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1325: A little help from Mr. Peng

Shui Mingyue and Mu Fan were brought to Mr. Zhang by Wen Ying.

Mr. Zhang happened to be in Tianjiao, so Wen Ying decided to meet at Tianjiao.

The premise that Mr. Zhang respects creation is that good creation can bring him benefits, so this iron cock is particularly enthusiastic about Mu Fan.

There is no way, who made Shui Mingyue sell all the rights to adapt the work!

In Mr. Zhang's eyes, Mu Fan is more valuable, and the rights to adapt Mu Fan's novels have basically not been sold.

Mu Fan was so praised by Mr. Zhang that she felt guilty: My novel is so valuable for adaptation?

Mr. Zhang had an eye for talent, and Mu Fan was so moved that he almost sold the adaptation rights to Mr. Zhang at a bargain price. At the critical moment, Wen Ying stayed awake:

"Mr. Zhang, your reading capacity is quite good. You have actually read all Mu Fan's books?"

Mr. Zhang remained calm: "I haven't seen it yet, but I believe the market has already tested it for me."

Mu Fan woke up immediately.

It turns out that the "Bo Le" in his eyes has not even read his novels. The other Bo Le is a live horse judge, and Zhang Bole is a blind horse betting!

"My copyright will definitely be reserved for Mr. Zhang. Let's talk about the script of "Shendu: Youth Journey" first."

Mu Fan brought the chat back to the main topic, and Mr. Zhang said with regret: "Yes, yes, yes, let's talk about the script of "The Journey to the City of Gods" first. This is the top priority..."

Shui Mingyue and Mu Fan offered not to pay. Mr. Zhang, a tough guy, was very angry and wanted to empty their minds of all the fantastic ideas.ωωw.Bǐqυgétν.℃ǒM

Wen Ying saw the three of them chatting animatedly and quietly left the office.

Yuan Fenghui stopped Wen Ying: "Director Fan just called me. He wants to buy Shui Mingyue's drama."

"Did Director Fan find the wrong person?"

"Jiaxin" took over the post-production of Shui Mingyue's drama. If Director Fan wants to buy the drama, he should contact "Jiaxin"!

Yuan Fenghui chuckled: "Director Fan is doing great! He said that the summer vacation schedule was originally reserved for "Crown of Thorns". You sued Blue Whale. This drama is involved in copyright disputes and obviously cannot be broadcast again. Hunan Satellite TV this year

There will be a vacancy during the summer vacation... Director Fan sold you a favor, how can he not earn it back? He thinks you can handle 'Jiaxin'."

Wen Ying resisted very much: "How can I get 'Jiaxin' for him? Even if Xie Qian is my boyfriend, I can't interfere with Xie Qian's company's decision because of Director Fan, right?"

As she said that, Wen Ying looked at Yuan Fenghui with suspicious eyes.

Wen Ying didn't think that her relationship with Xie Qian had been exposed in the industry. Now even Director Fan knew about it. Maybe Yuan Dahu deliberately revealed it!

"That's not the case. Director Fan wants you to get involved. He will discuss the specific conditions with Jiaxin himself."

Yuan Fenghui knew Wen Ying's temper. If Director Fan made excessive demands, Yuan Fenghui would not tell Wen Ying.

"Is it just a matchmaking? That's okay."

Wen Ying just helped connect Mu Fan and Mr. Zhang, so it would be okay to help Director Fan. Whether the business can be negotiated depends on Director Fan, she is just a middleman.

However, even Hunan Satellite TV wanted to buy Shui Mingyue's drama, and Wen Ying was very happy for Shui Mingyue.

Wen Ying had a hunch that the ratings of Shui Mingyue's first drama adaptation might be even more popular in this life than in the previous one!

When meeting Xie Qian, Wen Ying mentioned this matter, and Xie Qian agreed: "You can ask Director Fan to contact my brother-in-law directly."

The daily affairs of Jiaxin were under the control of Jiang Youjia, and Xie Qian rarely interfered.

The only thing Xie Qian personally watched was Peng Guoqing writing the shooting plan.

It was not enough for Peng Guoqing's plan to pass the test with Jiang Youjia. It had to be reviewed by Xie Qian himself.

Hearing that Peng Guoqing had written eight versions of the plan, Wen Ying was shocked: "Lu Mao is so persistent?"

Xie Qian nodded, "Just as serious as he takes the college entrance examination."

The first eight versions of Peng Guoqing's plan did not impress Xie Qian, but they impressed his own father, Mr. Peng.

Peng Guoqing has always wanted to ask his biological father for more pocket money. Mr. Peng asked Peng Guoqing to write a payment application and explain the use of the pocket money in a reasonable manner.

Most of the time, Peng Guoqing's payment application cannot even pass the preliminary review by Secretary Bai, let alone the final review by Mr. Peng.

The main reason is that this guy is so unreliable, and he doesn’t feel bad about spending the money he didn’t earn himself. For example, Peng Guoqing once applied for 20 million pocket money to hire a spy for "Longtang Family". With such an outrageous application, Mr. Peng

You can't criticize even if you poke both eyes out!

But this time it was different. This time Peng Guoqing wrote eight versions of the shooting plan, and Mr. Peng actually offered to give Peng Guoqing pocket money——

"Uncle Peng personally called me and asked me if 'Jiaxin' is short of funds recently. He wants to invest in this drama that Peng Guoqing has planned for filming."

Although Mr. Peng despised Peng Guoqing, he still loved his son in his heart. Especially after his playboy son began to become more reliable, Mr. Peng did not hesitate to give his son a little support.

Of course, Mr. Peng’s “a little bit” is not really just a little bit.

Peng Guoqing made up a huge sum of 20 million that he didn't ask for for various reasons, but Mr. Peng took the initiative to give it to him this time!

Wen Ying's Taoist heart was a little unstable: "Peng Lumao is really good at reincarnation..."

It has been more than three years since Wen Ying was reborn, and she was heartbroken when she invested 20 million in one-time investment in "You Ni Group Buying". After giving away that sum of 20 million, Wen Ying's cash flow instantly shrunk by more than half.

Peng Guoqing only wrote eight pages of the shooting plan, and Mr. Peng took the initiative to spend 20 million to sponsor Peng Guoqing's career development.

As expected, people cannot be compared together, as it is easy to become mentally unbalanced!

Xie Qian comforted his girlfriend: "Uncle Peng looks at his own son wearing a filter, but I don't think he has a filter. He wrote eight versions of the shooting plan. He worked very hard, but hard work and meeting the standards are two different things."

Xie Qian accepted Mr. Peng’s funding and asked Mr. Peng not to tell Peng Guoqing about the 20 million yuan.

Xie Qian took the money.

Peng Guoqing has to continue to revise the plan!

Wen Ying's unbalanced psychology was instantly cured: "The higher your demands, the more Lv Mao will be exercised. You are really doing it for his own good."

Xie Qian felt the same way.

If he didn't sincerely care for Peng Guoqing, Xie Qian wouldn't bother to play dirty!

The young couple decided Peng Guoqing's fate while talking and laughing, but Peng Guoqing himself was unaware of it.

The eighth version of the proposal was rejected again.

Peng Guoqing is used to it!

As Wen Ying said, Peng Guoqing has already competed with the plan.

If he couldn't even come up with a plan, how could he have the right to say that he liked Sister Tang? This work, which describes the love between sister and brother, carries Peng Guoqing's secret love and becomes a projection of his feelings.

Peng Guoqing especially wanted to put this work on the screen.

Xie Qian and Wen Ying returned to school early for Valentine's Day and Wen Ying's book signing.

Poor Peng Guoqing returned to school early just to continue revising the proposal.

Peng Guoqing had his own plans, and so did others.

On this day, Peng Guoqing took the ninth edition of the plan to "Jiaxin" and saw a familiar person in "Jiaxin".

"Why are you here?!"

After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly stood up from the bed. If you want to read the latest chapter content, please download the Xingxing Reading app, and read the latest chapter content for free without ads. The website no longer updates the latest chapter content, and the Xingxing Reading novel APP has updated the latest chapter content.


He took a deep breath of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, confused, and all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously looked around and became even more confused.

A single dorm?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my body...how could I not have any injuries at all?

With doubts, Shi Yu's eyes quickly swept across the room, and finally his eyes rested on a mirror beside the bed.

The mirror showed his current appearance. He was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he looked very handsome.

But the problem is, this is not him! Download the Star Reading app and read the latest chapters for free without ads.

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

And now, no matter how you look, this appearance is that of a high school student...

This change left Shi Yu stunned for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was successful...

My body and appearance have all changed. This is not a matter of surgery or not, but magic.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be...that he traveled through time?

In addition to the mirror placed by the bedside, which was obviously not feng shui-friendly, Shi Yu also found three books next to it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look. The title of the book instantly silenced him.

"Essential Animal Breeding Manual for Beginner Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Pets"

"Evaluation Guide for Interracial Beast-Eared Girls"

Shi Yu:???

The names of the first two books are pretty normal, but what happened to the last one?


Shi Yu looked solemnly and stretched out his hand, but his arm soon stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book and see what it was about, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large number of memories came flooding back.

Icefield City.

Pet animal breeding base.

Intern pet breeder. The website will be closed soon. Download the Star Reading app to provide you with the rebirth of a great god’s treasure makeup: Live up to your time.

Beast Master?

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