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1558:Are you in a hurry to save the world?

Mu Fan's creative state is back.

When Mu Fan stopped excessively pursuing literary qualities and no longer struggled with himself, he returned to his peak.

The four words "return to the top" are the editor's original words.

Moreover, just because Mu Fan does not deliberately pursue literary qualities does not mean that his books are not literary.

Literature does not belong only to critics, nor does it belong only to the bright and beautiful.

The editor said that Mu Fan's book has become more beautiful again, and there are more things that are different from before. The "intention" that Mu Fan wants to express still exists, but he has changed his description to a more simple way, and does not deliberately show off his depth.

“This will make more readers willing to accept it!”

The editor was really excited.

Before Xie Qian returned to China, Mu Fan didn't have much time to brush up on Wen Ying's favorability. A big reason was that writing a new book took up a lot of his energy.

During that period, everything had to give way to creation.

Without this level of concentration, Mu Fan would not have been able to write such a new work that has been edited to "return to the top".

People always have gains and losses. Now that he has found his creative state, brushing Wen Ying's favorability level will probably be missed forever.

Many people actually don't understand this truth.

You can't be too greedy as a person, and you can't want both.

Mu Fan was able to regain his state because he never stopped creating. He was just confused about the direction of his creation. When he lost his greed of "wanting and wanting both", he could easily return to his previous state.

Feelings are different.

A broken mirror cannot be restored to its original condition.

For those who have experienced "both wanting and wanting" emotionally, even if they want to turn back, it's worthless!

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the second court session, Xie Jinghu came to visit Xie Qian. Xie Qian had just finished his rehabilitation at that time and was about to return to school from the hospital. Xie Jinghu blocked Xie Qian in the hospital.

After Xie Qian's car accident, the father and son met for the first time.

Before Xie Qian's car accident, Xie Jinghu and Zou Weijun had not divorced. At that time, Xie Qian and Xie Jinghu's relationship was very bad. Now Xie Qian is very polite to Xie Jinghu, and it seems that the relationship is better than before the divorce - it just looks like it, and

The premise is that Xie Jinghu did not adopt a condescending attitude this time.

From Xie Qian's perspective, he and his mother Zou Weijun have cut off their relationship with Xie Jinghu. Why should a person who has nothing to do with him get angry for the other person?

Now that my mind is at peace, I will naturally be polite to Xie Jinghu.

Xie Jinghu didn't understand this and was a little happy to see that Xie Qian could talk well. Xie Jinghu was still in a lawsuit with Sara Zhuo, and Sara Zhuo didn't pay back the money quickly. Xie Jinghu also disliked Zhuo Chen.

For Xie Qian, Xie Jinghu unconsciously had a mentality of two parts to please and three parts to compensate.

Xie Qian's attitude was polite, but Xie Jinghu felt that he had pleased Xie Qian by insisting on asking Sara Zhuo to recover the gift.

Xie Jinghu even believed that not only would Xie Qian be pleased, Zou Weijun would also be happy because of it.

Since the divorce, Xie Jinghu has been thinking about how to get back together.

Even Assistant Qi could see that the "reunion" was just Mr. Xie's delusion. Zou Weijun finally got rid of this scumbag. He was afraid of running too slow while carrying a bucket, so how could he possibly turn back!

Mr. Xie, Mr. Xie doesn’t think so!

Xie Jinghu tried to please and compensate Xie Qian, but poor Assistant Qi was forced to stand aside, listening to Xie Jinghu inquire about Zou Weijun's current situation, wishing he could dig out the three bedrooms and one living room with his toes!

——How can Mr. Xie be so shameless?

——Such a shameless person is actually my boss?!

Assistant Qi was very sad.

Assistant Qi doesn’t know when he will end his life as a young boy. Even though he can get two salaries and the work risks are not as high as before, Assistant Qi is becoming more and more unbearable... After thinking about it, maybe the boss is too stupid.


Assistant Qi listened to Xie Jinghu and Xie Qian having nothing to say, and shamelessly asked the driver to follow Xie Qian to school.

Mr. Xie didn't blush, but Assistant Qi's cheeks were burning.

The entrance of Aurora University.

Xie Jinghu watched eagerly as Xie Qian got out of the car.

Seeing a girl coming out of school, she naturally pushed Xie Qian's wheelchair towards the school.

Xie Jinghu frowned: "Isn't that who it is?"

Assistant Qi was terrified.

Mr. Xie recognized Wen Ying.

One time Wen Ying went to the capital for a book signing, and Xie Jinghu made a special trip to see the people there.

At that time, Xie Jinghu didn't believe that Wen Ying was Xie Qian's girlfriend. After seeing this scene, Xie Jinghu realized that his judgment was wrong.

In fact, Zhao Dong did not send false news.

Wen Ying is the person Xie Qian likes... But even if he knew it now, Xie Jinghu's first reaction was not to trouble Wen Ying.

The situation is no longer the same!

I used to feel that there was no shortage of sons, but I would get annoyed when I saw Xie Qian.

Now that Xie Qian's son has become precious again, Xie Jinghu is worried about how to repair the relationship with Xie Qian, and how can he dare to trouble Wen Ying?

Assistant Qi madly complained that Xie Jinghu had a bad mind. In fact, this person’s IQ did not go offline all the time. How could a fool make "Kumho" work!

Xie Jinghu's IQ is on the line, and he wants to see if Wen Ying can "save the country" through curves.

Xie Jinghu wanted to express his kindness to Wen Ying.

Wen Ying was stunned by Xie Jinghu's magical operation. She took the text message in her hand and asked Xie Qian: "I had a strange phone call during class. I didn't receive it. He texted me and said it was your dad... He said thank you.

I take care you."

Could this tone be that of Xie Jinghu?

Wen Ying suspected that she had encountered telecommunications fraud!

Xie Qian glanced at the number and frowned, "It's really him. You don't need to pay attention to him. If he calls you again, he will be blocked directly."

Wen Ying really didn't want to talk to Xie Jinghu.

Xie Qian and Zou Weijun no longer care about the company shares in Xie Jinghu's hands. Wen Ying will not take it upon herself to maintain any relationship between mother and son. Wen Ying hates doing things that others hate in the name of doing good for others.


So Wen Ying did what Xie Qian said.

Xie Jinghu waited and waited, but did not wait until Wen Ying responded to the text message.

After waiting and waiting, I called Wen Ying again and found that the treatment I received at Wen Ying was exactly the same as when I called Zou Weijun.

Xie Jinghu couldn’t believe it.

"Why is she so uneducated?"

Assistant Qi thought to himself: Why is Mr. Wen doing this? Mr. Xie really has no idea at all!

This time it’s not all Xie Jinghu’s fault.

When Xie Jinghu approached Wen Ying, half of his confidence was given by Zhang Nan, and the other half was given by other girls who liked Xie Qian.

Including Zhang Nan, the little girls who like Xie Qian kept shouting "Uncle Xie" when they met Xie Jinghu, saying, "Be more enthusiastic and enthusiastic, be as well-behaved and well-behaved as possible!"

Wen Ying can actually ignore Xie Jinghu!

How dare she?

She doesn't care at all?!

Xie Jinghu was very angry.

What made him even more angry was that he couldn't do anything about Wen Ying.

Not to mention that Xie Jinghu was worried about Xie Qian and didn't dare to do anything to Wen Ying. Even if Xie Jinghu didn't have to worry about Xie Qian... he wouldn't be able to do anything to Wen Ying.

He couldn't just yell at Wen Ying to kill her for such a trivial matter just because Wen Ying ignored him.

"Kumho" is indeed a big company, but no matter how big a company is, it cannot cover the sky with one hand. Readers recognize Wen Ying's novels, and Xie Jinghu cannot stop readers from buying Wen Ying's books.

This is Wen Ying's greatest confidence.

Realizing this, Xie Jinghu became even more angry, his face changing.

Assistant Qi looked at Xie Jinghu and his face changed with anger. He took a few deep breaths and endured it, "Forget it, I won't argue with a little girl!"

Assistant Qi quickly flattered me: "Your time is too precious. It's really not worth wasting on such a trivial matter. And the most important thing now is the lawsuit."


The important thing is to litigate!

Assistant Qi handed Xie Jinghu a step.

Unexpectedly, Xie Jinghu would stumble on this step - the second trial was held, but the court still did not make a verdict. Sara Zhuo spent a lot of money to hire a powerful lawyer, but Sara Zhuo did not show up at all and entrusted the lawyer with full authority to deal with the lawsuit.

This lawyer is none other than Du Li.

This chapter has been completed!
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