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Chapter 7: The Lou family’s future study room is initially decided

 "Uncle Lou, please find time to verify this later. Anyway, you haven't officially decided whether you want to go on a blind date with their family, so you have plenty of time. Next, Uncle Lou, what are your thoughts?"

"Hongxuan, what you analyzed just now is your own opinion or...?"

"Well, it's mainly based on what my uncle said, plus my own judgment!" In order to attract Father Lou's attention, I had to borrow that unfounded uncle again!

However, based on his father's status during his lifetime, this kind of uncle must exist, so it's not entirely a lie! Duan Hongxuan thought to himself to comfort himself!

"Hongxuan, I am still patriotic.

After liberation, I actively responded to the national public-private partnership policy and handed over most of the shares in the factory in the first batch, retaining only a small number of shares. The management rights were also handed over!"

"Uncle Lou, if you make a rough judgment based on what my uncle said, don't worry. Wait and see. What if I make a mistake?

However, Uncle Lou, what I said today came out of my mouth and into your ears. I hope you can know it yourself and don’t tell your close friends again, so as not to cause trouble by telling you right and wrong!

I won’t admit what I said after I leave this door! Besides, I’m a little kid, who can believe that I can say those words?”

"You, you, you are such a Hongxuan, such a diving dragon! You, once again make me have to take a high look!

Unexpectedly, since ancient times, heroes have always appeared in youth! You, Uncle Lou, and I have lived in vain for the past few decades.

Don’t worry, I will rot in my stomach if I tell you today, and no third person will know! In the future, if you come to my house more often, Uncle Lou will ask you for more advice!”

Lou Bancheng was filled with emotion and raised Duan Hongxuan's status in his heart again, even higher than his own. He thought that he must listen to Duan Hongxuan's opinions more on anything in the future!

After analyzing the situation, Lou Bancheng had to admit that Duan Hongxuan was right.

For a tycoon like him, he has a very ruthless view of people and things. He is also very sensitive to the current situation. Otherwise, he would not have responded to the country's public-private partnership policy immediately and handed over most of the shares in the factory that he had worked hard for half his life.

Get out.

It can be seen that he is quite decisive and courageous in his work!

However, due to the limitations of the times, Duan Hongxuan said that he had never considered this aspect before, and had not thought about it at all.

But just because he didn't think about it, it doesn't mean he doesn't know how to analyze and judge. Once someone points him in a direction, he will immediately realize that what Duan Hongxuan said will most likely become reality.

So I can’t help but feel lucky that my wife and little cotton-padded jacket are my lucky stars!

Thinking of this, Lou Bancheng looked at Duan Hongxuan with emotion, his words were polite and close, "Hongxuan, you will regard this place as your home from now on, come whenever you want, you are welcome at any time!

Ezi is your sister. If you don’t mind, your aunt and I will shamelessly treat you as our nephew. Just call me Uncle Lou and your aunt Auntie Tan!

Your Aunt Tan’s real surname is Tan, and her family is the main branch of Tan’s cuisine. Her father’s and elder brothers are all direct lineage of Tan’s cuisine!” Lou Bancheng couldn’t wait to recognize his son directly!

"Uncle Lou is so polite, you flatter me so much.

My aunt and sister Xiao'e have the grace to save my life. I am an orphan. This is also my fate. When I see sister Xiao'e and aunt, I feel friendly, so we have a close relationship and talk nonsense. I hope

Uncle Lou, don’t blame me!

As for asking for advice, that's offending me. Don't say that! I also wish my aunt and sister Xiao'e well, and I hope that your family will get better and better!

Since Uncle Lou doesn’t dislike me, I will be shameless and call him Uncle Lou and Aunt Tan from now on. I will definitely come here to eat and drink more often, and Uncle Lou won’t dislike me for eating too much!”

"How could it be? I wish you could come here every day. It's best to just live at home! Just treat this place as your own home!"

You must make friends with the young man in front of you! Lou Bancheng secretly made a decision in his heart!

Nowadays, most high school graduates are 18 or 19 years old, and some are in their 20s.

But the person in front of me graduated from high school at the age of 15, and with his talk, he can be called a monster!

I have good luck in making acquaintance, so I must make the relationship solid. Coupled with this insight into the situation, I might as well save my family’s fortune and life in the future!

How great it would be if he became my son-in-law! Unfortunately, he is a bit younger, five years younger than his daughter. Oh! What a pity!

Lou Bancheng felt pity and regret in his wild thoughts!

"Uncle Lou has agreed that I will come often in the future!"

"Well! That's right! Also, Hongxuan, I think what you just said will probably come true, so what are your suggestions?"

"Uncle Lou, I will venture to say a few more words. My suggestion is to go south!"

"Going south? You mean Hong Kong City?"

"Yes, Hong Kong City! If you go to other countries, to be honest, Chinese people are very discriminated against! And Hong Kong City is our own territory after all. Although the status of the Chinese there is still not as good as that of the British, most of them are still Chinese there!

The key is that the business there is developed, and Uncle Lou can flex his muscles. Moreover, the port city is also a window for exchanges between the mainland and the outside world!

The British took advantage of the corruption and cowardice of the previous feudal government to snatch the port city away with strong ships and cannons.

Our current new government will definitely take him back! It’s just a matter of time. At most, it will be based on the 99-year lease period in the old contract, which means there will only be more than 30 years left! By then, Uncle Lou’s family will still be from Yanhuang.


And even if we leave, it won’t be a matter of time. There should still be three or more years. It’s time to check the direction of the wind and verify it.

What's more, the master handed over the sect to me during his lifetime, and the head token representing the authentic successor of the sect was handed over to me, so I am qualified to command everyone in the sect.

As far as I know, there are still several descendants of the sect who are also in Hong Kong City. I will try to contact them when the time comes, so that I can take care of Uncle Lou and his family when they go there, so that they won’t be blinded!"

It’s very simple to make a token of the master’s sect yourself. As for the people in the master’s sect, well, it’s not too difficult to solve it if you think of a way!

Duan Hongxuan made a happy decision again! (You are a big liar! He deceived the weak, pitiful and ignorant Lou Bancheng)

"Oh, it seems that Hongxuan's master is not simple! That's great! But how to get there? What method should I use to survive? Does Hongxuan have any good suggestions?"

"There are two methods: upper and lower.

The next best option is to find out in a few years that the wind is going in the wrong direction, Uncle Lou will secretly take care of the family property, etc., and then sneak away to Hong Kong City with his family.

The best policy is to find signs of it, wait until the wind blows, and take the initiative to ask the state to hand over the remaining shares of the factory and some other real estate to the state, leaving only a medium-sized property in Dongyi, preferably an independent courtyard house.

Then bring other frivolous wealth such as antiques and gold to Hong Kong City openly! And tell the country that you will go to Hong Kong City to do business. If you achieve success, you can secretly help the country!

In this way, you will not be affected in the future, and you can be free to develop your ambitions. You can still maintain contact with the country, and you can secretly help the country and gain the country's favor!

As for doing business, Uncle Lou, I believe I will make arrangements for you. With the help of people from my sect, I have learned more about the situation in the port city in the past few years. When the time comes, I will give Uncle Lou some development plans. I believe it is better to

It can be done! Uncle Lou, this is my humble opinion!

Oh, by the way, with that said, I suggest that you don’t go on a blind date with Sister Xiao’e now. It’s better to wait until you go to Hong Kong City to find someone who is a good match and has a common language!”

Lou Bancheng was dumbfounded after hearing this, and he sighed for a long time, "My good nephew is really like a dragon or a phoenix among men! Now I even admire you a little! I feel ashamed of myself!"

(I don’t know why the previous chapter has been under review. It’s my first time writing a book and I can’t figure it out. I’m applying for it after revising it, so I’ll post this chapter first!)

This chapter has been completed!
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