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1208: Mrs. Pang's courage

Cao Bo is the name of Mr. Cao.

This is not the point. The point is, has Yuan Fenghui actually reached an agreement with Huang Yongjun?

Wen Ying didn’t even know that Huang Yongjun was in Hunan Province!

Huang Yongjun is naturally very talented in music. He has produced music albums for many kings and queens. For a person with such an impressive resume, why the album he produced for Zhang Yangning did not become a hit? I am afraid that the big reason is Mr. Guan.

Mr. Guan only wanted to make quick money. From booking songs to producing and releasing the album, the whole process was in a hurry. Huang Yongjun wanted to produce a high-level album, but Mr. Guan did not provide enough support - just like Xu Mei's

The album's production budget was increased, but the money was actually spent on the MV shooting. Huang Yongjun immediately concluded that there was something wrong with Mr. Guan's brain. The key to whether a record sold well or not was whether the song sounded good or not. When did the MV decide?

MVs are the icing on the cake. If they are well shot, there is nothing wrong with them. If they are not shot well, there is nothing wrong with them. In the past few years, there was no MV as a form of expression. Singers released albums on tapes, so they still sold well!

Huang Yongjun came to Hunan Province to be a singer. When he saw Zhang Yangning at the party last night, he felt a little itchy. Yuan Fenghui's eyes were like X-ray machines, and he negotiated a cooperation with Huang Yongjun as quickly as possible.

Increasing the production budget for Tianjiao's second drama left enough free space for Huang Yongjun. This is how Yuan Fenghui persuaded Huang Yongjun.

When Wen Ying heard the reason, she agreed without thinking for too long: "Then invest 3 million."

The investment has been increased from 2 million to 3 million, which requires the use of "Young Idol" royalties that will not be settled until November.

Wen Ying felt that she had to push back the time to buy a house with river view in the Magic City... With the ratings of "The Princess's New Clothes", Tianjiao's second drama has no worries about selling the copyright. It's hard to say how much it will make, and it will definitely lose money.

Impossible. When the total budget increased, Yuan Fenghui asked Wen Ying to invest more money to ensure that Wen Ying's investment proportion in the second film remained unchanged. It was because Wen Ying was considering it. How could Wen Ying

Reject such kindness!

——Yuan Fenghui is really determined to tie Wen Hamshu and Tianjiao tightly together.

Xie Qian understood why Yuan Fenghui did this, but he didn't feel disgusted at all.

It is normal for Yuan Fenghui to think like this. Yuan Fenghui is not the only smart person in the world, but being able to understand the value of Wen Ying does not mean that he is willing to give up the benefits. Yuan Fenghui is indeed smart and generous. No matter how many times such a person falls,

You can seize the opportunity to make a comeback.

Yuan Fenghui asked Xie Qian with a smile: "Classmate Xie, what about you, do you want to invest this time?"

Yuan Fenghui did not give up any opportunity to abduct Xie Qian, and even generously left an investment opening for Xie Qian.

This was half true and half false. Xie Qian really wanted to climb up the ladder, so Yuan Fenghui accepted his investment. However, Xie Qian decisively refused: "Thank you, Teacher Yuan, I will not invest this time."

Xie Qian's money was all tied up by the logistics company.

Although he knew that Tianjiao's second film would definitely make a profit, Xie Qian was not greedy.

You have to pay as much as you get. Xie Qian is not the kind of greedy guy who wants to make all the money. When he first started a logistics company, he wanted to avoid wasting the place he bought. After he really got into this industry, Xie Qian felt that doing logistics was the best thing.

It’s a very “money-making opportunity”, but the initial investment is a bit large and the profit-making process is relatively slow.

This process can force a lot of people to quit. If we really do it, it will be a long-term business.

The three smart people discussed it, and the two scumbags were still fighting with the teaching assistant under the supervision of the cell boss. Zhang Yangning learned that Huang Yongjun was going to take over the soundtrack work for Tianjiao's new drama, and his breathing slowed down for two beats:

"I want to work with Teacher Huang?"

The surprise came too suddenly!

Zhang Yangning was so happy that he didn't know where to place his hands and feet.

"Yes, whether the interlude you created can be used or not is entirely up to Teacher Huang Yongjun to judge."

Yuan Fenghui reminded Zhang Yangning not to be too happy too early. Zhang Yangning nodded vigorously: "I know! Even if Teacher Huang doesn't like my creation, I am very satisfied to get Teacher Huang's guidance!"

That’s Huang Yongjun!

How can a superficial person like Mr. Guan, who is eager for quick success and instant benefits, see the value of Teacher Huang Yongjun?

Zhang Yangning didn't know how to express his joy and excitement, so he boldly hugged Yuan Fenghui and said, "Teacher Yuan, don't worry, I will definitely act well, create well, and live up to the opportunity you gave me!"

Although Yuan Fenghui went to invite Huang Yongjun not for Zhang Yangning, Zhang Yangning could really benefit from it.

What Zhang Yangning can repay Yuan Fenghui is to be obedient and obey Yuan Fenghui's arrangements at work. Although Zhang Yangning only wants to be a singer-songwriter, when showing his loyalty, he puts "acting well" before "creating well". This

This is the development path designated by Yuan Fenghui for Zhang Yangning, and Zhang Yangning has no doubts about it.

A smile appeared on Yuan Fenghui's face.

Some people don't like to be arranged, but some people really like to be arranged.

A is honey, B is arsenic | frost. After experiencing the betrayal of the Miracle Group, Yuan Fenghui himself is also reflecting and summarizing.

That night, Wen Ying began to revise the details of the script, trying to make the story and characters more fleshed out. From the script to the production, from the director to the actors, every link was full of nonsense and was not considered a high-quality drama.

If the producers don't show full sincerity, and the audience is not stupid, they will become cold-blooded if they are fooled a few times.

Wen Ying may not care about the reputation of Tianjiao, but she cares about her professional reputation. This is the motivation for Wen Ying to stay up late to revise the script!

In the next room, Xie Qian also had a laptop in front of him. The bright light of the screen shone on Xie Qian's face. He was sometimes typing on the keyboard, sometimes flipping through the monograph at hand, and taking notes with a pen. He always looked very focused.

If he doesn't go to Shanghai, some work will have to be handled remotely. Xie Qian won't be involved in actual operations, but he can't stop enriching himself.

Even top academics are not born with knowledge, they have to learn their skills on their own!

Wen Ying and Xie Qian were not the only ones working hard secretly. At the same time, Wang Shuang was doing questions in his room, Li Mengjiao was memorizing words, and Yun Chen and Zhang Yangning were practicing their expressions in front of the mirror, trying to recall the teacher in the acting class.

Key points mentioned.

The next morning, everyone except Xie Qian had more or less dark eyes.

"Xie Qian, what time did you go to bed last night?"

Wen Ying yawned and asked Xie Qian.

"Less than two o'clock."

Xie Qian answered casually, and Wen Ying was very dissatisfied.

——Same as staying up late, some people don’t even get dark circles under their eyes. God is so unfair.

I can only think about this in my heart. When facing Xie Qian, Wen Ying always chooses to follow her heart.

Zhang Guangzhen, who had just arrived in Hunan Province, could not hold back his words as Wen Yinghui did. In front of Mr. Cao and Mr. Guan, Zhang Guangzhen wanted to pick his ears:

"You said that you want to add a rivalry between the male protagonist and the supporting female actor?"

What a naughty operation this is!

The so-called protagonist and supporting role are distinguished by the number of roles they play.

The supporting actress will have more scenes than the heroine, but in the end, the hero and the heroine have to come together... Zhang Guangzhen doubts that after such a stupid series is aired, the blades sent to him by the audience are really useful.

In a sack!

This chapter has been completed!
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