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206: Two teas collide, sparks fly

Wen Ying is really calm.

After learning that Pan Li was pregnant, she was able to think rationally and was not overwhelmed by anger.

Inspector Luo accepted the commission because he was conquered by Wen Ying's "money-making ability". Now he really admires Wen Ying - an ordinary little girl would not spend money to catch her uncle raping. What makes Wen Ying extraordinary lies in her calmness. Luo

Inspector Luo had just joined the army when he was Wen Ying's age. On his first day in the army, he was scolded by the squad leader. When Inspector Luo went to bed at night, he felt aggrieved and homesick, hiding in bed and crying.

If he had been as calm as Wen Ying back then, it would have been the class monitor who was crying under the quilt that night, huh!

"What do you want to do now?"

"Seize the evidence first, and then wait for Pan Li and Brother Wen to take action. The evidence I'm talking about is the hospital's pregnancy test report. Detective Luo, can you get it?"

I have read the bloody novels and Wen Ying on TV.

The vicious female partner forged a pregnancy test report to force the heroine away.

The vicious female supporting actor forged a pregnancy test report to frame the male protagonist.

Well, although uncle Deng Shangwei doesn't have as much money as the domineering president, Pan Li is very vicious as a supporting actress, and Wen Ying doesn't believe her bottom line.

Even though Pan Li has a mouth on her face, she can't let Pan Li talk nonsense alone.

After getting the pregnancy test report, Wen Ying can know how many months Pan Li is pregnant, so as to prevent Pan Li from blaming the piece of meat in her belly on Deng Shangwei.

If Deng Shangwei really didn't control his lower body and had sex with Pan Li, and the month of pregnancy is still right, and medical science is so advanced now, Wen Ying can let Pan Li do amniocentesis to test DNA!

In just two or three minutes, Wen Ying had already figured out how to deal with it.

The worst outcome of the matter is that Pan Li is really pregnant with Deng Shangwei's child. In this case, Wen Ying will not hide it from Chen Li, and will also support Chen Li and Deng Shangwei's divorce.

Although Chen Li and Deng Shangwei's marriage will break up like in the previous life, Wen Ying is confident that she can handle it better.

She wanted to help Chen Li get out of the shadow of divorce, and also help Deng Shangwei escape this plot, in return for Deng Shangwei's love for her in his two lifetimes.

After setting a worst outcome first, and finding that she can accept the worst outcome, Wen Ying will not be afraid to face other outcomes.

Wen Ying wanted Pan Li's pregnancy test report. She definitely couldn't get this report from Pan Li, but had to go to the hospital to find the file. Inspector Luo didn't guarantee it, only said that he was willing to try it.

Snakes have their own ways, and rats have their own ways. Wen Ying didn't ask Inspector Luo how to get the hospital's archives. She left the matter to professionals and just waited for the results.

"Inspector Luo, I'm waiting for your good news!"

Wen Ying and Inspector Luo parted ways and walked to the company.

When we get Pan Li's pregnancy test report, it's time for Wen Ying and Deng Shangwei to have a showdown.

For some things, Detective Luo's investigation alone cannot draw complete conclusions. Deng Shangwei has known Brother Wen for a long time, and Wen Ying must share information with Deng Shangwei to piece together the full story of the matter.

Because she hadn't received the report yet, Wen Ying didn't act strange in front of Deng Shangwei. She followed Deng Shangwei as "Secretary Wen". Deng Shangwei did nothing to avoid her. Wen Ying looked at the daily settlement of payments by Deng Shangwei's company and was secretly surprised.


Despite the small scale of the aquatic products company, it is really quite profitable!

Not long after Deng Shangwei's divorce in his previous life, he transferred the aquatic products company to someone else. Wen Ying now suspects that the person who took over is Brother Wen.

After all, the most deserving person in Deng Shangwei's life is this aquatic products company that is making a lot of money every day.

But Deng Shangwei's aquatic products company was backed by Boss Qin. Without Boss Qin's permission, Deng Shangwei couldn't get the seafood quota. How did Brother Wen deal with Boss Qin?

I was puzzled when I heard the cherry blossoms.

At noon, Wen Ying and Deng Shangwei had a working lunch at the company. Deng Shangwei also joked that the lunch box was not delicious and asked Secretary Wen to be more considerate.

"Next time Boss Qin calls for dinner, I will take you there again. Do you still remember Mr. Wang, the one who asked everyone to buy a house? Yesterday when you were making up lessons, I actually went to see the community recommended by Mr. Wang. The house has not yet been capped.

, when your parents arrive in Chengdu one day, I will take them to have a look, and if the house is available, both of us can buy one."

It was impossible for Deng Shangwei to tell Wen Ying about these arrangements before, and Wen Ying would not be interested.

Now Deng Shangwei talks about these attitudes very naturally, and he thinks Wen Ying can understand.

Wen Ying thought for a while and advised Deng Shangwei:

"Uncle, you see, the houses in Chengdu have doubled in the past two years. I don't know how much savings my parents have. If you have extra funds, you can buy two more houses. You can buy a house or a shop. Your money exists.

There isn’t much interest in the bank either.”

Deng Shangwei laughed and said, "You are a little kid, but you know how much money I have in the bank?"

Wen Ying tentatively stretched out four fingers: "At least this number!"

Four fingers can be 40,000, 400,000, or 4 million.

Deng Shangwei wondered if Wen Ying's guess was so accurate. Could it be that Chen Li told her?

Wen Ying just smiled.

This amount was not a random guess on her part. In her previous life, Chen Li and Deng Shangwei divorced, and Deng Shangwei wanted nothing but the aquatic products company. All real estate and cash were given to Chen Li, and more than five million in cash was given to Chen Li.

But that will happen in a few months. Wen Ying estimates that Deng Shangwei made another fortune this summer to collect the five million. After all, summer and before the Spring Festival are the most profitable times for aquatic products business.

The atmosphere was originally very relaxed, until Wen Ying received a text message.

"She is coming!"

Less than five minutes after Inspector Luo's message was sent, Wen Ying saw Pan Li.

Pan Li comes to see Deng Shangwei!

Pan Li did not hold an umbrella today, and her dress was changed into jeans and a pink T-shirt, which made her look less feminine but more youthful.

With such an eye-catching person standing in the yard, all the employees in the company naturally saw him.

Sister Fang's eyes met Wen Ying's, and the two separated as if nothing had happened, and went to see Deng Shangwei at the same time.

Deng Shangwei's face was slightly panicked, and he subconsciously looked at Wen Ying.

Wen Ying pretended to have just seen Pan Li and looked around: "Uncle, that's Sister Lili!"

Deng Shangwei frowned, "How do you know her?"

Sister Fang answered quickly, "Mr. Deng, you were not in the company two days ago, and this Miss Lily came here. She stood at the door and refused to come in. Wen Ying watched her basking in the sun and brought her some water. That's how they got to know each other.


Mr. Deng, Mr. Deng, please be more careful.

Sister Fang was so anxious that she quickly gave Deng Shangwei some advice, hoping that he would stabilize himself.

Wen Ying looked happy: "That's not just acquaintance, sister Lily and I also went to drink milk tea together."

Deng Shangwei simply couldn't listen anymore.

What is Shura Field? This is called Shura Field.

Why did Lily come to the company to look for him and let Wen Ying run into him?

Fortunately, Lily didn't talk nonsense in front of Wen Ying. Fortunately, the person Lily met was Wen Ying, not Chen Li!

Deng Shangwei forced a smile and said, "I'll go out for a while."

Seeing Deng Shangwei walking out, Pan Li kept drawing circles on the ground with her sandaled feet, vividly expressing the uneasiness of the young girl.

Across the glass, Wen Ying sneered.

"Sister Fang, what do you think this Lily will say to my uncle? I guess she will apologize to my uncle and say that she doesn't want to come to the company to disturb him, but she just can't help herself. I hope my uncle can forgive her for not being able to help herself."

Sister Fang's mouth was slightly open, as if she had seen a ghost during the day.

Oh my god, even Wen Ying knows it!

Wen Ying knows everything.

But he didn't see it.

Wen Ying even deceived herself.

If Wen Ying is a little fool, then he himself is a complete fool!

Sister Fang was surprised and couldn't help but want to light some wax for Mr. Deng.

How could a young girl like Wen Ying see such a thing? It was probably Chen Li who became suspicious, and that's why Wen Ying came to the company to work during the summer vacation, obviously to facilitate the surveillance of Mr. Deng.

"Wen Ying, what do you want to do?"

Wen Ying smiled and said: "Sister Fang, no matter what I do, I will definitely not hurt my uncle. He is my family and an elder who loves me. Sister Fang, are you right? As for other people, they are here to hurt my family.

Yes, I can’t do it too much!”

Sister Fang believed it to be true, and while she breathed a sigh of relief, she couldn't help but advise Wen Ying:

"Don't be impulsive. We are not sure what will happen. We are all guessing. If you wrongly accuse Mr. Deng, you will make Mr. Deng pity others... Why don't I remind Mr. Deng first."

Sister Fang said vaguely.

Some things are hard to say clearly.

It feels weird for Sister Fang to talk to Wen Ying about this kind of thing. She should talk to Chen Li and see what Chen Li's plan is.

Sister Fang's ideas are more traditional and in line with the mainstream of society. When encountering this kind of thing, of course she should first deal with the vixens outside, and then settle the accounts with the man. If it is not a last resort, why file for divorce?

It is the first wife who accompanies the man to build a family from scratch. After the man has worked hard, the first wife still wants to give up her husband to the vixen outside. Why?

Chen Li and Mr. Deng also have two sons, and they must keep the family intact for their sons.

At this time, the more noisy the wife at home is, the more she will push the man to the vixen outside.

In just a short while, Sister Fang had already thought of many words to persuade Chen Li to calm down.

Unexpectedly, she was full of inner drama, but Wen Ying flatly rejected Sister Fang's proposal.

"Sister Fang, please don't mention it to my uncle for the time being. My aunt doesn't know about this matter either. If my uncle and I handle it well, my aunt will never know about it. I say this, Sister Fang, can you understand?"

Sister Fang was speechless.

Chen Li didn’t know.

Wen Ying knew about it, but had no intention of telling Chen Li.

Wen Ying plans to handle this matter without telling Chen Li... How old is Wen Ying to stand up like a fighter and protect Chen Li?

Wen Ying is so brave.

Chen Li is so lucky.

Wen Ying's still childish face was full of seriousness, and Sister Fang couldn't help but nod lightly.

"If there's anything I can do to help, just ask."

"Lily, I've made it clear a long time ago, it's impossible for the two of us!"

"You come to my company and talk to my niece. What do you want to do?"

"Do you know if you do this, it will bring trouble to me——"

Deng Shangwei's low voice was full of anger.

He was really angry.

Wen Ying is only a teenager. Even if she shows some intelligence, she is still a minor!

If Lily said some nonsense in front of Wen Ying... Deng Shangwei would get angry just thinking about it.

Not only was she afraid that Chen Li would know something, but Deng Shangwei thought that Wen Ying should not have any contact with Lily.

Deng Shangwei also thought about Wen Ying's sudden curiosity about nightclubs.

Could it be that Lily had met Wen Ying more than once behind her back?

Men are like this. They can invite drinking girls to accompany them outside, and they are known as having fun. It is best for their wives and daughters at home, including all female relatives, not to have anything to do with this kind of place.

Deng Shangwei regarded Wen Ying as his own daughter, and when he thought about someone teaching Wen Ying bad things, he couldn't suppress his anger at all.

Pan Li was stunned by his yelling.

Fortunately, Pan Li is not a vegetarian. As soon as her eyelids droop, tears will fall down her eyes.

"Brother Deng, I just like you. Do you think that I am so bad because I work part-time at a nightclub? I didn't talk nonsense in front of your niece. I just have something to tell you... I, I don't know

What should I do, Brother Deng, I also want to forget you, but I think you should have the right to know about this matter."

Pan Li pushed an envelope to Deng Shangwei.

"You not only have the right to know, but also the right to make decisions. Brother Deng, I'm waiting for your call!"

After Pan Li finished speaking, she wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, turned around and left without bothering.

Deng Shangwei pulled out a folded piece of paper from the envelope.

When he unfolded it, he saw a B-ultrasound examination sheet. Deng Shangwei's hand holding the sheet was shaking.

This chapter has been completed!
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