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1360: Studying is worse than falling in love!

In Wen Ying's eyes, the backs of Zhang Liqun and Pang Jinglong were upright. The mother and son, who had been bullied for many years, finally stood up.

I feel very good when I hear the cherry blossoms.

I would be happy if it sold 1 million more copies than the novel.

While everyone was waiting outside, He Zhen took the initiative to chat with Wen Ying about the company.

The investment of 3 million yuan has been taken, and Wen Ying has become a shareholder of the company. It is still time to discuss the company's development plan with Wen Ying.

"I want to transfer the company back to China for development."

China has a demographic advantage.

Where there is a population, there is a demand, and He Zhen is very optimistic about China's medical aesthetics market.

"Are you going back to China now?"

Seeing He Zhen nodding, Wen Ying immediately thought in her mind, wouldn't it have to run into the business of 'Slan'?

Wen Ying wished that He Zhen would replace 'Slan' and cause Zhao Dong and others to suffer heavy losses. If He Zhen was the 'Mr. Xiao He' in the previous life, Wen Ying would not be worried at all. He Zhen is still so young now...

"What should I do Rebecca? I mean, if you go back to China to develop, you won't just stay in a foreign country like this, right?"

Wen Ying did not directly question He Zhen's ability, but changed her perspective.

Wen Ying never asked in detail why He Zhen broke up with Rebecca in her previous life. She thought that falling in love in a foreign country was a big reason.

Wen Ying was afraid that He Zhen's career would take off early in this life and he would still be separated from Rebecca, which would be a pity.

"Thank you for your concern. I have invited Rebecca to join the company's R&D center. Currently, due to the company's development scale, we can only use other people's existing patents. In the future, I want to have my own patents."

Young He Zhen makes no secret of his career ambitions.

Although Wen Ying didn't have much contact with Rebecca, she could feel Rebecca's intelligence and independence.

Will Rebecca accept He Zhen's invitation?

Joined He Zhen's company and changed from his girlfriend to He Zhen's business partner.

There are pros and cons to this choice, and Wen Ying wouldn't know what to choose.

"...Rebecca agreed?"

Young He Zhen finally felt uncertain, "She is considering it. We will formally discuss this matter before returning to China."

Rebecca absolutely supports He Zhen’s decision. Career is the source of a man’s confidence. Rebecca has never thought of letting He Zhen have a soft meal. But He Zhen has his career, and Rebecca also has her own pursuits. Join He Zhen.

Zhen Company's R&D center is a decision that Rebecca must seriously consider.

Wen Ying asked cautiously: "If Rebecca refuses-"

"Then I will divide the company into two parts. I will stay abroad and let Jinglong be responsible at home."

These words were sonorous and powerful, and Wen Ying immediately laughed: "It seems that you have thought it through. When I invested the money, I said that I didn't understand the company's affairs, so you can make the decision."

Don’t know about the company?

He Zhen didn't quite believe that Wen Ying could deceive people like this when he was traveling abroad. He could hire lawyer Liao to help Pang Jinglong's mother in the lawsuit. It would be too much to act silly and sweet again.

He Zhen did not expose Wen Ying, "Whether you understand it or not, I have an obligation to explain the company's trends to shareholders."

A few meters away, Dong Runfang poked Zhu Xiao's arm and whispered: "Do you know what happened to Xie Qian? I heard from Wang Shuang that Xie Qian had some business abroad, and his admission to Aurora University was postponed.

What business is so important?”

Xie Qian has disappeared for almost two months.

Although people like Wang Shuang and Peng Guoqing were able to contact Xie Qian, no one had seen Xie Qian in person.

Wang Shuang has been busy with his street stall business and has no time to think deeply. Peng Guoqing believes whatever Xie Qian says.

But the adults had long noticed something strange.

Dong Runfang, who has been busy rescuing Zhang Liqun these days, only now found the opportunity to ask Zhu Xiao.

Zhu Xiao didn't know what to say, so he said vaguely: "Xie Qian's family situation is rather complicated. We can't help him with the business he cares about. Let him take care of it himself."

Dong Runfang sighed, "I'm not worried that Xie Qian will miss his studies. I know that our family's business is fine in Chengdu, but it's really nothing in a place like the Magic City or the capital. Even so, we are willing to help, if Xie

If you need it!"

Dong Runfang doesn't need to flatter the Xie family.

Wang Jun is indeed not a big boss, but the money Wang Jun earns can support ten Dong Runfangs.

Dong Runfang misses Xie Qian because Xie Qian helped Wang Shuang.

Zhu Xiao's eyes were bright, "I have the same idea as you, no wonder we can chat very well. Let's wait patiently, Xie Qian will always come back."

Everyone chatted while waiting for the court to end, and even had lunch in the middle.

After waiting for who knows how long, Wen Ying's sharp eyes saw Boss Pang first.

Boss Pang rushed out like a storm, and the lawyer trotted behind him.

Boss Pang looked sad, as if someone had dug up his ancestral grave.

Wen Yinghaoxuan laughed out loud: Zhang Liqun divided so much property, wouldn't it be more uncomfortable for Boss Pang than digging up his ancestral grave?

Boss Pang was about to rush to his car, but he suddenly braked and stood still, looking behind him affectionately.

Zhang Liqun and Pang Jinglong walked slower than Boss Pang.

Especially Zhang Liqun, who has officially ushered in a new life, has taken every step steadily.

"Liqun, I don't blame you for insisting on divorce. I broke your heart. You won't believe it even if I swear now, just watch my behavior in the future!"

After hearing this, you haven't given up yet and are thinking about getting back together with Zhang Liqun?

Zhang Liqun and Pang Jinglong were so disgusted that they didn't know what to say. Lawyer Liao said slowly: "Mr. Pang, you don't have to wait until later to show your determination to know your mistakes and correct them. Just don't delay when transferring the property to Ms. Zhang."

A disgusting scumbag like Boss Pang had to be treated by Lawyer Liao. As soon as Lawyer Liao spoke, he pinched Boss Pang's weak point, making Boss Pang glare at Lawyer Liao fiercely.

If looks could kill, Lawyer Liao would die a thousand times in court!

It's a pity, looks can't kill.

Boss Pang restrained himself from looking at Zhu Xiao and Dong Runfang, especially Zhu Xiao. This woman suddenly appeared and wanted to support Zhang Liqun. Even the president of the chamber of commerce had to act as a middleman, leaving Boss Pang with many drastic measures.

Use it... Well, we'll see, everyone has ups and downs in doing business, and Boss Pang endured this.

Boss Pang was reluctant to leave.

Looking at the expectant looks of Wen Ying and others, Lawyer Liao smiled: "The court has already ruled the divorce today, and the only thing left is to transfer the property and change the name. I have applied for property preservation before. If Pang Zhigang drags his feet and refuses to cooperate, he can

Let the courts enforce it.”

Already divorced?

Wen Ying also felt that the second court meeting would lead to a divorce, but Wen Ying was still very happy to get the exact news from her mentor.

Everyone was congratulating Zhang Liqun, and Zhang Liqun's eyes turned red: "I can get a divorce only because of your help."

Wen Ying was curious about what happened during the court session, "Lawyer Liao, Boss Pang actually has no objection to the property division plan?"

Wen Ying was really surprised that someone named Pang was so easy to talk to.

"Of course there are objections, but our division plan is reasonable and it is useless for him to have objections. I was originally worried that Pang Zhigang would be entangled and choose to appeal after the first trial. Then the divorce would only be protracted. Unexpectedly, Pang Zhigang seemed to have

What are the concerns? Let the lawyer send a message saying that he will not appeal."

If something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

After discussing with Zhang Liqun, lawyer Liao responded to Pang Zhigang's interest: If Pang Zhigang no longer engages in appeals, Zhang Liqun will withdraw the prosecution of bigamy against Pang Zhigang.

"Oh, it really gives him an advantage!"

Wen Ying muttered, but didn't hold on.

Lawyer Liao smiled and said: "I thought you would think you were too incompetent to send Pang Zhigang to jail."

Wen Ying had already thought about this problem, "I thought you might withdraw the bigamy charge in exchange. Of course I want Pang Zhigang to go to jail. Shouldn't he go to jail for everything he did? But the court sentenced him to bigamy.

If he is found guilty, he will probably be sent to jail for a few months. In this way, although Aunt Zhang and Pang Jinglong are angry, they will probably be shamelessly entangled by this villain in the future... The trouble will be greater than the gain, so withdrawing the case will be more troublesome.

It’s the best choice.”

Wen Ying's voice was a bit muffled. In her professional career, Wen Ying also made similar "compromises."

This is my mentor's philosophy: the lawsuit must be fought, and the client must be protected.

Sometimes, in order to protect the client, the mentor would even accept the lawsuit as soon as possible. That villain Du Li once used this to attack the mentor, saying that the mentor was a softie and could not help the client to obtain the best interests - Bah, Du Li

You know nothing!

Wen Ying quickly regained her energy.

"Compromise is not weakness. When to compromise and when to be tough is a knowledge that requires wisdom. I only know that there will be a brand new life waiting for Aunt Zhang in the future."

Lawyer Liao looked back at Zhang Liqun and Pang Jinglong, and fully agreed with Wen Ying's words.

——Zhang Liqun has a new life, and so does Pang Jinglong.

The same goes for Boss Pang.

The difference is that Zhang Liqun and Pang Jinglong have thrown away their baggage and traveled lightly in their new life, while Boss Pang will face the storms of life!

This chapter has been completed!
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