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1217: Freshman registration, you did not fall from the sky

Peng Guoqing didn't know why Xie Qian applied for the mathematics major, but Wen Ying knew.

It is enough for everyone to study in the same university. There is no need to study the same major. Let alone good friends, even if they are boyfriend and girlfriend, they do not need to be so deeply tied!

Xie Qian had already given up on Huaqing University, Beijing University, and studying abroad. Wen Ying supported Xie Qian in studying his favorite major.

Xie Qian applied for the Mathematics major at Aurora University. It seemed like a stroke of genius, but in fact, he and Wen Ying had already reached a consensus!

Have you ever deceived Zhang Zhijun?

Hard to say.

Anyway, I heard that he had deceived Xie Jinghu.

Xie Jinghu now felt that he was so powerful that he forced Xie Qian to leave the capital.

Wen Ying: ...The scumbag is actually quite easy to coax.

Of course, just because the scumbag is easy to coax and deceive, Xie Qian can deceive Xie Jinghu, and his mistress can also deceive Xie Jinghu.

Time flies, and the training in the School of Liberal Arts comes to an end. Wen Ying has become very familiar with the students in the same period. Except for Teacher He Xin, who still looks down on Wen Ying, Wen Ying's training life is perfect.

After the last class this morning, the students can wait to attend the training graduation ceremony in the afternoon. At this point, Wen Ying's first training life in the School of Liberal Arts has come to a perfect end——

Wen Ying feels that the harvest is still great.

The teachers who teach have real materials and can enlighten students with just a few casual words.

Wen Ying also benefited a lot from the exchanges and collisions between peers.

The half-month training course has come to an end. Wen Ying has even thought about the general framework of the second book in the Jiuding series, and is waiting to start writing it after returning to Chengdu!

The first class of the training class was started by He Xin, and the last class was also ended by He Xin.

He Xin was checking before class when a teacher from the School of Liberal Arts suddenly called He Xin out.

I don’t know what the two said in the corridor. He Xin walked into the classroom and put away his lesson plans again. He smiled and explained to the whole class: "Today's lesson will be taught by a different teacher."

"Who is it? Teacher He, we just want to hear what you have to say!"

He Xin and Wen Ying did not deal with this group of people, and got very close to another group of students in the class. These people were He Xin's fans.

I heard that He Xin and these students were sitting and talking about Taoism, and they hated each other since they met so late.

As soon as they heard that the instructor had been changed in the last class, several students started shouting and were unwilling to change the instructor.

He Xin raised his hand and pressed it several times, "When you meet the teacher today, you will definitely not be disappointed!"

Wen Ying and Mu Fan exchanged glances, and Shui Mingyue whispered: "Another great literary figure is here today?"

The three of them all thought of the last time He Xin was slapped in the face by a literary figure, and couldn't help but look at each other and smile.

However, when he was replaced on the spot, He Xin did not resist at all. Wen Ying felt that the situation was a bit bad, "...maybe they are here to deal with us, of course, mainly me."

While he was talking, an old man with gray hair walked into the classroom, and He Xin greeted him with a smile: "Teacher Sun, the last time I saw you was three years ago, when you gave a speech at school. I still keep the transcript of your speech at that time, and I always keep it.

Take it out to review and use it as motivation to move forward!"

Mr. Sun looked at He Xin carefully and smiled immediately: "You are Xiao He, I remember you. You asked several questions during the speech, and I was thinking at that time, you are not very young but you are very knowledgeable in literature!"


Oh, it turns out that this person is someone whom Teacher He Xin knows.

Wen Ying didn't recognize him.

Neither Mu Fan nor Shui Mingyue knew each other.

The three of them looked at each other.

It wasn't until He Xin introduced Mr. Sun's identity to the whole class that Wen Ying straightened her back.

Good guy, isn't this the vanguard of the previous "anti-fish wave"?

Wen Ying really wanted to give herself a slap in the face, what a crow's mouth, what are you talking about?

Mu Fan also remembered the heated discussion in the media, looked at Wen Ying with sympathy, and lowered his voice: "I remember Mr. Sun criticized you more than once, right? When you were a judge in the essay competition, Mr. Sun scolded you.

The best!"

Wen Ying gently rolled her eyes: "You don't need to remind me, I haven't got Alzheimer's yet."

That's right, Mr. Sun, who is here today, is not only a writer, but also a literary critic. He criticized Wen Ying from head to toe in his previous review articles, and put the blame for the commercialization of literature on Wen Ying.

A layman who doesn't know the truth will look at it and think that Wen Ying single-handedly brought the entire Chinese literary world into decline... Wen Ying is unjust, she is not a leader in the literary world, how can she have the appeal to bring about the degradation of the entire literary world!

How was the matter resolved in the end?

It's Mr. Fu.

Mr. Fu's literary achievements and qualifications are superior to Mr. Sun, so Mr. Fu publicly dismissed Mr. Sun's views!

Later, Mr. Sun was so angry that he was hospitalized. Yuan Fenghui even brought a fruit basket to the hospital to visit the patient, which further stimulated Mr. Sun.

After this incident, people with the surname Sun have not appeared for a long time.

Wen Ying raised her eyes and saw that Mr. Sun's silver hair was neatly combed. Although he was not walking fast, every step was relatively steady - it seemed that Mr. Sun had recovered his health during this period of silence.

Why did Wen Ying want to evaluate Mr. Sun's physical condition?

Of course, she respects her elders, and she is definitely not afraid that she can’t help but quarrel with Mr. Sun, and then send him to the hospital!

"I respect my elders very much."

Wen Ying muttered, not knowing whether she wanted to convince Mu Fan and Shui Mingyue, or herself.

"The premise for you to respect your elders is that they deserve your respect."

Shui Mingyue didn't believe Wen Ying's words, and said to Mu Fan with a serious face: "We are all more sensitive. If Xiaoyuer shows the slightest sign of wanting to quarrel, we will hold her down together!"

Mu Fan looked solemn and nodded slowly, "I listen to you!"

Wen Ying:...?!

Shui Mingyue advised Wen Ying softly: "Be good, just be angry when you are angry. Don't quarrel with Mr. Sun in public. Mr. Sun is different from Teacher He. If you quarrel with Teacher He, then Teacher He is the first one."

You are being irrational. If you quarrel with Mr. Sun again, even if Mr. Sun was irrational first, it is your fault if you talk back."

There is no way, she has worked for decades to get her current qualifications, and Wen Ying will suffer a loss if she goes head-on!

If she didn't really regard Wen Ying as a friend, Shui Mingyue wouldn't persuade her so earnestly.

Wen Ying sighed, "I'm just having sex. At Mr. Sun's age, I'm afraid he'll get angry on the spot."

Shui Mingyue breathed a sigh of relief: "It's good that you know."

The three of them were muttering in their seats. Mr. Sun, who was not blind or deaf, could see everything from the podium.

I don’t know whether Mr. Sun really didn’t know him or he knew it and asked, “Which one is the fish against the current?”

Wen Ying was about to stand up. Mu Fan and Shui Mingyue pulled her sleeves at the same time. Wen Ying smiled and said, "Teacher Sun, it's me."

Senior General Sun read Ying from beginning to end: "You are a fish against the current, and it is true that seeing is better than hearing a hundred times. I heard that your new book is sometimes held in raffles and sometimes given away cruise tickets, and the sales are very good!"

——Damn, this guy named Sun is an old hermaphrodite!

——"Xunyong" sold well because Wen Ying wrote it well. As Sun said, it only sold because the publisher held a lottery!

Wen Ying cursed in her heart, with a smile on her face: "I have also admired Teacher Sun for a long time, and I finally have the opportunity to meet you today. I heard that you were hospitalized due to physical discomfort some time ago. I am so happy to see you in good health now.

Got it!"

Mr. Sun snorted.

"Thank you for your concern. I am in good health!"

Mr. Sun started class.

In the first class, He Xin talked about "Values ​​of Literary Creation". In the last class, Mr. Sun talked about the same theme as He Xin!

On the same topic, Sun Lao approached it from a different angle and went more in-depth than He Xin.

The expression on He Xin's face was brilliant.

Several students who were close to He Xin seemed to be inspired by the truth, and the expressions on their faces were both excited and pious.

Halfway through the lecture, Mr. Sun took a sip of water and asked Wen Ying by name: "Fish against the current, your novels are best-selling. I think you must have a lot of experience to share with your classmates."

Wen Ying finished laughing.

At first, Wen Ying was still taking a chance and thought it was a coincidence that the person named Sun came to attend the last class.

Now Wen Ying is sure that the person named Sun is here to cause trouble for her!

Mu Fan and Shui Mingyue were on the left and right, holding on to Wen Ying. Shui Mingyue, who spoke softly, even secretly pinched the back of Wen Ying's hand, just not to make Wen Ying impulsive.

Reason told Wen Ying to endure it.

The man surnamed Sun was sitting on the podium, and every wrinkle on his face was full of vitriol. He was so determined that Wen Ying did not dare to criticize him in public!

Seeing Wen Ying suppressing her blush, Mr. Sun finally let out half of the tone that he had when he was hospitalized. When he was about to let out the other half, the door of the classroom was pushed open from the outside.

A leader of the School of Liberal Arts stood at the door with Mr. Fu and listened for an unknown amount of time.

Mr. Fu strode in, "Sun Zanguo, I think you are too busy every day. There are so many literary topics waiting for you to study, why don't you do something serious?"

Just now it was Wen Ying who suppressed her blush, and now it is Mr. Sun who suppresses his blush.

At Mr. Sun's seniority, not many people can call him by his first name.

It just so happens that Mr. Fu is one of them.

I was surprised and happy to hear the cherry blossoms.

Why is Mr. Fu here?

Mr. Fu didn't look at Wen Ying and walked straight to Sun Zanguo: "You haven't answered me yet. Are you too idle?"

Mr. Sun's face turned red, "I was invited to give a lecture. My surname is Fu. Don't bully others too much!"

Mr. Fu chuckled: "So you were invited to give a lecture. I thought you were here specifically to bully the little girl... Well, you continue to talk. Do you mind if I listen together?"

Mr. Fu didn't care whether Sun Zan Guojie minded or not. Without waiting for Sun's reply, he sat down in the row behind Wen Ying.

At this time, Mr. Fu patted Wen Ying on the shoulder.

"Sit down and listen to the lecture. I'm here."

——As long as I am here, no one named Sun will dare to bully you.

Wen Ying almost burst into tears.

Of course Wen Ying is not afraid of people named Sun.

There are many people who are famous for their right and wrong. Ever since Wen Ying wrote a book and became popular, doubts have been with her for a long time.

But she was not afraid of returning. At this time, someone came forward to support Wen Ying, and Wen Ying was still very excited.

On the podium, Sun Zanguo's expression was extremely embarrassing.

He Xin and the other students were at a loss.

Mr. Fu, who is a leading figure in the literary world, actually came here specifically to support Wen Ying - could it be that the literary achievements of Wen Ying's works are higher than those of them?!

This chapter has been completed!
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