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1101: Male human self-esteem knows no age!

Buying a house in 2005 is definitely different from buying a house in 2019.

In 2019, there are strict purchase restrictions in Shanghai. To buy a house, you need to review the qualifications, and the procedures are very cumbersome.

It is much easier to buy a house nowadays, especially when you have enough budget to buy a house in full. It is too easy to buy a house.

Wen Ying didn't even need to look at the houses in other parts of the city. If she wanted to look at them, she would look at the ones in the inner ring. She planned to choose the house and tell Xie Qian. If Xie Qian agreed, she would help pay the deposit, and Xie Qian would have to transfer the property.

The cousin can go to the city in person, or she can prepare the materials and find someone to do it for her.

I don’t know what Uncle Xie Qian thought after giving this gift out. Aunt Xie Qian must be very happy.

Although compared with 2019, the houses in Magic City in January 2005 were slightly more expensive, but compared with other cities at the same time, the housing prices in Magic City were far ahead. It cost to buy a house in the inner ring.

It's not surprising at all.

This is a long-term gift. In the future, the housing prices in Magic City will skyrocket. Every time Xie Qian thinks of this house, she will ask for Xie Qian's mother and son's favor.

It's a little strange to send it in Xie Qian's name, but it's more normal to send it in Zou Weijun's name.

Wen Ying was very confident in persuading Zou Weijun.

Zou Weijun is not the kind of character who would please her husband's relatives to save the marriage, but if the starting point of this matter is for Xie Qian's good, Zou Weijun will definitely be willing to do it.

Alas, I just wanted to be friends with Xie Qian at first, but now that I have become Xie Qian's friend, I want to worry about Xie Qian even more, just like an old mother.

Wen Lao Mazi asked for a city map from the front desk of the hotel. She studied it in her room and tried her best to recall the information from her previous life. She wanted to choose the house for cousin Xie Qian properly. Not only did it have to have a good living environment, but it also had to be in line with the magic

With planning for the next ten years or so, whether you want to live in or sell in the future, you can make the most profit.

Wen Ying bought a house by herself in her last life, and she didn't worry much about it. She was busy with work at that time, and her colleagues in the law firm recommended the listing of 'Kumho Real Estate'. She went to see it by herself, and calculated that her savings would be enough for the down payment, so she booked the house.


Now I choose a house for someone else, and I want to show off all my skills, for fear that I will fall short and offend my friend Uncle Xie.

Wen Ying finally circled a few places on the map without paying attention to the passage of time. In the blink of an eye, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening, and Chen Rucai came back quietly.

"Why aren't you asleep yet?"

"Mom, I'm waiting for you to come back. I won't be able to sleep until you come back."

This sounds like a high school girl who is not afraid of anything at all. She is so naive and bold.

Chen Ru said casually, "Your Aunt Wu and I haven't seen each other for many years. I will definitely talk more when we meet this time. When you finish the rematch tomorrow, your Aunt Wu still wants to see you."

Chen Ru's voice was a little hoarse.

Wen Ying looked carefully and found that her mother's eyes were still red.

It was inevitable to be emotional when old classmates who hadn't seen each other for many years reunited. Wen Ying imagined the scene of her mother and Aunt Wu with tears in her eyes, saving Chen Ru enough face and pretending not to notice that Chen Ru had cried.

Hey, no matter how strong a person is, he is still a human being, and a human being has emotions and desires. It is normal for him to be emotional when he sees his old classmate Chen Ru.

"Well, I will definitely have a good rematch tomorrow."

After Wen Ying finished washing, she lay on the bed obediently, thinking about the house for a while, and then thinking about tomorrow's rematch, and fell asleep soon after.

Chen Ru didn't fall asleep for a long time.

When she graduated from college, Chen Ru also had the opportunity to be assigned to work in a big city, but the Chen family only had two daughters, and her parents were in poor health. She was the eldest daughter. If she didn't go back to her hometown, would she have to leave her parents to her younger sister Chen Li, who was still in school?

Take care of?

Chen Ru returned to her hometown town and entered a bank.

Later, they got married step by step, and gave birth to their daughter Wen Ying to Wen Dongrong.

The exact opposite of her is Wu Chunqin, an old classmate whom she met today.

Wu Chunqin was initially assigned to a factory in Shanghai, but Wu Chunqin was high-spirited and was not satisfied with a college diploma. When her peers were dating and getting married, Wu Chunqin was studying for a diploma.

Hard work paid off. Wu Chunqin took the postgraduate entrance examination and studied for a Ph.D. After graduating from the Ph.D., she found a university teaching position. She didn’t get married until she was thirty years old. Her husband was a professor at another university in Shanghai. Five years ago, Wu Chunqin realized that she was not a

As for academic research, he decided to take a leave of absence from his job to start a business, and now owns a sizable company in Shanghai.

Same starting point, different life, Chen Ru couldn't help but feel filled with emotion when she thought that she only caught up in her career in middle age.

Wu Chunqin is not the kind of person who flatters others. Back then, Chen Ru and the other party lived in the same dormitory, and the relationship between the two was the best in the same dormitory. Now Wu Chunqin is doing well, Chen Ru is developing in average, and Wu Chunqin is not at all.

Without looking down on Chen Ru, Wu Chunqin said she must meet Wen Ying when she learned that Chen Ru had come to Shanghai with her daughter to participate in the competition. Although Wu Chunqin had started her own business out of school, her husband was still in college.

Why is it so popular? Wu Chunqin knows better than most people.

This is an essay contest, but not just an essay contest.

Jointly organized by multiple universities, from the initial recommendation to the current admission with reduced scores, it is itself a way of "overtaking in a corner".

Winning the first prize is not that easy!

Naturally, Wu Chunqin would not promise anything to Chen Ru, but the hints in her words had made Chen Ru worried, fearing that Wen Ying would be squeezed out if she was confused.

Others have a connection, but Wen Ying does not. He lost half a point before the rematch even started. How could it be possible?

Chen Ru has always been unwilling to ask for help, but for the sake of Wen Ying's future, tonight she sacrificed her face and asked her old classmate Wu Chunqin for advice. Wu Chunqin didn't laugh at her, and Chen Ru felt uncomfortable.

Chen Ru sacrificed her dignity in front of her old classmates and couldn't show off her merits in front of Wen Ying when she came back. Now she was lying on the bed tossing and turning. On the other bed, Wen Ying slept like a little piggy without any thought. She even had

Snoring softly.

——In fact, it doesn’t matter whether you have a son or a daughter. Children are all debt collectors of their parents, which makes parents worry endlessly!

The next morning, Chen Ru had two big dark circles on her face. She covered it with several layers of powder, and the powder was stuck under her eyes.

Wen Ying wanted to speak but stopped.

This concealer technique is completely wrong.

Wen Ying didn't dare to point out her own mother.

Otherwise, Chen Ru would have asked her why she was doing this, saying that her mind was not on her studies, and the mother and daughter would have had another quarrel early in the morning.

Arriving at the examination room on time, Chen Ru asked Wen Ying to write well.

Wen Ying nodded: "I will try my best!"

The contestants actually had no idea who could win the prize and who could not.

The composition competition is no different from mathematics, physics and other competitions. The latter has objective standards, while the former is more of a subjective judgment. Wen Ying never thought about relying on the first prize to reduce the score for admission. The pressure for today's rematch came from Chen Ru's expectations, but Song Chan did not

Likewise, Song Chan must win the first prize.

Song Chan is already a sophomore in high school this year, and she is much more anxious than Wen Ying about the admission with reduced scores.

Moreover, Song Chan came to Shanghai to participate in the semi-finals. Many people in the school knew that Song Chan returned to school empty-handed, and Song Chan was disgraced.

No matter what your mentality is, everyone must sit in the same examination room and face the same test questions.

This year's semi-finals are the same as previous years, with a choice of two questions.

The first question gives a beginning and allows the contestants to draft their own questions to continue writing. The narrative point of view must be that of a blind person, and the story takes place on the road of a blind person.

The second question is "Chinese Peasants in My Eyes".

Wen Ying didn't know what others would choose, so she gave up question two immediately.

If you don't know enough about the field, it will be very superficial to write, so it is better to write question one.

Wen Ying had three hours from conception to writing to writing and submitting the paper. At the stage of the semi-finals, fancy writing is useless. What the judges want is maturity and stability, and ideas.

Wen Ying conceived several characters and story directions, and overturned them one by one.

Other contestants in the examination room have already started writing, but she hasn't written a word yet.

Sure enough, she is not a literary genius or a talented player.

Half an hour passed before Wen Ying picked up the pen.

Why a blind person goes out alone, his/her personality, and the reason for going out are all very descriptive. Of course, it cannot be told directly, but it must be revealed bit by bit, and the story is laid out layer by layer through interactions with other travelers in the carriage.

, the collision of characters shows the story.

Wen Ying writes slowly, but once she starts writing, it becomes very smooth.

The stories are all in her head.

Wen Ying suffered a loss when she submitted articles to youth magazines.

Wen Ying definitely took advantage of participating in the new concept essay contest.

Based on her actual age, she is too old to participate in Group C, but now she is mixed in Group B and competes with contestants from high school and junior high school.

Compared with others, she can't win.

But when it comes to writing in-depth articles, Wen Ying has lived for two lifetimes, and her knowledge of the world and her understanding of life are definitely better than those of other contestants in Group B.

Song Chan started very quickly, but after writing less than half of it, she was still dissatisfied. After revising two paragraphs, she simply changed the manuscript paper and started writing again.

Looking up at Wen Ying, she was unhurried and didn't seem to be stuck at all.

Thinking that after Wen Ying arrived at the hotel, she had been locked in the room and had no interaction with other players. Why should such an idiot compete with him?

Besides, the two of them are in different groups, so there is nothing to compare them with.

Song Chan calmed down and started writing again.

The only sound in the examination room was the sound of pen hitting the manuscript paper.

After Wen Ying finished writing, she revised the details before submitting the manuscript. After submitting the manuscript, she had nothing to worry about and left the examination room easily.

Chen Ru grabbed her and asked her how she performed. Wen Ying thought she wrote quite well.

"I don't know if the judges will like it or not."

It was not easy for Chen Ru to dampen Wen Ying's confidence, after all, she had even handed in the manuscript.

"Go back to the hotel to rest for a while. At six o'clock in the evening, your Aunt Wu will come to the hotel to pick us up for dinner. Your Aunt Wu and I are very close classmates. You don't have to be too restrained when you meet her, but you can't be rude, you know?


Wen Ying chuckled, "Mom, I won't embarrass you!"

Chen Ru twisted her arm: "Don't try to trick me. When you meet someone, just be honest and don't act like a monster."

To ask for help, Wen Ying had to leave a good impression on Wu Chunqin. Chen Ru didn't say anything clearly because she was afraid that Wen Ying would be stubborn and mess up the matter.

It's better to let nature take its course, and there will be no psychological pressure on Wen Ying.

Chen Ru had good intentions. Wen Ying did not ask about the specific situation of "Aunt Wu". At six o'clock, Wu Chunqin came to the hotel to pick up the mother and daughter. Wen Ying watched "Aunt Wu" get out of the car, and her eyes widened involuntarily.


How should I put it, her current mood is the same as when she saw He Zhen’s mother, Ms. Dai, in Macau!

——She knows this Aunt Wu.

This chapter has been completed!
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