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Chapter 807 The appearance of stupid Deputy Director Wang and Duan Hongxuan

Deputy Director Wang didn't know what his psychology was. He was very unconvinced that the steel rolling mill had received this honor. Not only did he question the steel rolling mill, he even questioned Minister Lu!

Deputy Factory Director Wang's words: Who doesn't know that Minister Lu is Factory Director Yang's old leader? It immediately caused an uproar at the scene! The expressions of everyone present changed drastically!

In fact, most people present knew that Minister Lu was Factory Director Yang’s old boss, but no one thought about it today. Only Deputy Factory Director Wang raised questions, and everyone was confused.

His face changed greatly in shock, but he also began to murmur in his heart!

Yes, none of the experts present here know what the technical level of the steel rolling mill is. There are no steel rolling mills that are well-known experts in the country. But in this case, such an advanced converter can be born in steel rolling.

Factory, coupled with Deputy Director Wang’s questioning and reminding, everyone couldn’t help but think too much!

As soon as Deputy Factory Director Wang said his words, the expressions of everyone present changed. No matter how good-tempered Minister Lu was, he couldn't help but get angry over this matter. Director Yang was even more furious. Before anyone else could react, Deputy Minister Xie

He flew into a rage, pointed at Deputy Director Wang's nose and cursed: "You bastard!

What the hell are you, Wang Changtian, who dares to question and slander the leader in public! I think you, the factory director, don’t want to do this anymore!”

Factory Director Yang also said angrily: "Director Wang, no, it's Deputy Factory Director Wang. As a leading cadre, you can't speak without thinking. Everything you say must be supported by evidence!

It’s okay for you to question me. To be honest, when you first joined the army, you could only read a small amount of Chinese characters and worked outside the village as a middle-aged man. Before you retired from the army, you didn’t even know how to read or write.

It is precisely because of the care, encouragement and encouragement of the old leaders that you are where you are today. Compared with their educated people, even now you can be considered an illiterate!

You have now put on your military uniform and recovered, but you, Yang, dare to do anything except cheating!

It doesn’t matter how others scold you or wrongly accuse you. You are just allowing others to slander your old leader through you!

Then Minister Lu smiled and looked at the convinced Deputy Director Wang and the experts who looked less light and panicked, and asked with a smile: "Your Majesty, it is a bad thing not to question, but we can take it for granted.

, without any investigation and research, and without any evidence, just blame others randomly! That is what a leading cadre should do!


Not to mention them, not you and Lao Xie, both of you thought it was incredible when you first heard about it!

In the field of machine tool production, your steel rolling mill will be a complete mediocre person from now on. If there is no help from others, how can your steel rolling mill develop such a machine tool that will be retired at the earliest?

Deputy Director Xie saw someone talking to Deputy Director Wang who was sweating and panicked and said: "Deputy Director Wang, look at today's converter acceptance work. He should not participate in it. He should go back and wait for notification!"

That set of information, Minister Lu was the first to get it, and it was you who gave it to me!"

Everyone nodded after hearing this and looked at Minister Lu and the handsome guy standing next to me with confusion.

Because you know that since the end of last year, there has been no organized effort outside the ministry, and Shougang’s research institute has taken the lead in completing research on converters! That’s why you gave them a copy of the information! After all, there are very few experts in that field outside!

Our two families got the converter information at the same time. He asked the little guy to see who he suspected could be the first to research the converter based on that information."

The experts were not stunned and dumbfounded at that moment, they all knew what was wrong, and Deputy Factory Director Wang was not even sweating, looking at Duan Hongxuan with confusion and fear on his face!

When Director Yang heard this, he smiled and said proudly: "Director Wang, he is wrong, he really doesn't think much of your steel rolling mill, he really looks down on others!

That would be the merit of grabbing the superior subordinate, and that would be the real fairness to the superior subordinate!

As leaders, we should allow the comrades at the top to raise questions, and if they do not do so, we should correct them and encourage them!"

We are all engaged in steel-making. We all know which unit and what level. As for the technicians in the steel rolling mill, we all say that we can build the first-retirement steel-making furnace by ourselves.


Among other things, I first said that if they were not interested and asked Factory Director Xiangyang to inquire, let’s just talk about things that have nothing to do with our Ministry of Industry!

Then Deputy Director Wang shook his head repeatedly: "It's possible, absolutely possible! So few of your experts have developed a converter. I'm just an older student who's still in elementary school, and I'm still studying mechanics.

I learned how to make steel!

That was all entirely because of classmate Ou Liang, and now classmate Duan Hongxuan is a specially hired consultant for your steel rolling mill!

I heard Minister Lu laugh and say: "The new machine tools currently produced in the steel rolling mill were not independently developed by that big guy!"

At that time, Director Yang hurriedly came over and said to the experts: "Expert leaders, no problem, we will go to the conference room to sit down and have a quick chat later. I am here today, but I am here to inspect and accept the converter. Let's start the steelmaking first."


How could he have thought about where the information about the set of converters outside the ministry came from?"

Hahaha! It is precisely because of classmate Duan Hongxuan that your factory no longer has such machine tools that were rejected first!

The small converter behind them was also independently researched by classmate Duan Hongxuan! I gave the information to Director Yang first. In order to get support from outside the department, Director Yang came to you with the information, and then

That’s why you gave the information to Shougang’s research institute!

Xiaojia gathered around Duan Hongxuan and introduced himself coldly. He also asked a few questions about the converter from time to time, and Duan Hongxuan answered them one by one. Xiaojia saw that Duan Hongxuan could answer the questions so easily and so professionally, and he was so professional to us.

It's not a difficult or confusing question at all, but I haven't said anything about Minister Lu's introduction just now!

What Deputy Director Wang just said is not wrong at all. The technology and level of your factory are probably very different from those of Shougang and the experts. They are still under steelmaking!

You see, that deputy director of his has also come to an end. Looking back..."

Duan Hongxuan nodded, and everyone came in and out of the work site to watch from a distance. They saw Duan Hongxuan wearing the work clothes of the steel rolling mill, wearing a hazard hat, and holding two big flags of the same color in his hands to instruct the family to light the fire!

As soon as Deputy Minister Xie said that, Minister Lu next to him raised his hand and patted Deputy Minister Xie on the shoulder and interrupted: "Old Xie, calm down, don't be so angry!

Vice Minister Xie said angrily: "He is still stubborn and tough-talking. His surname is Wang, he really knows how to write the word "death"!

Vice Minister Xie doesn't even bother to get angry now. I think that Deputy Director Wang is extremely stupid. He is always calm and objective when it comes to things. If there is no support from another deputy minister outside the department, he is such an idiot.

How is it possible that he is currently the deputy director of Shougang!

The converter researcher is right there. Without the personal guidance of that researcher, Ou Liang, how can the rolling mill still study whether to produce a converter?"

It’s just a dog’s eyes that sees a person’s height! You’re the deputy factory director, bah!”

Minister Lu ignored everyone's shock and continued: "Except for machine tools, Duan Hongxuan has done few other researches like mine, and they are far beyond the level of the same industry in China!

Although all the experts present felt that the matter was not too outrageous, looking at the postures of Minister Lu, Deputy Minister and Factory Director Yang, even though Xiaojia thought it was unbelievable, they also knew that the matter was far from the truth.

I'm afraid it's true! There is only one explanation that can explain why the steel rolling mill built the converter first!

What else can you do if you meet that kind of person? Just make friends with him! If there is no time for that kind of genius to give him a few words of advice, it will be useless compared to his years of hard work. Everyone present is engaged in technology, and there are people like Wang

The deputy factory director is so stupid, and there are still people who care about official career and so on. The only thing Xiaojia cares about is not technology!

So, Minister Lu looked at Deputy Director Wang with pity and shook his head and said: "Deputy Director Wang, ah, he doesn't have the energy to study in his official career. It's better to spend less time studying technology!"

"Wow!" Everyone at the scene was in an uproar. The fourteen-year-old graduate student was indeed not beyond my expectations. Others at that age may have graduated from junior high school, right?

Obviously, the handsome guy behind you is not that kind of genius!

But it is unbelievable, the facts are true, that little living person is standing there alive!

Thinking of that, everyone's expressions changed when they looked at Duan Hongxuan!

Everyone watched from afar with excitement and talk, and saw that Duan Hongxuan was not confident at all. He was calmly directing the steel-making workers and workers in the steel-making workshop with his whistle and two big flags outside his hands.

Under the command of Duan Hongxuan, the work was carried out in an orderly manner!

You have heard of his nickname. In terms of technology, he is not very good at it and can be considered as a semi-expert. However, he is a technical person who only wants to pursue an official career. He is too concerned about personal gains and losses.

Put your own honor more than anything else!

The experts nearby were also shocked by Director Yang's words, because everyone knew after that that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had given the Shougang Research Institute a detailed set of converter information. When we think about it, the rolling mill was probably based on the Ministry's information.

The set of information outside the building destroyed the converter!

Letting someone like him step down from his leadership position is simply not a small disaster for the factory!"


Deputy Factory Director Wang's face was ashen, because he had said something before he said it, or in front of so few people, he had to take it back. In that case, he would have done well no matter what, so he just temporarily

Also drag someone on your back!

Now the little guy didn't even bother to talk to Deputy Factory Director Wang, and hurried over to get acquainted with Duan Hongxuan again!

But if there is evidence, even if I am slandering the leaders of the ministries and commissions, it is a trivial matter. I am the deputy director of the factory and I am the deputy director of the factory, and my surname Wang will also be finished!

We are all engaged in technology. As for the technical field, everyone knows that sometimes the talent is really reasonable. If you really meet a genius, he is not so powerful. They will kill hundreds of people dozens of times.

It makes no sense to think of something that can be done with all your brains and effort easily solved by someone else! He is not a genius, no matter how convinced he is, he will find a way!

Deputy Minister Xie smiled slowly and pointed at Deputy Director Wang and said: "You see, he is so stupid that he is hopelessly stupid! He believes one thing and believes it is possible, and it is entirely based on his own assumptions.

Is there any evidence? He just slanders the steel rolling mill and lower-level leaders with empty words!

Thinking of that, Deputy Director Wang was heartbroken, and he simply said: "It's a thousand words, but it's a matter of technology. Whether the technology is good or not, he doesn't care about it.

Efforts are useful!

How is that possible? You doubt it!"

I heard Minister Lu continue to introduce: "Is it true that everyone is very interested in hearing about a fourteen-year-old graduate student?

"What?" Factory Director Wang was immediately shocked, "It's possible! With the technical reserves of their steel rolling mill, it's definitely possible to develop a converter on their own. Do you believe it?"

But if that's the case, this handsome guy is really... "Hiss!"


The leaders of the steel rolling mill, accompanied by the leaders of the ministries and commissions and the experts watched from a distance. Duan Hongxuan turned back and nodded towards us, and then blew the whistle outside his mouth!

Who would hate a superior like that?

But that information was handed over by the steel rolling mill. You can always take the information, so let the steel rolling mill do it on its own!

If there is no evidence, it really proves that Minister Lu favors his old subordinates, which is enough to make Minister Lu drink a pot. I, a deputy director of a ministry, can make a dignified minister become disgraced, which is also shocking.

It's little news, but the reputation of my surname Wang is completely ruined!

No one nodded, and then Director Yang said to Duan Hongxuan: "Master Duan, it's up to him what happens next!"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Wow!" Nashang Xiaojia calmed down, and they all whispered to each other in shock.

"Well! We should light the fire first and see how the converter is doing!"

Minister Lu is too lazy to pay attention to an idiot like Deputy Factory Director Wang, but there are so few people at the scene. Since the matter has not reached that stage, both myself and the steel rolling mill will be slandered by Deputy Factory Director Wang.


Why do you want to introduce classmate Duan Hongxuan to you?

Unexpectedly, Director Yang actually said that the set of information was given by our steel rolling mill to outside the ministry. To be honest, we were also suspicious!

You tell him, Wang, that he is going to give an explanation for what happened today. Even if you take the case to the central government, you still have to ask for an explanation!

Director Yang, don’t blame you for thinking less. He asked the experts present who knew what the technical department of their steel rolling mill was like! He asked the young men and no one doubted that the technical strength of their technical department was better than yours.

Is Shougang still weak?

Director Lin, who was accompanying him, introduced Xiaojia: "It's officially over now, you end the timer now!"

Why, seeing that your factory had taken the lead and was the first to develop the first converter in the country, he asked if he had conducted any investigation and research, biting people like a mad dog?

At that time, Director Yang laughed and said: "I'm wrong, what Minister Lu said is absolutely wrong!

Thinking of that, Deputy Factory Director Wang secretly regretted why he was so slow to talk. Regardless of whether I have any evidence today, I am afraid that the future of my deputy factory director has been completely determined before!

Deputy Factory Director Wang said that he was stupid, but I was willing to accept his own opinion, which was totally messed up. But my end was not yet decided, I was completely finished!

Deputy Director Wang was stunned after hearing this, looked at everyone in the steel rolling mill, stood firm for a moment, and then hesitated: "That set of such detailed and mature information can definitely be researched by any unit in the country!"

Then Minister Lu looked at the experts present, stretched out his hand and pulled Duan Hongxuan over and said, "Introduce me to me. The guy's name is Duan Hongxuan. He has just turned fourteen this year. He is currently a graduate student in the Mechanical Department of Shuimu Elementary School!


After saying that, Vice Minister Xie didn't bother to pay attention to the deputy director who had no future yet!

After a while, a cold wave hit us. Everyone looked excitedly at the steel-making method that they had never seen before, looking forward to the arrival of a new miracle. As for Deputy Director Wang, there was no news yet.

People care!

Haha, everyone should know that the steel rolling mill is currently producing new machine tools with degraded performance, right?"

Deputy Director Xie's scolding and Director Yang's scolding pointed at his nose, so Deputy Director Wang immediately stopped talking about coming to Taiwan. I looked at everyone's reaction and knew that I really didn't say that.

In front of so few people, I question the dignified Minister of Heavy Industry for seeking personal gain with power. That is a trivial matter!\r

This chapter has been completed!
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