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1129: Not a girlfriend, but a good friend! (return 1)

The position of the producer is much more important than that of the screenwriter.

A producer is fully responsible for the overall planning of the script, from early preparation to setting up the filming team, calculating the funds for filming, controlling filming costs, supervising the filming process, post-production, and even assisting investors in releasing drama series and applying for various awards.

, these links are inseparable from the participation of producers.

What does Wang Shuang have?

I barely got involved in the early stages of the project and approved Wen Ying's script.

But this is not necessarily Wang Shuang's appreciation ability. It is probably because Wang Shuang is in a position of personal friendship and just blindly supports Wen Ying!

Ask Wang Shuang to form a shooting team and calculate the shooting costs. Will Wang Shuang know how to do it?

I don’t even know about post-production, and there are no channels to distribute TV series.

When applying for an award, Wang Shuang couldn't even figure out where the threshold was.

Wang Shuang's only advantage is that he is the son of the major shareholder of Tianjiao Film and Television Company. Oh, and he barely adds Li Mengjiao's younger status. Otherwise, Yuan Fenghui would be too lazy to talk to him.

Yuan Fenghui asked Wang Shuang if he wanted to be a producer, and Wang Shuang nodded.

Yuan Fenghui introduced the scope of work of the producer and asked Wang Shuang what he could accomplish:

"You may not be able to even supervise the most basic filming process. You can't stop going to school just because Li Mengjiao is filming a TV series, right?"

That definitely won't work.

Wang Shuang thought that Li Mengjiao laughed at him for being a bad student, so naturally he couldn't bear to admit his status as a bad student. It was impossible not to go to school. If he didn't go to school to become a producer, his father would break his legs.

Yuan Fenghui looked at his expression and asked him bluntly what advantages he had in becoming a producer.

Wang Shuang thought hard for a while and responded to Yuan Fenghui's question:

"Teacher Yuan, is being thick-skinned an advantage?"


Yuan Fenghui wanted to drive away this shameless person, but Wang Shuang became more and more enthusiastic. He chased Yuan Fenghui and analyzed: "I have never been a producer. This is different from a screenwriter. Screenwriters rely on talent. I

You can learn it by relying on your own shame. It is precisely because I am thick-skinned that I am not ashamed to ask questions. And because I am thick-skinned, I dare to take care of things that others dare not take care of. I am able to bend and stretch, so why can't I learn to be a producer?"

Wang Shuang himself summed it up, the producer is the big housekeeper of a drama, and she is also a mother.

You have to take care of everything and worry about everything.

What to say when you meet a popular actor, what you say when you meet a director, and how to deal with the thorns in the crew who act like a big name. These require experience, and more importantly, the ability to bend and stretch.

As long as it's conducive to filming, the producer can do anything.

Experience can be accumulated, and the ability to bend and stretch is his talent, isn't it?

I think of him as a dignified young man, Shuang Shao. He has ridden a broken tricycle in the night snack street and washed many crayfish with his own hands. Other students may not be able to endure the hardship. Shuang Shao Shao has already recognized him. Why should Yuan Fenghui look through the cracks in the door and think he is useless?


Yuan Fenghui glared at him, and Wang Shuang suddenly switched from "arrogant" to playful and smiling mode:

"Teacher Yuan, just give me a chance and let me try. I am different from Wen Ying. As an intern producer, I can do it without getting paid."

Yuan Fenghui can definitely see the trait of being thick-skinned.

Wen Ying said a few nice words to Wang Shuang at the right time, and Yuan Fenghui reluctantly agreed.

After all, he doesn't get paid. Mr. Wang is willing to spoil his son, and Yuan Fenghui has nothing to do with it.

Besides, after Wang Shuang has been working with the crew for a few days, he will know that his level is simply not qualified for the job of a producer, and young people themselves will give up.

After all, Young Master Shuang was still young and didn't know what Yuan Fenghui was thinking. Wen Ying could see it, but she couldn't say it to hurt Wang Shuang's confidence.

Producers need to know how to shoot dramas, but also how to deal with people. Even if Wang Shuang cannot persist in this job, this experience will be a kind of training for Wang Shuang.

Yuan Fenghui asked Wen Ying to hurry up and change the script.

Abandoning screenwriter Zhang's script and using Wen Ying's script, Yuan Fenghui had previously thought of casting actors who were not suitable, and she had to re-search for suitable actors.

We need to find an actor who has acting skills and will not overwhelm Li Mengjiao until she is unable to resist.

The supporting character who plays opposite Li Mengjiao cannot be too pretty.

Yuan Fenghui was still thinking about Li Mengjiao.

Wen Ying revised the script for another three days. This time she had no worries asking screenwriter Zhang for advice. Screenwriter Zhang's script had been sold to Tianjiao Film and Television.

Li Zhentao originally did not plan to start filming immediately, but wanted to put screenwriter Zhang's script on hold. The company would first launch a drama starring Li Mengjiao. Originally, Tianjiao Film and Television was founded for Li Mengjiao.

Wen Ying persuaded Li Zhentao to shoot the screenwriter first.

"Uncle Li, don't be afraid of waiting for a good meal. Tianjiao has no experience in film and television production, so the filming team hired needs to get used to it. Screenwriter Zhang's script has a short shooting cycle, which is very suitable for quick recovery of costs."

It is true that the company was established to promote Li Mengjiao, but if a film and television company does not make money, how long can it survive solely on the capital injection from shareholders?

Even if it is a handbag company, it will always cost money to rent the venue. Moreover, although Tianjiao Film and Television has streamlined its staff now, it is not a handbag company. It has an office space and several administrative staff. These are the costs of starting a company.

"When Tianjiao produced her first idol drama, Mengjiao just improved her acting skills. What do you think?"

Only by not being impatient can you polish the quality.

Li Mengjiao's first drama, Tianjiao shouldn't be anxious, and Li Mengjiao herself shouldn't be anxious. Li Mengjiao's age is her advantage, and there will still be plenty of time for Li Mengjiao to slowly climb to the top!

Wen Ying convinced Li Zhentao.

Screenwriter Zhang's script was probably written by Wen Ying first. I always felt that according to the setting of the story, the filming of the series should be completed by the Baodao team so as not to be out of the ordinary. It's not that Wen Ying doesn't understand the Baodao idol drama, but

It would be a bit incongruous to use mainland actors to read those lines.

Of course it would be best if we could invite the original crew to shoot.

The original male and female leads of the show are both very popular in Taiwan. Regardless of whether they have schedules, can Tianjiao afford the salary of two popular actors in Taiwan?

Screenwriter Zhang would definitely not be able to sell a script worth 500,000 yuan if he wrote it in Baodao. Once he came to the mainland, his value would increase. The same goes for Baodao artists!

Wen Ying was worried about the production funds, and Li Zhentao laughed loudly: "Maybe you really need your mother's help."

Wen Ying's eyes lit up.

Any company can get a loan from a bank, but she was too honest and didn't expect it.

But Li Zhentao was also joking. Li Zhentao's relationship in the bank was not bad. He usually dealt with bank personnel who were higher than Chen Ru. If Tianjiao needed a loan, he didn't have to ask Chen Ru.

Although Li Zhentao invested money in Tianjiao and served as the actual manager, Tianjiao Film and Television has nothing to do with Li Zhentao.

Last year, the country issued a trial version of "Several Provisions on the Integrity of Leaders of State-owned Enterprises". After all, Li Zhentao is the leader of a state-owned enterprise. Even if the film and television company and the state-owned enterprise where Li Zhentao works are of different types and are not affiliated enterprises, and there will be no business dealings, Li Zhentao is very

Be cautious that there are no shareholders of Tianjiao Film and Television.

The company has just been established. After it is put into operation, Li Zhentao will hire professional managers, and he will gradually stop interfering in Tianjiao's daily business.

From the perspective of Li Zhentao's need to avoid suspicion, it is not surprising that he chose to approach Chen Ru for a loan instead of following his past relationship.

Of course Wen Ying would not refuse.

She believed that Manager Chen would not refuse.

Friends are only friends when they help each other. No matter which party contributes alone and gets no return, the friendship will end over time.

After Wen Ying's script, which she had revised several times, was approved by screenwriter Zhang and Yuan Fenghui, Li Zhentao finally discussed the remuneration issue with her. The contract he prepared for Wen Ying stated a royalty fee of 500,000.

The remuneration for screenwriters is different from the royalties, and Wen Ying is not affiliated with an employer, so this income is considered "royalty". Li Zhentao will not allow Wen Ying to evade taxes. How can he have such a stain at such a young age?

In fact, in the mainland entertainment industry, the standard of "after-tax remuneration" is still popular. Most important personnel such as actors and directors are given after-tax remuneration. If an actor's quoted salary is 2 million, it means that he will get it.

The money needs to be 2 million, and the crew and film crew are responsible for paying taxes. The film crew doesn't pay, and neither do the actors. It's okay if the tax isn't checked, but once checked, few stars have clean tax records.

Li Zhentao could give Wen Ying an after-tax remuneration of 500,000 yuan. He was not stingy. He just felt that Wen Ying had received an integer of 500,000 yuan and was used to receiving "after-tax remuneration". He had no direct experience in paying taxes and would be prone to missteps in the future.


"You can't pay less in taxes. For a 500,000 yuan script, you only get a little over 400,000..."

Li Zhentao also wanted to explain the twists and turns to Wen Ying. How could Wen Ying not understand?

Her script, no matter how well it is written, is actually not worth 500,000. This industry is so realistic. If you don't write a hit drama to prove your strength, no matter how good the script is, it won't be sold at a high price. Li Zhentao is willing to pay 500,000,

They recognized her, took care of her, and forcibly raised her worth to the same level as screenwriter Zhang. Whoever asks Wen Ying to write a script in the future, even if they don't give her 500,000, will definitely be embarrassed to only give 50,000!

With just over 400,000 yuan after tax, Wen Ying is already very satisfied.

If she saves this money, buying a house in Shanghai will be on the agenda!

Wen Ying received a high salary, and on the other hand, Li Mengjiao's weekly sales statistics for her first album also came out.

This chapter has been completed!
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