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1030: Happy New Year? Not happy! (2 more)

If Zou Weijun's company was inspired by marketing cases in the industry and used the lawsuit to promote the reputation of "Teen Idol" instead of truly trying to restore the reputation of the author, who is a "fish against the current", Zheng Zhihe does not want to be taken advantage of.

He is very serious about litigating the case.

You can fight a lawsuit that has no chance of winning. Zheng Zhihe doesn't want to fight a lawsuit where the client's position is not firm and the appeal is not pure.

Zheng Zhihe believed in Zou Weijun's guarantee.

——But in the end, Zou Weijun may not be able to make the decision.

Zou Weijun couldn't help but hear what Zheng Zhihe really cared about. As a fellow traveler, Wen Ying did.

Wen Ying stood up and bowed to Zheng Zhihe:

"Lawyer Zheng, I don't know what others think. I will fight this lawsuit to the end. It is related to my personal reputation and is very important to me! For the sake of the sales of "Teen Idol", I can accept being scolded for a while.

, but to say that I actively sacrifice my reputation in order to sell books, I can't do this kind of thing. Litigation is my own request. Letting Aunt Zou come forward is because I have some personal concerns. I want to make a clear separation between writing and real life. For the time being,

I don’t want too many people to know that ‘Fish Against the Current’ is my pen name, which is why I didn’t entrust you with it myself.”

Such words are not like what Zou Weijun or others in the publishing department taught Wen Ying to say.

I can understand what he is saying and my answers are very clear. No wonder I can engage in literary creation at a young age.

After receiving Wen Ying's affirmative answer, Zheng Zhihe nodded with satisfaction: "I now know your determination to safeguard your rights. Now let's talk about the evidence. Did Ms. Zou say that you have something on your hand?"

Wen Ying didn't know beforehand that the lawyer appointed by Zou Weijun was Zheng Zhihe. Talking to Zheng Zhihe made her feel a bit like being asked questions by the teacher in a professional class in college. She became more cautious when speaking:

"I keep screenshots of the chat records between me and my editor Xiaolu. I know the QQ chat records may be a bit weak as evidence...but I have some other things."

The chat records can prove that it was not that Wen Ying deliberately delayed the manuscript and was unwilling to submit it, but that she was not sure whether the QQ account was still used by Xiaoyu.

"In addition, I was busy with the final exam some time ago and didn't have much time to surf the Internet. Later, I took the initiative to leave a message to Xiao Sala and wanted to discuss the serialization after the July issue. Xiao Sala didn't reply to me. When I finished the exam, "Love"

The July issue of "Ge" was released, and the magazine unilaterally announced the termination of the contract with me. When I contacted Xiaoyu again, I found that the other party had deleted it as a friend."

Deleting friends will not affect the screenshots Wen Ying had previously saved.

It’s hard to say whether the court will recognize the chat screenshots as evidence, but at least Wen Ying tried her best to retain the “evidence” before she was deleted as a friend.

Wen Ying copied all the evidence on the CD, and now she gave this important CD directly to Zheng Zhihe.

Zheng Zhihe immediately put the CD into the computer to check it.

He soon realized that Wen Ying's method of preserving evidence was somewhat professional.

I was a little confused at first. It was just a few screenshots. It was obviously more convenient to store them on a USB flash drive. Why use a CD?

After reading the content, Zheng Zhihe understood that the storage capacity of the USB flash drive was not large enough!

Wen Ying is not just a screenshot.

She pointed the camera at the computer screen and recorded her actions while taking screenshots.

If there is another person next to me, will this operation be notarized by myself?

This is of course very troublesome.

But with video evidence, it is more credible than a simple QQ chat screenshot.

If the screenshots of the video made Zheng Zhihe feel that Wen Ying was a little clever, Zheng Zhihe was really surprised when he clicked on the second piece of evidence in the document.

Looking at the evidence provided by Wen Ying, Zou Weijun, the other person involved in the incident, also looked surprised:

"How could you think of..."

Zheng Zhihe was about to speak but stopped.

Wen Ying looked innocent: "Isn't that how detective novels are written? I'm called preparing for a rainy day. Who knows if someone might want to bully me for being young? Isn't it useful now?"

Just because a detective novel is written like this doesn't mean that a little girl like you can do this.

Who would live life as a novel?

And the person who bullies you must be blind.

Underneath Zheng Zhihe's serious appearance, he is making wild complaints.

"Don't do this kind of thing next time. Your evidence may not be recognized. After all, the conventional way-"

Zheng Zhihe considered his explanation, and Wen Ying smiled shyly: "It may not be useful, but it can have some effect, right? I'll be relieved if I can help Lawyer Zheng!"

Wen Ying's tone was so sincere that Zheng Zhihe didn't know what to say.

The little girl trusts him, doesn't he still trust himself?

If he can't win this lawsuit, then his lawyer's certificate must be a fake certificate bought by Qingshiqiao.

Originally, he wanted to educate Wen Ying with a straight face and let Wen Ying know what he can and cannot do. Looking at Wen Ying's round face, Zheng Zhihe felt soft in his heart: This is a smart little girl. Faced with such a

The little girl cannot be criticized across the board, but should be guided from the side to let her take the right path.

"The summer vacation is over and you seem to be in your second year of high school. I heard from Ms. Zou that you are attending a key school in Chengdu Province. You have a clear mind when doing things. Do you want to study the Fa in the future?"

Encourage people to study medicine, and the sky will strike like lightning.

Encouraging people to learn the Dharma will kill them with a thousand cuts.

This is a very famous "golden sentence to encourage learning". Many people only know these two sentences and don't know why they say them like this.

Doctors and lawyers are two professions that require early accumulation.

The hardships of being a doctor. After completing my undergraduate studies, I had to take the postgraduate and Ph.D. exams. I finally graduated and was able to work. I worked my way up from residency. I ruined my liver by staying up late, and pulled out my hair while writing papers. In the blink of an eye, I was in my thirties. Half of my life was over.

, earn less than a medical representative!

When the patient is waiting for treatment, he is an angel in white in the eyes of his family.

As long as the patient makes a mistake, he will instantly become an ugly devil in white, an executioner who takes human life lightly.

So are lawyers.

Wen Ying read a joke on the Internet, saying that it is 2019, how can you hire a driver with a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan in Shanghai? The answers below are varied, and one of them made the legal practitioner cry: 3,000 yuan.

There is less than a full-time driver, but you can hire a law firm intern who has passed the bar exam, can drive, speaks foreign languages, and is on call 24 hours a day!

Saying this does not mean that doctors and lawyers are not good professions. In fact, they are two professions that require both intelligence and perseverance to get ahead. Once you get ahead, social status and various resources will come immediately.

——Ordinary people with average IQs don’t need to struggle in these two fields. There is a high probability that they will not be able to get ahead.

Zheng Zhihe persuaded Wen Ying to learn Dharma not because he wanted to trick Wen Ying. On the contrary, he looked up to Wen Ying very much and thought Wen Ying was smart!

Wen Ying looked at the young Zheng Zhihe, and the time of two lifetimes overlapped.

Zheng Zhihe advised her to study the Fa.

Zheng Zhihe who hasn’t gone bald yet.

——Her fellow senior brother Zheng Zhihe.

This chapter has been completed!
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