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1035: Give marginalized people a chance to change? (2 updates)

Wen Ying bluntly said that Yang Xi burned the wrong incense and worshiped the wrong Bodhisattva.

Wen Ying's shareholding in "Shrimp King" is only 5%. Although she is still a minority shareholder, she has already withdrawn from daily management.

The two brothers and sisters Qin Yi and Qin Jiao are now in charge of the "Shrimp King". Yang Xi should go to the brothers and sisters to discuss it.

"You go to Brother Qin Yi to discuss it."

Wen Ying raised her hand and looked at her watch, "I'm almost late, so I won't talk to you for now. Thank you for buying me a drink of water!"

After saying that, Wen Ying waved to Yang Xi and left with her schoolbag on her back.

Except for Xiao Liang, everyone else also gathered around.

Xiao Liang's girlfriend was already pregnant, so Xiao Liang was also the most anxious: "Sister Xi, if this matter is difficult to handle, don't ask for help for us. If it doesn't work, I'll just find a class to work in. It's a big company."

If you don't want me, the small shop will never be too picky. I can go to the kitchen to prepare dishes for people, and I can also learn to wash cars or even work as an apprentice in a hairdresser——"


Yang Xi interrupted Xiaoliang, "None of the jobs you mentioned are good. Maybe you can make a name for yourself in a few years, but now if you work as a vegetable cutter, how can you win the trust of your father-in-law and mother-in-law? They will definitely want to Take your girlfriend to have the baby beaten. Did you listen to what they said? Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. It will be very painful for you to not be able to support your mother-in-law and baby in the future."

Xiaoliang was in great pain now and wanted to smash his head through with his fist.

There is a ball for mixed society!

When others call him "Brother Liang", he really thinks of himself as his brother. He is not serious in his studies and has a criminal record. Now no company is willing to hire him.

Xiaoliang lives around, but has a good relationship with his girlfriend.

He knew that now was not the best time to have a child, but he couldn't bear the pain of his girlfriend having an abortion after contraception failed.

Furthermore, his father died and his mother ran away after leaving him with his grandparents. Xiaoliang was very eager to start a new family of his own!

At this moment, Xiaoliang was not as arrogant as when he was "collecting debts" at Dengjuan's house. He stood there and thought more and more sadly. His legs gave way and he squatted on the ground, holding his head in pain and whimpering.

Yang Xi couldn't stand his lackluster look and kicked him: "Okay, Boss Wen didn't agree, but she didn't object either!"


Xiaoliang raised his head, and he was indeed crying.

Yang Xi was confident, "Don't worry, as long as Boss Wen doesn't object, this thing will definitely happen."

Wen Ying no longer cares about the daily affairs of "Shrimp King" and holds very few shares. However, the soul of "Shrimp King" is Wen Ying. Yang Xi is afraid that Wen Ying will use her "veto" power, so she wants Xiao Liang to take action.

Let me show it to Wen Ying first.

After reading it, Yang Xi was very satisfied with the result.

Yang Xi originally had a high prestige in front of these people, but now they were even more grateful and admired her. Sister Xi was flattering and flattering.

Yang Xi raised her hand to signal everyone to be quiet: "I'm the one who said the ugly things first, so I can help you implement the work. If any of you perform poorly, I will show no mercy if I find out!"

Sister Xi is no longer floating around in the world, but there is still a legend about Sister Xi in the world.

Seeing Sister Xi clenching her fists, Xiaoliang and others nodded wildly.

Yang Xi hit the stick first and then stuffed the red dates: "Anyway, you guys work hard. If you want to join 'Shrimp King', you must first participate in employee training. After the training is the internship period, the next step is to become a full-time employee. Don't look at it as a catering company that sells crayfish.

It doesn’t just sell crayfish... In short, I am the best example of your struggle. I have only worked at Shrimp King for two years and I am about to buy a house!"

Manager Yang's brainwashing package made several people scream.

Houses in Chengdu are not cheap.

Most people cannot afford to buy a house without help from home after working for several years. Sister Xi has only been working for two years and can buy a house by herself. The salary of "Shrimp King" is really high!

Salary is secondary. As Sister Xi said, "Shrimp King" is not a small roadside stall, but a formal catering company.

This company has a complete reward and punishment system. The amount of bonus paid does not depend on the mood of the boss, but on the completion of the work.

There is also a lot of room for promotion. When you first join, you will be a store clerk. If you work hard for two years, you might be able to become a supervisor.

For a moment, Xiaoliang and others showed longing expressions.

People like them belong to the marginalized group of society. No one except Sister Xi is willing to help them. If they can really work in the "Shrimp King", they dare not let down Sister Xi's trust - you have to be moral in being in the world!

Wen Ying arrived at Xie Qian's house with her schoolbag on her back.

Qin Jiao has been waiting at the door for a while.

Li Mengjiao hasn't arrived yet. This guy has been performing out of town on New Year's Eve and the first day of the Lunar New Year. He's probably staying in bed this morning.

Wen Ying took advantage of the opportunity to open the door and briefly explained what Yang Xi said, and finally concluded: "Yang Xi will not give up easily. She failed to make me agree, and she will probably come to torture you."

Qin Jiao thought for a while and shook her head with a smile, "Yang Xi and I are not familiar with each other. Yang Xi is a big sister in the world. She can't bear to force girls and will definitely go to grind on my brother. Let her go. She can recruit anyone. I

If you think you can do it, just hire it. This can be considered as our contribution to social stability."

Qin Jiao has always had a bad impression of little girls and gangsters.

However, Yang Xi's performance changed Qin Jiao's mind a lot.

Qin Jiao thinks that everyone is very malleable. Unless young people in their twenties are born to be evil, they have the opportunity to change themselves.

If the door to change for this type of people is completely closed, in a decade or so, bad guys like Yu Wenhao may emerge among these inconspicuous little people!

Wen Ying basically agrees with Qin Jiao's ideas.

Whoever you recruit is not a recruiter.

As long as Yang Xi can get Qin Yi to nod in agreement, Wen Ying will only object after she is full and exhausted.

There was only one thing Wen Ying didn't agree with.

What does it mean that Yang Xi can't bear to force girls?

Qin Jiao is a girl, and Wen Ying is also a girl. Didn’t that guy Yang Xi treat her as a girl?!

Seeing Wen Ying's depressed look, Qin Jiao lowered her head and smiled.

Yang Xi was embarrassed to molest girls. In Yang Xi's heart, Wen Ying was definitely not an ordinary girl.

Li Mengjiao is really late today.

When Li Mengjiao arrived, Peng Guoqing also came.

"You don't have to make up any extra classes today?"

"Teacher Liang hasn't celebrated the New Year yet."

Peng Guoqing has been resting for three consecutive days. Without making up classes, Peng Guoqing feels very empty.

On the first day, he took his younger brothers and sisters to play wildly.

The next day, he acted as a filial grandson in front of his grandparents.

On the third day, an empty Peng Guoqing packed up his books and shamelessly came to Xie Qian's house to "take classes".

Peng Guoqing repeatedly promised that he would never disturb Wen Ying and Li Mengjiao's review progress. He only needed a table to ensure they could work on the questions quietly!

At most, he will ask Qin Jiao two questions that he doesn't know when he is free... This is not an excessive request. Wen Ying agreed, and the expression on Peng Guoqing's face became a little subtle: "There is something else I don't know.

What should I say, my family members are coming to Chengdu, you know, and my dad said he wants to treat you to dinner."


Double update promised in April, I owe 4 chapters due to illness, I remember that.


Happy May Day holiday to everyone.

This chapter has been completed!
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