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442: Losing Her Is the Magazine's Loss (3 More)

Wang Shuang and others only knew that Wen Ying had a conflict with Shu Guobing's uncle. Wang Shuang and others did not know about Zhao Dong who was hiding behind Shu Guobing. Neither Wen Ying nor Xie Qian planned to tell their friends.

What's the reason? Just like Wen Ying didn't want Song Shao to be involved in this matter, what Zhao Dong is doing now is aimed at Wen Ying and Xie Qian, and they don't want to involve their friends.

Although the family of Wang Shuang, Geng Xiao, Tang Yifeng and Qin Jiao may not be afraid of Zhao Dong, Wen Ying does not think that the four family members should stand up for her to deal with Zhao Dong.

They have already taken good care of her, giving her family discounts on buying a house, and introducing big clients to her mother Chen Ru. If they do more, Wen Ying will be unable to reciprocate for the time being, which will cause anxiety.

So when Secretary Gao asked if he needed help, Wen Ying shook her head:

"Thank you Uncle Qin for your concern. We should be able to handle this matter by ourselves, because these troubled relatives in my family always cause trouble to King Shrimp. I am already very embarrassed. If Uncle Qin bothers me again, I will

Even more ashamed."

Qin Xianming is closing the net against Yu Wenhao and his son, and it would not be good to distract Qin Xianming again at this time.

Secretary Gao has heard about the latest developments. With the two key surveillance videos, it will not be difficult to convict Shu Ji's boss.

Wen Ying was polite, and Secretary Gao did not put any pressure on Wen Ying. He only said that Wen Ying must ask for help wherever she needed help.

"Mr. Qin is very concerned about this matter."

Wen Ying smiled and agreed.

Wang Shuang and the other three didn't say anything.

It's best if everyone has the ability to solve it. If Wen Ying can't handle it, they will definitely ask their family to come forward.

Shu Ji has already gone under the knife. It is not a trivial matter and must be taken seriously.

In front of Wen Ying, Wang Shuang did not pat his chest and make a bold promise, but instead yawned: "It's so tiring to fly. I wanted to tell you about Li Mengjiao's stay in Hunan Province, but I'd better go home and rest."

, let’s go to school and tell you!”

Wang Shuang winked, and Geng Xiao and Tang Yifeng immediately said they wanted to go back with Wang Shuang.

The three of them ran not much slower than Yang Xi who ran away just now. Wen Ying laughed and complained to Xie Qian: "Fortunately, Wang Shuang will not enter the entertainment industry. His acting skills are really bad!"

Xie Qian was still thinking about Zhao Dong, and when he heard Wen Ying complaining about Wang Shuang, he also wanted to laugh.

His acting skills are a bit lacking, but he is really nice.

If it weren't for Wen Ying, Xie Qian would never have made a friend like Wang Shuang. He would never have had the chance to explore Wang Shuang's inner self. His first impression was not good.

"It is certain that we can capture Shu Guobing this time, but it will not be easy to capture Cai Youlun, let alone Zhao Dong."

Xie Qian first inoculated Wen Ying to prevent Wen Ying from having too high expectations and being disappointed in the end.

Wen Ying didn't care, "It would be good to kill a fly first. I'm not afraid of Shu Guobing, I'm disgusted with this person."

In a sense, Zhao Dong really has a discerning eye. If Chen Ru hadn't made the Shu family repay the money and made them fall out, such relatives would be as disgusting as flies to Wen Ying, and Wen Ying would be forced to interact with the Shu family by her parents.

She could die of nausea.

Shu Lu and Shu Guobing have gradually exhausted their weight in the hearts of Chen Ru and Wen Dongrong.

Chen Ru was the first to wake up. Wen Dongrong was not sober at first, so Shu Lu and Shu Guobing couldn't help but let Wen Dongrong down again and again.

To be honest, Wen Ying wants to go home quickly now. She is looking forward to her father Wen Dongrong's reaction when he learns about this!

Xiao Cai was indeed not very panicked at first.

This is the second time Shu Guobing has been detained. He was able to escape the first time and it was not difficult the second time.

What's more, before Shu Lu asked someone to blackmail Wen Ying, the police station investigated for so long and found nothing. Xiao Cai despised the efficiency of the police in Rongcheng in handling cases.

He is the right-hand man who made his fortune following Cai Youlun. He has rich experience in the world. Even the teenage Shu Lu has a certain sense of intelligence and investigation, which Xiao Cai certainly has.

When the police from the police station came to arrest Xiao Cai, Xiao Cai didn't panic at all and thought he was cooperating with the questioning.

"Can I call-"

Before Xiao Cai could finish speaking, two policemen twisted his arms and pinned him to the ground.

"Be honest and come back to the police station with us. You have plenty of time to explain it properly!"

Only then did Xiao Cai realize something was wrong.

When he arrived at the police station, he discovered that something serious had happened.

The interrogating policeman immediately asked him how much money he spent to hire the murderer.

Xiao Cai was silent.

The police were very sure that he gave the two thieves money and hired them to break into the house and commit the murder.

"You should have an idea of ​​how many years you will be sentenced to for what you have committed!"

Xiao Cai's mouth was tight, and the interrogating police officers were not good at it. After a psychological battle, they placed the screenshot of the video in front of Xiao Cai: "The evidence is conclusive! The two suspects have already confessed. They just collected your cash. Time

The location is right, so what else do you have to argue with!"

Xiao Cai was stunned.

Obviously he didn't expect that the scene of him giving money would be photographed.

Who arranged to follow Wen Ying, a freshman in high school?

Xiao Cai had long thought that Shu Lu's IQ was no match for Wen Ying's, but he didn't expect that even he himself would be defeated.

After the last manure-throwing incident, the 'Shrimp King' never fought back, so Xiao Cai felt something was wrong.

Shu Guobing felt inflated because of this, feeling that Wen Ying was easy to bully... But Wen Ying endured her anger for a while and put her long-term plan to catch the big fish, waiting for them here!

Xiao Cai stopped being stubborn and finally relented:

"It was Boss Shu who asked me to give him the money. I don't know those two people and I don't know what Boss Shu asked them to do. Comrade policeman, I work for others. I will do whatever the boss tells me."

Xiao Cai hid the glint in his eyes and pretended to be honest and honest.

Shu Guobing is not Xiao Cai's real boss, so there is no pressure at all for Xiao Cai to betray him.

Xiao Cai actually didn't appear to be that panicked. He thought about the matter carefully several times, and there was indeed nothing very disadvantageous to him. Even in front of the two gangsters, he kept saying that it was Shu Guobing's idea, so the two gangsters were arrested.

The first person the police from the police station took away was Shu Guobing.

And Cai Youlun will save him.

Cai Youlun will definitely save him!

Not only because both of them are related by the surname Cai, Cai Youlun's process of making a fortune was not so clean. Xiao Cai helped do many dirty things. If Cai Youlun didn't save him, Xiao Cai would have confessed any "past events" under the interrogation of the police.

I don't feel safe over there.

As for Shu Guobing, who has great ambitions but little talent, can't do anything well, and brags about being the first. Cai Youlun has long been annoyed with Shu Guobing. Cai Youlun will not be reluctant to give up this chess piece, just to see if Mr. Zhao agrees.

Mr. Zhao will definitely agree.

Mr. Zhao doesn’t want anyone to know about this either.

Xiao Cai felt even calmer when he thought of this.

I have to say that Xiao Cai knows Cai Youlun very well.

Shu Guobing was taken away by the police station, and Cai Youlun didn't have any worries at all. For such a thing that only succeeded but failed, if Zhao Dong hadn't requested it, Cai Youlun wouldn't even have given Shu Guobing a look.

But Xiao Cai is different. Xiao Cai is Cai Youlun's right-hand man.

Cai Youlun's business has grown, and he always needs help. Xiao Cai is loyal and capable, and in Cai Youlun's heart, he is worth more than one million.

In other words, Cai Youlun can accept a loss of one million, but cannot bear the risk of losing Xiao Cai.

After Xiao Cai was taken away, Cai Youlun called Zhao Dong immediately.

"This is such a big deal, look at this..."

Zhao Dong was speechless.

For the first time, I began to doubt whether my strategy was correct.

Zhao Dong came to the three members of the Shu family to cause trouble for Wen Ying, drag Wen Ying into the whirlpool, and make Wen Ying die at the bottom of society forever.

However, what happened during this period made Zhao Dong feel speechless and funny.

Some people are really useless, they don’t have the ability to make money and be a good person, and they don’t even have the ability to do bad things.

Zhao Dong said coldly: "You have done enough, don't worry about him."

From what I heard, this meant that Shu Guobing should be left to fend for himself.

Cai Youlun agreed ten thousand times, but pretended to be worried about Zhao Dong.

"It doesn't matter if you give up a soldier from Shu State. Will it affect your affairs over there?"

Zhao Dong told Cai Youlun not to worry about it.

From the beginning to the end, Zhao Dong had no contact with Shu Guobing. Shu Guobing thought he was lucky and had no idea that Zhao Dong existed.

Shu Lu knew it, but Shu Lu loved vanity. A father who was about to go to jail was a stain on Shu Lu's life.

If Shu Lu didn't want to be thrown back to the bottom of society, she would never dare to betray Zhao Dong.

Cai Youlun knew it well.

Xiao Cai must be fished out, and Shu Guobing should be left to fend for himself.

If you are so stupid, there is absolutely no value in saving you!

Zhao Dong told Cai Youlun to be more calm recently, "Wait until I let you know what to do next, and don't act rashly for the time being."

Zhao Dong didn't want to be magnanimous to Wen Ying, but he was a little unsure of Xie Jinghu's thoughts.

It was clear that there was a rift between father and son before, but recently Zhao Dong heard the news that Xie Jinghu had transferred some shares of the 'Kumho Group' to his son Xie Qian's name.

Zhao Dong didn't know where the news first came from, but the fact that it had a nose and eyes didn't seem to be fake.

After all, they are biological father and son. Their relationship was not harmonious before, but what if they are reconciled now?

He didn't understand the situation and rushed ahead foolishly. Xie Jinghu would definitely not admit his original attitude, and he might even deal with him in turn!

Zhao Dong failed to bid for the playground project previously planned by the Chengdu City Government. Zhao Dong needs help for the next plan.

If Xie Jinghu doesn't come up with something real and just relies on a few easy and obedient words, Zhao Dong won't work for him with all his heart and soul!

Zhao Dong was watching Xie Jinghu's attitude and wanted Xie Jinghu to express his stance further before deciding how much effort he would make.

Wen Ying was looking forward to Wen Dongrong's reaction to this matter, and hoped that Wen Dongrong would not disappoint her.

Wen Dongrong is so tired!

Being tortured by English for two consecutive days every week, Wen Dongrong was like a salted fish that had lost the luster of its scales. When he got home, he just wanted to lie still.

But some people just didn't want him to have a moment of peace.

Shu Guobing!

Damn Shu Guobing!

Chen Ru threw down the information book in her hand and said angrily: "This time both the stolen goods and the stolen goods are stolen. If you want to let Shu Guobing go, you might as well move to the Shu family!"

Shu Guobing hired two gangsters to break into the Shrimp King shop with knives in the middle of the night. What did Shu Guobing want to do?

Next time, will Shu Guobing let gangsters break into the house with knives?

Chen Ru shuddered.

The three members of the Shu family are not just disgusting stinky shit, but vicious dogs with their mouths open and oozing fishy saliva.

Last time, Shu Lu asked someone to blackmail Wen Ying, and this time, Shu Guobing hired a murderer to break into the house. Nothing happened to Wen Ying, but if anything happened, Chen Ru and the Shu family would be ready to die together!

——If divorce is the only way to get rid of being related to the Shu family, Chen Ru can drag Wen Dongrong to get the divorce certificate early tomorrow morning.

Chen Ru was as fierce as a female beast. Because the Shu family was not around, she could only vent her anger on Wen Dongrong. She looked at Wen Dongrong with such an unkind look that her neck felt cold.

He stood up from the sofa and calmed his irritable wife:

"When did I say I would let him go? Even if I try not to work this time, I will send him to jail!"

This chapter has been completed!
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