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1155: Xie Qian's Reverse Romance

"Hush, Little Secret" sold like crazy in Chengdu.

The first printing of 50,000 copies was focused on the southwestern market and distributed nationwide.

It’s not that Zou Weijun’s department is too conservative. If such a popular science book hadn’t been on the school teacher’s recommended book list, it would have been impossible to sell too many books.

Who would have thought that a clickbait slogan could stimulate such huge sales?

Of course, it is one thing to have good publicity, but it is the last word that the content of the book itself is attractive. The sum of the two is not as simple as "11=2", it simply completely explodes sales.

Print, must print!

Printing plants started working overnight, and new books smelling of ink quickly filled the shelves of major bookstores. Middle schools in Chengdu have launched physiological hygiene education classes, and the speed at which books are printed cannot keep up with the speed at which they are sold.

After many middle schools in Chengdu completed related activities, schools around Chengdu followed suit. Zou Weijun was complained at the beginning, and then continued to work overtime. Xie Qian did not meet Zou Weijun at home for a whole week!

It’s really sold like crazy!

Chengdu is the largest city in the southwest, and the provincial key platform for "Hush, Little Secret" has attracted complaints from parents, not to mention middle schools in surrounding counties, towns, and towns outside of Chengdu. It is really difficult for them to carry out such activities.

Some students in rural middle schools are left-behind children whose parents are not around and are usually taken care of by their grandparents.

There are a few old country people who are about the same age as Grandma Wen who are literate. If they accidentally find a book with such disgusting illustrations in their grandson or granddaughter's school bag, they will definitely scold the children first.

The child said that the school teacher recommended it, which stirred up a hornet's nest. The old man rushed to the school and scolded the teacher for being shameless.

This feedback was passed to the publishing department and also to the education department.

It stands to reason that with so many parents complaining, the education department should have dealt with "Hush, Little Secret" long ago. For some reason this time, the education department has not made any move.

In other words, the education department had no time to deal with it, and the provincial key points responded before the education department. Once this trend started, it would be difficult for the education department to handle it.

If the law does not punish the public, there is no way to deal with it. We can't just call the principals of all the middle schools in Chengdu together and give them a scolding.

The principal who dares to do this is a piece of meat who is not afraid of being scolded... What's more, just like the provincial key point in responding to the parents' statement, the school has not violated any regulations!

The Education Bureau does not interfere.

The General Administration of Publications did not stop it either.

The book sold out again, so the publisher had the guts to print more copies.

In just one month, "Hush, Little Secret" sold more than half a million copies nationwide.

From the first printing of 50,000 copies to the additional printing of one million copies, the more people criticize it, the more popular it will be sold. At the current rate, "Hush, Little Secret" has just opened up to markets outside the province, and it will eventually be able to sell

The leaders of the publishing house cannot estimate how many thousands of copies it will produce.

There are scolds, but of course there are also praises.

"Southern Metropolis Daily" praised this book very highly.

It would be nothing if it were just a southern newspaper praising this book. In April, a senior figure in the education field actually wrote a favorable review for this book and published it in the People's Daily.

"We need to protect children's 'little secrets'. This kind of book should not only be promoted, but should be promoted more vigorously."

The old man is over seventy years old this year. Compared with other people who have more worries, the old man dares to tell the truth and is willing to tell the truth. No one can control the old man anyway.

Once this book review was published, it was the final word. The publishing house finally no longer had to worry about making money and could freely print more books. At this time, printing books means printing money. No one would think it was too much money!

"Now the ministry wants to prepare the second book in the series as soon as possible."

On the second weekend of April, Zou Weijun took the time to specially invite Wen Ying to his home for dinner.

She wanted to thank Wen Ying for such a good idea.

"Aunt Zou, I just said it, you are the one who really does the work. You must have been under a lot of pressure for this book."

An idea is nothing.

There is never a shortage of good ideas, but what is lacking is the courage and courage to put them into practice.

Wen Ying just talked, but Zou Weijun chose to believe Wen Ying's suggestion and put this idea into practice. How much did he pay and how much did he endure?

After all, Zou Weijun is a newcomer to the publishing department. Even with Jiang Xuekun's connections, Zou Weijun has paid a lot to get this planning opportunity. After getting the opportunity, how many pairs of eyes are staring at her. If she makes a mistake once, she will not be able to do it again.

There may never be another opportunity like this again.

The workplace is not school.

If a student gets a question wrong, just correct it.

Mistakes in the workplace will make a person pay for it with his future.

From an economic point of view, Zou Weijun doesn't care about this job, but from a spiritual point of view, this job can give Zou Weijun confidence and distract Zou Weijun.

Wen Ying's concern was very helpful to Zou Weijun. In just over a month, Zou Weijun's experience could be described as a roller coaster ride.

Some time ago, parents protested and complained, and public opinion was saying that "Hush, Little Secret" should be removed from the shelves. Wen Ying was really afraid that Zou Weijun's mood would collapse - Zou Weijun survived. Not only did she withstand the heavy pressure from the leaders of the publishing department,

Still under heavy pressure, the sales of "Hush, Little Secret" are booming, and the status of this series of books has risen instantly. At first, it could be handed over to new people to plan, but now someone wants to snatch it from Zou Weijun, and the second book has just been approved.

, some people want to kick Zou Weijun out of the planning team.

It was difficult for Zou Weijun to explain clearly what state of mind she was in at that moment.

A career is like a marriage.

Someone interfered in the marriage, and Zou Weijun collapsed.

In terms of career, she had just made some achievements and someone jumped in to pick the fruit. What Zou Weijun felt was not pressure, but anger from the bottom of her heart.

If you want something, just work hard for it yourself. Why do some people always like to grab ready-made things from others?

Zou Weijun really doesn't care about the salary from work.

After the sales of "Hush, Little Secret" were booming, not only did the tone of the leadership of the publishing department change, but she, the hero, also received a cash reward. Zou Weijun could bear the pressure, but she could not pick the fruit she had grown with her own hands.

The boss thought that Zou Weijun had a temperament and was usually gentle and soft-spoken, so he thought she had no temper.

Unexpectedly, Zou Weijun would flatly refuse the leader's instructions.

"If the next book is planned by someone else, I will resign."

Wen Ying and Xie Qian couldn't even eat.

——Aunt Zou is so tough?

——My mother can resign, but she cannot be bullied into resigning.

The two high school students looked at each other quickly and understood each other's eyes.

Zou Weijun used serving chopsticks to pick up the food for each of them, "Watch what I do, eat quickly! You don't have to worry about me. If I resign, it will not be my loss. If I can successfully plan such a book once, I will definitely have it."

the second time."

In this industry, Zou Weijun has just entered the state. She wants to be a role model for her son Xie Qian, so she will not give up so easily.

This chapter has been completed!
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