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1059: Rush to jump into the pit!

After much talk, Mr. Guan and Director Fan reached an agreement.

The budget calculated by Guan Corporation for the filming of "Crown of Thorns" was 30 million. Hunan Satellite TV willingly invested 5 million, and the remaining 25 million was funded by Guan Corporation itself.

As for how much copyright fees should be collected after the series is sold to TV stations, Director Fan gave Mr. Guan another option.

"We can pay according to the ratings. The higher the ratings, the higher the copyright fee. At worst, your company can recover the production costs."

Director Fan is very sincere and other leaders of the TV station are also very satisfied.

This popular drama, which is said to be on the same level as "Galaxy and You", can be booked without the station having to spend too much money. It is a win-win situation!

The manager had a vague feeling that something was wrong.

When did Director Fan become so talkative? Could it be that... he wanted to win over the couple?

Director Fan didn't allow Mr. Guan to think carefully, and he coaxed and coaxed Mr. Guan to sign the contract. After signing, he shook hands with Mr. Guan enthusiastically: "You guys have to move faster, the winter vacation time in the station is still open!"

There is nothing wrong with Director Fan's words and deeds, and there is nothing wrong with the contract.

If the highest ratings of "Crown of Thorns" can exceed 6%, Hunan Province Satellite TV is willing to pay the exclusive broadcast copyright fee of 80 million Chinese dollars for "Crown of Thorns"!

The production cost was 30 million, and the copyright fee was 80 million. Judging from the book figures alone, it was a huge profit.

For the first time, Mr. Guan felt that Director Fan was a good person.

Liang Dan didn't find any problems after reading the contract. After thinking for a long time, he asked Mr. Guan to film "Crown of Thorns" with all his heart.

"We already messed up "Love Cruise". We can't mess it up again this time. Only after you finish filming "Crown of Thorns" can I regain my right to speak on stage."

Mr. Guan patted his chest and assured his wife.

Liang Dan somewhat couldn't trust this man, and warned her like a nanny: "If the previous team can't use it, you can poach the existing ones. If others can poach our players, you can poach theirs too!"

Guan Zong understood it.

Yuan Fenghui and Guan always had a feud. First it was Li Mengjiao, then Zhang Yangning, and then Xu Mei. These three all debuted in the draft, but they were all taken away by Yuan Fenghui... Yuan Fenghui was able to poach Mr. Guan

Why can't Mr. Guan poach someone back?

The ‘team’ Liang Dan mentioned was not Tianjiao artists, but Tianjiao’s usual shooting team.

From the director to the set manager, from the makeup artist to the lighting engineer, they are all potential targets for Mr. Guan to poach!

Mr. Guan rolled up his sleeves and wanted to do something big. Cao Bo had been keeping an eye on Mr. Guan's movements. He heard that Mr. Guan had signed a contract with the TV station and obtained a guaranteed contract with a maximum limit of 80 million. Cao Bo said that he and Mr. Guan were old friends.

, how could you leave him behind when you have this opportunity to make money?

Mr. Guan didn’t want Cao Bo to get involved, but he had some connections with Cao Bo’s family. Mr. Guan didn’t want to do things too badly, so he finally agreed to let Cao Bo invest 5 million.

After breaking off his engagement with Xu Mei, Cao Bo has not been dating a new girlfriend. He is focusing on his career, looking for suitable investment projects and learning how to be a qualified producer.

After Mr. Guan agreed to Cao Bo's investment, Cao Bo asked someone to buy a copy of "Crown of Thorns".

After reading it, Cao Bo was dumbfounded.

Is this an IP that competes with "Galaxy and You"?

This is "Galaxy and You" with a new shell!

Cao Bo felt bad when he thought about investing 5 million in the "Crown of Thorns" project.

At this time, they were clamoring to divest their capital, so Cao Bo offended Mr. Guan. Cao Bo was a bit distracted. He didn't want to break up with Mr. Guan, so he thought of arresting someone to take the blame.

Cao Bo first thought of Mr. Jin, the coal boss.

Mr. Jin is rich!

Although "Love Cruise" was suspended midway, Mr. Kim did not lose money on his investment, and everyone is still friends.

Cao Bo wanted to "renew the old relationship" with Mr. Jin. When he called, Mr. Jin didn't answer the call and asked his secretary to reply to Cao Bo perfunctorily.

Mr. Jin’s investment in “Cruise of Love” was laughed at by his friends.

After learning from his experience and lessons, Mr. Jin found Xie Qian's Jiaxin Film and Television Company and became an investor in Jiaxin's new drama. Jiaxin's new drama is scheduled to be broadcast in April. When the finished film was completed, Mr. Jin was invited to go to the magic city to preview it.

, Mr. Jin didn’t understand whether movies and TV series were good or not, so he paid a famous drama critic to go watch them with him.

At the preview meeting, Mr. Jin felt that Jia Xin’s new drama was good, at least he could watch it.

The drama critic he paid to go secretly told Mr. Kim that his investment was worth it and that the drama could win awards.

The money invested was not lost.

There are also prizes included.

This is a great affirmation of Mr. Jin’s investment vision.

Mr. Jin was instantly fulfilled.

Mr. Jin, who felt that his spirit had been sublimated, vowed to use his awards and achievements in the entertainment industry to wash away the nouveau riche label of the coal boss. He was sure that Jiaxin's products would be high-quality products. He just wanted to cooperate with Xie Qian again, so how could he have time to talk to Cao Bo?


Cao Bo was not discouraged when he hit a wall with Mr. Jin.

Cao Bo thought of another person.

When Cao Bo called Hu Man, Hu Man refused.

Hu Man, Mr. Guan, and Liang Dan got together to deal with Tianjiao. Liang Dan came up with the idea to let Hu Man and Yu Tianlin stir up a scandal, but Hu Man suffered a lot.

After Yu Tianlin's character collapsed, Mr. Guan and Liang Dan did not take advantage. Mr. Guan also paid a large sum of money to silence the entertainment reporter, allowing the entertainment reporter to take on the lawsuit. Liang Dan's status in the TV station was also affected...

Even so, the couple was still not as miserable as Hu Man.

Yu Tianlin stuck to Hu Man like a dog-skin plaster. Hu Man had given Yu Tianlin "hush money" once, and it was inevitable that he would give it a second or third time.

Yu Tianlin regarded Hu Man as a long-term meal ticket, and every time he asked for money, it was an amount that Hu Man could afford.

Not to mention the amount of money but the lack of money, Yu Tianlin's behavior made Hu Man very uncomfortable. Hu Man had been going smoothly for many years, but how had he ever been threatened like this?

Cao Bo revealed that Mr. Guan had a new project here that was sure to make a profit, and Hu Man immediately went to Hunan Province to ask for a stake.

This is what Mr. Guan and Liang Dan owe to Hu Man. Hu Man must charge some interest!

Mr. Guan was unwilling to let Hu Man buy shares, and Hu Man gritted his teeth: "Yu Tianlin is a lunatic now. Now that I am taking care of it for you, he won't bother to trouble you. If I break the pot, you will face Yu Tianlin on your own."


Mr. Guan was not happy about being threatened, so Cao Bo stepped forward to smooth things over, "Let's do this. I'll give my share to Sister Man, and I'll be a producer. We are all friends, so don't let this hurt our friendship."


This is a good idea.

Guan Zong's interests will not be damaged, and Hu Man can also get a share of the pie.

Everyone is satisfied except that Cao Bo can no longer make money from the "Crown of Thorns" project.

A selfish person never considers others' point of view. Mr. Guan didn't think there was anything wrong with Cao Bo's behavior. He thought Cao Bo, the little brother, was quite sensible and a person who could get along with others. He even patted Cao Bo on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, there will be many opportunities for cooperation in the future, I won't let you down."

Cao Bo nodded in agreement, feeling greatly relieved.

It’s like giving away a hot potato!

At this point, the "Crown of Thorns" project was officially established, with the management company investing 20 million, Hu Man investing 5 million, and Hunan Satellite TV investing 5 million.

Director Fan passed the news to Wen Ying, and Wen Ying slowly typed a question mark.

"Originally, I just wanted to use casing, but Hu Man couldn't wait to jump into the pit?"

What can Wen Ying do?

Wen Ying could only light the wax silently for the Queen.

——Hu Tianhou has really had bad luck in the past two years.

This chapter has been completed!
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