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449: The Special Charm of the Provincial City (4 More)

He is obviously a relative of the leader, so why did he become a member of the public asking questions?

This kind of scam is not the first. It was very common in the 1990s, and people will still fall for it until 2019.

Wen Hongyan was sick and hurriedly sought medical treatment, but her neighbor, a liar, spotted her and set a trap for her specifically to deal with the Shu family's situation.

Wen Hongyan didn't know how to sell second-hand bags, so a kind neighbor took her there.

When helping her sell gold jewelry, her neighbor also bid for her and the gold shop owner to make her gold jewelry more expensive.

What a warm neighbor!

The result is a liar.

From head to toe, Wen Hongyan arranged everything clearly. As soon as the bag and gold were sold, Wen Hongyan changed hands and gave all the money to the liar without even taking the money.

Wen Hongyan collapsed on the spot.

Shu Lu was at a loss, had all her money been cheated?

The Public Security Bureau opened a case against the mother and daughter. As for whether Wen Hongyan can recover the money she was defrauded, she can only leave it to fate.

When scammers rent houses, they may even have fake names. Fake IDs are rampant nowadays. If you go to Jiuyanqiao and spend some money, you can not only get fake ID cards, but also diplomas from famous domestic schools and various skills certificates.

There is a high probability that this money will not be recovered.

The scammers succeeded because they took advantage of Wen Hongyan's rush to seek medical treatment when she was sick. The police also gave Wen Hongyan a lesson.

Let her do everything according to the rules and regulations in the future. Wen Hongyan does not want to pay bribes to gain connections, and scammers will not take advantage of her.

"If you have money to give to scammers, why don't you hire a lawyer?"

The police's voice echoed in Shu Lu's ears. Shu Lu often wiped her tears and pretended to be pitiful. She had never cried so sincerely like now.

I usually watch legal dramas a lot!

Why can’t I think of hiring a lawyer?

Why are you so panicked?

Wen Hongyan was defrauded of money. Shu Lu did not have a permanent residence in Chengdu. If she wanted to transfer to another school in Chengdu, she would have to pay a tuition fee. The difference was that she had more money and less money.

The problem is that there is no money.

At least there's no big money left.

Wen Hongyan still had some savings, which she usually withheld from Shu Guobing, but she was unwilling to take them out at this time. Shu Lu hadn't gone to school for a week, and if she didn't go back to school, Shu Lu would probably become a dropout.

There is still only one way for Shu Lu and Wen Hongyan: go back to their hometown!

Cai Youlun wanted to warn Shu Lu again to make her calm down.

They never expected that Wen Hongyan would kill the mother and daughter's retreat in just a few days.

Rich people don't care if they are defrauded of tens of thousands of dollars. For Wen Hongyan and Shu Lu, tens of thousands of dollars is enough for Shu Lu to finish high school in Chengdu.

No matter what happens, the mother and daughter can go back to their hometown and buy an old house, and just give flowers to the scammer. Cai Youlun doesn’t know whether the mother and daughter are heartbroken, but Cai Youlun himself is quite heartbroken anyway, because Wen Hongyan is holding the flower

The money was given by Shu Guobing, and the money for Shu Guobing was given by Cai Youlun!

Local bosses like Cai Youlun are somewhat superstitious, and they originally looked down on Shu Lu. After this incident, they felt more and more that Shu Lu's family was unlucky, and whoever got involved would be unlucky.

Maybe Xiao Cai was unlucky like this.

After all, Xiaocai and the Shu family usually go in and out together and spend the longest time together!

When Cai Youlun thought this way, the money he lost would be sent to the God of Plague. Sooner or later, he would earn it back from Zhao Dong.

In fact, Wen Dongrong had been paying attention to the movements of Wen Hongyan and Shu Lu. It was not until the mother and daughter left Rongcheng and returned to their hometown that Wen Dongrong finally felt relieved.

For the sake of brother and sister, Wen Dongrong did not kill the mother and daughter, but he would not do more things. Even if Wen Hongyan went to suffer in front of grandma Wen again, Wen Dongrong would not do it for this sister again.

Paid out a dime.

No matter what method Wen Hongyan uses, even if she works as a coolie to move goods, as long as she is willing to endure hardships, there will always be no problem for Shu Lu to study.

There are so many poor families in rural areas who, as long as they have a little ambition, can still move their hands and feet without having their children drop out of school - even if Shu Lu does drop out of school, it has nothing to do with Wen Dongrong.

Chen Ru heard that Hongyan and Shu Lu had returned to their hometown and couldn't help but want to sing when they got home from get off work.

Wen Ying also breathed a sigh of relief.

Being driven to and from school by Chen Ru every day is a burden of love. Wen Ying still likes to act on her own and has more freedom in time.

Shu Guobing and Xiao Cai, the two gangsters who broke into the house, have been transferred to the detention center by the police station. They will be sentenced as they please. No one will threaten Wen Ying's safety for the time being.

On Friday night, while Wen Dongrong was there, Chen Ru held a family meeting and made a financial plan for the family.

If Wen Dongrong's salary no longer arbitrarily subsidizes her relatives and her performance is saved, her family will be able to buy a car by the end of 2007 at the latest!

During this period, the two of them earned enough money to renovate their house.

It's better to have one set. After the whole set is installed and the whole family moves in, the rent here will be saved.

The other set is simpler. Once it is installed and rented out, part of the mortgage can be deducted.

When Wen Ying gets married in the future, she will take back the rented house and renovate it. After Wen Ying finishes her undergraduate degree and then does a master's degree, she will be at least twenty-five or six years old before she gets married, which is still about ten years away.


After more than ten years of supporting the mortgage with rent, the mortgage for one house has almost been paid off.

It seems that no income has been generated in the past ten years, but the house after the loan is repaid belongs to the individual. Chen Ru does not believe that house prices can not rise even a little for ten years!

"Don't Grandma Wen Ying always want us to drive her back to the countryside? When our family buys a car, she can sit in it whenever she wants, and you don't have to worry about it being a bad influence or someone gossiping!"

Elderly people like to show off their children. Grandma Wen’s wish was to return to her hometown in a car and show off to her former neighbors.

In other words, what is as important as taking a car back to your hometown is that the children have the leisure and filial piety to take the elderly back home. Middle-aged people have elders and younger children, and they are exhausted for life. They usually stuff money and be filial to the elderly at home, so that they can truly let go.

There are too few things in hand to accompany you for a whole day. It is not wrong to be filial in giving money. If you are still willing to accompany the old man to do some seemingly meaningless things, the inner satisfaction of the old man is difficult to describe in words.

It's not that Chen Ru doesn't understand, it's just that there is a grudge between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and she didn't bother to remind Wen Dongrong before.

Now I would like to remind Wen Dongrong, firstly, because Wen Dongrong performed well in this incident and did not show mercy to the Shu family, and secondly, I want to give Wen Dongrong an incentive goal so that he will not pay any more money in the next two years.

The money is used to support relatives, and the couple works together to decorate a house and buy a car!

Wen Ying weakly raised her hand: "If you want to buy a car, I can actually contribute some -"

"Shut up. It's not your turn to interrupt when adults are talking. Do you think that now that you have strong wings and made some money, you will have the final say in the family?"

Chen Ru interrupted Wen Ying.

If the money earned by Wen Ying is used, how can parents have dignity?

Chen Ru and Wen Dongrong only wanted to improve themselves because they didn't want to be left behind by Wen Ying. Wen Ying couldn't understand the bitterness of middle-aged people going to cram schools.

"Your mother is right. Don't worry about these things. Go back to your room and do your homework."

Wen Dongrong stands in the same camp as Chen Ru on this issue.

In order to save money, he can tighten his belt without spending any money, he can not wear new clothes or smoke, but he must not lose his dignity or face!

The couple expelled Wen Ying from the family meeting. When Wen Ying returned to her room, she could still hear her parents' discussions in the living room.

These two just want to save face and suffer the consequences.

However, without this spirit, they are no longer the biological parents Wen Ying was familiar with. Stubbornness and good face are sometimes disadvantages and sometimes advantages.

Who says that middle-aged people can't work hard to make progress? As long as they are willing to make progress, working hard at 40 is better than working hard at 50. If you really have to wait until you are 60 to regret that you didn't work hard enough when you were young, what's the use? Half of your feet are already in the coffin.

Wen Ying finished her homework first and then turned on the computer.

The editor of "Eige" asked her to try writing a novel. Wen Ying now has a story outline. She wants to write a novel about "teenage idols". The story starts from the talent show, but it is not based on Li Mengjiao, a real teenager.

Idols are not limited to the entertainment industry.

Like Yang Xi, the fire-fighting hero in her previous life, can she be considered a teenage idol?

It definitely counts!

Song Shao, who likes to help others and set up study groups, is also a teenage idol.

The colorful youth stories happened around Wen Ying. When she returned to her teenage years, she had inexhaustible materials.

She wanted to write a story about young people. There would be no bloody polyamory, no premature love and abortion, and no unnecessary moaning. Wouldn’t that mean youth?

After establishing the outline of the story, inspiration burst out in Wen Ying's mind, her fingers danced on the keyboard, and she typed out lines of text.

Silent nights, without any interruptions, are writers' favorite working time.

At the same time, family conversations were also taking place at Xie Qian’s house.

Zou Weijun was very happy when he came home from get off work today.

"My proposal was approved by the higher-ups!"

After being recognized for her work, Zou Weijun became more enthusiastic about her work and never forgot about the well digger. Zou Weijun also wanted to thank Wen Ying for providing her with inspiration:

"Will Wen Ying come to our house tomorrow? I will cook two dishes for her."

Xie Qian shook his head, "Not tomorrow, she has something to do."

Wen Ying has to go to Yang Xi tomorrow and meet Yuan Fenghui. The schedule is quite slow and she really doesn't have time to come to Xie's house.

Zou Weijun was a little disappointed.

"She is so busy, what about you?"

"I have something to do too."

Wen Ying is the major shareholder of Shrimp King, and Xie Qian is also a shareholder.

The major shareholder is going to visit Manager Yang tomorrow who was injured while protecting the property of the 'Shrimp King' store. How can Xie Qian, the second shareholder, remain indifferent?

Of course he wanted to go with Wen Ying.

As for other shareholders, they have been subconsciously ignored by Xie Qian.

When Zou Weijun heard that Xie Qian was going out with Wen Ying, he didn't think much about it. The two people's interactions were not hidden from Zou Weijun and they were always honest. Zou Weijun couldn't even be happy that Xie Qian had such a good friend as Wen Ying in Rongcheng.

How could it interfere with the friendship between the two of them?

After hearing what Xie Qian said about Yang Xi, Zou Weijun felt uncomfortable.

"The conditions at home are so bad. It's time to help her. It sounds like she's someone who repays her kindness. Wen Ying has a good taste in people!"

The conditions of Yang Xi's family are indeed poor, but there are many people in the world who are worse off than Yang Xi.

Zou Weijun suffered for love and never suffered for material conditions. The poems he wrote when he was young were all about romance, flowers, snow and moon, and spring and snow.

Xie Qian's heart moved, "If you are free, would you like to come with us? Tomorrow will be the first time that Wen Ying and I meet the Yang family. They may trust adults like you more than Wen Ying and I."

Zou Weijun still has some work on hand, but he can do it on the weekend.

How could Zou Weijun refuse his son's invitation? Both mother and son are now accommodating each other, and both think they are curing each other's mental illness!

This chapter has been completed!
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