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1165: Information sharing, Voldemort's real name!

Li Mengjiao's anger was not directed at Xie Qian, but at Xu Mei and Young Master Cao.

I originally thought that the removal of the album was just Mr. Guan's fault, and he must force her to sign a contract. Although it was excessive, Mr. Guan was willing to harm the interests of his company, and Li Mengjiao had nothing to do with him.

Now that Xie Qian said it, Li Mengjiao realized that Mr. Guan's company had other interests involved. Mr. Guan was only the official person in charge of the company, so the decision to remove her album from the shelves was not something that Mr. Guan could decide alone.

Li Mengjiao realized later and felt that Mr. Cao must have played a role in this matter.

She and that Young Master Cao had never even spoken. Young Master Cao only found trouble with her because of Xu Mei.

Because she blocked Xu Mei's way?!

Even Xie Qian had known about this for a long time, but Li Mengjiao was the only one who figured it out now. She was angry with Xu Mei and Mr. Cao, and also angry with herself:

"Am I too stupid, so you hide everything from me?"

Tianjiao Film and Television was established, and she was the last to know.

She was the last to know about the drama behind the album's removal and Yuan Fenghui's resignation.

Li Mengjiao feels that she is extremely useless!

Li Mengjiao's cheeks were flushed and her eyes were round and misty. Wen Ying stroked her hair: "I didn't hide it from you on purpose. It doesn't matter whether you know these things or not. Each of us has limited energy. You

If I become a screenwriter, I won’t go into production. Wang Shuang is learning how to be a producer, but he won’t steal the director’s job. Xie Qian... Xie Qian will pay for it if he has money, and he won’t dictate the filming.

Everyone is doing what they are good at, and everyone has their own division of labor.”

Li Mengjiao was still a little unconvinced, Wen Ying smiled and said:

"You are good at singing, but you also need to learn how to act. Only if you do your job well can our team be good. You don't have to worry about the rest. If you really want to worry about everything, then Teacher Yuan won't lose his job.


Yuan Fenghui has now officially become Li Mengjiao’s agent.

Yuan Fenghui planned two routes for Li Mengjiao as a singer and an actor. These two routes will eventually merge into one, making Li Mengjiao a star!

Li Mengjiao was still very angry just now, but when Wen Ying said this, her anger dissipated.

Wen Ying said that we are a team.

So many people are helping her and paying for her, but she still has a little temper, which really shouldn't be the case.

But this does not mean that she has let go of Xu Mei and Mr. Cao.

Even if Xu Mei did not ask for what Mr. Cao did, Xu Mei would definitely know about it!

"You are right, I want to act seriously."

Li Mengjiao was as excited as if she had been injected with chicken blood.

This Hanhan is a straight-tempered person and very easy to coax.

Xie Qian saw her running away like a gust of wind, and sincerely admired Wen Ying: "You are really hardworking."

If you make friends with a naive person, the one who is not naive will have to pay more.

Wen Ying laughed, "Even if I'm not a friend, I still have to keep a close eye on Li Mengjiao. I invested money in her drama!"

500,000 was Wen Ying's first pot of gold.

Whether you can buy a house in Magic City by the end of this year, and how many apartments you can buy in Magic City, all depends on how much money you can earn from the 500,000 yuan. Not for friendship, but only for your own interests, Wen Ying can't help but care about the filming progress of the crew.


Her starting point was not as high as Xie Qian's. Xie Qian lost 3 million without breaking a sweat. Wen Ying lost 500,000 and had to start saving money again. Originally, 'Shrimp King' could bring cash flow to Wen Ying.

Now that a formal company has been established, the early profits will be invested in the development of the company. Not only will you not get any dividends, but Wen Ying may also need to put some in!

But looking at Li Mengjiao's back, Wen Ying always felt that she had forgotten something, and she really couldn't remember it for a while.

Wen Ying has seen the entertainment gossip, and Yuan Fenghui must have seen it too.

Yuan Fenghui doesn't care if Tianjiao's drama can be aired before Xu Mei's drama, as long as it can catch up with the summer vacation, and the quality cannot be lost because of the rush.

Yuan Fenghui thought so at first, until she got a piece of news by chance.

Hunan Satellite TV is about to launch the second Super Girl competition.

With the popularity of last year's competition at a low level, this year's competition is already hot before it starts. Hunan Satellite TV has raised the naming rights to a sky-high price, setting a new record for domestic satellite TV program naming fees.

In the end, the naming rights were won by a large domestic dairy industry!

The dairy group spent so much money not just to listen to a group of little girls singing, but to use the popularity of the competition to promote its own brand. Of course, just naming the title is not enough, there must be deeper participation, and the brand and 05

Years of Supergirl competition are tightly tied together.

After preliminary negotiations, Xiang Provincial Satellite TV was responsible for producing several promotional songs for the brand, and invited popular contestants from the previous competition to serve as image spokespersons. The start of the competition auditions was the beginning of the official announcement of both parties to the public and the start of a mutually beneficial publicity plan.


An image spokesperson.

The top three of the year in 2004 have released albums and filmed movies. When it comes to endorsements, no one can really get it.

The market has not recognized the players who entered last year's draft.

Without releasing some albums and filming some movies, the merchants will not be able to test the "gold content" of the contestants!

If Mr. Guan hadn’t removed Li Mengjiao’s album from the shelves, according to Yuan Fenghui’s plan, Li Mengjiao would have reached the stage of filming commercials. Unfortunately, Mr. Guan disrupted Yuan Fenghui’s rhythm.

But it doesn’t matter, the opportunity has come now!

"Li Mengjiao must win this image spokesperson."

Yuan Fenghui expressed her determination to Li Zhentao.

Li Zhentao hesitated, "Hunan Satellite TV may not choose Jiaojiao."

After signing a contract with Mr. Guan's company, Li Mengjiao has a great chance of becoming a spokesperson. Among the top three contestants, she has the best stage presence and the most fanatical fans. It's not that Li Zhentao is shamelessly boasting, but Li Mengjiao's image fits well with the dairy group!

But now, because of not signing the contract, Mengjiao and Guan's head office had a falling out.

Mr. Guan didn’t even sell the album, so how could he let Mengjiao get such a good opportunity?

No matter how thick the filter of Li Zhentao's biological father is, he has to admit that Li Mengjiao's popularity and external evaluation are currently in a downturn.

...unless the TV series starring Li Mengjiao is broadcast now to regain her popularity!

Yuan Fenghui rejected the proposal.

"No, in order to speed up the progress of the spokesperson, Tianjiao's first drama was broadcast at an inappropriate time. What if Tianjiao cannot recoup the production cost? And even if the filming is completed in a hurry, it will take some time to sell the broadcast rights and audience feedback.

, we can’t afford to wait now!”

This year is different from last year.

Last year, Super Girl was a new program. Hunan Satellite TV could not predict the ratings and would not invest too much.

The momentum of Super Girl this year will definitely be greater than last year. The huge momentum means that the front line will be stretched. Yuan Fenghui feels that this year's Super Girl auditions will be brought forward.

The image spokesperson of the dairy brand will be confirmed before the audition.

Yuan Fenghui patted the table, "Xu Mei came back from Treasure Island not only to finish filming, she came back for this image spokesperson!"

This chapter has been completed!
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