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Chapter 95 Subverting everyone’s views, the young scholar actually beat someone

 Mrs. Jia Zhang jumped up and scratched Si Zhu’s face because her grandson was slapped twice by Si Zhu.

Silly Zhu didn't expect it at all! As a result, he was too slow to dodge, and his face was scratched a few times.

Silly Zhu became angry immediately. Duan Hongxuan saw that something was wrong and quickly came up to stop him.

As soon as Jia Zhang saw Duan Hongxuan, she immediately yelled at him: "You are the little scholar who killed his parents with a thousand swords!

A few days ago, you almost beat my precious grandson’s butt to pieces, and I haven’t even settled the score with you yet!

You and Silly Zhu both have no good qualities.

Silly Zhu killed his mother and ran away from his father.

You simply killed your parents, and now you gang up to bully us orphans and widowed mothers.

You two who killed a thousand people will not die well!"

As soon as Shazhu heard this, he was so angry that he couldn't care about anything at this time and raised his fist to fight!

Duan Hongxuan hurriedly reached out and stopped Shazhu first.

No matter what Duan Hongxuan said, since he inherited this body, he has the responsibility to protect everything in this body, including the original body's parents.

As soon as I heard Mrs. Jia Zhang scolding her so unpleasantly, I decided to teach this crazy woman a lesson, because this crazy woman is beyond redemption and is simply a scourge!

Although he stopped Sha Zhu, Duan Hongxuan decided to do it himself.

So when he saw that Sha Zhu was about to take action, he hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop him.

Then he turned around and looked at Jia Zhang with a smile: "What did you say to me just now? I didn't hear you clearly. Please say it again!"

"I said you are a loser who killed your parents and bullied us orphans and widowed mothers. You will not have a good death in the future!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Duan Hongxuan still had a smile on his face and gave Jia Zhang a slap in the face seemingly easily in front of everyone.

Duan Hongxuan used clever force in this slap.

Mrs. Jia Zhang was beaten until she sat down on the ground. She felt her head was buzzing and stars were rising in front of her eyes.

Just now, I was cursing loudly at the top of my lungs, but suddenly, as if someone had strangled my throat, my voice suddenly stopped.

Duan Hongxuan's slap not only made Jia Zhang shut her mouth, but even the spectators around were stunned.

The scene suddenly became quiet.

Everyone looked at Duan Hongxuan standing there, with their mouths open in surprise, unable to make a sound.

If a vicious person, or a person full of anger, suddenly hits someone, everyone will be able to accept it psychologically.

But this handsome young man, who looked elegant and handsome, with a kind smile on his face, suddenly raised his hand and slapped Mr. Jia Zhang.

The key is that Duan Hongxuan always had a smile on his face.

This scene had a huge impact on the onlookers!

Mrs. Jia Zhang was also stunned by this slap and did not react for a long time.

Sitting on the ground, covering his face with one hand, his eyes widened, he looked at this handsome young man with a smile in surprise. He really couldn't accept that he hit himself.

Duan Hongxuan took a step forward, then bent down, still smiling, looking down at Jia Zhang: "Mr. Jia's mother-in-law, come here, say what you just said again!"


Duan Hongxuan's posture made everyone onlookers take a breath involuntarily, they are going to fight again!

Everyone used to think that the young scholar was polite, gentle, and kind to others. He always had a smile on his face when he saw him.

There is no way to connect him with the beating.

Only then did I realize that this little scholar is a real ruthless person. He even slaps you with a smile on his face, and he doesn’t hesitate to take action.

I asked Jia Zhang just like this, and then she received a slap in the face.

Now continue to ask Jia and Zhang with a smile, this is the most interesting thing!

But I was surprised. Looking at Ms. Jia Zhang sitting on the ground, no one had any sympathy for her and felt that she deserved the slap!

Everyone heard what Jia Zhang was scolding Silly Zhu and Duan Hongxuan just now, and they all felt that the scolding was too vicious!

If it were to happen to me, let alone a slap in the face, I would like to take a knife and chop Mrs. Jia and Zhang alive.

When Duan Hongxuan asked Jia Zhang what to say, he released a little bit of mental power and exerted a little mental deterrent on her.

This little bit of mental deterrence makes a big difference in Jia Zhang's eyes.

Looking at the smiling Duan Hongxuan in front of her, Jia Zhang couldn't help but feel a kind of fear in her heart for some reason.

To outsiders, Duan Hongxuan smiled and bent down to ask Jia Zhang, but Jia Zhang sat on the ground covering her face, looking at Duan Hongxuan with fear, not daring to say a word.

Looking at this posture, Jia Zhang was either fooled or frightened.

The first uncle, Yi Zhonghai, reacted quickly and rushed up to hold Duan Hongxuan first.

Then he turned back to the three aunts and said: "Don't be stunned, help Jia Zhang up quickly and see if she is okay."

When the three aunts heard this, they came to their senses and hurriedly came to help Jia and Zhang.

The second uncle and the third uncle also came to their senses and quickly gathered around.

Silly Zhu was so angry at being scolded by Jia Zhang just now that he wanted to take action regardless of it, but was stopped by Duan Hongxuan.

Silly Zhu was angry at that time, thinking that this person is not good enough to be a scholar, he has no blood at all.

He is a smart man, and he always talks about great things, but he still dare not take action after being scolded like this. He is really not a man!

I can't help but look down on Duan Hongxuan!

Just as he was thinking about this, he saw Duan Hongxuan asking Jia Zhang a question with a smile. As soon as Jia Zhang cursed, the scholar still had a smile on his face and slapped him without any warning.

After the beating, he seemed not to give up, and continued to ask questions with a smile.

This kind of violence in the calm atmosphere simply subverted Shazhu's three views and gave people an even greater impact.

This time even Shazhu was shocked!

It wasn't until the first uncle Yi Zhonghai spoke that Silly Zhu hurried up and pulled Duan Hongxuan back two steps.

At this moment, Shazhu's anger was gone. Looking at the handsome smiling face in front of him, he was left with shock and disbelief.

Jia Zhang saw three aunts coming to help her, and Duan Hongxuan, who was frightened, was stopped by the uncle and Shazhu again, and she became excited again.

Sitting on the ground, he kept patting his thighs with his hands and started crying: "It's unreasonable!

Come and see, all of you, we orphans and widowed mothers are being bullied like this!

First, Silly Zhu, a man who can kill a thousand swords, beat my grandson, and then Xiao Xiucai, a man who can kill a thousand swords, beat me, an old woman!

You all, come and comment!

This is going to drive us orphans and widowed mothers to death!"

At this time, Qin Huairu quickly came up to persuade Jia Zhang and wanted to pull her up.

But not only did Jia Zhang not listen, she even scolded Qin Huairu.

If it weren't for the fact that she was pregnant with the flesh and blood of the Jia family, she might have taken action against Qin Huairu.

Yi Zhonghai looked at Jia Zhang who was sitting on the ground howling with disgust, and scolded: "Okay, sister-in-law. You don't have enough time to make chaos!"

Jia Zhang now pointed the finger at the three uncles again: "Yi Zhonghai, you three uncles are here, you can comment on it.

His little scholar slapped my old lady in front of you.

If you three uncles don't do anything, I will go to the police station and sue him!"

"Jia Zhang, if you ask me to tell you, you should be beaten!

Who are you going to sue? If you dare to misbehave here again today, my old lady will teach you a lesson today!"

At this time, the deaf old lady also came over with a cane.

Duan Hongxuan rushed up to meet him, supported the deaf old lady and said comfortingly: "Grandma, I'm sorry for disturbing your mood today!

Don't be angry, I will handle this matter myself!"

"My dear grandson, please don't do anything again!

Don’t be afraid, grandma is here. I think she, Jia Zhang, will go to the police station to file a complaint!"

Duan Hongxuan smiled nonchalantly: "Grandma, don't worry, I won't do anything, I promise!"

Then he turned around and took two steps towards Jia Zhang.

This not only shocked Jia Zhang, but the three uncles also quickly stopped Duan Hongxuan.

Duan Hongxuan still smiled and said to the three uncles: "Uncles, don't be nervous. I won't hit her anymore. I just want to say a few words to her. Don't worry!"

Before the three uncles could speak, Duan Hongxuan still smiled and said to Jia Zhang: "Mr. Jia's mother-in-law, did you just say that you wanted to go to the police station to sue me?

That’s great, do you want me to go with you?”

When everyone heard this, they all had strange expressions on their faces, and they all felt a bit toothache.

Just now, the little scholar had this smile, this polite way of asking questions, and then he suddenly raised his hand and slapped him in the face.

Now here we are again, with the same smile and the same polite tone.

No matter how I look at it or listen to it now, I feel so awkward.

Seeing so many people blocking her, Mrs. Jia Zhang was no longer afraid: "Don't think you have the support of a deaf old lady.

If you beat an old man, I will definitely report you to the police station and ask them to lock you up.

I’ll make it impossible for you to go to college!”

This Jia Zhang family is so vicious, it will ruin people’s futures!

Duan Hongxuan raised his hand to stop the anxious crowd, and then still smiled: "Okay, Grandma Jia, I will go with you!

When the police asked me why I beat the old man, I told you how you insulted the martyrs and cursed the martyrs’ orphans.

Then let’s see if I am arrested and cannot go to college, or if you are sent to Xishan to dig coal!”

This chapter has been completed!
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