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1229:Old overseas Chinese businessmen come to visit

Maybe Xie Qian's cell phone is out of battery.

It may be that Xie Qian's mobile phone is malfunctioning.

"Yes, that must be the case, don't panic...that's it..."

Wen Ying muttered words, saying words of comfort that even she didn't believe.

Why don't you believe it?

Because Wen Ying really knows Xie Qian very well.

Since Xie Qian made an appointment with her to have dinner tonight and hinted that he would express his feelings, he would take all the details into consideration. An accident like his cell phone running out of battery would never happen to Xie Qian.

The last time Wen Ying couldn't get through to Xie Qian was during the summer vacation three years ago.

That time, Xie Qian returned to the capital overnight.

What will be the reason this time?

In fact, there were still five minutes until the dinner time that Xie Qian and Wen Ying had agreed upon, but Wen Ying couldn't wait any longer. Her panic turned into palpitations, and the hole in her heart became bigger and bigger.

Saying "don't panic", Wen Ying forced herself to calm down. She made the first phone call to Jiang Youjia. She ignored the politeness and went straight to the point:

"Can you contact Xie Qian? He didn't arrive at the place we agreed on, and his phone was turned off. This is very abnormal."

Jiang Youjia really wanted to make a joke, but he swallowed the words as soon as they reached his lips.

It's really abnormal.

Xie Qian is a person who pays great attention to details no matter what he does. If Xie Qian takes the initiative to ask someone to meet, Xie Qian will definitely arrive first.

Now even Wen Ying, the invited person, has arrived at the restaurant. Xie Qian hasn't arrived yet. Xie Qian's phone is still turned off?

Jiang Youjia immediately realized something was wrong: "I'll call his driver and get back to you after asking about the situation."


Wen Ying suppressed her heart palpitations and reluctantly waited for two minutes. Jiang Youjia hadn't responded to her yet, so she could only take the initiative to call again - and then Jiang Youjia's phone couldn't be reached either, and it kept saying "on call!"

This is even more wrong.

What's the emergency that can't be answered within two minutes?

Wen Ying's heart seemed to be tightly grasped by an invisible big hand. After she called Jiang Youjia for the third time and it said "on call", Wen Ying forced herself to think calmly.

Who else could I call?

If you are in Magic City, you can also contact Gong Sheng.

But what Jiang Youjia can’t figure out, can Gong Sheng figure it out?

At this time, Wen Ying thought of Xie Yuping.

Thank God, she still has Uncle Xie’s personal number!

Even if it turns out to be a false alarm and she made a fuss out of a molehill, what does it matter?

Compared with Xie Qian's safety, whether Xie Yuping would look down on her because of this is really a trivial matter!

After getting Xie Yuping's private number, Wen Ying did not bother Xie Yuping.

Xie Yuping was neither her boss nor her client, so Wen Ying did not need to maintain the relationship through phone calls and text messages. This was the first time Wen Ying called Xie Yuping.

Thank God, the phone only rang twice before someone answered it.

"It's Xiaowen, are you okay?"

The person who answered the call was not Zhong Yong, but Xie Yuping himself. Wen Ying suppressed her sobs and explained the situation in a few words: "...Uncle Xie, I think something is wrong. Please help Xie Qian. I know many people, but you are the only one who can

Help Xie Qian."

Wen Ying thought she was calm enough. In fact, Xie Yuping could hear her teeth trembling through the phone.

Xie Yuping's heart couldn't help but twitch, for the little girl who was trembling on the other end of the phone, and for his own nephew Xie Qian.

"Okay, I'll understand the situation first. Don't worry. I'll let Zhong Yong contact you if there is any news."

Xie Yuping's guarantee was stronger than Jiang Youjia's.

Because Wen Ying waited for another half hour, Jiang Youjia could not be contacted, but she received a call from Zhong Yong.

Zhong Yong asked Wen Ying to go home first.

"There are some situations, but we can handle them."

The bell's voice doesn't sound weird.

Wen Ying didn't quite believe it: "What's going on? Xie Qian's phone is still turned off, and Brother Jiang's phone is not answered. What happened?"

No one could ask Zhong Yong what he didn't want to say. He not only advised Wen Ying to go home and wait for news, but also advised Wen Ying not to contact Xie Yuping for the time being, because Wen Ying could not help with this emergency and would also delay Xie Yuping.

Go and help——

"Okay, I will go back and wait for the news."

Wen Ying agreed without moving her body at all.

She didn't have the strength to stand up.

The red roses on the dining table were so delicate that Wen Ying was not in the mood to appreciate them.

The surrounding tables were empty, the live band was still playing, and the conversations of other guests in the restaurant came and went. The whole world was filled with a sense of unreality.

A waitress came over to talk to Wen Ying. Wen Ying could see her mouth opening and closing, but she couldn't hear what she said.

"I want to sit down again."

Wen Ying heard her own voice, "The person I'm waiting for is still on the way."

Yes, it is like that.

Xie Qian may have been stopped by some unexpected circumstances, but it doesn't matter, she can wait for Xie Qian.

Xie Qian will definitely come after he finishes handling the matter.

Xie Qian said he had a gift for her.

Xie Qian still had something to say to her.

Wen Ying made up her mind. As soon as Xie Qian spoke, she would nod in agreement without hesitation - no, why should she wait for Xie Qian to speak? She could speak before Xie Qian. No one stipulated that girls can't confess first!

No one opened their mouths, they were cautiously testing, maybe they missed it?

That's her boy.

In her previous life, she looked up to him ignorantly, but in this life she strives to catch up with him, turning from looking up to him into liking him.

So when I see Xie Qian, I might as well rush to ask Xie Qian.

——Are you willing to be my boyfriend?

If Xie Qian says he doesn't want to... he has to be willing if he doesn't want to. Wen Ying feels that she can no longer give Xie Qian any room to retreat!

Thinking of Xie Qian's reaction, Wen Ying couldn't help but laugh.

She thought she was just laughing, but she didn't know that in the eyes of others, her reaction of laughing and crying at the same time was very strange.

The nosy waitress watched from afar.

As the time got later and later, the waitress was no longer in the mood to gossip, and looked at Wenying with a bit of pity in her eyes.

What's the use of romantic meal preparations? The girl made a lot of phone calls, and the person she was waiting for never came... Maybe today is not a romantic date, but a lover breaking up?

The guests in the restaurant left one by one.

The time for the band to play has also passed.

The waiters looked at each other, but no one moved. No one wanted to act like a bad guy and remind Wen Ying.

Because Wen Ying looks so sad.

There was a TV set in the small cubicle where the waiters rested, and the nightly news from the local station in Shanghai was playing.

"At around 18:00 local time, a major traffic accident occurred on XX Road. A truck crashed into the oncoming car at high speed... The accident caused 1 death and 2 injuries. The injured were sent to the hospital for rescue immediately. The cause of the accident is currently under investigation."


Hey, there was another car accident.

As cities develop, there are more cars on the road, and naturally there are more car accidents.

The waitress was very sad when she heard on the news that the car accident caused one death and two injuries, because the place where the car accident occurred was very close to the restaurant, just two intersections away.

——I hope the two injured people can be rescued.

The waitress thought like this and walked to Wen Ying's side softly: "Guest, I'm sorry, our restaurant is closing——"

Wen Ying raised her head.

She was crying silently without making a sound.

Kik’s makeup skills are really great, and Wen Ying’s makeup was flawless at all, which made her look both beautiful and pitiful.

The waitress felt very heavy and couldn't understand it at the same time.

For a girl who is so polite and good-looking even when she cries, why would "Mr.

This chapter has been completed!
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