven't ridden in a small car. I was jealous when I saw a small car in our factory. I just thought that you would go to a boss as big as Minister Lu."

Now that we're home, I'd better take the opportunity to ride with you in the car to satisfy my craving. I really have no other meaning and I don't want to dig a hole for you!"

When Director Yang heard this, he nodded: "You want to take a car, but I'm afraid you can't do it today. I really don't dare to let you go to the old leader's house in a car. That's just asking for scolding!

If you are really greedy for cars, another day, another day, I will find an opportunity for Uncle Yang to let you have a good time!"

"Okay, Uncle Yang!"

"Okay, remember, I will go to Minister Lu's house for dinner today and wait for me under the factory office building after get off work!"

"Okay, Uncle Yang, I remember!"

Duan Hongxuan took advantage of the lunch break to go to the cafeteria and asked Sha Zhu to go back and tell He Yuyu and the others that he was not at home for dinner today and had to go back late. He quarreled with Sha Zhu for a few more times and then returned to the technical department.


After getting off work in the afternoon, Duan Hongxuan followed Factory Director Yang. Each of them rode a bicycle and went straight to Minister Lu's house empty-handed!

The two of them arrived at Minister Lu's house all the way. Minister Lu's secretary was greeted by Minister Lu in advance and knew what guests were coming today. When he saw that it was Director Yang and Duan Hongxuan, he immediately ushered the two people in politely.

I murmured in my heart: Minister Lu’s junior is so beautiful. What’s the point of such a good-looking boy? Really! Just with this guy’s appearance, I don’t know how many girls he will harm in the future!

A group of people came to the living room, where Minister Lu and his wife were sitting in the living room. As soon as they saw Factory Director Yang and others arriving, Minister Lu just said hello, and his lover quickly stood up and took a few steps to Duan Hongxuan.

With red eyes, he took Duan Hongxuan's hand, looked at it, and kept nodding: "It looks like, it really looks like!

Lao Lu, this kid looks so much like Han Ying, and there is a shadow of Huai Guo between his eyebrows and eyes!

But it’s still more like Hanying!”

Minister Lu introduced Duan Hongxuan at this time: "Hongxuan, this is my lover, please call me Aunt Luo!"

Duan Hongxuan immediately said hello politely: "Hello, Aunt Luo!"

"Okay, okay, okay, come on, hurry up and sit down!" Aunt Luo said, pulling Duan Hongxuan to sit on the sofa, and poured Duan Hongxuan a cup of tea with her own hands. Duan Hongxuan wanted to get up and politely decline, but Aunt Luo immediately stopped him.

I sat down and sat down!

Minister Lu also politely asked Director Yang to sit down, and then Minister Lu explained to Duan Hongxuan: "Hongxuan, I should have let you come to my house earlier, but there is really no way, I was too busy a while ago! <


This is a good thing you did. After you built a new machine tool, Xiao Yang sat outside my office door every day and worked hard, waiting for me to give him the approval. Those factories that originally produced machine tools also came to the department.

The machine tool I want you to develop is noisy all day long, and it makes my head hurt!

The department held meetings every day to study, and I had to patiently explain, reason, and analyze the situation to the people in the department. Only then did I finally convince the people in the department and let Xiao Yang and his factory get the production rights!

No, now I can finally have a little leisure time. Today I will quickly notify Xiao Yang and ask him to lead you over to identify the door!

I’ve recognized you today. I’ll come to my house more often when I have time.

Your Aunt Luo and I have no children, and you are also an orphan now. From now on, you can treat me and your Aunt Luo as your own elders, and treat this place as your own home. Don’t be so restrained in your own home, and be more casual!"<


"Okay, Minister Lu!" Duan Hongxuan responded respectfully.

When Minister Lu heard Duan Hongxuan's answer, his face immediately darkened: "Didn't I tell you last time at the steel rolling mill, don't call me minister in private? Just call me Uncle Lu!"

Duan Hongxuan naturally followed the good example and immediately changed his words: "Uncle Lu!"

Minister Lu then said with a smile on his face: "That's right! In the future, when you are free, come to my house more often and see us two old guys more often!

We are two childless people. If we could always have a young man like you in our home, this house would be more lively!"

At this time, Aunt Luo explained to Duan Hongxuan dissatisfiedly: "It's all the fault of this old man in our family. When your parents just died, I asked him to find you, kid, to see if you have any difficulties and we can help.

Handle, but this old stubborn said that if you have your own relatives and elders to take care of you, the country will also take good care of the martyrs’ orphans.

As our couple has never been able to have children due to health reasons, he is afraid that if he comes forward to find you, others will misunderstand and gossip!

In order to avoid suspicion in the first place, I ended up letting you live alone for so long. You must have suffered a lot!"

Minister Lu's face darkened, and then he said awkwardly: "I didn't expect that neither Huaiguo nor Hanying had any other relatives alive!

I didn’t even expect that they didn’t leave any information about us to this child!

Alas! They don’t want their children to become playboys in the future just because they have uncles and aunts who are high-ranking officials!

These two are real!"

Aunt Luo said angrily: "What's wrong with Huai Guo and Han Ying? Why don't they all blame you!

If you had listened to me and sent someone to look for this child earlier, wouldn't you have known earlier that this child had no other relatives? We could have taken care of him earlier and saved him from suffering for so long!"

Minister Lu said helplessly: "Okay, okay, okay, I admit that what I did was not appropriate. If I made a mistake, just admit it. I'll admit my mistake, okay!"

"Hmph!" Aunt Luo kept holding Duan Hongxuan's hand and snorted coldly at Minister Lu, then said softly to Duan Hongxuan: "Hongxuan, do you mind if I call you Hongxuan too?"

"I don't mind, I don't mind, Aunt Luo!"

Aunt Luo then smiled and said: "From now on, you can treat this as your second home, come and have a casual meal when you have time!

If you have any difficulties in life or study, don’t be embarrassed and speak to us boldly!

To be honest, you, Uncle Lu, and I have no children, and our salaries are not low. The state also provides us with some other benefits and takes good care of us. Many times we just want to spend money but have nowhere to go.


You will come here often from now on, and Aunt Luo will prepare more delicious food for you so that you can replenish your health. You have really suffered for so many years!"

Minister Lu helplessly explained to Duan Hongxuan: "Hongxuan, as soon as I came back from the steel rolling mill that day, I told your Aunt Luo about your situation. Your Aunt Luo complained about me all the time and shed a lot of tears.


In the past few days, you have been urging me to bring you home as soon as possible. I really can’t resist it anymore. No, as soon as I finish my work, I will ask Xiao Yang to bring you here!

If you don’t come again! Your Aunt Luo will eat me alive!


When Duan Hongxuan heard this, coupled with Aunt Luo's behavior when he first entered the house, Duan Hongxuan knew that Aunt Luo really regarded him as his own nephew!

Thinking of this, Duan Hongxuan was very grateful in his heart, "Aunt Luo, please don't blame Uncle Lu. I haven't actually endured much hardship in the past few years!

Firstly, there is a little savings left by my parents, and secondly, there is the pension from the state, and the state also gives me money and tickets every month. The small courtyard where I live now was paid for by my parents themselves a few years ago.

Bought it!

So I actually have no worries about food and drink, and the living environment is pretty good, so don’t worry about me!

Don’t worry, I’ve secured the door this time, and I’ll come to your place to eat and drink if I have nothing to do in the future. Don’t you and Uncle Lu find me annoying!”

This chapter has been completed!
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