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1342: I don’t believe you have used our own products!

Zhao Dong was disgusted by Wen Ying many times, and Wen Ying felt that she should do something.

It’s hard for her to openly criticize ‘Slan’ products because she hasn’t used them before, so it’s hard for her to speak in public!

Wen Ying thought for a while and reposted the beauty blogger's blog post on her own blog.

“Support rights protection!”

The beauty blogger was surprised that Wen Ying, who rarely even accepts advertisements, actually helped to reprint blog posts. The other party even called Wen Ying to thank her.

Beauty bloggers are very popular, and with Wen Ying’s reposting and support, more netizens are paying attention to this matter.

The "Four Prodigies" have always advanced and retreated together. Li Mengjiao, Yun Chen and Zhang Yangning all followed Wen Ying in reposting their blog posts——

This became a big issue as soon as public attention paid attention to it.

Jiang Youjia was so happy that he released the previously prepared materials overnight. Suddenly, all the major forums were bursting with information about ‘Slan’!

This time, it will not be so easy for ‘Slan’s’ public relations officer to delete the post.

In just two or three days, the entire Internet was discussing the allergenicity of 'Silan' products. More and more victims came forward to speak out, helping beauty bloggers to denounce the unsafeness of 'Silan' products.

Why should they buy such an expensive product when its safety cannot be guaranteed?

You must know that many products from international big brands may not have immediate results, but they must be very stable.

The allergy to ‘Slan’ is not an isolated case, there must be something very wrong with this product!

Protect your rights, you must protect your rights, don’t be fooled by a little discount from a beauty salon!

Public opinion first fermented online and soon spread offline.

Some impatient consumers couldn't wait for the beauty salon's negotiation, so they directly smashed Slan's products at the beauty salon's entrance.

"Money back!"

"Yes, refund and compensate!"

"We want compensation!"

Allergic consumers made a big fuss. When those who were not allergic saw this public opinion, they immediately no longer dared to use 'Slan' products.

I am not allergic now, but I may become allergic in a few days. The product is produced by others, but my face is my own!

In major cities such as Shanghai and Beijing, many consumer rights protection incidents against ‘Slan’ have occurred.

Some of the rights protection events that caused quite a stir were secretly videotaped and filmed on the sidelines!

Zhao Dong was still immersed in the good publicity situation, and suddenly a wave of public opinion broke out against "Slan". Zhao Dong was somewhat confused.

Is that guy He Zhen messing with him?

No, it can't be He Zhen, He Zhen doesn't have such great power!

Even if He Zhen borrows the power of the entire He family... it makes no sense. 'Slan' owns 40% of the shares of the He family. It is normal for Dai Chenglan to silently allow He Zhen to start his own business. Zhao Dong does not think that Dai Chenglan and his wife will help He Zhen break through.


No one will have trouble with money, or such a big sum of money!

If it wasn't He Zhen, then who was it?

Zhao Dong couldn't think of Jiang Youjia even if he thought about it. Zhao Dong never took a fancy to Jiang Youjia's ability!

Excluding He Zhen, could it be Xie Qian?

Zhao Dong was shocked and confused.

Unable to offend Xie Qian, Zhao Dong picked on the weaklings and scolded Wen Ying, who posted it on her blog: "The person named Wen dares to add insult to injury!"

This man is really ridiculous.

He used to overlook Wen Ying from a high place, but later he saw Wen Ying gain fame and fortune, and secretly wanted to break up Wen Ying and Xie Qian through Xie Jinghu's hands.

It was natural for Zhao Dong to do bad things to Wen Ying. When it was Zhao Dong's turn to fall into the well, wouldn't it be natural for Wen Ying to throw stones at the bottom of the well?

Zhao Dong was incompetent and furious. Zhao Qian was obedient and wanted to share his brother's worries after only half of what he was told.

Zhao Dong thought for a while and whispered a few words in Zhao Qian's ear. Zhao Qian's eyes lit up: "Brother, is this really okay?"

Zhao Dong nodded, "If you succeed, you can shift the focus of public opinion!"

Even if it fails, it can still confuse the public's attention and give Zhao Dong more time to respond.

Afraid that his sister would be too stupid, Zhao Dong personally rehearsed with Zhao Qian several times until Zhao Qian became extremely proficient in the whole process before Zhao Dong sent Zhao Qian there.

Zhao Qian chose a time according to Wen Ying's class schedule, stopped Wen Ying on the Aurora campus, and asked in front of other students: "Why are you targeting my company?"

Swish swish, countless pairs of ears stood up, wanting to hear what was going on.

Wen Ying was surprised, "Which company is yours?"

Zhao Qian gritted her teeth: "Don't pretend to be stupid, you have already posted a blog! Have you ever used 'Slan' products?"

Wen Ying smiled: "It turns out that 'Slan' is your Zhao family's company! I don't dare to use products that can ruin your face, and I also know that you don't know how to use them either."

It turns out to be ‘Slan’!

People around started whispering.

The target customers of ‘Silan’ are not college students. Everyone knows this, but no one has ever used ‘Silan’ products.

Whether this thing is good or not, I can’t say without having used it!

Wen Ying had never used the product but reposted someone else's blog post. No wonder someone from the 'Silan' company came to her door.

Generally speaking, the students of Aurora are quite fair, and they do not naturally stand in the same position as Wen Ying just because Wen Ying is a celebrity.

They will also question whether Wen Ying's behavior is reasonable!

Seeing someone supporting her, Zhao Qian became more confident and said loudly: "Of course I have used our company's products, why am I not allergic? Those 'consumers' who posted the news online were all found by you, right? You and our family

If you have a personal grudge, you can take revenge on us any way you want. But you should not attack our company's reputation. 'Slan' is a newly established company. We invested a lot of research and development funds for our products. 'Slan' collapsed.

Our family will go bankrupt and those who work in 'Slan' will lose their jobs!"

Zhao Qian clearly explained the cause and effect relationship.

The eyes of the people around changed when they looked at Wen Ying.

A company can go bankrupt because of personal grudges... The students in the ivory tower have never experienced such a big battle!

The company went bankrupt and employees lost their jobs.

It sounds serious.

Everyone's eyes were on Wen Ying, and everyone wanted to hear Wen Ying's explanation.

Wen Ying suddenly asked Zhao Qian: "Is it not easy to memorize this passage with your memory?"

"Fortunately...you are still brave!"

Zhao Qian almost spilled the beans, but fortunately she and Zhao Dong had rehearsed many times in advance, so Zhao Qian was able to come back quickly.

In Zhao Dong's script, Zhao Qian should kneel down to Wen Ying in front of everyone at this time, and beg Wen Ying in tears to let "Silan" go, give the Zhao family a way to live, and give a way to all the employees of "Silan"


If the person who came to see Wen Ying today was Zhuo Yue, Zhuo Yue would have knelt down without saying a word.

Zhao Qian is not as open-minded as Zhuo Yue, and she hesitated a little when she knelt down for Wen Ying!

Wen Ying seized this opportunity and loudly refuted Zhao Qian:

"Don't talk nonsense. I don't like you very much, and I have no grudge against your family. You said that the recent revelations against 'Slan' were all arranged by me. Have you read too many novels? I'm just a little famous person.

As a writer, if I had the ability to influence the life and death of a company, would I still be scolded online every day? I don't believe you have used 'Slan' products. If you don't use them, you have no right to speak. So, I'll buy one with my own money.

I’m giving you a set of Silan products. All the students present today are witnesses. If you can insist on using a course of treatment without allergic reaction, I will delete that blog post and apologize to you!"

Happy New Year, dear children.

I was hasty and thought I could pay off the debt before the year... After all, I had to spend the New Year with the debt...

I still owe 6 chapters, let's do this, I'll calculate the interest on 4 chapters, make up a round number, and give everyone the 10 chapters I owe after the New Year (*/ω\*)

This chapter has been completed!
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