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1346: Go with the flow and bow your head for help!

"Will the video still be exposed?"

Dai Chenglan asked Zhao Dong.

Without waiting for Zhao Dong to express his stance, Zhuo Chen was extremely firm: "Of course we have to release it. If there is no controversy, public opinion will be one-sided, which is against our original intention!"

Dai Chenglan is not opposed to the exposure of the video.

I just thought that Wen Ying had already posted a blog post to seize the opportunity, and if the edited video was released here, Wen Ying's readers would scold Zhao Qian to death.

Dai Chenglan was too lazy to help the Zhao family feel sorry for their children, so she just asked Zhao Dong politely. In fact, she neither agreed nor objected, and maintained a neutral attitude.

This is also the reason why Zhuo Chen is determined to release the video.

If Zhao Qian is replaced by Zhuo Yue, Zhuo Chen would definitely be reluctant to push his sister out to be scolded, but if Zhao Qian is replaced... what does it have to do with Zhuo Chen?

Zhao Qian lived in the Zhuo family for a period of time, and her words and deeds were not pleasing at all.

At that time, Zhao Qian wanted to cultivate a relationship with Zhuo Chen because of Zhao Dong's instructions, but deep down she had no feelings for Zhuo Chen. She often compared Zhuo Chen and Xie Qian together. She thought she was comparing them to each other.

The trick is to hide it well, but in fact, even Zhuo Yue can’t be deceived, so how can he deceive Zhuo Chen?

In Zhuo Chen's eyes, Zhao Qian is just a loser!

Emotions have not been cultivated at all, but there is a lot of dislike.

Dai Chenglan and Zhuo Chen had no reason to consider Zhao Qian. Unexpectedly, Zhao Dong had no sympathy for his sister:

"Being scolded is a kind of growth. I hope Sissi can be successful in the future."

A pig is smarter than his own sister, what can Zhao Dong do?

You can kill pigs for meat, but you can't kill your sister to raise them. After spending so much money, the Zhao family must do something.

The only thing Zhao Qian can do is probably get scolded.

Zhao Dong was very open-minded. He read Wen Ying's blog post word for word and asked someone to re-edit the video bit by bit according to the content of the blog post.

After editing, Zhao Dong didn't put the video online, he found Oriental TV!

‘Silan’ has advertising business dealings with Oriental Television, and through frequent visits, Zhao Dong has an acquaintance in the television station.

Wen Ying has become quite popular recently, and Zhao Dong wants an acquaintance to put the video on an entertainment news program.

“Absolutely exclusive.”

Exclusive indeed.

It's a pity that Zhao Qian is a girl. If a man went to Cathay to block the "fish in the countercurrent", it would definitely have an explosive effect when it was shown in the entertainment news. The TV station doesn't need to say anything specifically, the audience can make up a lot of love and hate on their own!

What a pity!

Zhao Dong was very moved, and for a moment he wanted to block Ying Ying again with the new script.

Think about it and forget it.

After all, Wen Ying is Xie Qian's girlfriend. Others can have romantic scandals with her, but Zhao Dong cannot.

One day after Wen Ying's blog post was published, Oriental Channel released a video of Wen Ying being blocked by Zhao Qian.

Oriental Channel said this was a "first-hand report" from an informant, and the program team did not have any editing or processing.

In the video, Zhao Qian looks pitiful, while Wen Ying looks domineering.

Thinking back to the negative reports about Wen Ying, she started a lawsuit with the magazine when she first debuted, then she filed a lawsuit with Blue Whale, and now she has to make a bet with Zhao Qian.

A writer of novels should just work quietly, why can’t he just be idle for a moment?

Too strong.

There is nothing soft like a young girl.

Too expressive.

There is no humility and low-keyness that a writer should have at all!

Readers thought Wen Ying was very saucy, passers-by felt Wen Ying was a bit strong and high-profile, and sunspots fell into carnival: This is Wen Ying’s true face!

Miss Ran was overjoyed after reading the news. This was not done by Ran Keqing hiring a navy army. It was purely Wen Ying who deserved to be punished for meddling in her own business.

"I don't know how many other abilities I have. I'm really capable of offending people everywhere."

——Take advantage of her illness to kill her!

Ran Keqing didn't hesitate at all, and immediately decided to go with the flow and give Wen Ying another black eye, and contact several more media outlets to help Wen Ying send out some "releases."

Xie Jinghu has also been paying attention to the "Slan rights protection incident" recently.

On the one hand, Xie Jinghu felt that this was a good opportunity to deal with Zhao Dong, so he waited for Zhao Dong to ask for help after he was defeated, and then Xie Jinghu gave Zhao Dong a fatal blow!

On the other hand, Xie Jinghu wanted to see how his eldest son Zhuo Chen would react.

Zhao Dong and Xie Jinghu must be dealt with.

Xie Jinghu endured it for so long just because he wanted Zhao Dong to have nothing.

As for whether ‘Slan’ still needs to exist, it actually doesn’t depend on how hard Zhao Dong works, but on Zhuo Chen.

People's potential will explode in times of crisis. Xie Jinghu wanted to see what Zhuo Chen was capable of.

After Xie Jinghu and Sara Zhuo had a falling out, they also had a grudge against Zhuo Chen. Xie Jinghu did not seek out Zhuo Chen, and Zhuo Chen did not take the initiative to contact Xie Jinghu, instead expressing his stance with silence - Zhuo Chen stood with his biological mother, Sara Zhuo!

A double standard dog like Xie Jinghu needs others to support him. He can ignore Zhuo Chen, how can Zhuo Chen ignore him?

In addition to being unable to let Zhuo Chen recognize his ancestors and return to his clan these years, Xie Jinghu considered himself to be very kind to Zhuo Chen.

Even though he fell out with Sara Zhuo and asked for a gift from Sara Zhuo, Xie Jinghu never thought of taking back the 20% of ‘Slan’ shares in Zhuo Chen’s hands.

Xie Jinghu still admitted that Zhuo Chen was his son, but he didn't want to see this son.

But the more this happens, Zhuo Chen should take the initiative to please him!

After all, the person who did the wrong thing was not Xie Jinghu, but Sara Zhuo. Zhuo Chen chose to side with Sara Zhuo, preserving the relationship between mother and son but hurting the relationship between father and son.

'Silan' encountered a crisis this time, and Zhao Dong couldn't solve it.

Such a menacing attack was not the work of that young man from the He family.

"It's Xie Qian."

Xie Jinghu did not shy away from Assistant Qi when he spoke. Assistant Qi tried his best to pretend to be surprised: "Do you think it's Mr. Xie?"

"I don't think it must be him."

Xie Jinghu's expression was calm, and Assistant Qi was somewhat in a trance.

When Xie Jinghu wasn't crazy, he was quite smart, otherwise he wouldn't have made the "Kumho Group" the size it is today.

Some people say that Xie Jinghu is a free man, some say that Xie Jinghu relies on his family background, and some say that Xie Jinghu makes money purely through luck.

It is undeniable that these factors are one of the reasons why Xie Jinghu can succeed in his career.

But if you can rely on your father-in-law to survive a technical difficulty, if you can rely on luck to avoid the 1997 financial crisis, can you still survive like this every time?

Obviously it's impossible.

It was rare for Assistant Qi to see Mr. Xie regain his shrewdness, and he was afraid that Mr. Xie would do something stupid again and put him in a dilemma: "Young Master Xie wants 'Slan' to collapse. I'm afraid you are the only one who has the strength to pull 'Slan'. I think Mr. Zhao

That's what I mean, I've called you several times recently..."

Assistant Qi pronounced the word "Mr. Zhao" very strongly.

We can't persuade Xie Jinghu directly, so Assistant Qi reminds him in a roundabout way, hoping that Xie Jinghu will not forget the shame of being a cuckold!

As expected, Xie Jinghu looked bad.

"The surname is Zhao... Humph!"

Assistant Qi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

After being reminded like this, Mr. Xie should not be confused again, right?

Assistant Qi could predict Xie Jinghu's temper and lacked understanding of Zhuo Chen. A few hours after the video of the bet between Wen Ying and Zhao Qian was exposed, Zhuo Chen took the initiative to contact Xie Jinghu.

"Daddy, I need your help."

Zhuo Chen lowered his head.

Assistant Qi was full of contempt in his heart: Are you just bowing your head and asking for help? Wasn’t he very noble before?

This chapter has been completed!
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