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1161: Xie Qian is finally going to confess his love?

Xie Jinghu has known about Zou Weijun going to work in a publishing house for some time.

I didn't pay much attention to it at first, thinking that Zou Weijun would feel bored after only a few days of work.

It wasn't that Xie Jinghu deliberately looked down on Zou Weijun, but that Zou Weijun hadn't worked a day since she married him.

When they met, Zou Weijun had not yet graduated. He asked Professor Zou for help in overcoming a certain technical difficulty in production. He frequently went to Zou's house and fell in love with Zou Weijun as soon as he went back and forth.

After Zou Weijun graduated from university, he had two options, one was to continue his graduate studies, and the other was to stay in school and work. Xie Jinghu proposed marriage, but Zou Weijun chose neither of these options, so she packed her luggage and followed him - the Zou family was very busy at that time.

For those who objected, Professor Zou, a gentle man, cursed Xie Jinghu, saying that Xie Jinghu abducted Zou Weijun.

Zou Weijun was quite romantic, and she saw her family's opposition as a test of true love. She ignored her family's opposition and insisted on being with Xie Jinghu. She had no choice between going to graduate school or staying in school, so she married Xie Jinghu and became a self-employed person.

's wife.

The Xie family was far less prominent at that time than it is now, and Zou Weijun's family was a real scholarly family. If she had not been with Xie Jinghu, she would have probably married a young man with a similar family background. The couple may not be rich, but they are both educated.

, as long as you don’t eat well and are lazy about cooking, your life won’t be too bad.

After marrying Xie Jinghu, Zou Weijun could no longer love literature and write poetry.

Although Xie Jinghu had little assets at the time, his social status as a self-employed person in the late 1980s was not high. Xie Jinghu himself had to pretend to be his grandson when he was out to socialize. How could Zou Weijun be relaxed?

Poor Zou Weijun, a daughter from a scholarly family, has to deal with the wives of some small businessmen. It's not that she looks down on them. In fact, we are not from the same group. Most of the wives of Xie Jinghu's business partners made their fortune from the bottom.

Some people are still very frugal when they have money, and some people are happy when they have money. They just enrich their wallets but fail to keep up. They wear gold and silver, carry designer bags, and spit when they talk, no matter what the occasion is.

Even when they are at the dinner table, they can spit on the ground... The Zou family is not rich, but the Zou family cares about these hygiene details. Before Zou Weijun was with Xie Jinghu, he had never had any dealings with these three religions.

But she had no choice but to bite the bullet and interact with these people. If she didn't maintain the relationship, it would be even harder for Xie Jinghu outside.

This situation lasted for several years. When the Zou family saw that Zou Weijun was determined to marry Xie Jinghu and even gave birth to a child, they had to hold their noses and accept the marriage.

Professor Zou was afraid that his daughter and grandson would suffer hardship, so he racked his brains to help Xie Jinghu's factory improve its competitiveness. Within a year or two, he came up with several technology patents. During the financial crisis of 1997, similar factories could no longer survive, but Xie Jinghu's factory remained standing.

After the financial crisis, the economic situation improved, and Xie Jinghu began to sell off the previously acquired assets, even his own factory.

After that, Xie Jinghu used the cashed-out money to establish "Jinhu" and found another way to make a fortune, and no longer got involved in the industry.

Xie Jinghu didn't feel bad when he sold the factory, but Professor Zou was very reluctant to part with it.

The factory has the hard work of Professor Zou and his team. For more than ten years, Professor Zou led his people to overcome technical difficulties one after another.

What did Professor Zou get?

Got the title of general technical consultant.

After the factory was sold, Professor Zou, the general technical consultant, naturally had no use.

Xie Jinghu doesn't even have a business anymore, so he definitely won't need his father-in-law's help.

Xie Jinghu's money is getting more and more, and his life is getting bigger and bigger. He can't remember the Spring Festival of the year when he got married. The factory had a backlog of large quantities of goods and there was no liquidity in the account. During the New Year, workers blocked the door of his house asking for help.

Xie Jinghu felt embarrassed and was too embarrassed to go out, but Zou Weijun bravely went to appease the workers.

In order for the workers to have money for the New Year, Zou Weijun sold her gold jewelry. Some of those jewelry were bought for her by Xie Jinghu, and some were secretly bought for her by Zou Weijun's mother. Zou Weijun usually doesn't like to wear jewelry, but she really wants to give it to her.

After leaving, Zou Weijun was still reluctant to leave.

Xie Jinghu couldn't even remember how many times Zou Weijun had accompanied him through business crises. Even after establishing 'Jinhu', Zou Weijun did his best to socialize as Xie Jinghu's wife and help him maintain his circle of wives.

What the boss's wife would do, Zou Weijun was not left behind...until Xie Jinghu's extramarital affair was exposed, Zou Weijun was devastated by it, and suffered from depression during the long tug-of-war. Due to the illness, Zou Weijun was unable to go out and socialize.

, Xie Jinghu’s impression of Zou Weijun now is that of Zou Weijun after he fell ill.

I don’t know whether Xie Jinghu couldn’t remember Zou Weijun’s “competence” before he fell ill, or he deliberately didn’t want to recall it. He summed up Zou Weijun’s married life simply and crudely as “Zou Weijun was not allowed to work for a day after getting married.” “Except for getting married,

The economy was a little tight in the first two years, but Zou Weijun didn't suffer at all."

So Zou Weijun works in Chengdu?

Xie Jinghu didn't think Zou Weijun could find a good job.

She has no workplace experience and no strong skills. Even if she can find a job, she relies on her husband's or natal family's connections.

With the relationship between the Xie family and the Zou family, he can do a relaxing and decent job to fulfill Zou Weijun's self-reliance.

Xie Jinghu estimated that Zou Weijun would resign if he could not work for long.

Unexpectedly, Zou Weijun actually made it to April this year from last year and has not resigned yet!

Xie Jinghu wanted to ask Zou Weijun what he could buy with his monthly salary.

I also want to ask Zou Weijun why his "depression" was cured without taking medicine as soon as he started working. Was he lying to him before?

Unfortunately, he couldn't get in touch with Zou Weijun.

Even after the New Year's Eve banquet, Xie Jinghu got Zou Weijun's new phone number. Thinking of the pile of printed and bound "share transfer letters" in Xie Yuping's study, just waiting for signature and confirmation, Xie Jinghu dialed all the numbers and didn't dare to call.

He was afraid that Zou Weijun's illness was fake.

He was even more afraid that Zou Weijun would become ill again after answering his call, which would make his elder brother Xie Yuping furious, and he would be forced to transfer his shares to Xie Qian again.

He didn't look down on Zou Weijun's self-reliance, but his eldest brother and mother obviously liked him very much.

Xie Jinghu planned to use Zhao Dong's hand to test it out.

As soon as he had this thought, Zhao Dong, who was sitting face to face with him, stood on his head.

Xie Jinghu has been distracted just now. Does he have any other plans?

Zhao Dong's mentality in front of Xie Jinghu is probably similar to Cai Youlun's attitude towards Zhao Dong. He wants to take advantage of him, but also thinks he is too stupid.

Zhao Dong was thinking about it, but when Xie Jinghu opened his mouth, he was stunned.

"You know Rongcheng Publishing Group, right?"

Of course Zhao Dong knows!

The general manager of Rongcheng Publishing Group is the same company where Jiang Youjia's father is the general manager.

Thinking of Jiang Youjia, Zhao Dong's eyes darkened.

He was so busy running relationships before that he didn't bother to trouble Jiang Youjia!

This chapter has been completed!
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