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1356: Chain reaction, decision to withdraw shares!

This is how Wen Ying's college life began.

The school has just started, and the courses for freshmen are not difficult. The military training for freshmen at Aurora University is usually arranged in the summer vacation before the start of sophomore year, so Wen Ying and other freshmen have nothing else to do. Everyone is currently adapting.


College students are freer than high school students.

Some students can still restrain themselves when they reach university, while some students completely let themselves go.

Along with the beginning of Wen Ying's college life, there was also the second hearing of the Blue Whale plagiarism case.

The evidence that "Crown of Thorns" plagiarized "Galaxy and You" was too conclusive. Because Zheng Zhihe was looked down upon by Wen Ying in Zhang Liqun's divorce lawsuit, he fought the plagiarism lawsuit with all his strength. After two court sessions, the court found that "

The fact that Crown of Thorns was plagiarized.

"Crown of Thorns" is not only plagiarized, but the degree of plagiarism is extremely serious. The entire book is Blue Whale rewriting the story of "Galaxy and You" in its own language.

From the character design to the development of the story, the climax of the plot to the ending, the names and professional backgrounds of the characters have been changed, but the other main parts and context are exactly the same.

This is more serious than plagiarism of two paragraphs or dozens of original sentences.

The original sentence can be modified if it is plagiarized. How to modify the entire story from beginning to end?

Such a plagiarized work can actually be openly sold for film and television rights and adapted into a TV series. If the original author does not sue, the plagiarist will really make a lot of money!

Zheng Zhihe prepared sufficient evidence and rendered Blue Whale's attorney speechless during the trial.

Wen Ying, the plaintiff, did not even have to appear in court before the court pronounced its verdict: First, all "Crown of Thorns" currently on sale were removed from the shelves; second, Blue Whale himself publicly apologized to Wen Ying; third, Blue Whale had unjustly suffered damages through plagiarism.

profit, Wen Ying needs to be compensated for economic losses of 2.8 million Chinese dollars.

Wen Ying requested 5 million yuan in compensation, and the court finally awarded Blue Whale 2.8 million yuan in compensation.

Wen Ying herself is quite satisfied with this result. As far as she knows, this should be the heaviest sentence for plagiarism of literary works in China so far.

This judgment can be made because, firstly, the plagiarized book "Galaxy and You" has achieved outstanding results. As of July 31 this year, according to statistics, "Galaxy and You" has actually sold 1.85 million copies, ranking first in total print runs.

It has exceeded two million copies.

The price of a single copy of "Galaxy and You" is 38 yuan. Calculated with a 12% royalty rate, 1.85 million copies is a royalty income of more than 8 million yuan.

Furthermore, the first printing of "Crown of Thorns" was amazing, with 600,000 copies printed in one go. This first printing even surprised Mu Fan and others who participated in the variety show recording at the time. Now the first printing of 600,000 copies

The number has become an important indicator when the court decides on financial compensation.

Even if Blue Whale did not earn 2.8 million in royalties, it would have definitely earned 2.8 million in total after selling the film and television adaptation rights to "Crown of Thorns".

"When the verdict came down, Blue Whale burst into tears. She said she had no money to compensate."

Zheng Zhihe lamented on the phone, "She definitely doesn't have the money to compensate for 5 million, but she should have 2.8 million. I saw her crying so sadly and couldn't help but care about her."

Zheng Zhihe's tone was so compassionate that Wen Ying didn't believe a word he said.

"Lawyer Zheng, I want to remind you that you owe a lot to Blue Whale for compensating 2.8 million yuan."

As the plaintiff's lawyer, Wen Ying instinctively felt that something was wrong with Zheng Zhihe, even after winning the case and still caring about the defendant.

Zheng Zhihe firmly refused to admit it, "I'm afraid that she really doesn't have the money to accompany you, and it will be difficult for the court to enforce it..."

Wen Ying interrupted Zheng Zhihe's righteous words: "Don't go too far, tell me, what results did you get from caring about the blue whale?"

"There is really a hidden secret. It turns out that most of the royalties of Blue Whale were taken away by Bao Lixin. I think one code should be regarded as one code. Blue Whale is wrong for plagiarizing your book, but she is the victim of Bao Lixin's harvesting of royalties.

, I gave Blue Whale a business card and said I could help her file a lawsuit to get the money back!"

Even through the phone, Wen Ying could feel how upright and upright Zheng Zhihe was.

"Lawyer Zheng, outsiders don't understand me... no, they don't understand you as lawyers. They often accuse you of eating the plaintiff and the defendant. I don't know what other lawyers are like. You really don't have such a reputation in vain!"

Wen Ying couldn't help laughing while teasing.

She was not really blaming Zheng Zhihe, but Zheng Zhihe was becoming more and more like the "Senior Brother Zheng" in Wen Ying's memory, and he was solidly practicing the life motto of "peace is the most important".

Zheng Zhihe snorted: "I don't know good people's hearts. If I don't help Blue Whale with the lawsuit, how can Bao Lixin be punished?"

Wen Ying could only sue Blue Whale for plagiarism, but could not sue Blue Whale's publisher, nor could she sue Bao Lixin.

When a publishing house signs a contract with a writer, it will require the writer to ensure that there is no plagiarism or infringement in the work. If there is any such behavior, the responsibility lies with the writer himself, and the publishing house will be deceived.

The plagiarism lawsuit cannot punish Bao Lixin, but Bao Lixin's behavior of privately taking most of Blue Whale's royalties income can be punished. This is called taking advantage of his position to collect large bribes!

If a writer wants to publish a novel, most of the royalties will go to the editor-in-chief of the publishing house. After Bao Lixin's behavior is exposed, not only will his current job be lost, but his future job hunting will be greatly affected.

On the big side, Zheng Zhihe is helping to eliminate harm in the publishing industry, but on the small side... Bao Lixin just bullies Wen Ying, why should he bully Xiaoyu?

Without Bao Lixin acting as a monster, Wen Ying might not have changed jobs.

Xiao Salaman gave her generous blessings and hoped that Wen Ying would have better development, but Zheng Zhihe felt sorry for his girlfriend.

Besides, the more commissions you receive, the more income you will earn.

Xiao Sala has been working in Chengdu for less than three years. He has already saved the down payment for buying a house in Chengdu by himself, and has been promoted to deputy editor-in-chief of "Spark" magazine. His girlfriend is so motivated and hardworking, but she has no plans to get married yet because she is busy with work.

Zheng Zhihe admired Xiao Sala's independence and progress, but worried that he would be left behind by Xiao Sala if he didn't work hard enough, so he took his work more seriously and worked harder than before.

Zheng Zhihe improved his professional skills and was praised by his teacher Liao Shiyan!

The income of practicing lawyers on the right track will not be low. Zheng Zhihe has already bought a house in Chengdu, and is planning to buy property in first-tier cities next.

Zheng Zhihe was so proud that Wen Ying secretly expressed her concern about Brother Zheng's hair and reminded him: "Lawyer Zheng, you can't make enough money. You should pay more attention to skin care when you are young. I heard that staying up late will cause hair loss.


On the other end of the phone, Zheng Zhihe subconsciously touched his thick hair.

I originally wanted to refute Wen Ying, but after thinking about it carefully, it seems that my hair has fallen out more in the shower recently than before?

Zheng Zhihe instantly thought of his colleague Editor Wan who worked in the same unit as his girlfriend Xiaolu.

I heard that Editor Wan is actually two years younger than Song Foxiang.

But just looking at the appearance, Editor Wan looks like the big brother of Song Foxiang!

He is also an editor. After Song Foxiang's divorce, various romances continued. Even when he was middle-aged, he could still publish "Elope at Dawn" and become a new generation of emotional masters. I'm afraid it's not just about talent, right?

Baldness has a great impact on a man’s appearance.

Poor Editor Wan.

While Zheng Zhihe felt sorry for Editor Wan, he also resisted becoming the second Editor Wan. He had no intention of continuing to take credit from Wen Ying and hung up the phone in a hurry.

Wen Ying knew from Zheng Zhihe's guilty reaction that poor senior brother Zheng was probably already going bald.

Hey, she reminded him anyway, if he could, he would do it. If he couldn't, Wen Ying could only comfort Zheng Zhihe: in the process of becoming stronger, he would always lose something.

The verdict of the plagiarism lawsuit was a carnival for Wenying’s readers.

Readers were happy for Wen Ying and left messages on her blog urging her to write a new book!

The current progress of the new book "Exploring Jing" is that the first 20,000 words have been written.

Wen Ying was not in a hurry at all.

"Xunyong" was only released in February this year, so it's only been a little over half a year.

The publication plan for "Exploring Jing" is scheduled to be in early 2008 no matter how early it is.

From the publication time of "Exploring Jing", Wen Ying's thoughts began to diverge and she thought of Shui Mingyue. According to the trajectory of her previous life, Shui Mingyue will publish her last novel at the end of this year, and then she will close the novel for more than ten years.

Shui Mingyue disappeared so suddenly without giving any explanation to the readers.

It's September now, and Shui Mingyue's last book will be released in more than two months.

Wen Ying's thoughts spread to this point and she called Shui Mingyue after class.

Shui Mingyue smiled after answering the phone: "I was about to call you, but I didn't expect you to contact me first. Xiaoyu, did you put a monitor around me?"

Hey, what nonsense, Wen Ying is not Zhang Zhijun... Wen Ying quickly reacted: "You are not in the magic city, are you?"

"Yes, I am in Magic City. Not only am I in Magic City, but Mu Fan is also there. I just finished contacting him. Do you want to come out and have dinner with us?" M.

Of course Wen Ying would not refuse such an invitation to have a meal.

Xie Qian, who is far away from abroad, is always the first to be shared by Wen Ying about what is happening in his life. What Xie Qian was told today was that he won a plagiarism lawsuit and someone invited Wen Ying to dinner.

There is nothing wrong with the person treating the guests, but the problem is with the guests.

The guest is Mu Fan.

That guy who is not particularly handsome, but very talented, and has a crush on Wen Ying!

Xie Qian had a sense of crisis that his corner was about to be dug out.

The flowers brought by the female nurses today are sunflowers.

Vibrant sunflowers are placed in the ward, making the white walls no longer monotonous.

There is nothing wrong with sunflowers, but the most famous painter who painted sunflowers is Van Gogh. Van Gogh and Mu Fan have the same name!

So Xie Qian made a rare suggestion and asked Zou Weijun if he could change the flowers in the ward.

Zou Weijun asked why, and Xie Qian said dullly: "I don't like sunflowers."

Zou Weijun looked at his son from head to toe.

"Really? I haven't heard you say that before. How wonderful is this? I heard your Aunt Zhu say that Wen Ying seems to like sunflowers."

Does Wen Ying like sunflowers?

Xie Qian didn't know.

Xie Qian was stabbed again by his own mother.

"...Then it's better to stay."

The young Xie Qian has not yet started a formal relationship, but he has already tasted the subsidiary emotions brought by love.

——Possessiveness and jealousy are something even Xie Qian can’t escape.

This chapter has been completed!
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