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226: The halo is broken!

When Boss Qin told him, Deng Shangwei realized that he might just be a springboard. How could Yu Wenhao step on him to scheme against Boss Qin? Deng Shangwei couldn't figure it out for the time being.

Boss Qin has several guesses, but they all depend on what Yu Wenhao will do next.

There are some things that I am afraid of not being honest with others. If Deng Shangwei hides the fact that he was jumped by an immortal from Boss Qin because he feels embarrassed, Boss Qin will only think about the relationship between men and women because of Yu Wenhao staring at Qin Jiao. Because of Deng Shangwei's confession, Boss Qin

My thoughts immediately opened up.

"You don't want to alert the enemy, just continue to delay it as you want, and let me meet with Yu Wenhao in person."

Boss Qin said this.

Deng Shangwei was a little shocked: "It's my fault. I'm not careful or cautious at ordinary times, so I was almost plotted. If it was because of me, Yu Wenhao's plot succeeded, I can't even make up for your loss, Brother Qin, even if I die to apologize,


Boss Qin patted him on the shoulder, "You just happened to be chosen by Yu Wenhao. He had his own plans. Without you, there would be others. I'm glad that he chose you as a stepping stone."

At least Deng Shangwei didn't hide it from himself.

Thinking of this, Boss Qin couldn't help but laugh: "It was your niece who first discovered that you were jumped by the immortal? You, you, what can I say? She is not as clever as a little girl."

"Wen Ying also made a mistake and hired a private detective to investigate me."

Deng Shangwei was very embarrassed.

Lucky hit?

Maybe not!

Although Boss Qin had only a few contacts with Wen Ying, Wen Ying's keenness and Wen Ying's neat and decisive way of handling things still left a deep impression on Boss Qin.

But if Wen Ying didn't do it by accident, Boss Qin was very curious about how Wen Ying knew that Yu Wenhao was plotting against Deng Shangwei. After all, even Deng Shangwei himself didn't notice it at first.

Boss Qin had an idea in mind and asked Deng Shangwei to wait at home for a while.

About 20 minutes later, Qin Jiao came back and was called to the study by Boss Qin.

"Uncle Deng is here too?"

Qin Jiao thought her father was going to talk to her about Yu Wenhao.

Boss Qin saw her embarrassment and comforted her: "It doesn't matter. Your Uncle Deng already knows about this. Your Uncle Deng just talked to me and made me realize that I might have done something wrong. Yu Wenhao is targeting you."

, it should involve interests.”

Interests involved?

Wen Ying said that Yu Wenhao used to be a promiscuous person, so he wanted to kidnap her... For some reason, Qin Jiao was not as scared as she was on the way back.

"Wang Shuang and the others invited Wen Ying and I to have a barbecue at Changtan Lake. Dad, do you want me to go?"

Qin Jiao suddenly remembered Wen Ying's words.

Boss Qin and Deng Shangwei looked at each other and hesitated a little: "Your uncle Deng and I only know that Yu Wenhao is going to cause trouble, but we haven't figured out what he is going to do specifically. It's still a bit dangerous for you to go to Changtan Lake."

Qin Jiao understands Boss Qin's subtext as she knows her daughter better than her father.

"What dad means is that we don't cancel the trip and go to Changtan Lake for barbecue as usual?"

Deng Shangwei hesitated, "Brother Qin, let's forget it. There is still a certain danger for them to go to Long Beach..."

Boss Qin ignored Deng Shangwei and only looked at Qin Jiao:

"Jiaojiao, what do you think? Do you dare to go?"

Qin Jiao gritted her teeth: "I dare!"

Thinking of the way Yu Wenhao looked at her, Qin Jiao felt sick.

It would be great if Yu Wenhao could be caught.

Only by subduing the bad guys can you stop being frightened all the time!

Boss Qin clapped his hands: "Okay, as expected of my Qin Xianming's daughter, you have courage!"

Qin Jiao was embarrassed by the praise.

In fact, she believed that her biological father would not harm her. Without arrangements, her father would not allow her to go to Longtan Lake.

However, Wen Ying guessed this matter again.

Wen Ying said that the trip to Changtan Lake would not be cancelled, but actually it was not cancelled.

Boss Qin warned Qin Jiao to go to Changtan Lake as originally planned, and asked Qin Jiao not to tell Wang Shuang and the others, because he was afraid that Wang Shuang and the others were young and could not handle things, and would show signs, so Yu Wenhao did not dare to act.

"What about Wen Ying?"

Qin Jiao reminded her father, "Wen Ying can't hide it. She already guessed that you would support us going to Changtan Lake."

Boss Qin smiled, "She can know that if you invite Wen Ying to your house for dinner tomorrow, daddy will tell her personally."

Boss Qin is afraid that Qin Jiao will be under great psychological pressure. With Wen Ying by his side, Qin Jiao will behave more naturally.

Of course, Boss Qin also consulted Deng Shangwei for his opinion. If Deng Shangwei was afraid that Wen Ying would be in danger, Wen Ying could not go to Changtan Lake.

Deng Shangwei smiled bitterly: "Although I am her uncle, I cannot forcefully suppress her ideas. She has her own ideas now and will definitely follow her to Changtan Lake."

Qin Jiao smiled and said, "Uncle Deng, don't worry, I will take good care of Wen Ying."

It was already early in the morning when Deng Shangwei came home at night.

I want to talk to Wen Ying. The lights in Wen Ying's room have been turned off.

Only the next morning did she find the opportunity to tell Wen Ying that Boss Qin invited her to his home.

Wen Ying estimated that Boss Qin was going to ask her about Yu Wenhao.

"Tomorrow, Sister Qin Jiao and I will go to Changtan Lake for a barbecue. What does Uncle Qin say?"

"He supports you guys to go."

Wen Ying understood immediately.


Chen Li listened and asked, "Are you going to Changtan Lake tomorrow?"

Wen Ying nodded, "Yes, let's go with Sister Qin Jiao's friends."

Have you forgotten about the bet?

Yesterday, she was anxious to make money. She typed on the computer for a day at home to earn royalties. Instead of making up for classes tomorrow, she wanted to have fun. Chen Li originally thought it was impossible for Wen Ying to win the bet, but Wen Ying gave up after only one day.

Chen Li was helpless again.

When Wen Ying went to Jiang's house to make up lessons, Chen Li brought some fruit to Lin Lin and accidentally mentioned that Wen Ying was going to have a barbecue at Changtan Lake tomorrow. The speaker was unintentional and the listener was intentional, and Lin Lin was moved.

Why did Lin Lin let Xie Qian and Wen Ying make up classes together? Wasn't it just to follow her grandmother's instructions and let Xie Qian have friends of the same age?

Wen Ying and several students of Wen Ying's age were going to Changtan Lake, so Lin Lin thought about asking Wen Ying to take Xie Qian with them.

"Sister Chen, do you think it's appropriate for me to ask Xie Qian and Wen Ying to go together?"


Chen Li was surprised and realized that she had gone too far, so she quickly went back to make amends: "Of course it would be nice for Xie Qian to come with us, but I'm afraid that classmate Xie Qian won't want to."

Lin Lin knows what kind of character her cousin is.

Don't expect him to take the initiative in socializing. He likes to be quiet and doesn't like to move. He is afraid of trouble!

"Can Wen Ying invite him? I'll push him from the side, and Xie Qian should be willing. Sister Chen, I guess you can see that my cousin is a bit cold. Sometimes I worry that this kid will be so cold and aloof.

Since he is autistic, he has to stay in Chengdu for two months and live in my house. As a cousin, can I not worry about it? If it is inconvenient, forget it."

Lin Lin's words touched Chen Li.

Wen Ying lives in Chen Li's house, and Chen Li also worries about everything, including food, clothing, housing, and transportation, even more than her own children.

Once she heard Lin Lin's worries, Chen Li couldn't refuse.

It shouldn't matter, right?

Qin Jiao's friends are both male and female. Xie Qian and Wen Ying are not traveling alone. They are all teenagers. Adults shouldn't be too complicated!

This chapter has been completed!
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