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1066: A good drama is like old wine, taste it slowly!

Looking back through the taxi window, the court became smaller and smaller in the field of vision, and disappeared completely after turning a corner. Wen Ying was relieved.

Finally escaped those reporters!

She patted her chest and looked frightened. Xie Qian glanced at her, which Wen Ying interpreted as "Xie Qian's contempt".

——Look at your potential!

Huh, what's the use of being unpromising? She is just too promising and has ideas that makes Manager Chen angry. As long as she keeps her vest tightly covered, it doesn't matter if she loses some face in front of Xie Qian.

Thinking that reporters had mistaken Xie Qian for a "fish going against the current", Wen Ying couldn't help laughing again.

This extremely thick-skinned hamster actually comforted Xie Qian:

"Don't worry, Lawyer Zheng will definitely be able to handle it and won't let your photos leak out!"

Xie Qian has nothing to worry about.

Although he doesn't want to be exposed in the media, as a boy who has been popular since childhood, Xie Qian is used to people taking secret photos of him.

If the media publishes his photo in the newspaper, it will indeed cause him a little trouble, such as making the girls at school more enthusiastic, but it will not have any more substantial impact on his life... Anyway, he has already denied it.

, those reporters still have to admit the wrong person, Xie Qian will not pay for other people's mistakes.

However, the hamster's laughter was so proud that it made Xie Qian a little unhappy.

Now that the trial is over, Xie Qian can finally attack the hamster accurately.

"Have you and Wang Shuang finished the papers I left behind?"

With just one sentence, the smile on Wen Ying's face froze.

She defended herself with wandering eyes: "There is still a little left, because I didn't expect you to come back so early. I thought you would go back to Chengdu just before school starts."

Xie Qian returned to Chengdu early, leaving Wen Ying with not enough time to prepare the papers.

Wen Ying's statement sounded reasonable at first, but Xie Qian remained calm. Only the last part of his voice rose: "...Oh, it turns out I came back too early."

If the court hadn't started today, why would he have rushed back to Chengdu so early?

Not only is this hamster thick-skinned, he also has no conscience!

The reason why he didn't finish the paper was not because he came back too early, but because some people went shopping and drank milk tea too many times.

Xie Qian did not wait for Wen Ying to confess and surrender, and decided to give a certain rat a severe punishment.

Wen Ying was made uneasy by Xie Qian's tone.

She is indeed studying the papers very seriously.

——So why did Xie Qian change his tone?

It was obviously not like this when we met in the morning. They said that women's hearts are as deep as the bottom of the sea, and boys' hearts are also very difficult to understand.

Xie Qian likes to bring gifts to his friends wherever he goes. Magic City is more developed than Chengdu. Many goods that are not available in Chengdu can be found in Magic City. For example, Xie Qian brought the latest sneakers to Tang Yifeng and Geng Xiao.

Qin Jiao, who is about to go to college in the capital, has gifts, and even Li Mengjiao, who is stationed in Hunan Province during the summer vacation, is not left behind.

Only Wen Ying and Wang Shuang...were both friends. Xie Qian had a closer relationship with these two people, so he chose gifts for them more carefully. Because he couldn't choose between them, he bought several things at once.

However, when the gifts were distributed in the afternoon, Xie Qian withheld everything else and only handed out the papers to the two of them.

Wang Shuang, who suffered the Wuwu disaster, has many little questions.

"Thank God, it won't happen!"

Wang Shuang remembered that before Xie Qian left, he clearly promised that as long as he studied hard, he would bring him the latest game cartridges from the Magic City.

Wang Shuang felt that he was very serious, except for being lazy twice with Wen Ying.

Why have game cartridges turned into papers again?

Paper, paper, paper!

Wang Shuang heard from his own mother that he talked in his sleep in the middle of the night and kept yelling about making papers.

After working so hard, you still don’t deserve to get the game cartridge?

Wow, the brotherhood between him and Xie Qian is so fragile!

Wang Shuang had questions, but Xie Qian dismissed them with one sentence: "What did I say before? You need to make up for the basics of the first and second years of high school before the start of the third year of high school. There are only half a month left before school starts. Do you think you are good enough now?"


When it came to this matter, Wang Shuang stopped making trouble and shook his head honestly.

Xie Qian glanced at Wen Ying, who was pretending to be a quail next to him, and his attitude towards the two scumbags was very cold:

"In the remaining half month, I will give you two special training."

Learning depends on understanding and remembering.

However, some people have poor understanding, so they can only rely on repeated practice to deepen their memory.

The so-called special training is to answer questions more efficiently. Qin Jiao is about to go to college in the capital. Xie Qian decided to let Qin Jiao enjoy the summer vacation before college, and he personally took over the two bad students.

Qin Jiao accepted Xie Qian's kindness.

If Xie Qian didn't return to Chengdu until school started, Qin Jiao would have to take care of two bad students.

Now that Xie Qian is returning to Chengdu ahead of schedule, Qin Jiao wants to arrange a short trip for herself.

It's the kind of solo trip where you don't have to be particular about it, and you don't have to go to a certain tourist attraction to have a specific destination, just to relax your body and mind.

Qin Jiao had just told her parents about this idea, but they rejected it.

After Yu Wenhao and his son were arrested, the malice surrounding Qin Jiao seemed to be gone. The father and son were detained in a detention center for several months and sentenced successively. Yu Wenhao kidnapping and wounding someone with a gun was a felony, and the sentence was also heavy. Yu Wenhao knew that he could not escape.

After the calamity, he may have touched his rare fatherly heart, and put most of the charges on himself. Compared with Wei Wei, the sentence was lighter.

But without the Yu family and his son, the society is not safe for a beautiful girl who has just graduated from high school. Qin Xianming and his wife said that they want Qin Yi to accompany Qin Jiao on the trip. It is natural for their younger sister who has just grown up to be under the care of her brother. She is close in age.

Brothers and sisters also have more in common than their parents.

Judging from the reaction of the Qin family, Chen Ru was so angry at Wen Ying for daring to go to other provinces without her parents, which was actually a quite normal reaction among parents.

If Wen Ying follows the same rules as adults, it will definitely not work at home.

She was indeed reborn, but her parents didn't know it.

Qin Jiao is an adult in the legal sense, but the Qin family is still worried about her going out alone, and Wen Ying, an underage high school student, doesn't want her parents to let her go completely.

Today's court session appeared on the Chengdu TV news in the evening, and was also reported by the Chengdu Evening News.

Xie Qian's photos were not published in the newspaper, and the scenes of Xie Qian in the video were also deleted. The person interviewed was more Zheng Zhihe.

But this does not prevent reporters from identifying Xie Qian as a "fish against the current" and the word "him" is used in the news subtitles.

Xie Qian has to take the blame even if he doesn't take it.

Wen Ying's uncle Deng Shangwei is the only person in the family who knows her vest. Knowing that Wen Ying is a "fish against the current", he is naturally very concerned about the recent reputation infringement case. Deng Shangwei was a little confused when he saw the Chengdu Evening News in the evening.

"...These reporters can even mistake the gender?"

But then I thought about it, this is a good thing for Wen Ying. The gender is wrong, and the chance of Wen Ying's vest being exposed is greatly reduced.

——Hey, Sakura still has a way!

Looking at Han, the editor-in-chief of the magazine on the same page, Deng Shangwei laughed out loud.

With such a dark face, there is no need to ask more about the outcome of the trial.

This chapter has been completed!
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