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1171: Sara Zhuo's personal confession

Liang Dan is a relatively plump woman.

She can't be called beautiful. Without the blessing of a career, she has a look that may not be found in the crowd. She doesn't stand out at all in the entertainment industry where there are tons of handsome guys and beauties. Standing next to Mr. Guan, she looks a few years older than Mr. Guan... But this

Women are very powerful and are the strong and dominant party in the relationship between husband and wife.

Mr. Cao stood up, but Mr. Guan was still sitting, but his back subconsciously straightened.

It was a bit embarrassing for a grown man to stand up to greet his wife. Mr. Guan struggled a bit but chose to continue sitting.

Xu Mei put down the phone and walked over, calling "Sister Liang" obediently.

Liang Dan smiled at Xu Mei and told everyone the news: "Professor Fang will be coming over in a while. I just talked to her on the phone and she is already on the way."


At this point, in such a private gathering, what is Professor Fang doing here?

Mr. Cao's mind was spinning quickly, and he asked Liang Dan with a smile: "Sister Liang, does Professor Fang have anything to say when he comes here?"

Liang Dan nodded: "You are so clever."

Liang Dan works in the media, and her thoughts jump very quickly. People who are not used to it may not be able to catch her words. One second she was talking to Mr. Cao, and the next second she told her husband her decision: "Professor Fang

I have already agreed to work in the company."

Liang Dan was obviously not discussing with her husband, but informing her husband.

Mr. Guan was slightly startled, "Didn't you agree before?"

"Before was before, now is now, nothing is static."

Behind Professor Fang is Director Duan.

Professor Fang may not have much ability, but my husband is indeed very capable.

Originally, there had been a stalemate on the spokesperson, but new progress was made under the promotion of Director Duan. Director Duan got a piece of news through personal connections: the dairy giant did not choose Xu Mei because he disliked Xu Mei's image, temperament and the group.

The products to be highlighted next are not suitable!

“Who do they think fits the bill?”

Manager Guan feels bad.

"Li Mengjiao."

Liang Dan said this name coldly, and the atmosphere in the box suddenly became cold.

Xu Mei's face suddenly turned pale.

Why is it Li Mengjiao again?

Is it over yet?

The manager didn't say anything, and he also felt that his wife Liang Dan was digging up an old score.

To be honest, although he wanted to suppress Li Mengjiao because of Mr. Cao, he wanted Li Mengjiao to sign a contract and subdue Yuan Fenghui. Unexpectedly, Yuan Fenghui had such a tough temper and would change jobs at the slightest disagreement.

The affair with Li Mengjiao completely came to nothing...

Xu Mei and Mr. Guan didn't say anything. Only Young Master Cao responded quickly and smoothed things over: "Sister Liang, it's not appropriate to mention Li Mengjiao now. She's almost ruined, so she doesn't deserve to be a spokesperson."

Liang Dan said nothing.

The paste is mushy, but the bottom of the pot has not yet penetrated.

If it were next year, the dairy giant would probably not be able to remember who Li Mengjiao was, but it happened to be this year. Looking back on the timeline from now on, it was not long before Li Mengjiao's album was taken off the shelves.

So letting Li Mengjiao go is a loss for the company. It is not impossible for a company to only support one star, but that star must be very famous. One star can support the entire company. For a normal company, it is best to have a variety of artists.

, you won’t let the opportunity go when you encounter this situation!

Although Liang Dan felt regretful, she also knew that she should cherish the people in front of her. If she ran away from Li Mengjiao, the company would not be able to support Xu Mei at the moment. She should bear with it for a while. After the competition is completed in a few months, maybe they can pick out a few good ones.


"What we are most fortunate about now is that there are also differences within the other party. Although we think Li Mengjiao is more suitable for the positioning of its products, as Xiao Cao said, Li Mengjiao is almost out of control now. The dairy group has concerns about this, and

It looks like Li Mengjiao has no idea about this, otherwise that woman Yuan Fenghui would have jumped out to fight for it. Let’s finalize the matter quickly. Even if they know the news, it will be too late!”

After all, Yuan Fenghui is from Baodao, and all her connections are in Baodao. It is Liang Dan who has connections in Hunan Province. Some time ago, the dairy group had not finalized a spokesperson, so Liang Dan had doubts and kept the news secret.

Don't let Yuan Fenghui have a chance to know.

It’s just that the circle is so big, auditions are about to start, and if he doesn’t sign an endorsement contract for a day, Liang Dan is worried that the duck will fly!

After Liang Dan finished speaking, he looked at Xu Mei calmly.

The company has been packaging Xu Mei with an "intellectual" image. What the dairy giant wants is a sweet and cute one.

Temperament is not a static thing. External appearance has a great influence on temperament. Xu Mei is not very old at first, so taking the sweet route does not mean she is pretending to be young.

The problem is that after Xu Mei dated Mr. Cao, her intellectual temperament became even more feminine.

This kind of change from the inside out cannot be packaged by the company. It is caused by Xu Mei's own experience after entering the industry. The environment she lives in is no longer as simple as the ivory tower!

Liang Dan couldn't help but feel a slight headache: Xiao Cao, a playboy, really can't wait for some things.

There are also scandals that are hyped up to build publicity for the TV series.

If I had known that the dairy group wanted a sweet and clean spokesperson, hyping up those scandals would have been superfluous.

Liang Dan asked Xu Mei to find her early tomorrow morning, and she wanted someone to give Xu Mei a new look.

"You are still very young, you should be more energetic!"

The three of them talked for a while, and then Professor Fang came with his assistant Pan Li.

Professor Fang was about to officially join Mr. Guan’s company, which was helpful in signing the endorsement contract. Xu Mei would naturally treat Professor Fang warmly without the need for Liang Dan and Mr. Guan to signal.

There were several people in the box, except for Mr. Cao, all of them were holding Professor Fang in their arms, and Professor Fang felt comfortable both physically and mentally.

Although Mr. Guan and Liang Dan were suspected of burning bridges before, they did not burn the bridge after all, and the friendship between the two parties can still last. This time, Professor Fang's self-awareness is a little clearer, and he no longer attributes everyone's enthusiasm to himself.

People in the entertainment industry are very realistic about her abilities. Their enthusiasm for her is because of her family background.

In the past, except for recommending a few students to internships at TV stations every year, Professor Fang had never used her husband's influence elsewhere.

After recent events, I have gradually come to realize that the connections between a professor at a music school and a deputy director of a television station are very different. No wonder when I tested my son before, he said that his parents' divorce had a bad impact on him.

Xu Mei left the ivory tower and entered the entertainment industry, so why not Professor Fang?

Professor Fang was glad that he did not have to face the problem of saving his marriage. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but turn to look at Pan Li.

Pan Li sat on the sofa, a little absent-minded.

Professor Fang wants to join a company that manages the company, but he cannot come to Hunan Province every day to work and clock in.

Professor Fang already had a solution to this problem. Taking advantage of the heated atmosphere, he pushed Pan Li out and said that Pan Li would be stationed in Hunan Province from now on.

"Xiao Pan is not very young and needs to learn a lot of things, but she is quite serious about her work. If you have anything to do, just ask her to do it."

Pan Li cautiously picked up the wine glass on the table: "I'd like to propose a toast to everyone, and I'll do it first as a token of respect."

From being Professor Fang's personal assistant to having a formal job in Hunan Province, Pan Li's career has obviously taken a big step forward, but she looks a little unhappy for some reason.

This chapter has been completed!
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