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455: What is the relationship between the countercurrent fish and Wenying (4 more)

Why did you suddenly talk about film and television investment?

Li Zhentao is also a smart man, and he suddenly thought of Yuan Fenghui asking Li Mengjiao to return the favor and play a "guest" role in the future.

From what I mean, it's not as simple as "guest appearance".

Li Zhentao glanced at Xu Mei's filming, and then at his daughter Li Mengjiao who was talking to Wen Ying and Wang Shuang without knowing what to say, and his thoughts were changing quickly.

If Mengjiao really wants to join the circle, what can be done to ensure Mengjiao's safety?

It doesn’t work to count on brokers to have a conscience, or to count on capital to have a conscience... people’s hearts will become, when the benefits are sufficient. People who were originally conscientious will become conscienceless!

The safest thing is to use capital to protect your daughter.

"Teacher Yuan, the film and television investment you mentioned can easily cost hundreds or tens of millions. I have to confirm it before I can reply to you!"

Of course this is a big deal, Yuan Fenghui smiled and nodded: "Then I will wait for the good news from Mr. Li."

It's best for the manager to keep his word.

If Boss Guan doesn't care, Yuan Fenghui plans to invest in filming the drama himself.

There are always constraints when working for others. After Yuan Fenghui was set up by her artists and the company in Baodao, she had long thought of going it alone. She has been in the industry for many years and has become famous for more than one artist. She has a high income, good investment vision and assets.

It has been growing positively, which is enough as a start-up capital for the company.

Yuan Fenghui didn't do that because starting her own business not only requires funds, but also requires connections to attract others to invest in the business, so that she can share the risks of starting a business and give her more opportunities to try!

Yuan Fenghui looked at Li Mengjiao with ambition in her eyes.

Li Mengjiao was unaware, and she and Wen Ying gathered together to marvel at Xu Mei's changes:

"It's like a new person!"

This child was simply marveling at the beauty of Xu Mei's new look, without the slightest worry of being threatened.

Wen Ying took a look at Xu Mei's shooting scene.

Everyone's attention fell on Xu Mei, but Wen Ying was different. She saw the situation outside the shooting center.

Professor Fang stood next to the director, very concerned about Xu Mei's filming progress, and focused on the camera. Deputy Director Duan had already retreated to the edge of the crowd.

Pan Li held a bottle of mineral water in her hand and handed it to Deputy Director Duan.

Deputy Director Duan took it and took a few sips. He didn't know what he said. Pan Li's cheeks were slightly red and her smile was refreshing.

In fact, Pan Li is prettier than Xu Mei.

Xu Mei is a young fruit, her beauty is created by the makeup artist, and her intelligence is created by the company. Without the makeup artist and the company, Xu Mei has not yet found her personal style.

Pan Li is different. Pan Li has already found a suitable style.

Heavy makeup and overly mature looks are not suitable for Pan Li. Pan Li is fresh and has the first love face that makes men's hearts flutter. Successful middle-aged men are used to the beauty of women, and it is difficult to resist this kind of in-betweenness.

The freshness between girls and women, which takes them back to their youth... With young girls, they themselves seem to have become younger.

Deputy Director Duan is about to finish!

It was not difficult for Wen Ying to make this judgment.

Professor Fang is still unaware of this.

Are you really slow, or do you trust Pan Li too much?

It must be confidence.

Do you feel that you have given Pan Li a chance to make a comeback? You are Pan Li's great benefactor and Pan Li's supporter. Pan Li does not dare to do anything that would be embarrassing to you?

Professor Fang is too naive.

When one day a knife is placed on Professor Fang's neck and could cut Professor Fang's throat at any time, I wonder if Professor Fang can forgive Pan Li generously.

Wen Ying looked back and shook her head secretly.

Li Mengjiao was heartless, Wen Ying was distracted, and Wang Shuang was worried: The opponent has set up such a formation, and Li Mengjiao is not worried at all. He is going to die from worry, okay?

Different producers, different albums, the competition between Li Mengjiao and Xu Mei was originally under the table, but today the superficial peace has been torn apart.

Who wants to lose?

Anyway, Wang Shuang doesn’t want to!

Wang Shuang felt that Yuan Fenghui was definitely not willing either.

Then it's impossible for Uncle Li to accept it so easily.

300,000 is not a lot of money. Li Mengjiao transferred the shares of "Shrimp King" and got more than 100,000.

The question is, if we add 300,000, or even 600,000, can we hire a better team? The advantage of Xu Mei's side is not that it has 300,000 more funds than Li Mengjiao, but Professor Fang's husband, Deputy Director Duan.

I'm afraid Uncle Li is a bit difficult to deal with as the deputy director of the provincial station.

The main reason is that they are not in the same circle, and there is no overlap in business. People who can be hired by others may not be able to be hired here by spending a lot of money. It is more likely that they are fooled by half a bucket of water after spending a lot of money. Otherwise, it is like saying that they are separated by mountains.


Wang Shuang was worried when Li Zhentao strode over:

"Don't leave now that the recording is over. I'll take you to dinner. Wang Shuang, call your dad and ask him if he's free."

Even if you take them to dinner, you still need to invite his dad?

Wang Shuang intuitively felt that this meal was unusual.

Li Zhentao turned around and said with a smile, "Wen Ying, please go to dinner too."

Wen Ying nodded obediently: "I will follow Uncle Li's arrangements!"

What Li Zhentao wants to talk about must be about Li Mengjiao, how to deal with Xu Mei's provocative crisis. Parents only want the best for their children, Li Mengjiao can be heartless, and Li Zhentao probably can't bear it. Wen Ying's answer to Li Zhentao

I'm looking forward to the next move.

In the afternoon, Li Zhentao took Wen Ying and the others straight to a restaurant in the city. It was a large private room, where they could eat and talk without delay. There was also a large video room, which was obviously used to distract the children. As a result, Wen Ying and the others

Everyone was rushed into the video room.

"I'll call you during dinner, and you can watch TV to pass the time."

Even a dull person like Li Mengjiao felt something strange.

"What does my dad want to do?!"

Both Wen Ying and Wang Shuang were speechless towards her, and co-author Li Hanhan only realized it now.

Wen Ying glanced outside the door. In addition to Wang Jun, Qin Xianming was also there.

What Li Zhentao wanted to talk about was indeed a big deal - it was a big deal that cost a lot of money. Li Zhentao's financial resources were a bit hard to cover, so he had to call his trusted and wealthy boss friend.

Wen Ying was a little envious.

It's not that Li Zhentao's friends are envious of their wealth, but that Li Zhentao dotes on Li Mengjiao.

On second thought, although Lao Wen was not as good as Li Zhentao, he was not soft-hearted in dealing with Shu Guobing this time. Shu Guobing was already in the detention center waiting for the next trial. Shu Lu and Wen Hongyan both left Rongcheng and returned to their hometown... In the previous life, Lao

It is impossible for Wen to treat the Shu family so coldly. He has made great progress in this life.

Wen Ying calmed down and listened intently to the conversation of the three people outside.

The sound insulation effect of the restaurant was so good, and there was a TV in the room, Wen Ying only caught a few keywords.

“Investment” and “Production Fees”.

Li Mengjiao also heard it, and she, who was always heartless, said in a daze: "Does my dad want to pay to help me produce an album?"

Could this be the case?

Obviously her father has always opposed her entering the entertainment industry, so he only signed an album contract with the company.

Why have you suddenly changed your mind now?

Li Mengjiao is just heartless, not a fool. Li Zhentao's change happened for a reason, which is Xu Mei's shooting scene today!

A father who loves his daughter, while opposing his daughter's entry into the complicated entertainment industry, wants to do his best to provide her with better conditions.

Li Mengjiao clasped her hands, sat on the sofa and lowered her head, saying nothing for a long time.

Wen Ying thought to herself that both Wang Jun and Qin Xianming were alarmed. Li Zhentao obviously not only paid to help Li Mengjiao produce the album.

"Forget it, there's no need to eavesdrop. Uncle Li and the others will tell us when they have settled the matter."

Wen Ying turned up the volume on the TV, and sure enough, the conversation outside could no longer be heard.

In the hall, Li Zhentao told the reason for the gathering, but Wang Jun and Qin Xianming didn't speak for a long time.

After a while, Wang Jun touched his nose:

"We have been friends for many years. It's rare for you to speak up once. I will definitely support this matter, but you have to think carefully. Do you really want Mengjiao to enter the entertainment industry? What talent competition will Mengjiao participate in?

, isn’t it just that children like to be busy? After a while of excitement, it’s time to return to normal life!”

Although Li Zhentao is not a wealthy person, he is definitely considered a small group of people in Chengdu who have a very prosperous life. Wang Jun doesn't know why others are willing to let their children enter the entertainment industry. If Wang Shuang wants to enter the entertainment industry, Wang Jun's first reaction is not to do his job properly.


Of course, if Wang Shuang really insists, Wang Jun can let Wang Shuang give it a try.

Anyway, Wang Shuang is a boy and cannot suffer too much in the entertainment industry.

If Wang Shuang was a girl and still wanted to enter the entertainment industry, Wang Jun would definitely have to stop her. The best way to stop her would be to break Wang Shuang's feet. If he couldn't stop him, he would rather break Wang Shuang's feet and feed her well in Guan's house.

I absolutely disagree with this!

Men understand men’s hearts best.

A young girl as fresh as green onion, thrown into such a complicated environment, Wang Jun would not say to kill people in the entertainment industry with a stick. There must be people with good character and strong business ability, but it is undeniable that more people wearing the clothes of people

The skinny wolf wanders in the circle, and it loves to stretch its claws at young and ignorant girls!

When Li Zhentao mentioned this matter, Wang Jun's first reaction was that Li Zhentao was so entangled by Li Mengjiao that he lost his mind. Wang Jun had to wake up Li Zhentao.

Li Zhentao smiled bitterly: "Brother, I had the same idea as you at the beginning. Children like to be lively and will get over it after playing. But Mengjiao doesn't just want to play. She likes these things. She likes to stand on the stage and be watched.

People pay attention to it. Although she said to listen to me and her mother, what she thinks in her heart is that I, the father, am not blind and can't see it."

Li Zhentao called Wang Jun and Qin Xianming here, of course, not just to fight with Professor Fang.

This matter has long been on Li Zhentao's mind.

Should we let our children live under the wings of their parents, be an ordinary person, and live a peaceful life, or should we give them a helping hand, let them fly high, and lead a wonderful life with ups and downs?

Li Zhentao wants to choose the former.

But his choice may not be what his daughter Li Mengjiao wants.

What sits in front of Wang Jun and Qin Xianming now is not the leader of a state-owned enterprise with over 10,000 employees, but a middle-aged man facing his growing children and worrying about their future father!

Li Zhentao's voice was low, with emotion: "Mengjiao is different from Qin Yi and Qin Jiao. She has not been stupid since she was a child, but she is not a very smart child either. She has to be watched over when doing her homework, and it takes a long time to do it.

But when I took her to the Children's Palace to learn dancing, she was never late once!"

This chapter has been completed!
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