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Chapter 49 What will happen after the third uncle and the second uncle are stunned?

 He ​​Yuyu was shocked when he heard this. Not only was the uncle involved, but Sister Qin and his silly brother were also involved.

No matter what opinions He Yuyu has against Shazhu, he is her brother after all, so it would be a lie to say he doesn't worry about it.

Today, Leng Buding heard that it was about his brother, and his ears immediately stood up.

At this time, I heard the deaf old lady say: "It's good if you don't suffer! But I hope to see you and Zhong Hai get along harmoniously!"

"Grandma, you can see that I have always been kind to others. But I don't have the final say whether I'm nice or not." Duan Hongxuan's tone was a little helpless.

"Then you take care of yourself. As for Zhonghai's pension issue, there are Shazhu and Qin Huairu. Just leave it alone. I'll talk to him later!"

"Grandma, I think some things you think are a bit too simple!

Many things look like that on the surface, but if they are allowed to develop, coupled with some other factors that are easy to ignore, the final result may not be what you want to see!"

"Hmph! Then I, an old woman, will listen to your advice today."

When Duan Hongxuan saw the attitude of the deaf old lady, he knew that she was still overconfident.

So I decided to teach the deaf old lady a good lesson today. I crushed some things into pieces, broke them apart and explained them clearly to her. Then, with the support of the deaf old lady, it would be much easier to do many things later.

"Okay, grandma. I will give you a good talk today. After I finish, if you think there is something wrong, just say it.

I think you are overconfident in many things, especially when it comes to taking care of your elders.

Just say that the third uncle in the front yard is Yan Bugui. Why do others call him Yan Laoji?

In this day and age, which family is not careful about budgeting? But why do other families not get the reputation of being stingy when they are careful about budgeting, but the third uncle has the reputation of being stingy?

It is said that the third uncle's family is indeed in difficulty. His salary is less than 30 yuan, and he has to support a family of six.

So it’s okay for him to be prudent or stingy.

If they were not stingy, their family might starve to death.

But the third uncle considers himself a cultured person, and looks down on other people in the courtyard a little to save face.

For such a person, his family is really going to encounter some difficulties. If you ask him to borrow money in the courtyard, or even ask everyone to raise donations for his family, he cannot accept it from a face point of view.

But the reality is that no one can guarantee that their family will not encounter any accidents one day, such as someone suddenly being hospitalized.

This is an additional expense. If you don’t have some emergency savings at home, you will die and you will have to ask others.

The third uncle has a good reputation, and he is even less likely to open his mouth to the courtyard, so he has to find a way to keep some savings in his hand to cope with the unexpected.

But he can barely support his family of six with his little salary. Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible to save money.

What should we do? Then we have to find ways to dig out, calculate, and save every penny from every aspect of our daily life.

After one year, two years, three years and five years, I gradually became a habit of being stingy and calculating, and with such a small salary, I was able to slowly calculate and actually save money.

This joy of success made the third uncle more and more convinced that the method of stinginess and calculation was correct, and then he became more and more stingy and calculated.

In the end, I became obsessed with stingy calculations and became a bit obsessed. The habit of stingy calculations changed from a tool to a goal.

The result is that everything must make way for achieving this goal, including family ties.

In order to achieve the purpose of this stingy calculation, family ties have to be put on the sidelines.

Therefore, from what happened to the third uncle, we can draw a conclusion: Once a person is too attached to one thing, it is easy to fall into madness in the end.

Once a person is obsessed, in order to achieve his goal, he can abandon any bottom line and do anything.

Take this matter and put it on our second uncle.

Grandma, you should know that the second uncle, Liu Haizhong, is a fan of officials. Do you think he is a little obsessed with becoming an official?"

The deaf old lady thought about it expressionlessly for a while, then nodded slowly: "Liu Haizhong only thinks about becoming an official, so he is really a little crazy."

"Well, do you agree that the second uncle is a little obsessed with becoming an official?

Let's assume a situation: if there is an opportunity one day, the second uncle will have a high chance of becoming an official through this opportunity.

But a certain family in this compound must be completely destroyed.

Grandma, what do you think the second uncle will do?"

The deaf old lady remained expressionless and silent, never speaking.

He Yuyu felt a little cold when he heard this. He looked at the two people in front of him, an old man and a young man, and remained silent.

After a long time, the deaf old lady looked at Duan Hongxuan with a complicated expression: "Although my old lady doesn't want to admit it, if one day comes, according to Liu Haizhong's temperament, he will not be merciless in order to become an official!"

Duan Hongxuan nodded, "Okay! You also agree with this.

Then let’s continue.

The third uncle and the second uncle were both stunned, but there was still a difference.

Why is the third uncle so obsessed? Because being stingy has produced results, he thinks his approach is right, is complacent, and ends up getting deeper and deeper into it.

The second uncle is different. He wanted to be an official from the beginning but failed. As time goes by, he gets older and older. When the time comes, he retires and there really is no official available.

Therefore, as time went by, the second uncle became more and more eager to become an official, so he became obsessed.

As long as he can become an official before retiring, he can do anything!

Grandma, the first master is a bit similar to the second master!

He is almost 50 now and is still in the prime of life. However, as he gets older, the problem of providing for the elderly after retirement becomes more and more urgent.

The key is that Mr. Yi is too controlling. He wants to control everything in his own hands.

Therefore, the closer it is to retirement, the more urgent the need for elderly care is, and the more urgent it is to arrange it without any mistakes.

Then do you think he will also be possessed by demons?

It stands to reason that as an eighth-level fitter in a steel rolling mill, Mr. Yi has the ceiling of worker skills. He has had many apprentices and disciples in the factory over the years.

Moreover, the impression given to everyone by the first uncle is that he is highly respected, has a general sense of things, understands the importance of things, and is very enthusiastic.

After he retires, it is unlikely that his disciples and grandchildren will leave him alone.

But why should he personally arrange the candidates for his retirement?

It’s because of the master’s desire for control!

Under normal circumstances, after he retires, if you really need something to eat and drink, can his disciples and grandchildren just watch and do nothing?

Then don’t let people stab you in the back!

If one of him or his aunt is sick and hospitalized, his disciples and disciples can take some things, come to the hospital to see them, or even chip in money to pay for their hospitalization, that’s no problem!

But that's it, people have their own lives, and others also have to work, so it's impossible for them to give you feces and urine in front of your hospital bed.

At best, everyone can pool some money and hire a nurse to take care of you in the hospital, which can be regarded as fulfilling the relationship between master and apprentice.

But these are not what I want.

What he wants is to take care of this person in the future and serve him comfortably as if he were his own father.

If you want to be able to guard the hospital bed every day and serve him with feces and urine, you must listen to his words. He must be able to command this person to come and drink.

Therefore, he wants to firmly control the person he chooses to support the elderly mentally, and he must listen to whatever he says!

Grandma, do you think I would be willing?

If I don’t want to, will you be willing?

Then how can you let us two be harmonious?"

The deaf old lady was stunned and couldn't say a word.

"Grandma, let me ask you something.

What do you think if Brother Zhuzhu will provide for an old man in the future, so he will not be able to marry a wife and have no children?"

As soon as Duan Hongxuan finished speaking, He Yuyu's expression changed instantly.

Abuse is a serious problem in this era.

The face of the deaf old lady also changed color, she poked the ground hard with her cane, and then said sternly: "Impossible! Silly Zhuzhu must marry a wife, and she will have a house full of children and grandchildren in the future!

There is no conflict at all between Zhu Zhu’s marriage and providing for Zhong Hai’s retirement!

Although Zhong Hai wants Zhu Zhu to provide for him in his old age, he is really kind to Zhu Zhu!

Over the years, Silly Zhuzhu’s free-spirited temper has caused so many troubles. How often has Zhonghai not been busy wiping his butt?

Zhonghai treats Zhuzi so well, he won't just watch stupid Zhuzi fail to get a wife!

There is no conflict between Silly Zhuzhu’s marriage and providing for Zhonghai’s retirement!

If Silly Zhuzhu has a wife and multiple women in the family, wouldn’t it be more convenient for Zhonghai and his wife to provide for them in their old age in the future?”

Duan Hongxuan knew at a glance that the deaf old lady was really anxious. She really cared for Silly Zhuzhu as her own grandson.

Moreover, the deaf old lady thought that Yi Zhong would worry more about Si Zhu's marriage for the sake of his retirement.

Duan Hongxuan couldn't blame the old lady, because the old lady couldn't understand what the man who wanted to control would become like when he became obsessed with the issue of pension.

"I am standing from God's perspective. How could your old lady predict the future outcome now?"

Duan Hongxuan decided to give the old lady a hard blow.

This chapter has been completed!
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