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1269:What do you like about him?

Wen Ying was really happy.

After she finished handling Pang Jinglong's matter, Xie Qian called Wen Ying to report that she was safe.

Wen Ying said that she introduced a lawyer to He Zhen's childhood: "It was a coincidence. I originally wanted to ask He Zhen about the project, but found that he was in trouble... I introduced Lawyer Zheng's teacher to him.


What a coincidence?

Xie Qian had a flash of doubt in his heart.

When I thought about it again, this really seemed like something Wen Ying would do.

Wen Ying can help others easily and will not be stingy with her time and energy.

Besides, it is better to have a small contact with He Zhen than to have a close contact with He Zhen.

Xie Qian felt a little unexplainably happy and took the initiative to ask Wen Ying if she wanted to help: "Since you have intervened, this matter must be done from beginning to end. If it is abandoned halfway, it is better not to help others."

Without help, the mother and son would not have hope.

It would be better not to give hope in the first place than to have it dashed after giving it.

"Oh, I know!"

This matter is not as simple as a divorce lawsuit at all, but that Pang Jinglong will kill people and go to jail.

Wen Ying couldn't explain it to Xie Qian in detail, so she quickly changed the subject: "Did your trip abroad go well this time? Are there any plans for the project?"

Xie Qian's project is treatment.

Xie Qian just arrived at the hospital.

Xie Qian has not yet decided who will perform the surgery and what plan will be used.

But he didn't want Wen Ying to worry, so he said everything was fine.

"I have an idea, let's take it step by step slowly."

Xie Qian felt that Wen Ying would hear those rumors sooner or later. In order to make Wen Ying feel at ease, he must keep in touch with Wen Ying.

For the rest of Xie Qian's life, the two of them had endless conversations on the phone. In the end, Wen Ying was worried about Xie Qian's health and hung up the phone on her own initiative.

Xie Qian's concerns were correct. It was Peng Guoqing's 250-year-old who first brought the rumor to Wen Ying.

Peng Guoqing was not testing Wen Ying, but was telling the matter as a joke.

"Tell me, how vicious those people are! I think it's the woman named Zhuo who is causing trouble. Seeing that Xie Qian's parents are divorced, she can't wait to take over!"

Wen Ying laughed angrily: "It's indeed a rumor. I just contacted Xie Qian today!"

"Right, right, I just said it was a rumor..."

Peng Guoqing was beaming with joy.

The truth is often only in the hands of a few people!

Xie Qian had called Peng Guoqing before going abroad.

Why don't you see Xie Qian calling Tai Wu and those people?

It can be seen that through his unremitting efforts, he has established a truly close friendship with Xie Qian, leaving Tai Wu and others far behind... However, Xie Qian also called that idiot Wang Shuang, and this opponent had to be on guard.


Wen Ying saw that Peng Guoqing's brows sometimes relaxed and sometimes furrowed. She really couldn't figure out Lu Mao's brain circuit, so she asked Peng Guoqing directly: "I heard that Aunt Zhu is also in the Magic City?"

"Here, do you have something to do with my mother? At this time, she should be shopping."

Based on the intensity of his mother's shopping, Peng Guoqing suspected that his father had made his mother angry again.

Peng Guoqing didn't ask what was going on specifically.

Peng Guoqing doesn't need to know, anyway, his mother can't be wrong, it must be his father who is wrong!

Wen Ying Dale: "Really? That's great. I have something to ask Aunt Zhu for help!"

Peng Guoqing's spirit was shaken.

Oh my god, did he hear that right?

Wen Ying needs help from his mother!

Peng Guoqing's ultimate goal is to be Xie Qian's most important friend. For this goal, he once asked his mother what to do.

Mrs. Peng said that everyone has their own needs, and Peng Guoqing had to identify Xie Qian's needs.

Xie Qian is not short of money.

Xie Qian’s grades are good.

Even the cheating of his scumbag father that once troubled Xie Qian was resolved with the divorce of Xie Jinghu and Zou Weijun.

Now that Xie Qian is abroad, he told Peng Guoqing to take care of Wen Ying before leaving... So helping Wen Ying is Xie Qian's most urgent need!

Peng Guoqing wanted to look up to the sky and laugh, feeling that he had found a shortcut to defeat Wang Shuang.

"No problem, my mother is very nice. She likes you. If you need anything, just ask! Not to mention my mother, even if my father comes on stage, I will help you tie him up!"

Peng Guoqing patted his chest and promised, Wen Ying couldn't laugh or cry: "It's not as serious as you said, there is no need to tie Mr. Peng."

Maybe God didn't want to see Peng Guoqing being too coquettish. Wen Ying hadn't met Mrs. Peng yet, and Mrs. Wang, who had been lingering in Chengdu, also came to Shanghai.

Wen Ying is about to start school.

If Mrs. Wang doesn't take over Wen Ying's job, Yuan Fenghui will hire someone else to take Mrs. Wang's place. M.

Mrs. Wang really wants to be a salted fish.

Anyway, my son Wang Shuang has also been admitted to college. From now on, whether he is a dragon or a worm, it is up to him to work hard on his own. There is no need for a mother to work hard for her son.

Mrs. Wang almost convinced herself.

However, after working as a salted fish in Chengdu for a while, Mrs. Wang was very happy in the first few days, but gradually she felt a sense of emptiness.

Li Mengjiao’s story.

Yun Chen’s matter.

Zhang Yangning’s story.

Everything about the company, big and small.

Mrs. Wang even thought of the company’s security guard, Brother Ma.

Brother Xiaoma was recruited from Hunan Province. When Tianjiao moved to the Magic City, Brother Xiaoma followed him to the Magic City without saying a word.

Brother Xiao Ma is definitely not as rich as Mrs. Wang. Regardless of whether he is a junior security guard or a security captain, even if he is promoted to the head of the security department in the future, he will not be able to compare with Mrs. Wang.

But Brother Xiao Ma has ideals and motivation!

So Xiao Ma is very fulfilled and happy every day.

Mrs. Wang is unwilling to admit that after working at Tianjiao for a long time, she is actually not forcing herself to work for her son Wang Shuang. This job can give Mrs. Wang a strong self-identity.

Mrs. Wang's family status was already high, but now she is even more confident.

——Did you see that being a housewife at home means a lot of sacrifice for me? If I go out and work hard, I can make very impressive work results!

Will there be a goblin hooking up with Wang Jun who has lost weight?

Oops, never mind.

If you like hooking up, then hook up.

If this bitch man doesn't do human work, I'll work in an entertainment company anyway, and I'm still worried that I won't find any young meat that I like?

Losing weight is nothing.

If you lose weight, you will still be the same old bacon.

Male models in their early 20s not only have handsome faces, but also have curvy waists and eight-pack abs!

After Mrs. Wang finished mentally building herself up, she picked up her luggage and bought a plane ticket.

Wang Jun didn't know that his wife had even thought of a way out of the marriage. While he was reluctant to let his wife go to work in Shanghai, he also wanted to be a sensible husband and send his wife here in person.

Wang Jun thought, since his precious son didn't come back to Chengdu this summer vacation, he just happened to come and see what was going on.

Mrs. Wang was captured by Wen Ying as soon as she arrived in Shanghai. When she heard that Mrs. Wang was going to return to her job, Wen Ying smiled and tipped her hat to Mrs. Wang: "I will take care of the company's affairs for a few more days. I want to ask you for help with something."


Under Wen Ying's deception, Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Peng met.

Peng Guoqing didn't expect to be interfered with by Wang Shuang's mother, and his face was crooked with anger, and he felt aggrieved.

Wen Ying gave an overview of the situation of Pang Jinglong's family.

"That's the situation. I've also hired a lawyer, and the divorce lawsuit will definitely be fought. However, my friend's mother is relatively weak and has no independent opinions, and her views are traditional. I'm afraid that my friend has already taken advantage of his father and his mother.

They will be unable to withstand external pressure and withdraw the lawsuit."

Having been suppressed for many years, it is not possible to completely wake up in a short while.

Those who are blocking Mrs. Pang's divorce may not only be relatives on her husband's side, but also Mrs. Pang's parents-in-law.

Maybe there are also relatives from Mrs. Pang’s natal family.

What divorce is dishonorable.

Why have I endured it for so many years, and now I am about to get through it? I can’t give up my position to my mistress.

If Mrs. Pang is successfully kidnapped morally by these people for various reasons and the case is really withdrawn midway, Pang Jinglong will definitely go crazy!

Mrs. Peng and Mrs. Wang looked at each other.

Mrs. Peng tapped her finger on the table: "So you asked us for help because you want us to... teach that Mrs. Pang?"

Mrs. Wang muttered, "How can I teach you something in such a short time? I guess Xiaoying means to keep an eye on her."

Wen Ying held up her hands and said, "Both meanings apply. These two aunties are the most powerful 'experts' I know. I'll leave this matter to you!"

Mrs. Peng smiled reservedly, "Oh, that's too polite to say. I may not be able to help with other things, but I do have some experience in such matters."

Ever since Mrs. Peng appeared, Mrs. Wang had forgotten her best friend, Mama Li.

Peng Guoqing felt that Wang Shuang was his strongest rival. Coincidentally, Mrs. Wang also felt that Peng Guoqing was his fucking competitor.

Mrs. Wang would not admit defeat, "I don't have any regrets, but now that you have spoken, Xiaoying, I will definitely do my best to save that confused woman!"

The 20 chapters I owe have been paid off.

Let me put my hands on my hips for a moment!

If there are more updates in the future, I can confidently say that there are more updates ^_^

This chapter has been completed!
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