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Chapter 656: Motor Technology Public Relations Successful, Shenhai Factory Wants Someone to Meet Duan Hongxuan

 December 2nd happened to be a Saturday, and it was also the day when wages were paid in the steel rolling mill. The employees of the steel rolling mill, especially the newcomers who had just joined the factory, were all excited!

Duan Hongxuan came to the machine tool workshop as usual in the morning and solved some minor problems. At this time, the workshop director, Deputy Director Jiang, came to Duan Hongxuan and said: "Hongxuan, Director Lin called just now and asked you to go to Director Yang's office!

Duan Hongxuan nodded: "Okay, I understand Director Jiang!"

Duan Hongxuan and Director Jiang chatted briefly before leaving the workshop to find Director Yang!

Duan Hongxuan came to Director Yang's office. As soon as he entered, he was warmly welcomed in by Director Lin. When Director Yang saw Duan Hongxuan, he laughed loudly and said: "Hahaha, Hongxuan, what good news! You kid actually kept this secret

I solved another big problem for our factory without saying a word!"

Duan Hongxuan was a little confused and looked at Director Yang with confusion. Director Yang first asked Duan Hongxuan to sit down, and then said happily: "Minister Lu called me this morning and said that you gave him some electrical information.

Technical data, Shenhai Motor Factory has used your data to complete technical research and upgrades. In the future, our factory’s motors will no longer have to worry about it!

You have made great contributions to our factory again!"

Duan Hongxuan suddenly realized, and Factory Director Yang continued: "Shen Hai's factory knew that you gave me the information, and they called me just now, saying that their factory director would personally lead a team to come to our factory in the next few days.

Visiting and doing research to see our factory’s specific requirements for motors, mainly because I want to meet that lowly guy!

Minister Lu told us his specific situation. We only know that he is temporarily helping in your factory and is a regular employee of your factory. That’s why we called your office!

From what we say, you think we want to recruit him to our factory!

Children are the future and hope of that country. The construction and inheritance of the country must rely on generations of children. You are familiar with the people in Qiheyuan. Either way, you don’t have the ability, so why should you give up so little money?

If we can replenish the health of those children, it will be worth it if there are only one or two primary school students in the future!"

Duan Hongxuan nodded: "Uncle Lu will come to see us next time. He just helped us clean up the damaged room. He is very satisfied. Aunt Luo is even more disgusted. No matter what, we have to come over as soon as we go to work today. Maybe we will come in the evening."

I’m living in your yard, and I won’t go back until tomorrow morning at the earliest!”

Director Yang nodded, "You have considered that question. What you mean is that he should take out the new machine tool drawings in his hand first, and let the technical department and the technical team of the machine tool workshop thoroughly understand the technology of the new machine tool first.

Slow down production, and when the factory recruits new workers in April next year, we can add a small group of manpower to the machine tool workshop!

"If Hongxuan is broken, let's talk about that first. In a few days, the director of Uncle Yang's Electrical Machinery Factory will come with his people in person!


Nothing happened before!"

Director Guanglin gives you plenty of ingredients every week. Your salary from the Seventh Hospital is basically spent as you wish!

Hongxuan has just turned fourteen and has even found a partner, but we misunderstood him as a middle-aged widowed person living alone!

Duan Hongxuan spread his hands and said: "There is a way, you really have something to say, you are young and energetic!

Besides, you are still out of school, and your main business is mechanical design and manufacturing, and you have only studied electrical machinery as a part-time job!"

Director, you don’t even have time to wait to see our surprised faces when we see Hongxuan!

Besides, you are all alone now, at least not with few mouths to eat outside the hospital. Director Lin also sends you some food every week, and you are still receiving salary from the Seventh Hospital!

It’s nothing for me to come to him today!”

Factory Director Yang Xiaoxi said: "Hahaha, thank you so much. You must go to his house to get the drawings tomorrow afternoon!" Speaking of Hongxuan, old boss, when will we go to his place again? Give it a try, you

It just happened that I had nothing to do with him, but I met the old leader by chance and asked you to have a meal at his house and have a few drinks with the old leader!"

Director Lin looked at Gao Xiaojiao's handsome face and the indifferent and reserved smile on my face. He couldn't help but admire him, so he reminded Director Yang: "Director, the Qiheyuan next door to Hongxuan,

Most of the people living here are employees of our factory!"

If you give you less and give you more, what impact will it have on you?"

Duan Hongxuan suddenly had white lines on his face and looked at Director Yang who was gloating about his misfortune!

"Okay, let's talk about that!

But Aunt Luo hates the environment of your compound and the quarrels with us, so she insists on letting you arrange a room for us outside the compound. She said that you and Minister Lu will come to live in your compound when you have no time, so that you can hide and relax and relax.

Tell me, what are the conditions of Minister Lu’s family? You can always let the minister and his wife come to your compound to warm themselves by a coal stove. They have to cover themselves with several layers of thick quilts when they sleep at night. This is really bad!”

Director Yang waved his hand and said: "Hahaha, that's too bad, then your steel rolling mill is really going to take off!

Duan Hongxuan was also polite, so he closed the small square and opened it to look at it. Director Yang said curiously: "You think Hongxuan is too small-minded? He also opened it to see if there is much outside?"
Hongxuan, he is helping your steel rolling mill again! Your factory director thanked him!"

Is there a lie in your words? Did you lie to us or deliberately mislead us? It was just our own wild imagination and it has nothing to do with you!

A few children who are out of school are talking about it, but if these children who are out of school are hungry every day and lack nutrition, will their studies be ruined?


"No, it's still in use for now. The heater outside your courtyard has only been turned on for a few days. You still have used up your own coal stamps. Did you give you another coal stamp? I'm really waiting for you to use those coal stamps.

It’s all used up. If you still need to turn on the heater during the weather, you’re just being polite to Gao Xiao!”

Director Lin responded: "Director, you may still know that you often go over to deliver ingredients to Hongxuan. Only then did you know that Hongxuan called some children from families in the Qiheyuan next door to me whose living conditions were too bad.

We had dinner at my house every day, and there was no meat in our dinner every day. Hongxuan even gave us a piece of fruit before the meal!"

By this time, the machine tool shop has fully understood the technology of the new machine tool, and there are no more people. It is hard to stop the production of the new machine tool. What does he think?"

By the way, we also asked you about his specific situation. You told us about Hu Xiaoji, saying that he is the only one in their family who lives in a large Qiheyuan. You don’t know his age and other details.


As he said that, Factory Director Yang winked at Duan Hongxuan, and Duan Hongxuan said with a bad smile: "Shen Hai, you are really good at making coincidences! Okay, I'll let you 'make things happen' once! You don't want to bring him the drawings on Monday.

Someone from outside the factory is here, why don’t you go outside your hospital tomorrow afternoon after lunch to get the drawings? That’s a perfectly valid reason!”

"Ah! The old boss wants to live with him?" Director Yang said in surprise!

Gao Xiaojiao was not happy when she heard this, "Hey? I don't have any coal tickets yet, this is a bad feeling! You just installed a small stove outside the old lady's house for your heating, and you were saying that the stove didn't have any coal,!

Duan Hongxuan also laughed when he heard this, shook his head and said: "The sky is too far away, you have to go!

There is enough coal to burn outside his home now. If it is enough, he can just say nothing. You will just give him a coal ticket and just ask him to pull a cart of coal from outside the factory!"

As soon as Duan Hongxuan thought about it, he nodded and said: "Okay, you have been a factory director for such a young age and have no experience. It is bad for you to arrange it like that. It is a waste of time, so I will do as you say!

Duan Hongxuan thought for a while and asked: "But there are only so few people in the workshop now. If we come up with a new machine tool, the manpower will not be easy, and the output of the current machine tool may be affected!"

Duan Hongxuan smiled and said: "It's a little heavy! Are you an older child? He also eats a lot!


Director Yang pointed at Duan Hongxuan with a smile and said to Director Lin: "Old Lin, look at it, that big guy Hongxuan really doesn't have the heart to treat money as dirt!"

What if you go back and get the drawings in the morning?"

Duan Hongxuan shook his head: "It's true that I'm moving to you. It's not like we don't have time to take a vacation and come here to stay for one or two nights!"

Director Yang nodded: "Hongxuan, now the machine tool factory has not mastered the production process of the current model of machine tools. We have also solved the motor problem. He thinks he should come up with another set."

New machine tool?"

Director Lin next to him also smiled and said: "Uncle Yang's people will arrive in a few days, and I will be less surprised when I see Hongxuan!

Duan Hongxuan laughed and laughed, "Shen Hai, he is really...!"

Gao Xiaojiao waved her hand, "No, Shen Hai, you really did it to help their factory, it was just a coincidence, but you should treat it as your thanks!"

Director Yang became even more happy when he heard this, "Hahaha, his amateur research is better than our professional ones. If the people in our factory knew about it, our factory director and the people in our technical department would still be very angry! <


Director Yang was surprised when he heard this, "He's too good at enjoying it, isn't he? He even installed a large boiler for heating in such a large compound? The director of your dignified small factory with tens of thousands of people even has a boiler outside his home.

There’s a coal stove to keep warm!”

Yes, it is necessary to wait for a day or two. He should bring the drawings back last Monday!

When Director Yang heard this, he slapped the table and yelled: "Bad, bad, that's too bad! His big guy really makes you look at him with admiration once again!"

You also installed a large boiler outside your own courtyard to heat the outside of the courtyard. Your coal stamps are really a timely help!"

Director Yang's eyes lit up: "What he means is that we will go to the old boss tomorrow!"

"Okay, he'll use his own coal first. If it's enough, he can just say nothing!

Gao Xiaojiao smiled and said: "It's a lot less, that's all. You gave the machine tool to their factory just for money!

You just listened to what we said over the phone. You guessed it, we thought he was Duan Hongxuan, a middle-aged widowed man living alone!

When Director Yang heard this, his face was full of envy: "His eldest son is really unlucky! In that case, there should be no heating outside his home!

That's what you gave them after discussing and voting at the regular meeting, and they're right!"

Having said that, Director Lin next to him quickly took a thick small envelope from under Director Yang's desk. Director Yang took it and handed it to Duan Hongxuan: "Today is the day when your factory pays wages.

Although he is an employee of your factory and can receive wages from your factory, his contribution to your factory is less than that of your factory leaders combined!

Factory Director Yang was taken aback and said in surprise: "Hasn't such a thing happened yet? Hongxuan, he is so generous. There is no meat for dinner every day. This is a heavy burden for him!"

It's winter now. He doesn't have a godmother yet. He was given some cloth tickets and coal stamps outside the factory. If he asks for enough, Director Lin will arrange it for him!"

Factory director, what did he tell people on the phone? How could he cause that kind of misunderstanding?"

Hahaha, so funny!

"Oh?" Director Yang nodded, "That's true. I'm afraid the small part of the street outside our alley is filled with employees of our steel rolling mill, right? When it was originally allocated to our factory, this street was not mainly employees of our factory.



Duan Hongxuan said: "You want to ask about the machine tool drawings on your watch again, right?"

Director Yang laughed and said proudly: "You did it on purpose. We first asked you how many children Expert Duan had. You were stunned for a moment, and then you realized that Expert Duan was not referring to Hongxuan.

, you just casually answered us that Comrade Gao Xiaojiao has a son and a son, his parents have not yet sacrificed their lives for the country, and he has few brothers and sisters. Now he lives alone outside a large Qiheyuan. In the end, we misunderstood it!

This chapter has been completed!
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