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1064: small mouth is sweet, heart is hard

The court is open today. All the actions of Zheng Zhihe and Wen Ying are only to prove one thing: "Fish against the Current" has no subjective intention to delay the manuscript or terminate the contract. The termination statement published in "Eige" and Han Qin's statement on the forum

It was revealed that it was all because "Fish Against the Current" contracted the publishing contract of the novel to Rongcheng Publishing Group, which caused a loss of profits for the magazine. The magazine and Han Qin were so angry that they chose to retaliate against "Fish Against the Current"!

What Attorney Xiong did was the opposite.

At the moment, it seems that Zheng Zhihe and Wen Ying have the upper hand, while Lawyer Xiong and Han Qin are at a disadvantage.

Lawyer Xiong lost his composure when he asked the recording evidence to hammer him down.

The judge asked for new evidence to be submitted, but Lawyer Xiong could not produce it. On the contrary, Zheng Zhihe had already compiled all the critical reports about "Fish Against the Current" in the print media into a book, and submitted it together with the summary of the breaking news posted on the Tianya Forum.

This is why Zheng Zhihe dared to ask for 300,000 yuan in mental compensation.

Lawyer Xiong tried his best to prove that the recording evidence was illegal. After questioning Wen Ying herself, the young judge announced that the trial was over - it was rare for civil lawsuits to be pronounced in court, and although this case was not complicated, it had certain

In special cases, judges will not make decisions lightly and need to be carefully considered.

After the trial ended, the thin man in the gray suit left. Except for Wen Ying who paid special attention to him and Zheng Zhihe who knew it well, no one else paid attention to him.

The mentor left, which disturbed Wen Ying's mood.

Until Xie Qian asked her:

"You don't look happy? Although I'm not a lawyer, I can tell that you cooperated very well with Lawyer Zheng today. There is no suspense in this case. It just depends on how much compensation the court will support."

300,000 is definitely impossible.

This is asking for an exorbitant amount of money and paying it back on the spot.

However, Xie Qian felt that the compensation should not be less than 50,000.

The popularity of "Teen Idol" has made "Fish Against the Current" famous. Such an idea may cause controversy, but the fact is true - the reputation of ordinary people is not that valuable, but the reputation of celebrities is different.

Celebrities rely on fame to make a living, and the economic losses caused by the infringement of reputation rights are even greater.

"I'm not unhappy!"

Xie Qian was too keen, and Wen Ying didn't dare to be distracted anymore. Of course, Wen Ying was very happy to be able to beat Han Qin's lawyer into chaos.

On the other side, Lawyer Xiong was struggling to hold Han Qin back.

After the trial ended, Han Qin's anger level was also full.

She had too many things to say to Zou Weijun and Xiao Sala. If she didn't scold these two shameless people, Han Qin would be hard-pressed.

Of course, Lawyer Xiong cannot let Han Qin do things according to her temper:

"It's too ugly for you to look like this. It looks like you're angry. It's not certain whether you win or lose the lawsuit. You can't lose your basic demeanor, right?"

You don’t have to curse or fight, this is the Chengdu Court!

After the trial, it is not uncommon for the plaintiff and the defendant to get into a fight, but what qualities do those people have and what qualities does Han Qin have? How can they be compared?

Han Qin is a cultural person, and cultural people should pay attention to demeanor when doing things.

Han Qin shook off Lawyer Xiong's hand: "Didn't you say there is at least a 50% chance of winning?"

As a result, I couldn’t even defend a little girl’s film in court!

Lawyer Xiong was speechless, "The 50% chance of winning I mentioned was based on the conditions you provided. You didn't say that the other party would have recording evidence."

Lawyer Xiong’s professional skills are not bad.

He felt that the judge was likely to admit the recording evidence.

The situation is really unfavorable.

This is the disadvantage of filing a lawsuit on someone else's territory. You can never tell if there is any personal relationship with someone else. Fortunately, Ni Sisi's case will be heard in Shandong Province.

Thinking of Ni Sisi's case, Lawyer Xiong asked Han Qin with lingering fear:

"Ni Sisi was really fired for taking bribes, right? You have to promise me this. I am your lawyer and the only person you cannot deceive. If Ni Sisi comes up with any more recording evidence..."

Han Qin bit her lip: "The author who gave Ni Sisi a gift has agreed to testify in court. It is a fact that Ni Sisi 'accepted bribes'!"

At this point, Lawyer Xiong still has to bite the bullet and help Han Qin and the magazine continue to fight the lawsuit.

There are both personal and physical evidence, which is enough to put Ni Sisi's "bribery-taking" behavior to death.

In addition, there is commercial competition between Rongcheng Publishing Group, where Ni Sisi switched jobs, and EGGER. Lawyer Xiong doesn’t believe he can lose in a lawsuit in Shandong Province!

As for today's court hearing, Lawyer Xiong has already prepared for the worst and gave Han Qin advice: "The verdict won't come out so quickly. Even if someone is behind it and we lose the case, we can appeal against the verdict."

, after going through the first and second trials, it disappeared after more than half a year, and the popularity of this matter has faded."

Han Qin nodded mechanically, but she was not very optimistic in her heart.

Lawyer Xiong said that it would take a year and a half for the popularity to subside. This idea was a good one, but he was afraid that two villains, Zou Weijun and Xiao Sala, would not agree.

They will definitely seize such a good opportunity and work hard to increase the popularity of "Teen Idol"!

Han Qin learned from colleagues that the first printing of 100,000 copies of "Teenage Idol" had been sold out, and an additional 200,000 copies were being printed and sent to bookstores across the country for sale.

It’s only been on the market for half a month!

No bookstore would reject a best-selling book.

Now the largest bookstore chain in the country is Xinhua Bookstore. It belongs to the Huaguo Publishing Group and is an official bookstore. It has outlets all over the country and is not under the management of the Shandong Publishing Group. If the Xinhua Bookstore in Shandong Province wants to sell "Youth Idol"

, neither Han Qin nor the magazine can stop it... "Young Idol" has been urgently reprinted. It will definitely attract the attention of Xinhua Bookstore in Shandong Province. "Young Idol" is almost unstoppable in Shandong Province!

Han Qin's face turned pale.

As soon as she got off the steps of the court, reporters carrying cameras and microphones rushed to Han Qin.

First, I quickly took a few photos of Han Qin's black face, and then asked if I could interview Han Qin.

What a loss to these reporters. Han Qin and Lawyer Xiong didn’t look like they had won the case at all, but the reporters smiled and wanted to interview Han Qin and asked them what their chances of winning were!

"My client will not be interviewed!"

"Yes, no comment."

"Waiting for the court's decision, I believe the judge will give a fair and just decision."

Lawyer Xiong stood in front of Han Qin and protected Han Qin from being harassed by reporters.

Han Qin glared hard at Wen Ying and his group who had already walked down the steps.

He is indeed a villain and actually arranged for reporters to ambush at the entrance of the court!

For the sake of publicity, you are really going to any lengths.

Zou Weijun and Xiao Sala were confused.

Neither of them arranged for reporters.

However, there are reporters covering the court hearing, which is not bad for "Teen Idol". As expected, there are already reporters walking towards this direction.

Zou Weijun's first reaction was that the interview was beneficial to the promotion of "Teen Idol", but then he remembered that Wen Ying did not want to be exposed, so he quickly turned to look at Wen Ying, only to find that Wen Ying had already jumped behind Xie Qian with agility.

Xie Qian is taller than Wen Ying.

No matter how thin a boy is, his body will always be bigger than that of a girl.

In a hurry, Wen Ying still had a piece of her clothes exposed, Xie Qian moved it without moving, and hid Wen Ying tightly behind his back.

This chapter has been completed!
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