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435: The villain has opened up the second channel of Ren and Du! (3 more)

Times have changed!

The practice of focusing on teaching has become outdated in the new era.

The content of Professor Fang's lectures now has not changed much from before, but it is obvious that students listened more carefully to every word she said in class.

The aura brought by fame gave Professor Fang a charm and blessing.

Even Professor Fang’s husband, who works in Taiwan, expressed support for Professor Fang’s new job.

With all kinds of benefits in front of him, and with Pan Li constantly playing tricks, Professor Fang has moved from a purely academic circle to a semi-entertainment circle. This time producing an album for the top three contestants is an in-depth cooperation between Professor Fang and Hunan Province.

Professor Fang's theoretical attainments are very high, but making a pop album is her first experience with this kind of work.

Professor Fang has a strong personality and takes her personal reputation very seriously. Hunan Province has paid a lot of money to invite her. If she fails to make an album, what dignity will she have in the future?

Professor Fang really wants to make this album well.

Among the top three players, from Xu Mei, Li Mengjiao to Zhang Yangning, who should you choose?

Pan Li's suggestion is to choose Li Mengjiao.

"You have the ability, and Li Mengjiao is popular. If you combine the two, you won't have to worry about the album not being successful."

Pan Li spoke sincerely and seemed to be completely considering Professor Fang.

Among the three contestants, Professor Fang actually liked Xu Mei the most.

Xu Mei is more in line with Professor Fang's definition of a singer.

As for Li Mengjiao, Professor Fang didn't dislike him, but Li Mengjiao's attitude during the competition made Professor Fang feel unreliable.

Li Mengjiao is not as enterprising as Xu Mei, and releasing this album is more like a gamble.

Xu Mei is desperate and eager to get ahead in the circle, but Li Mengjiao doesn't care. It doesn't matter whether she joins the circle or not... The little girl likes singing now, but she may not like it after a while. She has not signed a long-term contract with the company and will not join the circle.

There is nothing to lose, there is a family to take care of it!

But Pan Li is right, Li Mengjiao is indeed the most popular.

Even if she does not participate in commercial performances and reduces her exposure, Li Mengjiao's popularity on the Internet is still high, and Professor Fang is a little reluctant to let go.

Pan Li asked Professor Fang to choose Li Mengjiao, while Professor Fang was weighing the gains and losses.

Professor Fang has already received the songs invited for the top three contestants.

Professor Fang has a rough idea of ​​which songs are suitable for Xu Mei to sing, which songs are suitable for Li Mengjiao, and which songs are tailor-made for Zhang Yangning.

There are three exquisite songs among them. The company invited well-known musicians and well-known lyricists from Hong Kong and Taiwan to collaborate on the album. It is said to be a million-dollar album. These three songs are the most valuable. Whoever sings them will definitely be popular.

For these three songs, according to the company's intention, each of the top three contestants should get one song.

But not necessarily.

There are three albums with three different producers. Whoever has the strongest voice can pick the best songs. If it is done properly, it is not impossible for one producer to steal two songs.

Although Professor Fang is an album producer for the first time, his voice in Hunan Province is not low.

She is just a professor at the Conservatory of Music and a judge in the talent show. In fact, she has the support of her husband as a producer this time!

Choose Xu Mei or Li Mengjiao?

Professor Fang is not sure.

"I'll think about it again."

Pan Li smiled and nodded, "I just mentioned casually, you have to make your own decision on this matter. No matter who you choose, it will be their honor!"

Pan Li's words were heard in Professor Fang's ears, and Professor Fang benefited greatly.

At first, Professor Fang asked Pan Li to be his assistant, but he just felt sorry for Pan Li. As time went by, Professor Fang really couldn't live without Pan Li. People with upright personalities also like to be obedient, and they can flatter everyone even if they don't.

Pan Li's small and attentive attitude is very suitable for Professor Fang whose work environment has changed.

Pan Li has done something wrong and received the punishment she deserved. She will not make the same mistake again in the future. Professor Fang feels that both Pan Li and the people who have been hurt by Pan Li should try to move on. Everyone's life will be better.

Gotta keep going!

Pan Li said to let Professor Fang make his own decision, but in her heart she hoped that Professor Fang would choose Li Mengjiao.

Li Mengjiao offended Xu Mei severely.

Xu Mei asked Fu Jing to give Pan Li a set of high-end cosmetics. Under the cosmetics was an envelope containing 5,000 yuan in cash, saying that he hoped Li Mengjiao's album would be produced by Professor Fang. Pan Li understood what Xu Mei meant.

Pan Li also hates Li Mengjiao.

Li Mengjiao is Wen Ying's friend. If Li Mengjiao is not doing well, Wen Ying will definitely feel uncomfortable.

Moreover, Pan Li also dislikes Li Mengjiao's arrogant look... Pan Li hates not only Li Mengjiao, but also all girls from well-off families like Li Mengjiao.

For example, Li Mengjiao easily got everything that others dreamed of, but she didn't care. Isn't it just because of her good family background that she always has a way out?

Pan Li, who came from an ordinary background, was bullied and was unable to take revenge. Her incompetent parents could not stand up for her. She was jealous of all the young girls who would be reincarnated.

If Li Mengjiao is selected by Professor Fang, I must make Li Mengjiao suffer and suffer a severe fall!

In the lounge, Wang Shuang looked around.

It was the first time for Wang Shuang to come to this kind of place, and it was a bit strange.

I heard that there is also a professional recording studio here. When selecting songs, the top three contestants will be asked to try out their voices to see if they fit the song well.

"Which producer do you want to choose?"

Three albums, three producers.

One is Professor Fang, a judge during the competition and an old acquaintance of Li Mengjiao.

Professor Fang was very strict in his comments every time during the competition, but he did not deliberately feel sorry for Li Mengjiao. Except for the fact that Professor Fang took Pan Li in as an assistant, Li Mengjiao had always had a good impression of Professor Fang.

There are also two producers. One is Huang Yongjun, who was hired from the capital. He has produced albums for big-name mainland singers. He is very famous and talented in the circle. His temper is equal to his talent. He is known as "Huang Dashuai" and entered the recording studio.

Just like the old warlords who were as authoritarian and arrogant!

The other one is Yuan Fenghui who was invited from Baodao.

Nowadays, Baodao’s idol dramas are very popular in the mainland. Many youth idols have made their debut and gained a lot of fans.

Yuan Fenghui personally made an idol boy group famous. Some time ago, for some unknown reason, Yuan Fenghui had a falling out with his subordinates. The idol boy group who had previously been very affectionate and affectionate with Yuan Fenghui for an interview suddenly got into a bad mood.

They complained in the media that Yuan Fenghui had tricked them into signing harsh terms and had been squeezing their commercial value. He also told the economic company that either Yuan Fenghui would be fired or they would terminate the contract collectively.

Yuan Fenghui worked as a producer and made great contributions to the company from TV series to music albums.

But this idol boy band is the company's most popular and cash cow, and the company is reluctant to let go.

As soon as they announced the termination of the contract, other companies outside were approaching the boy band and wanted to pay liquidated damages for the boy band.

The company talked to Yuan Fenghui, which meant that Yuan Fenghui should take a step back and lower her head to reconcile with the boy band members.

The one who really makes the big bucks is not the producer, but the company!

Is the contract harsh?

If she hadn't been discovered by her, some of the people who are now famous would have played small roles in movies and TV series, some were wild models, and some could only work in hair salons. Now that they are famous, they would turn against her and disown them because they think she is exploiting them.

commercial value.

How many contracts for newcomers are not harsh?

If you want to eat this bowl of rice, you must accept the rules of this industry. No company is willing to do charity!

Yuan Fenghui was so angry that she was half-dead by some white-eyed wolves. She didn't need to wait for the company to fire her. She fell out with the company and resigned directly.

Baodao's entertainment circle is only so big. She stayed on the island and was really upset with her former boss and Baiyanlang. She angrily came to the mainland to look for other opportunities. Hunan Province had tasted the sweetness of the draft competition and deliberately took her to the mainland.

As the Super Girl brand grows, professional producers like Yuan Fenghui have experience in making stars. As soon as the two parties contacted, Yuan Fenghui took the olive branch and jumped ship.

Yuan Fenghui's professional level cannot be compared with that of Professor Fang. It is not yet clear who is stronger or weaker than Huang Yongjun.

In the past, Wang Shuang only cared about playing basketball and games, and had no interest in these things in the entertainment industry. This time he accompanied Li Mengjiao to Hunan Province to select songs, and Wang Shuang did a lot of homework.

Li Zhentao didn't come, so Wang Shuang felt that he had to frighten Uncle Li's ghosts who were plotting against Li Mengjiao, so he tried every means to find someone to inquire about the situation of the three producers.

Professor Fang won’t say any more.

Huang Yongjun has a bad temper, and if he and Li Mengjiao meet together, it is likely that sparks will collide with the earth, and no one will be convinced by the other.

Yuan Fenghui is quite suitable.

However, magazines in Hong Kong and Taiwan described Yuan Fenghui as a "big villain", and Wang Shuang was afraid that Yuan Fenghui would apply the same rules to Li Mengjiao that he applied to idol boy bands.

I heard that Yuan Fenghui also introduced older rich women to the boy band members... When this news came out, fans complained about their idols and called Yuan Fenghui a disgusting old woman. Yuan Fenghui came to Hunan Province to work.

Because I can't bear the abuse from fans.

What if Yuan Fenghui introduces a rich man to Li Mengjiao?

When Wang Shuang thought about it, he actually felt that Li Mengjiao's choice was very small, and it seemed that she could only choose Professor Fang.

Professor Fang has Pan Li next to him.

This woman is not a good thing. What should Li Mengjiao do?

If you want to find a way to get Pan Li away, it would be better to choose Professor Fang.

Wang Shuang fell into deep thought.

Li Mengjiao didn't have the same entanglements as Wang Shuang. She never thought about choosing Professor Fang from the beginning to the end.

"As long as it's not Professor Fang, anyone can do it."

It's not that she doesn't like Professor Fang, it's that Professor Fang uses Pan Li as his assistant.

What kind of good thing could a woman be who could arrange a fairy dance for Wen Ying's uncle?

Dogs can't change eating shit.

Li Mengjiao's parents both said that Wen Ying was trustworthy and sincerely thought about her. Li Mengjiao would not get close to anyone Wen Ying resisted!

No matter how good Professor Fang is, if he gets stained by Pan Li's stinky shit, he will fall into the shit pile and get smelly, so he will never be able to choose.

Mother Li patted her and said, "Girl, if you say these things, you will offend others."

Li Mengjiao giggled: "I won't tell you outside, but the company wants to release an album for me. This has been agreed upon a long time ago."

——Wen Ying said, you have to fight for the treatment you deserve, you can't be too arrogant, and you can't be bullied.

Li Mengjiao decided to put this into practice.

She changed her dismissive attitude just now and decided to choose Yuan Fenghui as the album producer!

This chapter has been completed!
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