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354: Everyone Wants to Grow Up! (1 More)

Zhao Qian's provocation did not make Zhao Dong angry.

At this time, Zhao Dong frowned and couldn't care less about appeasing his sister Zhao Qian's little emotions.

Zhao Dong thinks about big things.

Is it Xie Qian?

Zhao Dong was even more afraid that it was the Xie family.

It is not terrible to anger a young man. Young people are easy to get emotional, but they do not have much real power in their hands, so they cannot really pose a threat to Zhao Dong. Therefore, Xie Qian clearly showed his indifference towards Zhao Qian, but Zhao Dong was still not discouraged and tried every means.

I want to send Zhao Qian to get close to Xie Qian.

But if it was the Xie family who took a stand, Zhao Dong would have to pay attention.

First, Zhao Qian came to the capital but failed, and then Zhao Qian transferred to another school and was rejected. Zhao Dong could not help but think too much.

After Zhao Dong took Zhao Qian home, he sent a heavy gift to the Jiang family. Jiang Youjia naturally refused to accept it, and Zhao Dong did not force it. Zhao Dong is narrow-minded, but he is indeed very courageous and thick-skinned.

I took the fastest flight to Beijing.

Not everyone can step through the door of the Xie family.

Xie Qian's three uncles and Zhao Dong could not see each other.

But Xie San has a real company and is the only Xie family member Zhao Dong has the opportunity to come into contact with.

Zhao Dong was so thick-skinned and so powerful that even Wen Ying would be amazed when he found out about it. Zhao Dong directly found Xie San's company. People said that he and Mr. Xie had not made an appointment and would not let him in. Zhao Dong said

I have offended Mr. Xie's son, and he came to apologize today.

Mr. Xie has only one son.

Zhao Dong said that he had offended Xie Qian, so the people below could not just drive him away, but had to ask Mr. Xie for his opinion.

Zhao Dong promptly handed over his business card to prove that he was not a passerby of unknown origin.

What Zhao Dong did was to plead guilty.

As long as Mr. Xie is willing to see him, Zhao Dong will try his best to leave an impression on Mr. Xie - whether it is a good impression or a bad impression, if Mr. Xie is willing to talk to him, he will be able to find a breakthrough.

Zhao Dong was desperate and prepared to apologize a lot, but the situation of the Xie family was more complicated than Zhao Dong thought. Zhao Dong thought that Xie would always deal with him and vent his anger on Xie Qian, but he did not expect that the Xie family and his son would


Mr. Xie calls Third Master Xie, whose name is Xie Jinghu. He was scolded in front of his eldest brother Xie Yuping a few days ago. The Xie family members all accused him of doing something wrong. They were sorry for Xie Qian's mother and son, and no one considered his difficulties.

Xie Jinghu knew that he had not done the right thing in this matter. The reason why he sent the mother and son abroad was not because he could not withstand the temptation of beauty, but because it was a "legend from history."

If we really have to put them in order, my wife Zou Weijun is the latecomer.

Xie Jinghu felt that he made a mistake in reuniting with his old love after marriage and failed to withstand the temptation - his ex-girlfriend who had been abroad for many years gave birth to Xie Jinghu's child alone abroad. The child was several years old before Xie Jinghu knew about it.

They broke up with his ex-girlfriend because she went abroad. Xie Jinghu would not know his wife Zou Weijun.

There is already an old relationship in the past, and all it takes is an opportunity to reconnect.

Once, there comes a second time. His ex-girlfriend became pregnant again, and Xie Jinghu had to take responsibility.

Apart from this old love, Xie Jinghu is indeed considered a clean man and has no other lovers.

The situation before Xie Jinghu was that his lover could accept Zou Weijun, but he had not thought about divorcing Xie Jinghu. He also felt that he and Xie Jinghu had rekindled their old relationship and felt sorry for Zou Weijun, so he had always been very cautious.

However, the paper could not contain the fire, Xie Jinghu was dealing with two women at the same time. Zou Weijun knew that Xie Jinghu had two children with his old love, one of which was born after she and Xie Jinghu got married, and was only two years younger than Xie Qian.

The love between husband and wife was an illusion, and Zou Weijun suffered a mental breakdown and suffered from depression.

Xie Jinghu doesn’t want a divorce.

When he met Zou Weijun, he was already a very profitable self-employed businessman, but his business had not yet scaled up and was not really on the right track.

The main company making money now was established after his marriage to Zou Weijun. At that time, Xie Qian had already been born and had not yet reunited with his old love. The relationship between the couple was strong. Xie Jinghu never thought of guarding against his wife Zou Weijun, who owned part of the company's shares.

In the name of Zou Weijun.

Later, when he reunited with his old love, Xie Jinghu couldn't help himself. He did something sorry for his wife Zou Weijun. When facing Zou Weijun, he couldn't help but feel guilty, and he successively transferred some properties to Zou Weijun's name.

At that time, Xie Jinghu never thought that he and Zou Weijun would be separated.

Deep down, Xie Jinghu understood that Zou Weijun loved him more than he loved Zou Weijun. It didn't matter whose name the shares and property were in. Zou Weijun would never leave him anyway.

People who are favored are always confident.

Xie Jinghu's guess was indeed correct. Even if Zou Weijun knew about the existence of another woman, he never thought about divorce. Zou Weijun got sick because he was in a corner and couldn't get out.

Until this moment, Xie Jinghu didn't want to divorce. He didn't have any affection for his wife Zou Weijun. The Xie family didn't recognize the three foreign mother and son, only Zou Weijun and Xie Qian. Xie Jinghu didn't want to fall out with the whole family.

What's more, the company's shares and industry under Zou Weijun's name are quite large. Once the two divorce, the couple will have to divide their property, which will be very detrimental to Xie Jinghu's control of the entire company.

Xie Jinghu doesn't want to get divorced, but he can't afford it. Mr. Xie, who has a huge fortune, is no different from ordinary men in this matter. When he reaches middle age, the mention of "divorce" is a protracted battle that breaks his muscles and bones.

Xie Jinghu hoped that Zou Weijun's condition could stabilize and the couple could sit down and have a good talk.

As long as Zou Weijun continues to turn a blind eye, Xie Jinghu will never live up to Zou Weijun's concession, and he will let Zou Weijun continue to be the "Third Mrs. Xie" that everyone envies.

Xie Jinghu thought well. When Zou Weijun was in pain, he would only torture himself and never thought about divorce.

But as Xie Qian got older, he did not listen to Xie Jinghu's words and had long made it clear that he would support his mother Zou Weijun's divorce from Xie Jinghu.

A few days ago, Xie Qian even persuaded Xie Yuping to agree to take Zou Weijun to live in Rongcheng. From the looks of it, he did not plan to return to the capital in the next two or three years.

Xie Yuping also warned Xie Jinghu not to disturb Xie Qian and Zou Weijun.

Now that we are separated, wouldn't the next step be divorce?

Xie Qian is only a high school student now, and he has already made it clear that he and Xie Jinghu are at odds with each other. In a few years, Xie Jinghu is afraid that he will not be able to control Xie Qian at all. What is the attitude of his eldest brother Xie Yuping towards Xie Qian? Everyone in the Xie family is worried.

Like Xie Yuping, Xie Jinghu feels that he is the only one who fights against the whole family and has no sense of security.

When huge interests are involved, the love between close relatives will deteriorate.

The Xie family likes Xie Qian, and Xie Jinghu's fatherly love is divided into three parts. Xie Qian only got one third before, but now he openly opposes Xie Jinghu, and one third of the fatherly love has shrunk.

Zhao Dongruo claimed that he was recommended by Xie Qian, but Xie Jinghu ignored him.

Zhao Dong said that he had offended Xie Qian and came here to apologize. Xie Jinghu became interested and said to his secretary:

"Let him come up and listen to what he has to say."

This chapter has been completed!
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