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1115: Applying for college student entrepreneurial loans?

Lawyer Bai was defeated by the three blows of Xiao Sala and Zheng Zhihe. The lawsuit was simply impossible to fight, and the trial could only be ended in a hurry.

It costs money for others to litigate, but Han Qin's litigation is a bit expensive for lawyers. So far, she has defeated three lawyers by herself.

Lawyer Bai felt that he had been tricked. Zheng Zhihe had evidence but did not submit it early. Han Qin could not figure out why Lianghe betrayed him in court... While Lianghe felt guilty and blamed himself, he was lucky enough to understand what Lawyer Zheng was doing.


——This is the chance for Xiao Salaman to confess to her!

When Xiao Sala was fired from the magazine for "taking bribes and violating discipline", Liang He was cowardly and did not stand up in time to clarify for Xiao Sala. It was already a mistake and there was no need to go to court. Liang He has suffered psychologically during this period.

The pressure is already very high.

Although he had just told the truth in court, Liang He still felt that he owed Xiao Sala an apology. After walking out of the court, Liang He mustered up the courage to find Xiao Sala.

"Sorry, I--"

"It doesn't matter. I know you are under pressure from Han Qin. I have left the magazine, but you still want to contribute to the magazine. This time Han Qin will lose the lawsuit, and I will definitely not be able to threaten you anymore, but you will continue to contribute.

The "Egg" feed is in an awkward situation... You still have my contact information, right? If you want to change platforms, you can contact me."

Xiao Salamander is talking about the new magazine that will be launched soon.

Little Salamander's generosity made Lianghe cry again.

Zheng Zhihe had been watching Xiao Sala and Liang He talking quietly until Liang He apologized repeatedly and left with a lot of thanks. Only the two of them were left. Zheng Zhihe suddenly asked Xiao Sala: "Do you really want to invite Liang He?"

He writes for a new magazine?"

Xiaoyu nodded, "Of course it's true. Her basic writing skills are solid. Although she's not as good as Xiaoyu, the new magazine can't rely on Xiaoyu alone."

We have the head author, but we still lack a lot of waist author!

At this time, Xiaoyu made an invitation to Lianghe purely from the standpoint of an editor.

Liang He made a mistake once and did not continue to make mistakes. In Xiao Salamander's view, it can be forgiven. It is normal for people to take the wrong path temporarily under the temptation of fame and fortune and the pressure of life.

It's not that Zheng Zhihe thinks it's wrong for Little Salamander to be kind and generous, it's just that some people won't let Little Salamander just because he's kind and generous, but will instead rub their noses and bully others, such as Han Qin.

If Little Salamander keeps doing this, will he be bullied in the workplace?

Zheng Zhihe was still thinking about how to give this girl a subtle hint. The honest little salamander smiled slyly: "Fortunately, Lianghe turned back in time. I gave her a chance to correct herself and will not give her a second chance. If she doesn't do it today,

If I tell the truth and wait for the postal receipt to be submitted as evidence, Han Qin will lose the lawsuit, and Liang He will also lose her reputation in this industry. There is no need for me to retaliate against her, and her pseudonym that has been used for many years will be useless. And I invited

Lianghe went to the new magazine that was about to be launched. When other authors of "Eige" saw that I could accept Lianghe again, some people would probably be tempted."


——Excuse me, you are such a little salamander!

Zheng Zhihe cupped his hands to express his admiration.

Little Salamander is not stupid, she has her own principles and her own intelligence.

Some people's intelligence is very obvious, such as Han Qin.

The intelligence of others is hidden. They look honest and understand everything in their hearts.

Thinking of Wen Ying's words and deeds during the lawsuit, Zheng Zhihe had to sigh: Sure enough, birds of a feather flock together, and people flock together!

"Han Qin will definitely lose."

Wen Ying was not surprised at all after hearing the court proceedings.

Even before the court hearing, she knew Han Qin was going to lose.

It took some time to wait for the verdict, and the magazine's response was faster than that of the court in Shandong Province. Before the verdict came out, Han Qin couldn't even work as a proofreader and editor, and Han Qin was fired.

Not only Han Qin, but also Han Qin's boss also failed in his duties and was also punished.

Han Qin and his boss have taken all the blame. The October issue has not yet been released. The magazine could not wait and issued a statement on the forum in advance to explain the matter.

Zheng Zhihe sent a message to Wen Ying, reminding Wen Ying to go to the forum and read the statement published by the magazine.

The core idea of ​​the statement revolves around one point: the magazine was deceived by Han Qin. Han Qin falsely accused the editor of leaving his job and brought personal emotions into the work. As a result, the magazine failed to communicate with the author in a timely manner, causing misunderstandings between the two parties.

, only then did the next two lawsuits arise.

"The damage has been done, and our company is willing to do its best to make up for it."

"Obey the court's decision."

"Withdraw the decision to punish editor Ni Sisi."

"Compensate Ni Sisi and the 'Fish Against the Current' in accordance with the judgment."

“The door of our agency is always open to editor Ni Sisi and author ‘Fish Against the Current’.”

Wen Ying read the forum post and was noncommittal.

She didn't feel moved at all.

This is not a true repentance, but a way of abandoning the car to protect the handsome man. Knowing that both lawsuits are certain to be lost, he throws all the blame to Han Qin to save the image of the magazine.

If this matter had been verified earlier, how could it have developed to this point?

Although Han Qin was arrogant and domineering, some people delegated too much power to Han Qin, making Han Qin feel that she could control the fate of editors and authors.

Regardless of whether the leaders of the magazine knew what Han Qin was doing, the supervision was ultimately insufficient.

Wen Ying could understand that at that time she was just a new author, "Teenage Idol" did not have the momentum it has now, and Xiaoyu was just a new editor, so it was not that important to the magazine.

Understanding is understanding, but it does not mean that Wen Ying agrees.

Compensating Wen Ying and Xiao Sala according to the judgment sounds quite sincere - hell, the court has already made a judgment, how dare you try to disobey?

As for saying that the door of the magazine will always be open to Wen Ying and Xiao Sala, that they are welcome to come back, and that they look forward to collaborating with them again, they are not all polite words.

If Wen Ying chooses to go back now, the magazine will definitely be happy. The best-selling author is a mobile cash cow.

But for Wen Ying, even if her contract with Chengdu Literature and Art Publishing House is not renewed in the future, there are still so many publishing houses in the country to choose from, so she will not look back!

Xiao Salamander's choice was the same as Wen Ying's. A capable person is not afraid of not being able to find a job, but just to fight for a job, Xiao Salamander will not go back.

There were many netizens commenting on this statement, including readers who read Yingying and passers-by who were watching the excitement. Everyone liked the post very much, and most of them laughed at the content of the post. This shows that the IQ of netizens is not as high as some people imagine.

So low.

At the same time, there are a large number of similar comments, all with the content "Did Han Qin apologize today?"

Wen Ying logged into the forum and logged into her own blog.

Then I was shocked by the number of reads on the blog.

It’s just a casual announcement, but it has such a high number of reads and so many comments.

Some readers expressed shock.

Some readers support her.

Some readers also hope that she can spoil the subsequent plot of "The Princess's New Clothes".

The blog does not have a hot search list, but it does have a popularity ranking.

Wen Ying found out that she was ranked 12th.

Li Mengjiao is in 7th place and Yun Chen is in 10th place.

The people in front of Wen Ying, except for Li Mengjiao and Yun Chen, were all celebrities that Wen Ying was familiar with!

This chapter has been completed!
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