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Chapter 65: Dialogue between grandparents and grandchildren, heart-to-heart talk between the deaf old lady

 After Silly Zhu left, Duan Hongxuan and the deaf old lady were the only ones left in the room.

Before the deaf old lady could speak, Duan Hongxuan gave a thumbs up: "Grandma, you are really like this!

No wonder people often say that ginger is still spicier when old!

What a great performance you did today!

Especially those words to Brother Zhuzi at the end were simply a stroke of genius!"

At this time, the deaf old lady acted like a kindergarten child who was praised by the teacher and rewarded with a small red flower, with a proud smile on her face, "It seems that this old lady like me is still useful!"

When Duan Hongxuan saw such a deaf old lady, he thought it was quite funny. No wonder people said she was an old child.

This man is old, and sometimes he really acts like a child!

But this deaf old lady is quite cute.

"You are of no use at all! You have to come forward to do these things, and others will have to mess them up."

"Hahaha! Grandma, I am so happy today!

But, alas!

I didn’t feel much before, but after today’s experience, I feel that Qin Yatou is really good!

If you think about the situation of their Jia family carefully, Qin Yatou will really suffer in the future!

In the beginning, grandma was totally trying to cooperate with you and also for Zhuzi.

But slowly, I felt that Qin Yatou was actually quite pitiful, and I couldn't help but feel a little sincere towards her!

Grandma really can't bear to see a good girl ruined by Jia Zhang in the future!

As people get older, their hearts become softer!"

"Grandma, doesn't this just prove that you have a Bodhisattva heart!

From now on! Make your presence known in the courtyard more often. Stop pretending to be deaf and dumb about things that you can’t see. Take action when it’s time to take action.

Others call you a deaf old lady, but I know you have a good ear!

Taking care of some things and worrying about them a little is not much better than being bored in the room all day long!

Look, you are in better spirits today than usual!"

"That's true.

I personally feel much better today.

My dear grandson, the story you just told made people murmur in their hearts!

Do you think this kid, Bangge, can change in the future?"

Duan Hongxuan looked at the deaf old lady, hesitated for a moment, and then said in an uncertain tone: "Grandma, this is really hard to say!

It would be okay if Banggeng was four or five years old now, but she is already eight and almost nine years old!

But this is not the most important thing, there is another most fatal factor.

For example, today, I taught Bangge a lesson, and he had a better memory tonight.

Children must be taught by adults!

As soon as Banggeng returned to their home, there was a Jia Zhang family, and a few words were able to offset all my efforts today.

After all, Mrs. Jia and Zhang are great grandmothers. They are in close contact with each other every day, which is called being close to each other!

So I really don’t have high hopes for BangGeng!

Unless Jia and Zhang are made to disappear immediately!"

Having said this, Duan Hongxuan looked at the deaf old lady seriously, "Grandma, I can make Mrs. Jia and Zhang disappear without anyone noticing.

But I can't do this!

People must have a sense of awe and know how to exercise self-restraint!

Otherwise, once the devil in your heart is released, it will only lead to self-destruction in the end!

Harm others and harm yourself!"

The deaf old lady was startled by these words at first, and then looked at Duan Hongxuan with a scrutinizing gaze.

The grandfather and grandson looked at each other seriously. After a while, the deaf old lady nodded: "Grandma, I don't know how you can do it, but I believe you can do it!

You have the ability, but you know how to control it and don’t abuse it!

It's like having a sharp knife in your heart but not having the intention to kill, good, good!

As expected of grandma’s grandson!

I'm very happy that you can tell grandma this!

But remember, only we, our grandparents, know it, and we can’t let anyone else know it!"

Duan Hongxuan nodded seriously and assured: "Grandma, don't worry!

Apart from me, only you know about this, and no third person will know about it.

Besides, someone has to believe me if I say it!"

Then he hesitated for a moment, as if he had made up his mind: "Grandma, let me ask you something again.

Do you know the Old Red Army and the Eighth Route Army?"

After Duan Hongxuan finished speaking, he looked at the deaf old lady.

The old lady was stunned for a moment, but soon her face became normal, and then she replied in an incomprehensible tone: "I don't know much, mainly because I heard what your uncle said.

He seems to be a very senior cadre.

Do you understand?"

"Well, I know a little bit.

Grandma, let me give you a brief explanation.

The Red Army is the earliest army of our political party and appeared in the south.

Later, some of them continued to stay in the south, and some went to northern Shaanxi after the Long March.

In order to resist Japan, the Red Army was reorganized.

The army that stayed in the south was renamed the New Fourth Army, and the army in northern Shaanxi was renamed the Eighth Route Army.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the Kuomintang's army provoked a civil war, and our army was renamed the People's Liberation Army.

The entire liberation war lasted for four years.

The first time we saw our regular army in Sijiu City, it was already called the People's Liberation Army!

So, grandma, please remember, it is absolutely impossible for the residents of Sijiu City to have seen the Red Army and the Eighth Route Army!

They have only seen the People's Liberation Army!"

The deaf old lady was silent for a while, and then she spoke: "My dear grandson, thank you for telling grandma these things today!

You may have heard something outside, but grandma never said anything herself, nor did she want to use him to gain any advantage from the government.

My grandma is a childless person who is getting old. She just wants to live a peaceful life without being bullied by anyone!

Can you understand?"

Duan Hongxuan breathed a heavy sigh of relief: "Grandma, I understand!

I don’t think you can come up with this idea. I’m afraid it’s inseparable from Mr. Yi!

In order to provide for his old age and improve his image and prestige, the uncle really took great pains!

Unfortunately, this knowledge is still lacking, so some things are full of loopholes!

These things are okay for these ignorant ordinary people in Mongmeng Hutong.

If someone who knows a little about the history of our military hears it, it will make people laugh if it is mild, but it will be hard to say if it is serious!

Grandma, you must remember that there are some things that must never come from your mouth!

As long as I am here, you can feel at ease!

What's the point of never ending a household? If it weren't for me, would there be Brother Zhuzhu?

Maybe there will be a Qin Huairu in the future!"

"Grandma will remember what you said!

Thank you, my dear grandson!

But when it comes to Qin Huairu, don’t talk about it.

After having such contact today, grandma really felt that Qin Huairu was a perfect match for Silly Zhuzi!

Silly Zhuzhu is just a fool, so he needs someone to take care of him.

Qin Huairu is as smart as a person and knows how to solve problems. The key is that he can hold the pillar.

If the two of them could really become a couple, they would be perfect for Zhuzi.

Zhu Zhu can make money, and Qin Huairu can manage the family well. No matter how they look at it, they seem to be a perfect match.

What a pity, why is Qin Huairu a widow?"

After the deaf old lady said this, she looked regretful!

Duan Hongxuan advised the old lady, "Grandma, don't think too much!

Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings!

Who knows what the future will bring?

What we can do now is to do the things right in front of us!

If you can help someone, you are one, if you can save someone, you are one.

The rest is up to God!"


Looking at this meaning now, Zhuzhu thinks a lot about Qin Huairu!

But why do I see Qin Huairu not being interested in Zhuzi at all?"

"Grandma, didn't I say that from the very beginning, Brother Zhuzhu was the one who shaved his head and had a hot head.

Sister Qin is all about living a good life at home.

Jia Dongxu died just a few months ago, and Sister Qin’s thoughts are now on the two children at home and the child in her belly.

Now I feel grateful to Brother Zhuzhu at best, and this is because he delivers lunch boxes to people every day.

From now on, Brother Zhuzhu will have fewer opportunities to interact with Qin Huairu. Let’s see if he can let go slowly!

There’s really nothing we can do about it!”

Just as he was talking, Duan Hongxuan suddenly stopped talking, and a smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The deaf old lady looked very strange and asked: "My dear grandson, what's the matter?"

"Grandma, it's really lively in this courtyard today.

The second uncle is beating the child at home again, and it’s because of me!

Mrs. Jia Zhang was furious with Sister Qin in the house because she didn’t bring her anything delicious to eat!

Brother Zhuzhu is drinking in the house!

The third uncle’s family is having a family meeting to educate the children!”

The deaf old lady became more curious now: "It's so far away, how did you know?"

Duan Hongxuan smiled inexplicably: "Grandma, the kung fu I practice is extraordinary.

I just made a breakthrough in kung fu a few days ago.

Now whenever I think about it, even if I stay in my own courtyard, I can clearly know what is going on in every household here!"

This chapter has been completed!
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