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Wen Ying Xie Qian

Wen Ying Xie Qian

author:Bao Zhuangcheng

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Last Update:05-14 14:59

Latest chapter:1577: The dust settles

In 2019, 31-year-old Wen Ying had a successful career and a happy and enviable relationship. In 2004, 16-year-old Wen Ying suffered a setback in her studies, had a crush on her boyfriend, and was disgraced. In 2019, Wen Ying woke up and returned to 2004. She is still the 16-year-old Wen Ying, writing furiously in the high school entrance examination room... She is starting over in life. This time, Wen Ying does not want to let down her youth and leave any regrets in life!

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《Wen Ying Xie Qian》The latest nine chapters
1577: The dust settles
1574: No confession is sincere!
1570: Xiao Wei, you missed the opportunity to plead guilty
《Wen Ying Xie Qian》Chapter Contents
169: Reluctant to admit
170: False accusations and framing must be held accountable!
171: Do you believe me when I watch Hong Kong dramas?
172: A gift to the heart
173: The finals of the Chengdu Division are coming
174: Break the Ice and Hug
175: First time raw and second time cooked
176: Lonely group of friends and relatives
177: Straight man's crit
178: Pre-match signing
179: Some people surrendered before the game, while others were honored to lose
180: Big talk
181:Large Score Persuasion Scene
182: Writing New Concept Composition Contest
183: Mother who is cruel and soft inside
184: Thunder method!
185: Attractive like a magnet!
186: Plead guilty
187: Discord between father and son, change strategy
188: I want a time shuttle!
189: Matter shells, breaking the heart defense
190: Little white-eyed wolf
191: Old Wen, here is your chance to show off!
192: Don't narrow the road
193: Everyone has advantages!
194: Are you afraid of heights?
195: Exposure of Privacy
196: Start with areas of expertise
197: bad and stupid
198: As expected of your cousin, amazing!
199: Boss Deng goes bankrupt, lover retreats
200: Missed Opportunity!
201: Borrow money to save my sister
202: Yaomei is trembling
203: Arrange for Wen Ying to go to the casino to see her?
204: Born to be a star
205: Couple Dispute
206: Two teas collide, sparks fly
207: Lawyer Wen never drools
208: Professor, they are chasing you!
209: Reformed?
210: Are we doing something wrong?
211: Are you considering signing a single album deal?
212: Hire an assistant!
213: To catch a thief, you must get the stolen goods!
214: How should I thank Wen Ying?
215: You, at the same table, broke my heart
216: Big customers are like raining red envelopes
217: Parents panicked!
218: The first monthly exam
219: Casinos are not for you
220: Believe me, gambling is not as fun as solving problems!
221: Xie Qian's Double-Standard Mentality
222: Lose early and go home early?
223: God's arrangement can't be guessed
224: Who is she!
225: Shouldn't appear!
226: The halo is broken!
227: Disobedience
228: Xie Qian did it on purpose!
229: Breaking the World Isolation
230: Where did you learn the experience?
231: Spend my money to save face for you guys!
232: The first gold jewelry
233: Wen Ying, I'm so flustered!
234: Telling the truth, old friends come to visit
235: Thanks and Apology to Song Shao
236: This is not like what Xie Qian would do!
237: Honesty and Concealment
238: The most gentlemanly breakup
239: Parents are invited!
240: Zou Weijun's Secret
241: Aunt Zou, I had a nightmare
242: The efforts of mothers
243: I have always convinced people with reason
244: weird parents
245: It's not easy for adults
246: dead duck mouth hard
247: Compensation for the Macau Incident
248: You can guess the beginning, but not the ending
249: Sister Xi upholds justice!
250: You are a devil in fairy skin!
251: Chaos at the police station
252: She is brave for justice!
253: Everyone has their own bitterness
254: Does Taimei have character?
255: Reasons for salary advances
256: Why do you get a salary of 2,000 yuan?
257: There is no fire fighting hero
258: A key piece of the puzzle
259: You think I want to help you!
260: Such a good start, but also lose?
261: Let's meet at the provincial library together!
262: The coward has become rigid!
263: Old classmates are different from good friends!
264: Keep the happiness to yourself, and the unhappiness to others!
265: There is a soul in the body
266: His Redemption
267: Which producer to choose?
268: How dare she!
269: Get kicked out?
270: Xu Mei has always been quite sensible
271: Mentality collapsed, one defeat after another
272: charity
273: Surveillance video
274: No saving value at all!
275: What a loving father and filial daughter!
276: Self-defeating future, turning point of fate
277: Pleaded guilty in a fit of anger!
278: I can't afford to offend you, you're a sister!
279: Without money, it's hard to move an inch!
280: Emergency medical treatment
281: Writing a novel, juvenile idol
282: You are all good people
283: Business blows each other, similar breath!
284: Are you really stupid or fake!
285: The reward of a thousand words and a thousand yuan
286: The extra 300,000 flowers are here!
287: Li Zhentao's determination!
288: Invitation to screenwriter issued!
289: Two good news
290: History of the Zhao Family's Prosperity
291: Firefighting Public Welfare Short Film
292: A Wave of Propaganda Bonuses (For Dai Dai Leader
293: Do you want to go to Shanghai?
294: Delayed Rematch Notice
295: registered mail not found
296: Manager Chen's Digital Pragmatism
297: A small fortune depends on hard work, and a big fortune depends on fate
298: Empty private money
299: Owing travel and bank card passwords
300: Just buy it?
301: Take the wrong card
302: Children are debt collectors of their parents
303: refuse to help
304: Just do it! (For Qingcha leader
305: You can pay the deposit today!
306: Xiaowen, don't be joking!
307: Something more meaningful than winning an award
308: Just write casually?!
309: Is my brain flooded?
310: It's old Versailles
311: Face up to the fact of broken love
312: The black-hearted padded jacket that leaks everywhere
313: Mr. He's acquiescence
314: Are you two playing house?
315: Rebates in exchange for three suites!
316: A big order that Xiaoyao can't handle
317: I don't deserve to understand, I shouldn't understand!
318: Be bolder about rich people!
319: You buy land, I buy a car
320: If you can't bear hardships, go back to the countryside to farm!
321: This TV series is destined to hit the street!
322: Unaccustomed script
323: If the drama is popular, the script will not be bad?
324: If you can do it, go ahead, if you can't, don't force it!
325: Xie Jinghu wasted no time!
326: The place chosen by Xie Qian
327: The second investment decision in life!
328: A script that does not conform to the routine!
329: What if Li Mengjiao failed in her performance?
330: Wen Ying's script remuneration
331: Not as expected, Mr. Guan changed his face
332: Is it okay not to pay dividends this year?
333: How can Xie Qian have the money to buy land?!
334: Is this called a small loan?!
335: Xie Qian stole 200 million from his father?
336: Forgot to Discuss with Manager Chen (Leader of Little M
337: The head of the family is on top
338: The taste is too strong, Lao Li won't listen
339: Economic control? Consumption restriction agreement!
340: There is no good banquet, and the words are set
341: Are you digging my roots to supplement others?
342: The First Spring Festival of Rebirth
343: one thing down one thing
344: Get off track and change the script again!
345: Are you a purse company?
346: Are you a victim too?
347: Are hamsters still chasing stars? (Leader Keke
348: I heard that the screenwriter and classmate Xie are dating
349: Sakura Sakura, your mother is here!
350: Prohibited Books for Minors (Dai Dai Bai Yinmeng
351: I suspect you have been tricked!
352: The sneer of a loving father and a filial daughter
353: The crisis of books being removed from shelves (Qingcha Baiyinmeng
354: Everyone Wants to Grow Up! (1 More)
355: Forced to Enlighten (2 More)
356: Money is not important, picking fruit is not enough! (3 more)
357: The manuscript fee has been raised! (4 more)
358: The highest praise from the industry (1 more)
359: Did This Son Get Wrong in the Hospital? (2 More)
360: Believe it or not, my blood vessel exploded on the spot! (3 more)
361: Confirmed that the eyes are like-minded people (4 more)
362: Wife Hasn't Resigned Yet! (1 More)
363: Let me boost your wife's performance? (2 more)
364: There is no reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days (3 more)
365: Mr. Guan is just a maid who takes the key (1 more)
366: What Wenying Forgot (2 More)
367: Yuan Fenghui sends out a part-time job invitation (3 more)
368: Add fodder to low-grade horses (4 more)
369: I seem to have forgotten something again (1 more)
370: People in the car, hearts in five-star hotels (2 more)
371: The Eve of Armored Battle! (3 More)
372: Temperament Has Changed (1 More)
373: Got the wrong dress?! (2 more)
374: The stolen things are more fragrant (3 more)
375: The Killing of Two Ponytails (4 More)
376: Full-time? Something like 30,000 a month! (1 more)
377: Teacher Yuan Has Eyeliner (2 More)
378: If you can't wait, go ahead! (3 more)
379: The Title Merchant's Dad Is Qualified To Be Willful! (4 More)
380: Liang Dan tries to turn the situation around (1 more)
381: A Heartbeat the Size of a Fingernail (2 More)
382: As soon as you hear about Sakura chatting, you're done! (3 more)
383: Retreat is also advance, there is a limit to relaxation!
384: You are awesome, I want to learn (1 more)
385: Killing the Chicken and Taking the Egg (2 More)
386: I remember, the little girl named Wen (3 more)
387: Not Assistant Wen, but Screenwriter Wen (1 more)
388: Another one who fell to the bottom of the pit (2 more)
389: Which set does Xie Qian eat (3 more)
390: Love at First Sight (4 More)
391: Xiao Zou Is Either Divorced or Widowed (1 More)
392: Why don't you go together? (2 more)
393: Some things cannot be compromised (3 more)
394::Negotiation Breakdown, Cold War Deadlock (4 more)
395: Mr. Guan Slaps His Mouth (1 More)
396: Take three scumbags at the same time? (2 more)
397: Li Mengjiao Repays Her Grace (3 More)
398: Uncle Wants to Touch a Tiger's Whiskers (4 More)
399: Different educational concepts (1 more)
400: Uncle, are you moved? (2 more)
401: Don't give away the room, don't tell me! (3 more)
402: Love poem? Burn it! (4 more)
403: A gentle and gentle person has a temper! (1 more)
404: I set a small goal for you (2 more)
405: Zhao Dong Was Wronged (3 More)
406: Left and right symmetrical (4 more)
407: Good for you, mmp! (1 more)
408: I have a lot of unsigned files! (2 more)
409: The benefits of being strong! (3 more)
410: Being rich is not scary, being handsome is a threat (4 more)
411: You are really ashamed! (1 more)
412: I'll Just Take a Look (2 More)
413: I Don't Believe He Is My Brother (3 More)
414: How about you talk to Young Master Xie in person? (4 more)
415: Zhao Mazai hits a wall (1 more)
416: Talent is tougher than money (2 more)
417: You are worthy of being a father, and I am worthy of being a son of man (3 more)
418: There are filial daughters, and there are filial sons (1 more)
419: Bringing a Dutiful Son to Be Filial (2 More)
420: I've Just Played This! (3 More)
421: Xie Qian is perfunctory, Mr. Xie is here (4 more)
422: You Wen Ying Has 70% or 80% Skill (1 More)
423: The Spiritual Winner (2 More)
424: Meeting Song Shao by Coincidence (3 More)
425: You dare to ask for compensation! (4 more)
426: Three Choices Given by Song Shao! (1 More)
427: Mutual Recognition, Supporting Poor Writers? (2 more)
428: Prepare, there are mock exams! (3 more)
429: Forced to Stand in Line (4 More)
430: A Little Unfathomable (1 More)
431: The Royalty Plan Given by Mr. Zou Wei (2 More)
432: Rejection is harder than acceptance (3 more)
433: How Can You Have a Parasite Mentality! (1 more)
434: Song Chan's Invitation Card (2 More)
435: The villain has opened up the second channel of Ren and Du! (3 more)
436: Someone from the magazine is here! (4 more)
437: Young Master Xie, are you playing hard to get? (1 more)
438: Don't talk about publishing, let's raise the manuscript fee first (2 more)
439: Are You A Little Greedy! (3 More)
440: No exceptions will be made for newcomers! (1 more)
441: Little Salamander's Private Meeting Request (2 More)
442: Losing Her Is the Magazine's Loss (3 More)
443: Publishing Contract Dust Settled (4 More)
444: Pink Wall (1 More)
445: The best room (2 more)
446: You take a step back, I'll give you two feet (1 more)
447: Hit the peak of popularity? (2 more)
448: Manuscript cheating failed! (3 more)
449: The Special Charm of the Provincial City (4 More)
450: Old Wen Asks for Salary (1 More)
451: A Group of Difficult Spectators (2 More)
452: The Characters Are Standing! (1 More)
453: Up to 18.2 million production costs (2 more)
454: 'The Princess' New Clothes' (3 More)
455: What is the relationship between the countercurrent fish and Wenying (4 more)
456: A Major with Both Future and Prosperity (1 More)
457: Magazine Termination (2 More)
458: Want to mess with the author signed by Xiao Zou? (1 more)
459: You Are a Talent Delayed by the Publishing Industry! (2 More)
460: Wen Ying's Self-Corrected Five (3 More)
461: Summer Vacation Notice (4 More)
462: You bet five papers? I bet ten! (1 more)
463: Suddenly It Becomes Red (2 More)
464: Before it sells, it becomes popular, the number one book fan (1 more)
465: Internet word of mouth is extremely bad? (2 more)
466: The Internet is not a place outside the law! (3 more)
467: Are you really ready? (1 more)
1099: This year's readers are very good!
1100: Fleeing without fighting?
1101: Male human self-esteem knows no age!
1102: Will she be the key to defeating Xie Qian?
1103: Cool to ask for help
1104: Delayed affection is cheaper than grass!
1105: The project is a good project, why not make money?
1106: Come to me after you figure it out!
1107: Is Xie Qian late for the awards ceremony?
1108: The big winner of the Magnolia Awards Ceremony!
1109: I am your reader
1110: It's a nice name
1111: Did Xie Qian see you? (Return 2)
1112: Do you have time to see your river view room (return 3)
1113: Wen Ying's college entrance examination score estimate
1114: You deserve it, you're being taken advantage of! (Return 4)
1115: Applying for college student entrepreneurial loans?
1116: Invincible River View, Upstairs and Downstairs (Leader Dai Dai)
1117: How are you going to deal with the inventory?
1118: Our logistics company
1119: Average, third in the world (Girl Music League)
1120: Have you ever seen a fashion show?
1121: Taking advantage of the times! (Leader of Fungus)
1122: dog skin plaster
1123: I'm really afraid of something! (Leader of Big G)
1124: Are you so anxious to become a mother?
1125: Old Wen has saved enough money to travel abroad
1126: The manuscript fee and the manuscript do not match
1127:Registration at the Faculty of Arts
1128: Out of context
1129: Not a girlfriend, but a good friend! (return 1)
1130: Secretary Zhong, arrange a meeting!
1131: Lips dead and teeth cold, draw swords to help
1132: Do you know who I am? (Also 2)
1133: Uncle Xie's private number
1134: I heard that you went to have a room with a man (return 3)
1135: A slap in the face from my life!
1136: Rumor Crusher
1137: Business bureau in disguise?
1138: Laozi is the most loyal person! (Return 4)
1139: The college entrance examination scores are released!
1140: Expectations lowered, dreams come true?
1141: Xie Qian's major mistake
1142: You are the ripple in my heart
1143: The most unexpected counterattack of scumbags
1144: Rough motherly love (5 more)
1145: The Dust Settled, Wen Ying's Volunteering
1146: Two graduation gifts
1147: Can't you find someone else to be your friend?
1148: Silly Swan's Three Views Are Shocked!
1149: Xie Qian was forced to revise his will!
1150: This reaction was calculated by Xie Qian in advance
1151: This is the most perfect period!
1152: New Opportunities for Old News
1153: This is an old dog food
1154: Claim 5 million from the blue whale?
1155: Xie Qian's Reverse Romance
1156: Your walls are about to be dug down (return 6)
1157: Are you possessed by Teacher Yuan?
1158: Boss, do you want to release water on your sweetheart?
1159: Wen Ying doesn't care about martial arts ethics!
1160: This world is so psychedelic~
1161: Xie Qian is finally going to confess his love?
1162: His girl is colorful
1163: My boy, I won't miss the appointment
1164: The whole world knows that she was released as a pigeon
1165: Information sharing, Voldemort's real name!
1166: What Xie Qian didn't finish, I will do (return 7)
1167: Don't be too grateful, this is what I should do!
1168: Whether you want to test it or not, you have to test it for me! (Return 8)
1169: Green, but not all green?
1170: Go away, little wild species! (Return 9)
1171: Sara Zhuo's personal confession
1172: I greened you, but I was wrong (still 10)
1173: agree to divorce
1174: Divorce division, recovery of gifts
1175: Locking up the shares, the love is as deep as the sea! (return 11)
1176: Drain from the bottom of the pot, life-saving clause!
1177: You can be regarded as alive
1178: The sixth lucky reader (still 12)
1179: Wait until you see more of the world
1180: Kneel down and confess, will wake up (still 13)
1181: He woke up, he knelt down
1182:Brother knits a hat for you
1183: I was disgusted by you (still 14)
1184: The best gift is to say goodbye
1185: I will never betray my mother
1186: Not believing is suicide!
1187: Have you ever received any stimulus?
1188: Similar encounters, different endings
1189: Congratulations, you are going to become a full-time member (still 15)
1190: I'm not the one to throw trouble!
1191: The little tadpole looks for his father (still 16)
1192: Two-way friendship
1193: Bring along the investment rookies~
1194: Block every road you refuse!
1195: All sweet and sour are born of her
1196: Forbearance's guardianship (return 17)
1197: Sorting out the truth from the perspective of a bystander
1198: Xie Qian was stunned? (Still 18)
1199: I won't bother him again
1200: Do you want to trust me once?
1201: Ask your mentor to go out! (Return 19)
1202: Negotiated a very large business
1203: Two experts are invited to play (still 20)
1204: A new friend like a kidnapper
1205: Friendship from heaven, like sitting on pins and needles
1206: I want to send you wreaths
1207: The old landlord living in the new era!
1208: Mrs. Pang's courage
1209: I will not withdraw the lawsuit!
1210: Xiao Wen looks like a personal trafficker
1211: Don't let the Pang family play double standards!
1212: He is so ignorant, yet so confident
1213: Tears of Pang Crocodile
1214: Don't overdo it
1215: Killed by my own trump card!
1216: The real can't be fake, and the fake can't be real!
1217: New students report, you didn't fall from the sky
1218: It doesn't look very smart
1219: All of them are iron plates
1220: he's scared
1221: Did you eat the plaintiff and then the defendant?
1222: Wen Ying's guess
1223: As serious as you are about this adaptation
1224: Radar is fully on!
1225: Judgment of divorce!
1226: Integration of old and new friend circles
1227: The persona of the good old man collapsed
1228: I will meet Daddy soon!
1229: Old overseas Chinese merchants come to visit
1230: Hate House and Wu's logic?
1231: The man is affectionate, the concubine is interested
1232: Problems that can be solved with money are not considered problems!
1233: You seem like a copyright liar!
1234: Punch Wen Ying, kick Xie Qian!
1235: Envy, this is a fan!
999: Plastic Father and Daughter Have Their Own Gains (2 More)
1000: Wen Ying can squat, so can she (1 more)
1001: You have to get something real (2 more)
1002: Quite bald (1 more)
1003: I Don't Want To Be Kidnapped By Morality (2 More)
1004: The speed at which my wife improves is terrifying!
1005: Entrepreneurs who fail to attract investment
1006: Xiao Xie, you are still too young (1 more)
1007: Dignity and Reality (2 more)
1008: Aunt Tai is back (1 more)
1009: The child's month matches (2 more)
1010: Letting someone be a father depends on her words (1 more)
1011: Did you make a mistake? (2 more)
1012: Promise me that you won't hurt innocent people (1 more)
1013: Because of closeness, you need to be more cautious! (2 more)
1014: Sales decline, enter overseas (1 more)
1015: The speed of making money is the same as stealing money! (2 more)
1016: The richest Spring Festival (1 more)
1017: We are all promising people (2 more)
1018: The Peng family is coming! (1 more)
1019: It's unreasonable!
1020: Are you going to summon the dragon?
1021: She is more awake than expected (1 more)
1022: Listen to wise people! (2 more)
1023: Family members who just want to get rid of the relationship (1 more)
1024: Mr. Peng's Surrender (2 More)
1025: Suddenly want to meet my son's friends (1 more)
1026: Rules of the world, debts do not cross the New Year (2 more)
1027: Popularity is too bad, no one stands out (1 more)
1028: I want a home of my own (2 more)
1029: Let's talk about the ugly first (1 more)
1030: Happy New Year? Not happy! (2 more)
1031: An Advance Birthday Gift (1 More)
1032: Lost Another City, Thoughts on Buying a House (2 More)
1033: Let's wait for the demolition together!
1034: Boss, please give me a chance! (1 more)
1035: Give marginalized people a chance to change? (2 more)
1036: Can blow up the circle of friends in the street!
1037: Turn on DNA sampling
1038: The bottom line is not to lie to the girl
1039: I only want a river view room
1040: Future Lonely Family
1041: Spoil Mr. Peng in turn!
1042: You should work!
1043: Wen Ying's competitor
1044: Comprehensive suppression?
1045: More shameless than imagined!
1046: This is plagiarism!
1047: Forgot to introduce, she is still a shareholder of Tianjiao
1048: It's not at the same level anymore!
1049: Wealth is hundreds of millions, you have to pick what you need
1050: Xie Qian paid back the money
1051: Waiting for the college entrance examination, everything will be fine!
1052: Another person has been incorporated
1053: The scumbag confesses his body is on fire!
1054: The Treasure Map of 'Xunyong'
1055: Wen Dongrong's good luck!
1056: Qualified star chasing girl!
1057: Wen Ying didn't collapse, the opponent collapsed first
1058: Director Fan is digging a hole
1059: scrambling to jump into the pit!
1060: Awakening of dog licking
1061: Is it to win the prize or go to the street?
1062: They are all drama chasers!
1063: Xiaowen, when will we sign the contract?
1064: small mouth is sweet, heart is hard
1065: Promoted to major screenwriter
1066: A good drama is like old wine, taste it slowly!
1067: The ratings and appraisal results are out!
1068: If there is a shortcut, go, if there is no shortcut, then there is no
1069: Is there a way to get a show off the air?
1070: Consistent villain behavior
1071: Cao Bo, who has only two points of character
1072:A price that Cao Bo couldn't refuse
1073: It's too late, the press conference is ahead of time!
1074: The whole press conference is boiling!
1075: Encourage the hero to save the beauty?
1076: I am worthy of you!
1077: Old Rumors Come Back
1078: Is it going to be the end of all hardships?
1079: If you can't pay off your old debts, how about a new life!
1080: You will have to write a payment application form in the future
1081: Back to Basics, Teacher Fang
1082: Horses are always disappointing!
1083: Fools and smart people can't see through
1084: Perfect ending, a little regret
1085: Time is speeding up, the college entrance examination is coming
1086: Parents are more nervous than candidates
1087: Fate in the same examination room
1088: Scum dad was slapped!
1089: Divorce first
1090: How to divide property reasonably (return 1)
1091: Different grades, different expectations
1092: Choose a signature!
1093: So cold and ruthless!
1094: This is the death sentence commuted to death sentence with reprieve
1095: You expand faster than I imagined!
1096: You don't want us anymore?
1097: Going from behind the scenes to the front of the stage
1098: Hitting files is like bumping into shirts, whoever is ugly is embarrassed!
1099: This year's readers are very good!
1100: Fleeing without fighting?
1101: Male human self-esteem knows no age!
1102: Will she be the key to defeating Xie Qian?
1103: Cool to ask for help
1104: Delayed affection is cheaper than grass!
1105: The project is a good project, why not make money?
1106: Come to me after you figure it out!
1107: Is Xie Qian late for the awards ceremony?
1108: The big winner of the Magnolia Awards Ceremony!
1109: I am your reader
1110: It's a nice name
1111: Did Xie Qian see you? (Return 2)
1112: Do you have time to see your river view room (return 3)
1113: Wen Ying's college entrance examination score estimate
1114: You deserve it, you're being taken advantage of! (Return 4)
1115: Applying for college student entrepreneurial loans?
1116: Invincible River View, Upstairs and Downstairs (Leader Dai Dai)
1117: How are you going to deal with the inventory?
1118: Our logistics company
1119: Average, third in the world (Girl Music League)
1120: Have you ever seen a fashion show?
1121: Taking advantage of the times! (Leader of Fungus)
1122: dog skin plaster
1123: I'm really afraid of something! (Leader of Big G)
1124: Are you so anxious to become a mother?
1125: Old Wen has saved enough money to travel abroad
1126: The manuscript fee and the manuscript do not match
1127:Registration at the Faculty of Arts
1128: Out of context
1129: Not a girlfriend, but a good friend! (return 1)
1130: Secretary Zhong, arrange a meeting!
1131: Lips dead and teeth cold, draw swords to help
1132: Do you know who I am? (Also 2)
1133: Uncle Xie's private number
1201: Ask your mentor to go out! (Return 19)
1202: Negotiated a very large business
1203: Two experts are invited to play (still 20)
1204: A new friend like a kidnapper
1205: Friendship from heaven, like sitting on pins and needles
1206: I want to send you wreaths
1207: The old landlord living in the new era!
1208: Mrs. Pang's courage
1209: I will not withdraw the lawsuit!
1210: Xiao Wen looks like a personal trafficker
1211: Don't let the Pang family play double standards!
1212: He is so ignorant, yet so confident
1213: Tears of Pang Crocodile
1214: Don't overdo it
1215: Killed by my own trump card!
1216: The real can't be fake, and the fake can't be real!
1217: New students report, you didn't fall from the sky
1218: It doesn't look very smart
1219: All of them are iron plates
1220: he's scared
1221: Did you eat the plaintiff and then the defendant?
1222: Wen Ying's guess
1223: As serious as you are about this adaptation
1224: Radar is fully on!
1225: Judgment of divorce!
1226: Integration of old and new friend circles
1227: The persona of the good old man collapsed
1228: I will meet Daddy soon!
1229: Old overseas Chinese merchants come to visit
1230: Hate House and Wu's logic?
1231: The man is affectionate, the concubine is interested
1232: Problems that can be solved with money are not considered problems!
1233: You seem like a copyright liar!
1234: Punch Wen Ying, kick Xie Qian!
1235: Envy, this is a fan!
1236: Please grab this big client!
1237: Disagreements appear, I can't hold back anymore
1238: Shop waits for no one!
1239: Listen to Xiaoyu's opinion more
1240: Promise to never seal the pen if you fail
1241: Teacher Xiaoyu, are you connoting me?
1242: Girls must protect themselves well!
1243: Mr. Zhao let go of his arrogance
1244: You said this, I am so refreshed!
1245: Rukawa Kaede never smiles!
1246: Daddy really loves her!
1247: The court is chaotic, and the little one has the upper hand
1248: Give up the small one to protect the big one?!
1249: I am only good at housework
1250: Both parties feel that they have made money!
1251: Don't panic, I'm here
1252: Their luck is to meet you
1253: Sometimes saving people is saving yourself!
1254: You are all crazy!
1255: The energy of the little fish is beyond imagination
1256: The most pleasing official accent
1257: Please give me an extra ticket
1258: Xie Qian, welcome home
1259: Don't think about it!
1260: This is really an idol drama
1261: I think there is one thing you should know
1262: He is my favorite
1263: I want to invite her to live in my atrium
1264: Come and not reciprocate
1265: Precise vision, decisive evacuation
1266: She finally became rich!
1267: Huge pocket money from my wife
1268: The emperor has several poor relatives!
1269: What do you like about him?
1270: The effect of the official announcement is discounted
1271: Yan Yuchuan's entrepreneurial project
1272: I finally waited until Junior Sister Wen placed an order
1342: I don't believe you have used your own products!
1343:Let's urge Miss Zhao to take care of her skin
1344: Zhuo Chen's moral shackles are gone
1345: Malicious editing? Cut a lonely one!
1346: Push the boat with the current, bow your head for help!
1347: Willing to be Xie Qian's whetstone!
1348: Impressed, I'll throw up
1349: Shareholder identity exposed
1350: The node that can completely reverse the situation!
1351: TV station's preference for Islam!
1352: Ask for the hammer, the last straw!
1353: It's really over, gods can't save!
1354: Where did you come from, where do you go back!
1355: Leave the venue sadly, reject the invitation
1356: Chain reaction, decided to withdraw shares!
1357:A way to withdraw shares that satisfies everyone
1358: Perfect solution, I am also enthusiastic!
1359: Distressed man is unlucky for life
1360: Learning is worse than falling in love!
1361: The world is full of legends about Manager Chen
1362: Unexpected job offer
1363: Chen Ru's Hardcore Education
1364: Xie Jinghu won the lawsuit (return 1)
1365: Who are you in front of yourself!
1366: I am not the only one who wants to help Mr. Zou take care of his son
1367: What should I call this uncle?
1368: Xie Scumbag may have found the wrong target!
1369: The plague god came to the door, his face was as big as a bucket!
1370: Mom, trust me again!
1371: Building Dreams with Writing
1372: Impure motives? Discuss deeds regardless of heart!
1373: Eliminate potential crises, meet parents in advance
1374: All of you who have the surname Wen have a big heart!
1375: Relationship is more important than self-respect (return 2)
1376: Go suffer poverty with the poor boy!
1377: Take the initiative to ask for more sharp interviews!
1378: Looks like the purest fisherman!
1379: Whatever you say, it will be cut anyway?
1380: Dark prying eyes!
1381: Secretly copied videotape
1382: The real you come and go
1383: It's about to collapse, is the house collapsed?
1384: Fighting in the air, the key is the next episode! (Return 3)
1385: Don't give up liking me so quickly, okay?
1386: She is a scary little monster!
1387: Re-edit and air!
1388: Unusual shooting of Boss Fish
1389: Xiaoyu, you are wronged! (Return 4)
1390: Yumillion's cultural anti-export!
1391: Then, next time for sure?
1392: The star chasing girl who can never guess (5)
1393: Officially visiting as a boyfriend!
1394: Can you cook?
1395: Smart people rely on clumsiness to win!
1396: The open-mindedness of the mother-in-law is a common problem of the father-in-law!
1397: Behave well and make your mother-in-law like you even more!
1398: Because I like it, I am afraid
1400: She is going to Xie's house!
1401: Hundreds of millions of grievances!
Why is their alliance still not split!
High-level meet and greet!
long-lost excitement
The weasel wishes the hamster a happy new year!
1405: Drag it away with a suitcase!
1406: Your likes are more important than the sum of others
1407: A breakthrough to please my uncle!
1408: Optimistic and humble little five (still 6)
1409: Be polite to Brother Kai!
1410: Use people as a mirror to see ugliness! (7)
1006:Xiao Xie, you are still too young (1 update)
1007: Dignity and Reality (2 updates)
1008: Aunt Tai is back (1 update)
1009: The child’s month matches (2 updates)
1010: Who should be the father? It all depends on her words (1 update)
1011:Are you mistaken? (2 updates)
1012: Promise me not to hurt innocent people (1 update)
1013: Because we are so close, we need to be more cautious! (2 updates)
1014: Sales decline, entering overseas (1 update)
1015: Making money as fast as robbing money! (2 updates)
1016: The richest Spring Festival (1 update)
1017: We are all promising people (2 updates)
1018: The Peng family is coming! (1 more)
1019: This is really unreasonable!
1020: Are you going to summon the dragon?
1021: She is more awake than expected (1 more)
1022: Listen to wise people! (2 more)
1023: Family members who just want to get rid of the relationship (1 more)
1024: Mr. Peng's Surrender (2 More)
1025: Suddenly want to meet my son's friends (1 more)
1026: Rules of the world, debts do not cross the New Year (2 more)
1027: Popularity is too bad, no one stands out (1 more)
1028: I want a home of my own (2 more)
1029: Let's talk about the ugly first (1 more)
1030: Happy New Year? Not happy! (2 more)
1031: An Advance Birthday Gift (1 More)
1032: Lost Another City, Thoughts on Buying a House (2 More)
1033: Let's wait for the demolition together!
1034: Boss, please give me a chance! (1 more)
1035: Give marginalized people a chance to change? (2 more)
1036: Can blow up the circle of friends in the street!
1037: Start DNA sampling
1038: The bottom line is not to lie to the girl
1039: I only want a river view room
1040: Future Lonely Family
1041: Spoil Mr. Peng in turn!
1042: It’s time for you to get to work!
1043: Wen Ying’s competing products
1044: Comprehensive suppression?
1045: More shameless than imagined!
1046: This is plagiarism!
1047: Forgot to introduce, she is still a shareholder of Tianjiao
1048: It's not at the same level anymore!
1049: Wealth is hundreds of millions, you have to pick what you need
1050:Xie Qian paid back the money
1051: Waiting for the college entrance examination, everything will be fine!
1052: Another person has been incorporated
1053: The scumbag confesses his body is on fire!
1054: The Treasure Map of 'Xunyong'
1055: Wen Dongrong’s good luck!
1056: Qualified star chasing girl!
1057: Wen Ying didn't collapse, the opponent collapsed first
1058: Director Fan is digging a hole
1059: scrambling to jump into the pit!
1060: Awakening of dog licking
1061: Is it to win the prize or go to the street?
1062: They are all drama chasers!
1063: Xiaowen, when will we sign the contract?
1064: small mouth is sweet, heart is hard
1065: Promoted to major screenwriter
1066: A good drama is like old wine, taste it slowly!
1067: The ratings and appraisal results are out!
1068: If there is a shortcut, go, if there is no shortcut, then there is no
1069: Is there a way to get a show off the air?
1070: Consistent villain behavior
1071: Cao Bo, who has only two points of character
1072:A price that Cao Bo couldn't refuse
1073: It's too late, the press conference is ahead of time!
1074: The entire press conference was in a state of excitement!
1075: Give some encouragement to the hero who saves the beauty?
1076: I am worthy of you!
1077:Old rumors come back again
1078: Is it going to be the end of all the hardships?
1079: How can we talk about new life without clearing old debts!
1080: I will have to write a payment application form in the future.
1081: Teacher Fang returns to his original nature
1082: The horses always disappoint you!
1083: Both fools and smart people can’t see through
1084: Perfect ending, a little regret
1085: Time speeds up, the college entrance examination is coming
1086: Parents are more nervous than candidates
1087: The fate of being in the same examination room
1088: Scum dad was slapped!
1089: Divorce first
1090: How to divide property reasonably (return 1)
1091: Different grades, different expectations
1092: Please choose one to sign!
1093: So cold and ruthless!
1094: This is the death sentence commuted to death sentence with reprieve
1095: You expand faster than I imagined!
1096: You don't want us anymore?
1097: Going from behind the scenes to the front of the stage
1098: Hitting files is like bumping into shirts, whoever is ugly is embarrassed!
1099: This year's readers are very good!
1100: Fleeing without fighting?
1101: Male human self-esteem knows no age!
1102: Will she be the key to defeating Xie Qian?
1103: Cool to ask for help
1104: Delayed affection is cheaper than grass!
1105: The project is a good project, why not make money?
1106: Come to me after you figure it out!
1107: Is Xie Qian late for the awards ceremony?
1108: The big winner of the Magnolia Awards Ceremony!
1109: I am your reader
1110: It's a nice name
1111: Did Xie Qian see you? (Return 2)
1112: Do you have time to take a look at your river view room (still 3)
1113: Wen Ying’s college entrance examination score estimate
1114: You deserve it, you were taken advantage of! (Return 4)
1115:Apply for college student entrepreneurial loans?
1116: Invincible river view, upstairs and downstairs (Leader Dai Dai)
1117:What are you going to do with your inventory?
1118:Our logistics company
1119: Average, third in the world (Girls’ Vocal League)
1120:Have you seen the fashion show?
1121: Taking advantage of the times! (Leader of the Bacteria Alliance)
1122: dog skin plaster
1123: What are you afraid of? (Big G Leader)
1124: Are you so anxious to become a mother?
1125: Lao Wen has saved enough money to travel abroad.
1126: The fee does not match the manuscript.
1127:Registration at the Faculty of Arts
1128: Out of context
1129: Not a girlfriend, but a good friend! (still 1)
1130: Secretary Zhong, please arrange a meeting!
1131: The lips are dead and the teeth are cold, draw your sword to help
1132:Do you know who I am? (Yet 2)
1133:Uncle Xie’s personal number
1134: I heard that you checked into a room with a man (still 3)
1135: A slap in the face from my destiny!
1136: Rumor Crusher
1137: The business bureau turns into a blind date bureau?
1138: I am the most loyal person! (Return 4)
1139: The college entrance examination scores are released!
1140: Lowered expectations, dreams come true?
1208: Mrs. Pang’s courage
1209: I won’t withdraw the lawsuit!
1210: News is like a personal trafficker
1211: We can’t let the Pang family play double standards!
1212: He is so ignorant and yet so confident
1213: Tears of giant crocodile
1214: Don’t overdo it.
1215: Killed by his own trump card!
1216: What is true cannot be false, and what is false cannot be true!
1217: Freshman registration, you did not fall from the sky
1218: Doesn’t look very smart
1219:Everyone is made of iron
1220: He is scared
1221: You ate the plaintiff and then the defendant?
1222: Wen Ying’s guess
1223: Take this adaptation as seriously as you do
1224: The bitch detection radar is fully activated!
1225: Divorce decreed!
1226: Integration of old and new friend circles
1227: The character of the good old guy has collapsed.
1228: I’ll be able to meet daddy soon!
1229:Old overseas Chinese businessmen come to visit
1230: The logic behind Hatewujiwu’s actions?
1231: The man is affectionate and the concubine is interested.
1232: Any problem that can be solved with money is not a problem!
1233: You seem to be a copyright liar!
1234: Punch Wen Ying and kick Xie Qian!
1235: Envy, this is a die-hard fan!
1236: Please catch this big customer!
1237: Differences arise and I can’t stand it any longer.
1238: Wangpu waits for no one!
1239: Listen more to Xiaoyu’s opinions
1240: Promise to never seal the pen if you fail
1241: Teacher Xiaoyu, are you understanding me?
1242: Girls must protect themselves well!
1243: Mr. Zhao let go of his arrogance
1244: You said this, I am so refreshed!
1245: Rukawa Kaede never smiles!
1246: Daddy really loves her!
1247: The court is chaotic, and the little one has the upper hand
1248:Sacrificing the little one to protect the big one?!
1249: I am only good at housework
1250: Both parties feel that they have made money!
1251: Don't panic, I'm here
1252: Their luck is to meet you
1253: Sometimes saving people is saving yourself!
1254: You are all crazy!
1255: The energy of the little fish is beyond imagination
1256: The most pleasing official accent
1257: Please give me an extra ticket
1258:Xie Qian, welcome home
1259: Don't think about it!
1260: This is really an idol drama
1261: I think there is one thing you should know
1262: He is my favorite
1263: I want to invite her to live in my atrium
1264: Come and not reciprocate
1265: Precise vision, decisive evacuation
1266: She finally became rich!
1267: Huge pocket money from my wife
1268: The emperor has several poor relatives!
1269: What do you like about him?
1270: The effect of the official announcement is discounted
1271: Yan Yuchuan's entrepreneurial project
1272: I finally waited until Junior Sister Wen placed an order
1273: Love rivals are like mushrooms after rain
1274: Junior, will you remember my name?
1275: It's fun to be brave for a while, and the fire is burning after being brave
1276: Yan Yuchuan who can’t distinguish the true Buddha
1277: Very promising, let’s share the spoils!
1278: Frankness is the best quality
1279: Wen Ying specializes in treating all kinds of shamelessness
1348: Impressed, I'll throw up
1349: Shareholder identity exposed
1350: The node that can completely reverse the situation!
1351: TV station's preference for Islam!
1352: Ask for the hammer, the last straw!
1353: It's really over, gods can't save!
1354: Where did you come from, where do you go back!
1355: Leave the venue sadly, reject the invitation
1356: Chain reaction, decided to withdraw shares!
1357:A way to withdraw shares that satisfies everyone
1358: Perfect solution, I am also enthusiastic!
1359: Distressed man is unlucky for life
1360: Learning is worse than falling in love!
1361: The world is full of legends about Manager Chen
1362: Unexpected job offer
1363: Chen Ru's Hardcore Education
1364: Xie Jinghu won the lawsuit (return 1)
1365: Who are you in front of yourself!
1366: I am not the only one who wants to help Mr. Zou take care of his son
1367: What should I call this uncle?
1368: Xie Scumbag may have found the wrong target!
1369: The plague god came to the door, his face was as big as a bucket!
1370: Mom, trust me again!
1371: Building Dreams with Writing
1372: Impure motives? Discuss deeds regardless of heart!
1373: Eliminate potential crises, meet parents in advance
1374: All of you who have the surname Wen have a big heart!
1375: Relationship is more important than self-respect (return 2)
1376:You and the poor boy should suffer poverty together!
1377: Ask for an interview to be more sharp!
1378: Looks like the most innocent angler!
1379: Whatever you say, it will be cut anyway?
1380: Dark prying eyes!
1381:Secretly copied videotape
1382: The real you come and I go
1383: It’s going to collapse. Is the house collapsing?
1384: Fighting in the air, the key is the next episode! (Return 3)
1385: Don’t give up liking me so quickly, okay?
1386:She is a scary little monster!
1387: Re-edit and broadcast!
1388: Boss Fish’s abnormal shooting
1389: Xiaoyu, you are very wronged! (Return 4)
1390: Yuwanwan’s cultural counter-export!
1391: Then, definitely next time?
1392: The star-chasing girl you can never guess (still 5)
1393: Official visit as boyfriend!
1394:Can you cook?
1395: Smart people win by being clumsy!
1396: Mother-in-law’s open-mindedness is a common problem for father-in-law!
1397: Behave well and make your mother-in-law like you more!
1398: Because I like it, I’m afraid
1400: She is going to the Xie family!
1401: Billions of resentments!
Why hasn't their alliance split yet?
High profile meet and greet!
The long-lost excitement
The weasel wishes the hamster a happy new year!
1405:Tow it away in a suitcase!
1406: Your likes are more important than everyone else combined
1407: A breakthrough to please my uncle!
1408: Optimistic and humble Xiaowu (still 6)
1409: Be polite to Brother Kai!
1410: Use a human mirror and see ugliness! (Return 7)
1411:You haven’t even cracked the eggshell!
1412: Chimps can use simple tools!
1413: What you don't want, others desire (also 8)
1414: Debt transfer is played to understand!
1415: He's really, really scumbag (return 9)
1561: The identity of the mysterious person!
1562: High investment and low return in raising a son
1563: Is the Tai family innocent?
1564: It's time to retreat, not to retreat, the whole place is in a mess!
1565: Which brother of the Wei family?
1566: A low-key rich woman, an accomplice in money laundering
1567: Putting an end to the Virgin Mary and inducing rookies
1568: What if the successor doesn't want to take over?
1569: Evidence, of course I have it!
1571: Xie Qian, have you expected it?
1572: The most perverted flirting
1573: Tai Zheng's Work Summary
1575: Zhang Hua After Completion of Revenge
1576: When you go to hell, she overlooks from a high place!
1577: The dust settles
1003: Don’t want to be morally kidnapped (2 updates)
1004: My wife’s progress is terrifying!
1005: Entrepreneurs who failed to attract investment
1006:Xiao Xie, you are still too young (1 update)
1007: Dignity and Reality (2 updates)
1008: Aunt Tai is back (1 update)
1009: The child’s month matches (2 updates)
1010: Who should be the father? It all depends on her words (1 update)
1011:Are you mistaken? (2 updates)
1012: Promise me not to hurt innocent people (1 update)
1013: Because we are so close, we need to be more cautious! (2 updates)
1014: Sales decline, entering overseas (1 update)
1015: Making money as fast as robbing money! (2 updates)
1016: The richest Spring Festival (1 update)
1017: We are all promising people (2 updates)
1018: The Peng family is here! (1 update)
1019: This is really unreasonable!
1020: Are you trying to summon a dragon?
1021: She is more awake than imagined (1 update)
1022: Listen to smart people! (2 updates)
1023: Family members who just want to get rid of the relationship (1 update)
1024: Mr. Peng’s surrender (2 updates)
1025: Suddenly want to meet my son’s friends (1 update)
1026: The rules of the world, debts do not extend over the New Year (2 updates)
1027: Very unpopular, no one stands out (1 update)
1028: I want a home of my own (2 updates)
1029: Let’s talk ugly words first (1 update)
1030: Happy New Year? Not happy! (2 updates)
1031: An early birthday gift (1 update)
1032: Lost another city, ideas for buying a house (2 updates)
1033: Let’s wait for the demolition together!
1034: Boss, please give me a chance! (1 update)
1035: Give marginalized people a chance to change? (2 updates)
1036: A circle of friends that can blow up the street!
1037: Start DNA sampling
1038: The bottom line is not to lie to little girls.
1039: I just want a river view room
1040: The future loner
1041: I took turns to criticize Mr. Peng!
1042: It’s time for you to get to work!
1043: Wen Ying’s competing products
1044: Comprehensive suppression?
1045: More shameless than imagined!
1046: This is plagiarism!
1047: Forgot to introduce, she is still a shareholder of Tianjiao
1048: No longer on the same level!
1049: If you have a net worth of hundreds of millions, you have to dig it.
1050:Xie Qian paid back the money
1051: Just wait for the college entrance examination and everything will get better!
1052: Another person has been included
1053: The confession of a scumbag is going viral!
1054: The treasure map of 'Xunyong'
1055: Wen Dongrong’s good luck!
1056: Qualified star chasing girl!
1057: Wen Ying did not collapse, the opponent collapsed first
1058: Director Fan is digging a hole
1059: Rush to jump into the pit!
1060: The awakening of the licking dog
1061:Winning a prize or throwing a tantrum?
1062: They are all drama fans!
1063: Xiaowen, when will we sign the contract?
1064: Sweet mouth, hard heart
1065: Promoted to screenwriter
1066: A good drama is like old wine, so drink it slowly!
1067: The ratings and appraisal results are out!
1068: If there is a shortcut, take it. If there is no shortcut, then there is none.
1069: Is there any way to stop a show?
1070: Consistent villain behavior
1071: Cao Bo has only two points of character
1072: A price that Cao Bo couldn’t refuse
1073: It’s too late, the press conference is ahead of schedule!
1074: The entire press conference was in a state of excitement!
1075: Give some encouragement to the hero who saves the beauty?
1076: I am worthy of you!
1077:Old rumors come back again
1078: Is it going to be the end of all the hardships?
1079: How can we talk about new life without clearing old debts!
1080: I will have to write a payment application form in the future.
1081: Teacher Fang returns to his original nature
1082: The horses always disappoint you!
1083: Both fools and smart people can’t see through
1084: Perfect ending, a little regret
1085: Time speeds up, the college entrance examination is coming
1086: Parents are more nervous than candidates
1087: The fate of being in the same examination room
1088: Daddy was slapped!
1089: Divorce mentioned for the first time
1090: How to divide property reasonably (return 1)
1091: Different results, different expectations
1092: Please choose one to sign!
1093: So cold and heartless!
1094: This is a death sentence converted to a suspended death sentence
1095: You are expanding faster than I imagined!
1096:You don’t want us anymore?
1097: Going from behind the scenes to the stage
1098: Confrontation is like conflicting clothes, whoever is ugly will be embarrassed!
1099: This year’s readers are very easy to guide!
1100:Flee without a fight?
1101: Male human self-esteem knows no age!
1102: Will she be the key to defeating Xie Qian?
1103: Shuang Shao’s request for help
1104:Belated affection is worse than grass!
1105: The project is a good one, why doesn’t it make money?
1106: Come to me again when you figure it out!
1107: Xie Qian can’t make it to the award ceremony?
1108:The big winner of the Magnolia Awards Ceremony!
1109:I am your reader
1110:It’s a nice name
1111:Has Xie Qian seen you? (Yet 2)
1112: Do you have time to take a look at your river view room (still 3)
1113: Wen Ying’s college entrance examination score estimate
1114: You deserve it, you were taken advantage of! (Return 4)
1115:Apply for college student entrepreneurial loans?
1116: Invincible river view, upstairs and downstairs (Leader Dai Dai)
1117:What are you going to do with your inventory?
1118:Our logistics company
1119: Average, third in the world (Girls’ Vocal League)
1120:Have you seen the fashion show?
1121: Taking advantage of the times! (Leader of the Bacteria Alliance)
1122: Dog skin plaster
1123: What are you afraid of? (Big G leader)
1124: Are you so anxious to become a mother?
1125: Lao Wen has saved enough money to travel abroad.
1126: The fee does not match the manuscript.
1127:Registration at the School of Liberal Arts
1128:Quoted out of context
1129: Not a girlfriend, but a good friend! (still 1)
1130: Secretary Zhong, please arrange a meeting!
1131: The lips are dead and the teeth are cold, draw your sword to help
1132:Do you know who I am? (Yet 2)
1133:Uncle Xie’s personal number
1134: I heard that you checked into a room with a man (still 3)
1135: A slap in the face from my destiny!
1136: Rumor Crusher
1137: The business bureau turns into a blind date bureau?
1204: New friends like kidnappers
1205: Friendship comes from heaven and feels like sitting on pins and needles
1206: I want to send you a wreath
1207: The old landlord living in the new era!
1208: Mrs. Pang’s courage
1209: I won’t withdraw the lawsuit!
1210: News is like a personal trafficker
1211: We can’t let the Pang family play double standards!
1212: He is so ignorant and yet so confident
1213: Tears of giant crocodile
1214: Don’t overdo it.
1215: Killed by his own trump card!
1216: What is true cannot be false, and what is false cannot be true!
1217: Freshman registration, you did not fall from the sky
1218: Doesn’t look very smart
1219:Everyone is made of iron
1220: He is scared
1221: You ate the plaintiff and then the defendant?
1222: Wen Ying’s guess
1223: Take this adaptation as seriously as you do
1224: The bitch detection radar is fully activated!
1225: Divorce decreed!
1226: Integration of old and new friend circles
1227: The character of the good old guy has collapsed.
1228: I’ll be able to meet daddy soon!
1229:Old overseas Chinese businessmen come to visit
1230: The logic behind Hatewujiwu’s actions?
1231: The man is affectionate and the concubine is interested.
1232: Any problem that can be solved with money is not a problem!
1233: You seem to be a copyright liar!
1234: Punch Wen Ying and kick Xie Qian!
1235: Envy, this is a die-hard fan!
1236: Please catch this big customer!
1237: Differences arise and I can’t stand it any longer.
1238: Wangpu waits for no one!
1239: Listen more to Xiaoyu’s opinions
1240: Promise to never stop writing even if you fail.
1241: Teacher Xiaoyu, are you understanding me?
1242: Girls should protect themselves!
1243: Mr. Zhao let go of his arrogance
1244: You said this, I am very energetic!
1245: Rukawa Kaede never smiles!
1246: Daddy really loves her!
1247: The court session was chaotic and Xiao had the upper hand.
1248:Sacrificing the little one to protect the big one?!
1249:I am only good at housework
1250:Both parties feel that they are making a fool of themselves!
1251: Don’t panic, I’m here
1252:They are lucky to have met you
1253: Sometimes saving others means saving yourself!
1254: You are all crazy!
1255: The energy of small fish is beyond imagination
1256: The most pleasant official accent
1257: Could you please give me one more ticket?
1258:Xie Qian, welcome home
1259: Don’t think nonsense!
1260: This is really an idol drama
1261:I think there's one thing you should know
1262:He is the person I like
1263: I want to invite her to live in my heart
1264: It is rude to come and not return.
1265: Accurate vision and decisive evacuation
1266:She finally became a rich person!
1267: Huge pocket money from my wife
1268:Emperors have several poor relatives!
1269:What do you like about him?
1270: The effect of the official announcement has been compromised
1271: Yan Yuchuan’s entrepreneurial project
1272: Finally waited until Junior Sister Wen was alone
1273: Love rivals are like bamboo shoots springing up after the rain
1274: School girl, will you remember my name?
1275: It feels good to show off your strength for a while, but the fire will burn after you show off.
1345: Malicious editing? The editing was lonely!
1346: Go with the flow and bow your head for help!
1347: I would like to be Xie Qian’s whetstone!
1348: I am so touched that I will vomit if I say it again.
1349: Shareholder identity exposed
1350: The node that can completely reverse the situation!
1351: The TV station’s preference for Slan!
1352: If you ask for a hammer, you will get a hammer, the last straw!
1353: It’s really over, it’s hard for gods to save you!
1354: Go back to where you came from!
1355:Leave sadly and refuse the invitation
1356: Chain reaction, decision to withdraw shares!
1357: A way to withdraw shares that satisfies everyone
1358: Perfect solution, I’m enthusiastic too!
1359: I feel sorry for the man who will be unlucky for the rest of his life.
1360: Studying is worse than falling in love!
1361: The world is full of legends about Manager Chen
1362:Unexpected job offer
1363: Chen Ru’s hardcore education
1364: Xie Jinghu wins the lawsuit (returns 1)
1365:Who do you think you are?
1366: I’m not the only one who wants to help Mr. Zou take care of his son.
1367:What should I call this uncle?
1368: Xie Scumbag may have found the wrong target!
1369: The God of Plague comes to your door, his face is as big as a fight!
1370:Mom, believe me again!
1371:Build dreams with literature
1372: Impure motives? Discuss the deeds but not the heart!
1373: Eliminate potential crises and meet parents in advance
1374: Everyone with your last name has a big heart!
1375: Is love or self-esteem more important (still 2)
1376:You and the poor boy should suffer poverty together!
1377: Ask for an interview to be more sharp!
1378: Looks like the most innocent angler!
1379: Whatever you say, it will be cut anyway?
1380: Dark spying!
1381:Secretly copied videotape
1382: The real you come and I go
1383: It’s going to collapse. Is the house collapsing?
1384: Fighting in the air, the key is the next episode! (Return 3)
1385: Don’t give up liking me so quickly, okay?
1386: She is a scary little monster!
1387: Re-edit and broadcast!
1388: Boss Fish’s abnormal shooting
1389: Xiaoyu, you are very wronged! (Return 4)
1390: Yuwanwan’s cultural counter-export!
1391: Then, definitely next time?
1392: The star-chasing girl you can never guess (still 5)
1393: Official visit as boyfriend!
1394:Can you cook?
1395: Smart people win by being clumsy!
1396: Mother-in-law’s open-mindedness is a common problem for father-in-law!
1397: Behave well and make your mother-in-law like you more!
1398: Because I like it, I’m afraid
1400: She is going to the Xie family!
1401: Billions of resentments!
Why hasn't their alliance split yet?
High profile meet and greet!
The long-lost excitement
The weasel wishes the hamster a happy new year!
1405:Tow it away in a suitcase!
1406: Your likes are more important than everyone else combined
1407: A breakthrough to please my uncle!
1408: Optimistic and humble Xiaowu (still 6)
1409: Be polite to Brother Kai!
1410: Use a human mirror and see ugliness! (Return 7)
1411:You haven’t even cracked the eggshell!
1412:Chimpanzees can use simple tools!
1413: What you don’t want, others are eager for (still 8)
1558:Are you in a hurry to save the world?
1559: Work benefits, the fish jumped out
1560: Crying with joy, running away with a bucket
1561: The identity of the mysterious man!
1562: High investment and low return in raising a son
1563: Is the Tai family innocent?
1564: It’s time to retreat or not, the whole place is in a mess!
1565:Which Wei brother?
1566: Low profile rich woman, money laundering accomplice
1567: Eliminate the Virgin and induce the rookie
1568: What should I do if my successor no longer wants to take over?
1569: Of course I have the evidence!
1571:Xie Qian, did you expect this?
1572: The most perverted flirting
1573: Tai Zheng’s work summary
1575: Zhang Hua after completing his revenge
1576: When you go to hell, she is looking down from above!
1296: One draft, try to fall in love
1297: If you don’t accept the good intentions, they will attack in groups!
1298:Brother, you are so far-sighted!
1299: The illness happened earlier than I remembered
1300: I don’t want to never hear the truth again!
1301: How do you want to save these two wandering souls?
1302: Wen Ying’s inner darkness that cannot be revealed (still 9)
1303: Don’t think too highly of yourself!
1304: It’s cold, second cuckold (return 10)
1305: Close the door to kill the cockroaches, open the door to welcome the wandering souls
1306:Two prisoners in Yang cell
1307: Delayed shareholder dividends
1308: The Dong Chuang incident broke out, and the Shrimp King shuffled his cards.
1309: A born leader!
1310: The children of the Zhang family came to recognize their relatives!
1311: Caught off guard, never recognize him!
1312: The drama of bitterness has gone too far.
1313: Provocation at the memorial service!
1314: Advance to attack, retreat to defend?
1315: People from two worlds
1316: Get it sooner or later!
1317:Unexpected birth
1318: Slap each other and agree to pay back the money
1319: Think too much, do too little!
1320: Is it a potential stock or a phoenix?
1321:fifth star
1322: No more selling scripts for less than 5 million!
1323: Grand signing, smelly appearance
1324:Do you regret it?
1325: A little help from Mr. Peng
1326: Suddenly happy and sometimes sad, young man’s worries
1327: Huge enemy attack, heartbreaking!
1328: Try to be a stylish person
1329: People of the same mind will never return until they are drunk.
1330: Don’t show off your wits in front of Xie Qian!
1331: Are we going to burn bridges across the river?
1332: He Zhen rises, a powerful rival of Slan!
1333: The warning is invalid, don’t hold back!
1334: Boss Pang starts to regret
1335: High-end jealous (still 11)
1336:Slan must fall!
1337: Jiang Youjia’s revenge preparations
1338: Arrange an exclusive interview with Mr. Zhao!
1339: Have some moral integrity, but not much!
1340: If God wants it to perish, it must first make it crazy!
1341:Blow the first horn of Slan’s downfall
1342: I don’t believe you have used our own products!
1343: Let’s supervise Miss Zhao’s skin care together
1344: Zhuo Chen’s moral shackles are gone
1345: Malicious editing? The editing was lonely!
1346: Go with the flow and bow your head for help!
1347: I would like to be Xie Qian’s whetstone!
1348: I am so touched that I will vomit if I say it again.
1349: Shareholder identity exposed
1350: The node that can completely reverse the situation!
1351: The TV station’s preference for Slan!
1352: If you ask for a hammer, you will get a hammer, the last straw!
1353: It’s really over, it’s hard for gods to save you!
1354: Go back to where you came from!
1355:Leave sadly and refuse the invitation
1356: Chain reaction, decision to withdraw shares!
1357: A way to withdraw shares that satisfies everyone
1358: Perfect solution, I’m enthusiastic too!
1359: I feel sorry for the man who will be unlucky for the rest of his life.
1360: Studying is worse than falling in love!
1361: The world is full of legends about Manager Chen
1362:Unexpected job offer
1363: Chen Ru’s hardcore education
1364: Xie Jinghu wins the lawsuit (returns 1)
1365:Who do you think you are?
1366: I’m not the only one who wants to help Mr. Zou take care of his son.
1367:What should I call this uncle?
1368: Xie Scumbag may have found the wrong target!
1369: The God of Plague comes to your door, his face is as big as a fight!
1370:Mom, believe me again!
1371:Build dreams with literature
1372: Impure motives? Discuss the deeds but not the heart!
1373: Eliminate potential crises and meet parents in advance
1374: Everyone with your last name has a big heart!
1375: Is love or self-esteem more important (still 2)
1376:You and the poor boy should suffer poverty together!
1377: Ask for an interview to be more sharp!
1378: Looks like the most innocent angler!
1379: Whatever you say, it will be cut anyway?
1380: Dark spying!
1381:Secretly copied videotape
1382: The real you come and I go
1383: It’s going to collapse. Is the house collapsing?
1384: Fighting in the air, the key is the next episode! (Return 3)
1385: Don’t give up liking me so quickly, okay?
1386:She is a scary little monster!
1387: Re-edit and broadcast!
1388: Boss Fish’s abnormal shooting
1389: Xiaoyu, you are very wronged! (Return 4)
1390: Yuwanwan’s cultural counter-export!
1391: Then, definitely next time?
1392: The star-chasing girl you can never guess (still 5)
1393: Official visit as boyfriend!
1394:Can you cook?
1395: Smart people win by being clumsy!
1396: Mother-in-law’s open-mindedness is a common problem for father-in-law!
1397: Behave well and make your mother-in-law like you more!
1398: Because I like it, I’m afraid
1400: She is going to the Xie family!
1401: Billions of resentments!
Why hasn't their alliance split yet?
High profile meet and greet!
The long-lost excitement
The weasel wishes the hamster a happy new year!
1405:Tow it away in a suitcase!
1406: Your likes are more important than everyone else combined
1407: A breakthrough to please my uncle!
1408: Optimistic and humble Xiaowu (still 6)
1409: Be polite to Brother Kai!
1410: Use a human mirror and see ugliness! (Return 7)
1411:You haven’t even cracked the eggshell!
1412:Chimpanzees can use simple tools!
1413: What you don’t want, others are eager for (still 8)
1414: Debt transfer is clearly played!
1415: He is really a scumbag (still 9)
1416: Clear all tails
1417: Arrange for me to meet with Wei Jun
1418: Taste buds awaken, fireworks of life (still 10)
1419: Revealing one’s feelings after the blind date
1420: Finally going to meet my idol
1421: Star chasing girls will never have loose stools
1422: Silly Baitian is motivated
1423: The love affair is exposed and the job is ruined!
1424: Wen Ying’s large-scale indiscriminate attack!
1425: You are completely abducted!
1426: Childhood sweethearts, childhood sweethearts
1427:The price of freedom
1428: Wen Ying’s Waterloo
1429: Are you trying to catch Director Lin out?
1430:I am not taking retreat as a way to advance!
1431:That damn moral sense!
1432: Then I’ll give you some face.
1433: An IOU of 5 million yuan
1434: Let’s save it again
1435: The ex-husband who cheated the body, Aunt Tai’s worries
1436:Is it him?
1437:You have really grown up!
1438: You don’t need to go abroad!
1439: Go deep into the front line to create
1440: I would rather let the donkey go than be a yes-man!
1441: Ordinary girls’ words are the most convincing!
1442:We all love you so much!
1443:Did you really call him here?!
1444: Your matters are no small matter to me.
1445:Why is your mouth so red?
1446:Are you drunk or not?
1447:The price of eating chicken
1448:He really understands
1449: Greed can kill you
1450: Caught on the spot!
1451:Crazy secret admirer
1452: No more waiting, arrest immediately!
1453: Bodyguard Luo has a lot of complaints!
1454:Love is restraint
1455: One gives up, one humbles
1456: Let me put an end to all mistakes!
1457: One hit will hit, and you will get rid of it completely!
1458:The eldest lady is in trouble
1459: Digging through boxes and cabinets will eventually pay off.
1460: Only by not loving can you be healed
1461: The only one who can defeat a scumbag is another scumbag.
1462: A filial son and a filial daughter
1463: Divide the property in advance and want to make a will
1464: Defeat them separately and plead guilty!
1465: Sign it, entrust it
1466: Return the gift, Xie Jinghu distributes wealth
1467:Did she understand this drama?
1468: Stabbed to death?
1469: The waist has been hacked!
1470: Hire two more bodyguards for me!
1471: It’s his company, and it’s also yours!
1472: Ambition awakens, shareholders approve
1473: The seeds are planted and the movie is scheduled!
1474: 5 million for a script doesn’t make you feel guilty!
1475: Wen Ying’s counterattack against publicity
1476: Unconventional publicity means!
1477: Inspires rebellious psychology
1478: Not enough box office? Come with support!
1479: European and American publishing, court hearing!
1480: Refusal to understand, movie premiere
1481: There should be a sense of ritual when watching a movie
1482: Audiences conquered by the movie!
1483: True and false positive reviews, premiere box office!
1484: Suppress its film schedule!
1485: With good luck, the first kill was completed!
1486: Word-of-mouth fermentation, reaching the top of the weekly championship!
1487:Xie Qian’s prodigy cousin
1488:Who is in the love house and the crow?
1489: The rat’s words can resolve the knot in one’s heart!
1490: No regrets, father and son break the ice
1491: You said too much, are you being slapped in the face now?
1492: Sentenced to death according to law!
1493: A poor family raises a filial son, but a wealthy family looks down upon them.
1494:Rejection and proposal
1495:Happy bride-to-be
1496: Get on the bus early and the box office breaks 3
1497: Iron Rooster’s celebration party!
1498: Start early, the scheming man takes over
1499: This subject is very unpopular!
1500: A better study than the Wang family
1501: This is a bad fate!
1502:Whose favor is helping?
1503: Looks like you’re asking for help! (Added)
1504: Half a teacher, competing in acting skills!
1505: You have already fought each other in the air!
1506: Get vaccinated in advance!
1507: He may be making false claims!
1508: It’s time to stress over the word “owe a favor”!
1509: When the house is built, leave one set for me!
1510: We have an appointment with Uncle Chen!
1511: Chen Tongfu’s ability
1512:Different targets of suspicion
1513: Your suspicion is wrong, it’s not the Peng family
1514: The Tai family’s secret
1570: Xiao Wei, you missed the opportunity to plead guilty
1574: No confession is sincere!
1577: The dust settles