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305: You can pay the deposit today!

While Xie Qian and Lin Lin were talking, Wen Ying returned home.

She turned on the computer as usual and checked her email.

An unread email lay quietly in the mailbox. Wen Ying took a breath before clicking it.

"Dear author, your manuscript will be adopted by this journal...it will be published in August, and the manuscript fee will be paid that month. Please check it carefully."

This is an email sent to Wen Ying by the editorial department of "Eige". She has submitted the manuscript!

I revised the manuscript several times. The editor of "Eige" who said that Wen Ying was talented was called Xiao Sala. Xiao Sala was very helpful to Wen Ying. After going back and forth, Xiao Sala even exchanged QQ accounts with Wen Ying and communicated more on QQ.


After the Super Girl audition, Wen Ying sent the last revised version to Xiao Sala. Xiao Sala said that the problem was not big. If everything goes well, it would be published in August. This is why Wen Ying dared to brag in front of Xie Qian.

The reason why Xie Qian needs to have dinner with royalties.

If the magazine can be published in August, she can indeed treat Xie Qian with royalties before he leaves Chengdu!

I just said this today, and I saw the email reply to the draft in the evening.

Wen Ying subconsciously dialed Xie Qian's phone number and couldn't wait to tell Xie Qian the good news.

Toot, toot, toot...

Xie Qian's cell phone is busy.

Wen Ying sent another text message to Xie Qian: "If I treat you, what would you like to eat?"

This text message was like a stone sinking into the ocean, and Xie Qian never replied.

Xie Qian fell asleep?

Chen Li went to bed early tonight, and there was no third person at home. Wen Ying could only hold back her happiness. The next day, she went to Jiang's house to make up for classes. Wen Ying even arrived a little early. She looked around when she entered the door: "Aunt Wang, thank you

Where is Qian?"

Aunt Wang was about to speak when Jiang Youjia came in from the outside and paused when he saw Wen Ying: "Student Wen, you will be the only one to make up classes from now on. Xie Qian has gone back to the capital."

Xie Qian returned to the capital?

So sudden!

He didn't even say goodbye to her.

This was not something Xie Qian would do. Wen Ying had to suspect that there was an emergency... She was a little worried about Xie Qian!

Wen Ying's expression, in Jiang Youjia's eyes, had a different interpretation: after all, she was still young, her hopes had failed, and she couldn't hide her feeling of loss for a while.

Jiang Youjia seemed surprised: "Why, you don't know yet? I thought you and Xie Qian were good friends!"

Xie Qian's cousin-in-law doesn't like me?

Wen Ying was such a perceptive person. She immediately noticed Jiang Youjia's displeasure with her.

Wen Ying thought for a while: "Okay, I understand. If Xie Qian no longer comes to Chengdu during the summer vacation, it is not suitable for me to continue to make up lessons at your home. Today I will mention it to the three teachers. Thank you and your family for being here."

Take good care of me during this time."

Wen Ying's lack of sloppiness in doing things was beyond Jiang Youjia's expectation.

Shouldn't it be a struggle?

Wen Ying said that she wanted to change her tutoring place, but Jiang Youjia didn't dare to agree.

Although Xie Qian returned to Beijing, Lin Lin was still there. His wife obviously liked Wen Ying very much. How could Jiang Youjia dare to drive Wen Ying away... Moreover, Jiang Youjia was just worried that Wen Ying had ulterior motives to get close to Xie Qian, saying that he was too narrow-minded to tolerate a little girl.

It won't be a problem if you make up lessons at home.

Auntie Wang, the nanny, was mopping the floor at the corner of the stairs. Jiang Youjia suspected that Auntie Wang was eavesdropping and coughed dryly: "Xie Qian won't make up classes anymore. It won't affect you to continue to make up classes here."

It was too much to say, so Jiang Youjia simply changed his clothes and went out.

After Jiang Youjia left, Aunt Wang told Wen Ying, "Something seems to have happened at Xie Qian's house. I don't know what it was exactly. I was packing my luggage at midnight last night and took the earliest flight back to the capital today."

Aunt Wang said that Lin Lin sent Xie Qian to the airport, but he hasn't returned home yet.

"As for making up lessons, you can wait until Teacher Lin comes back to ask about it?"

"Thank you Aunt Wang. I understand. The main reason is that I can't contact Xie Qian. I'm a little worried."

Even Aunt Wang could see Wen Ying's disappointment.

Aunt Wang asked her to wait and went upstairs to get a mobile phone to show to Wen Ying.

"I found it in the crack of the bed when I was cleaning. Do you think Xie Qian left it?"

This is Xie Qian's mobile phone. Mr. Wang gave it to Wang Shuang after he fell into the water and was rescued. Wen Ying will not admit it.

Wen Ying called again, but Xie Qian's cell phone didn't ring and was already powered off.

... Xie Qian really left in a hurry and didn't even bother to leave his phone behind. This was completely inconsistent with Xie Qian's usual style of doing things.

——The "emergency" that happened at Xie Qian's family made Xie Qian feel confused!

As for what happened at Xie Qian's family, Wen Ying had no way of guessing because of the unequal information.

She only knew that Xie Qian's family background was very good, but Wen Ying didn't know how to do it specifically. She wanted to be friends with Xie Qian, but she didn't want to associate with the Xie family, so she never thought of prying around.

At least someone as rich as Zhao Dong is still thinking about getting benefits from Xie Qian, so the Xie family must be much more powerful than Zhao Dong.

With such a family background, if there is any trouble, how can Wen Ying intervene?

Now Wen Ying realizes the pain of information inequality.

Wen Ying felt at a loss not knowing what she could do or how to help.

Just like Wen Ying, she didn't understand why Xie Qian transferred to Chengdu in the first semester of high school in her previous life. As far as Wen Ying knew, Xie Qian had no intention of transferring now. Vice Principal Guo Xia invited Xie Qian several times, but Xie Qian never responded directly.


Xie Qian is now in a hurry to return to Beijing. What happened that would make him want to transfer to Chengdu?

At this time in the previous life, Wen Ying and Xie Qian didn't know each other, so naturally they couldn't influence Xie Qian. Xie Qian's transfer to Chengdu had nothing to do with Wen Ying. It was other things that contributed to Xie Qian's transfer - and Xie Qian.

Is it relevant to rush back to Beijing?


Xie Qian came to Chengdu to spend the summer vacation, accompanying his grandmother to Chengdu to recuperate.

If the elderly need to recuperate in Chengdu for a long time, Xie Qian may come to accompany them.

The decline in teaching quality is not a matter of consideration for top students. A real top student can smooth out the difference in teaching between Beijing and Rongcheng... What's more, the high school that Wen Ying attended is a key point in the province, and it can be compared across the country.

It's not bad. It's different from the "college entrance examination factory" style like Maotanchang Middle School. Lin Lin teaches at the school. If Xie Qian wants to study in high school in Chengdu, he won't choose any other school.

It wasn't until Wen Ying finished her afternoon classes that she saw Lin Lin, who was in a hurry.

Lin Lin's face looked tired and she called Wen Ying: "Teacher Liang called me and said that you wanted to change your class to make up classes. What did you think?"

"Teacher Lin, Xie Qian won't go back to Chengdu this summer, right?"

Wen Ying didn't answer the question, but Lin Lin understood.

Because Xie Qian left, Wen Ying was embarrassed to disturb the Jiang family again.

Alas, this girl Wen Ying is not very old, but she is so sensible.

Lin Lin thought for a while and nodded, "Okay, you can decide where to make up your classes. I'm also busy these days. You may feel uncomfortable if you come here to make up your classes by yourself. As for Xie Qian... he shouldn't


I won’t be coming over this summer vacation.

Lin Lin was not sure when she would come over.

Even in the future winter and summer vacations, Lin Lin could not guarantee Wen Ying whether Xie Qian would come or how long he would stay.

The friendship between Xie Qian and Wen Ying has just begun. Due to the influence of time and space, it may gradually fade away.

No matter what, Xie Qian asked Lin Lin to take care of Wen Ying before he left, and Lin Lin still did it.

——Although the friendship was short-lived, Xie Qian was really happy during this month. For this reason, Lin Lin was grateful to Wen Ying.

This chapter has been completed!
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