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1335: High-end jealous (still 11)

When four people ate at the same table, He Zhen and Wen Ying would be angry for Pang Jinglong, but they couldn't understand Pang Jinglong's desire to open the dinner for his scumbag father.

Only Xie Qian and Pang Jinglong felt the same.

Pang Zhigang wanted to repair his relationship with Pang Jinglong, but coincidentally, Xie Jinghu also wanted to repair his relationship with Xie Qian.

Pang Zhigang and Xie Jinghu are the same type of scumbag dads. Xie Qian thought of Xie Jinghu's concern from time to time and lost his appetite looking at the table of food in front of him.

The difference is that Xie Qian had the confidence to reject Xie Jinghu's overtures, while Pang Jinglong's confidence was not enough.

A startup company has just started and cannot withstand too many winds and rains, so there is no need to make enemies.

Xie Jinghu once tried to prevent Xie Qian from establishing his own business, fearing that Xie Yuping would not go too far.

However, the Pang family does not have a fair head like Xie Yuping, and no one can stop Pang Zhigang from being a monster to his heart's content.

In this case, Pang Jinglong and Pang Zhigang can only continue to make mistakes.

"When starting a business, you will deal with various customers. Some customers are easy to talk to, and they give you money quickly but ask for little; some customers are very demanding and very difficult to deal with, but you can't refuse their orders. So the process of starting a business is like a

If you practice in the field, you can’t deal with your clients but you can only deal with yourself.”

Xie Qian suddenly spoke.

Pang Jinglong was more sensitive, "Do you also agree with me taking over the house?"

Pang Jinglong was not jealous of Xie Qian, but he was not familiar with Xie Qian.

He Zhen and Wen Ying can give advice to Pang Jinglong. He Zhen is the helper of Zhang Liqun and Pang Zhigang's divorce.

From what standpoint did Xie Qian speak?

Pang Jinglong felt that Xie Qian was a little too lenient.

——This Pang Jinglong is interested in hamsters!

Low-end jealousy is to attack your love rival bluntly and make your love rival hate you; high-end jealousy is to tolerate your love rival and make your love rival admire you.

Therefore, Xie Qian was not angry. Instead, he persuaded in a sincere tone: "What I'm telling you is really superficial, but please believe me. I'm the only one with the most experience at this dinner table."

What's the meaning?

Could it be that Xie Qian is also——

Pang Jinglong peeked at the expressions of He Zhen and Wen Ying. Wen Ying was fine, but He Zhen was already shaking his head gently at Pang Jinglong, signaling Pang Jinglong not to ask any more questions.

Pang Jinglong was so curious that he almost suffocated to death.

"You mean, let me treat that person as a customer?"

Xie Qian asked: "Otherwise, do you still want to regard the other party as your biological father?"


Pang Jinglong only felt like he had a father when he was beating gongs and drums to get things done.

"How is that the same..."

Wen Ying laughed and interrupted, "Why is it different? You want to make money from your customers, and whoever makes you profit is your customer. The difference is that usually you have to look at the customer's face, but now this customer is rushing to give you money.

It depends on your face!"

If you don’t make money, you’re a bastard!

Pang Zhigang offered the house, but Pang Jinglong refused. Will Pang Zhigang give up and continue to make plans?


A self-righteous scumbag like Pang Zhigang will only find another way to continue to gain presence in front of Pang Jinglong.

For example, when Pang Jinglong had a girlfriend, he was picky about Pang Jinglong's girlfriend.

Another example is that when Pang Jinglong encountered setbacks in starting his business, he condescendingly gave Pang Jinglong advice.

Instead of doing this, it is better to accept the sugar coating given by Pang Zhigang and throw the cannonball back, so that Pang Zhigang feels that his overtures are useful, lest Pang Zhigang think of other ways and Pang Jinglong becomes passive.ωωw.Bǐqυgétν.℃ǒM

Of course, this does not mean that Pang Zhigang will be honest if Pang Jinglong takes over the house.

But whether Pang Jinglong takes over the house or not, Pang Zhigang will jump up and down. This person is the kind of difficult customer that Pang Jinglong can't get rid of.

I will be harassed by Pang Zhigang anyway, why can't I collect some interest?

Pang Jinglong could listen to Wen Ying's words. After Wen Ying's explanation, Pang Jinglong finally understood what Xie Qian meant and couldn't help but look at Xie Qian.

"How do you do it so calmly and calmly?"

Xie Qian smiled and said, "As a customer, you only need to care about how much performance the other party can bring to you. Do you care about the customer's personal morality?"

As a customer, you really don't need to care about other people's personal ethics.

Pang Jinglong finally understood.

Pang Jinglong gets angry when he sees Pang Zhigang because he still cares about Pang Zhigang.

The back of hatred is "love". There has always been a lack of father's love in Pang Jinglong's growth process. Pang Zhigang never gave Pang Jinglong father's love before, and now he is giving Pang Jinglong false father's love. Pang Jinglong is naturally disgusted by it!

Pang Jinglong's gentleness is an escape. If you don't see Pang Zhigang, you won't think of him. When you see him, you won't be angry and calm enough.

When Pang Jinglong has no feelings for Pang Zhigang, it will be regarded as his cultivation is complete.

Pang Jinglong understood, but didn't know what to do.

"I get angry when I see him."

Xie Qian said lightly: "Because you are not strong enough, you can only make yourself angry. When you stand high enough, you can make him unhappy if he makes you angry."

High-end jealousy not only convinces the love rival, but also points the way for the love rival!

You have more time to do serious things and less time to think about things.

Once Pang Jinglong figured out what it was like to have a career, how could he have time to think about Wen Ying anymore?

Pang Jinglong's heart moved, "What do you mean..."

"I don't mean anything. I'm just sharing my experience. You need to verify whether it's right or not and whether it's suitable for you."

Pang Jinglong was not used to Xie Qian's simple friendship and deep conversation.

Xie Qian stopped talking, but Pang Jinglong felt itchy and wanted to hear more. He kept looking for opportunities to chat with Xie Qian during the dinner.

Xie Qian sometimes replied, sometimes smiled, and was polite yet distant.

Pang Jinglong's heart suddenly went up and down, and he went from doubting Xie Qian to being convinced.

He Zhen sighed in his heart: The IQ gap between people is really huge!

But it was right to let Wen Ying bring Xie Qian here today. How could Pang Jinglong give up unless he saw it with his own eyes?

The two smart young people at the dinner had their own ideas, but the other smart young man Wen Ying was confused: Xie Qian usually doesn't mind his own business, but tonight he talked a lot with Pang Jinglong, and they really had a deep friendship.

Could it be that Pang Jinglong’s experience touched Xie Qian?

Wen Ying thought for a while and realized that she was too sensitive.

Xie Qian has always been a cold-faced and warm-hearted person.

Wen Ying looked at Xie Qian with eyes full of affection. Xie Qian occasionally met Wen Ying's eyes, even if it was only for a few seconds, the passionate passion between the two could even be felt by a blind man.

Pang Jinglong was slightly startled, and the bitterness he had suppressed before reappeared.

As soon as the bitterness came to his head, Pang Jinglong wanted to spit on himself.

Wen Ying is a very good person, and Xie Qian is also a very good person.

Wen Ying helped the mother and son get out of trouble, and Xie Qian gave Pang Jinglong guidance on how to deal with his scumbag father. Both of them were not related to Pang Jinglong, so they both helped Pang Jinglong.

Two such good people should naturally live happily.

Pang Jinglong tried his best to show a relaxed expression, "Come on, come on, I'll toast you two and wish you a long-lasting love!"

Before Xie Qian could raise his glass after hearing the cherry blossoms, Pang Jinglong raised his head and drank the glass of wine.

Throat is sore.

Feeling sour.

Xie Qian killed a potential love rival who was about to hatch without any bloodshed. I felt that the meal was well worth it!

This chapter has been completed!
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