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Chapter 504 Duan Hongxuan discusses how Chinese medicine should view modern technology and new medical discoveries

 Everyone was very happy because Liu Guangfu was rescued, but the second aunt was still the same as before, lying on the bed, looking at the roof dully, not reacting to anything!

Duan Hongxuan walked to the hospital bed, helped the second aunt sit up, and told Sha Zhu: "Brother Zhu Zhu, help bring a washbasin!"

"Hey! Okay, here we come!"

Asking Sha Zhu to hold the washbasin and place it in front of the second aunt, Duan Hongxuan pressed his hand on the second aunt's junior from bottom to top for a while, then patted the second aunt's back, and the inner energy in his palm was released outward, and he saw the second aunt.

He opened his mouth wide and said "Wow!" and spit out a big mouthful of thick phlegm!

Then the second aunt looked up at everyone in the room and suddenly burst into tears: "My blessing! My son!"

Everyone was startled, and the first aunt said happily: "Oh! The second aunt is crying! That's good! If you know how to cry, it means that you are fine!

Great, Hongxuan, you are so awesome!"

Duan Hongxuan smiled and comforted the second aunt: "Second aunt, it's okay!

You are fine, your family Guangfu is fine too, the nurse will send you here in a moment! You have to take care of yourself now, your family Guangfu still has to rely on you to take care of it!"

"What? Hongxuan, what did you say? Is our family Guangfu really okay?

But didn’t the hospital just say that everyone else is dead?”

"Second aunt, it's really okay! How can I deceive you about this? You'll know when the nurse brings me here soon!

Okay, I won’t tell you any more. The deaf old lady and the aunt all know what will happen next!

Sir, I’ll leave this to you! Don’t forget what I just told you. You can make arrangements and I won’t accompany you. Dean Chen and Mr. Wei are still waiting for me!”
Yi Zhonghai nodded quickly and said: "Okay! You go about your business and leave this to me!

What you just warned was not to let Liu Guangfu get emotional, right?"

Duan Hongxuan nodded!

"Okay, I understand!" Yi Zhonghai looked back at Liu Haizhong, who was still sitting on the ground crying, and said to Duan Hongxuan: "I will arrange it, don't worry!"

"Grandma! It's okay now. Why don't you go home and rest first?"

The deaf old lady looked at Duan Hongxuan happily, took his hand and said: "It's okay, if you have something to do, just go and do your work and leave me alone!

Zhong Hai and Zhu Zhu are both here. You don’t have to worry about my old lady. I’ll check on the kid Guangfu later before I leave! Alas! This kid has really suffered a big crime!"

Duan Hongxuan gave the deaf old lady a few more words, then said hello to everyone, ignored Liu Haizhong on the ground, and went out to a restaurant with Dean Chen and Mr. Wei!

The three of them walked out of the hospital gate and walked not far to a state-owned restaurant. As soon as Dean Chen entered the door, he greeted the waiter loudly, then walked over and said a few words, then turned around and led Mr. Wei and Duan Hongxuan

Just walk inside!

Only then did Duan Hongxuan realize that all restaurants now have private rooms!

The three of them sat down in the private room, and Dean Chen explained to them: "This restaurant is close to our hospital, and the person in charge of the restaurant is a cousin of my wife!

In order to entertain some acquaintances and leaders who sometimes come to our hospital, I discussed it with my wife's cousin and asked him to build a private room in the back so that I can entertain people to eat here without having to do so in the front.


I just want to be clean, nothing else!"

Duan Hongxuan and Mr. Wei nodded, indicating that they understood, they were not interested in this kind of thing, and they couldn't care less!

Under Dean Chen's deliberate show of goodwill, the atmosphere of the meal was okay. Dean Chen didn't make any other requests. He just wanted to get acquainted with Mr. Wei and Duan Hongxuan. He just helped Mr. Wei and Duan Hongxuan.

Naturally, I also treated Dean Chen with a smile, and the meal ended in a harmonious atmosphere of hello, me, hello, everyone!

After coming out of the restaurant and saying goodbye to Dean Chen, looking at the back of Dean Chen who was leaving, Mr. Wei asked Duan Hongxuan: "Junior brother, what do you think of Dean Chen?"

Duan Hongxuan smiled and said: "He's a decent person, he doesn't have any bad intentions, he knows how to behave appropriately, and he doesn't have any ambitions. He just guards this district-level hospital and is a responsible dean!

If you are public-minded, you should be clear about what you should do, but you should only do what is within your scope!

There’s no harm in dating this kind of person, it’s relatively easy! You can date this kind of person appropriately!”

Mr. Wei smiled and nodded: "Old Chen is pretty good! His hospital is just a district-level hospital. The situation is just here, no matter how it develops, it will just be like this!

Lao Chen is getting older now, and it will be time to retire to the second line in a few years. Even though he is powerful, there is nothing he can do!

I have known him for several years. I remember that when he first became the dean, he was very ambitious and wanted to improve the business level of his hospital. Over the years, as Chen got older and older, his hospital’s

There hasn’t been much improvement, and Lao Chen has accepted his fate now!

It’s good to go to and from get off work on time every day, do what you need to do, and go home to entertain your grandson!

Even though Lao Chen is much older than before, his complexion looks pretty good now, no worse than before!"

Duan Hongxuan said with a smile: "In the past, Dean Chen wanted to fight but couldn't. He was naturally troubled and preoccupied, which of course affected people's spirit and health!

Now Dean Chen can’t argue. As the saying goes, if you are content and happy, your mood will naturally be good. A person in a good mood will naturally be mentally healthy. If he can eat and sleep, his body will naturally be good!"

"Yes! It's always happy to be content!" Wei Lao said with emotion: "Lao Chen is doing well now!

By the way, junior brother, I haven’t asked you yet, why are you still doing surgery?”

"Brother, no one stipulates that surgery must be performed by Western medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine can also perform surgery!

Didn’t Hua Tuo during the Three Kingdoms period just want to perform brain surgery on Cao Cao? If he didn’t want to take the opportunity to kill Cao Cao and brag, then he really had the ability!

In the Middle Ages in the West, Western medicine only knew how to treat diseases by bleeding people. It was just nonsense and disregarding human life! But our Chinese medicine has formed a complete set of systematic and complete medical theory and treatment systems!

Western medicine is constantly improving and progressing with the development of science and technology. Of course, our Chinese medicine also needs to keep up with the development of modern technology!

Who stipulates that Chinese medicine can only take pulses? Can only touch bones? Why can’t Chinese medicine use X-ray machines? Can’t use modern technologies such as B-ultrasound?

Western medicine in the Middle Ages has gradually developed from bloodletting to performing various surgeries and developing various medical methods. Why can't our Chinese medicine absorb some advanced medical discoveries and make improvements? Why can't Chinese medicine do surgery?

Brother, using modern medical equipment and performing surgeries are not the difference between Western medicine and Chinese medicine!

These are just some of the medical tests and treatments used externally!

The real difference between Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine lies in the different starting points and overall treatment ideas when treating a patient. It does not depend on whether you feel the bones or use an X-ray machine! It does not depend on whether you do a test or take a pulse!

Western medicine treats the head when it hurts and the foot when the foot hurts. Wherever there is a problem, it is solved!

Traditional Chinese medicine considers the person as a whole. If you have a headache, I first need to find out what is causing your headache. When treating, it is not just about treating your headache, but also about solving the root cause of your headache!
So brother, Chinese medicine cannot be conservative, we must also learn to keep up with the times and the development and progress of science and technology, learn to use new medical technology products, and constantly integrate new medical discoveries, so that our Chinese medicine will not be completely eliminated in the future!

Use the overall treatment ideas of traditional Chinese medicine, use new medical science and technology, and constantly integrate new medical discoveries into traditional Chinese medicine. Only in this way can traditional Chinese medicine continue to develop and grow!"

Mr. Wei was shocked after hearing this and looked at Duan Hongxuan in shock, "Junior brother, I really didn't expect that you could think like this!

This is unimaginable!

After hearing what you said, it makes sense if you think about it carefully! Yes, after listening to what you said, I realized that some new medical technologies and equipment as well as new medical discoveries are not exclusive to Western medicine, but to us.

Traditional Chinese medicine itself first believes that these things belong to the category of Western medicine, rejects these things, and actively pushes these things to Western medicine!

Now that I think about it, it’s totally ridiculous!

In the course of thousands of years of development, our traditional Chinese medicine has been constantly improving, making improvements, and incorporating some new medical discoveries. But now, in order to compete with Western medicine and to be different from it, we have actively rejected these

How can new things develop if they remain clinging to their limitations? Sooner or later, they will become more and more backward!

Junior brother is so kind!"

Duan Hongxuan nodded: "As long as senior brother remembers the most fundamental difference between Chinese medicine and Western medicine!

Others are just external testing and treatment methods, it doesn’t matter Chinese medicine or Western medicine!

As long as we can keep up with the development of medicine and science and technology, and take the initiative to integrate these new things into the system of traditional Chinese medicine, Western medicine will have the strengths of Western medicine, and Chinese medicine will have the benefits of Chinese medicine. If we each develop, no one will fall behind, and we will work together for the medical cause.

Just make your own contribution!"

Mr. Wei raised his hands and said excitedly: "Junior brother, senior brother has learned a lesson!

I will discuss it later with the Chinese Medicine Association and convene a national Chinese Medicine Society meeting as soon as possible. This matter should be made known to everyone as soon as possible, so that these Chinese medicine practitioners can fundamentally change their previous thinking of rejecting new technologies and being conservative!

Junior brother, I believe that as long as everyone can change their thinking, our Chinese medicine will soon usher in a great development!

Junior Brother, you always give me a big surprise every time I see you. I really want to talk to Junior Brother for days and nights!"

"Senior brother, practice Wuqinxi well. If you do it well, it will not be a problem to prolong your life. We senior brothers will still have a long life in the future. We don't care about this moment. There will be many opportunities in the future!

Senior brother, it’s getting late. I know you’re busy, so I’m going to the steel rolling mill too!”

Mr. Wei nodded and said: "Okay, junior brother, take your leave!"

"Good go, senior brother!"

This chapter has been completed!
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