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1210: Xiao Wen looks like a personal trafficker

Xie Qian has reaped the benefits of appearance since he was a child and has never cared about the looks of the people around him.

To paraphrase a famous saying of the son of the richest man more than ten years later: When I make friends, they never have money, and they don’t have money anyway!

Replacing "rich" with "looks" is almost Xie Qian's position.

When we first met Wen Ying, Wen Ying was a chubby and rustic little fat guy. If Xie Qian judged people by their appearance, I'm afraid it would be difficult for him to even make up lessons with Wen Ying...

Later, Wen Ying started a crayfish business. She went out to the stall every afternoon and was exposed to the summer sun. She evolved from a round-faced fat guy to a round-faced fat guy. When they stood next to Xie Qian, the comparison in appearance between the two was really terrible.

, when the first year of high school just started, all the girls in the school were very worried that Wen Ying was hanging around Xie Qian, it was not threatening at all!

Unknowingly, Wen Ying lost weight little by little.

He is not as thin as the paper man, but healthy and energetic.

This kind of figure will make you look fat on camera, but it looks just right in real life.

Because I was at school every day when the ultraviolet rays were strongest, my skin slowly turned white.

Xie Qian was not unaware of these changes, but Wen Ying seldom wore dresses or put on makeup. Xie Qian was a little surprised when she suddenly dressed up.

Hamsters are not only cute and energetic, they can also be described as "beautiful".

It's not the kind of radiant beauty, nor is it the pretty girl-next-door kind, it's the kind of beauty that's somewhere in between, a kind of beauty that makes people shine with just a little dressing up.

——Hey, am I so superficial that I judge my good friends by their appearance?

Wen Ying was quite calm at first, but when she felt Xie Qian's gaze, she suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

Didn’t put on your makeup properly?

Still not wearing the right clothes.

The dress prepared by Teacher Yuan is white and a little mature. To match this dress, Wen Ying must wear leather shoes.

The girls' thick-heeled leather shoes go well with the dress, but they are also very different from Wen Ying's usual dressing style.

Under Xie Qian's gaze, Wen Ying wanted to touch her face and straighten her skirt.

Wen Ying wanted to say something, but she had to say something, otherwise the atmosphere would be too embarrassing!

Xie Qian regained his senses after a moment of confusion.

Changing the subject is the best way to cover up embarrassment. Xie Qian stuck the knife into Wang Xuezha, who was hesitating:

"Why don't you continue talking? Whose loss is it if you don't fall in love?"

Wang Shuang: "...!"

This is quite bald, so is brotherly friendship really as fragile as paper?

Xie Qian thought he was covering up very well, but Li Mengjiao had already seen everything.

——It’s amazing, so why don’t you admit it?

Oh, puppy love is so sneaky, isn’t it exciting!

Li Mengjiao understood it but didn't dare to say it out loud. She was afraid that before she said it, three people shared a box of teaching aids, but once she said it, she would have the entire box of teaching aids to herself.

"Tch, Wang Shuang doesn't fall in love anymore. Many girls escaped. He doesn't really like those girlfriends."

Wang Shuang's dating partners change frequently, which shows that he is not distracted.

How can you really change someone if you really like them?

Li Mengjiao happened to know who Wang Shuang really liked, so she glared at Wang Shuang. Wang Shuang in the dress looked really human-like!

"Who says I'm not real-"

Wang Shuang subconsciously retorted, but half-way through his words, he choked it back.

It's wrong to explain or not.

If he wants to follow Li Mengjiao's words and admit that he doesn't like those girlfriends, wouldn't he be a complete scumbag?

But I have to admit that all my "girlfriends" like her...Wang Shuang still can't say it.

The word "like" has weight, and he didn't understand it before!

Wang Shuang was in a dilemma, and finally became angry and said, "I'm too lazy to argue with you."

Wang Shuang strode out of the room. Li Mengjiao was also annoyed and chased after her while holding up her skirt, "What's your attitude? Stop!"

Good friends had a dispute. Xie Qian and Wen Ying should have been worried, but for some reason, they both breathed a sigh of relief at this moment.

The two people's eyes collided, and they moved away in tacit understanding.

"The two of them do this all the time."

"Yeah, it's not normal if you don't quarrel. If you quarrel, you'll make up quickly."

As long as you are not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed!

What's wrong with chatting? Chatting can save lives at critical moments.

Wen Ying thought to herself, she won't dress like this next time, it won't match her usual dress, and it will make her uncomfortable squirming in front of Xie Qian!

Xie Qian was also in a subtle mood. Although he changed the topic, the strange feeling just now has not completely faded away.

Why should he care whether his best friend is pretty or not?

Even if Wen Ying is not beautiful, she is still Wen Ying and cannot become someone else.

Even if a more beautiful girl appears by his side, she cannot replace Wen Ying as his good friend!

Outside the corridor, Yun Chen, who had a panoramic view of this scene, couldn't help but laugh.

Zhang Yangning joked: "Brother, what are you laughing at?"

Yun Chen pointed at Wang Shuang and Li Mengjiao, who were sitting one behind the other on the stairs, and then at Wen Ying and Xie Qian, who were chatting awkwardly in the room:

"I envy them in their youth... No wonder!"

No wonder Wen Ying was able to change the script of "The Princess's New Clothes" from a simple romantic idol drama to a growth inspirational one, and also created an original script about the struggle in the entertainment industry, and even the novel "Young Idol" written by Wen Ying. These works

They all have a common trait: lack of space for romance!

The creators are still very ignorant, and they will definitely not be able to write delicate love scenes. When Wen Ying becomes enlightened, when a certain layer of window paper is broken, Wen Ying will probably be able to write love scenes, right?

The same is true for Li Mengjiao.

Li Mengjiao can't act in romantic dramas, and she can't fall in love with the male protagonist, not only because of age restrictions, but also because of her experience!

Zhang Yangning, who was only thinking about building a career and pursuing his dream of being a singer-songwriter, didn't understand Yun Chen's subtext.

Although I don't understand what Yun Chen is saying, I feel that it is very powerful.

Zhang Yangning pretended to understand and nodded vigorously: "I'm envious too!"

——You know how to shovel!

Yun Chen complained silently in the Rongcheng dialect he had just learned, and gave Zhang Yangning conscientious advice: "You should fall in love, it will be very helpful for your creation!"

Love is an eternal theme in literary and artistic works.

Whether it is the sweetness of passionate love or the pain of broken love, or even the worries about gains and losses in ambiguous periods, it can generate a lot of creative inspiration.

Many music creators have rich emotional experiences. Their creative inspiration is often linked to emotional fluctuations. Their lovers are the "muse" of creation. When love is gone, the muse will also change!

Zhang Yangning is locked up every day to create, and he doesn't even talk about love. Where can he find creative inspiration?

Zhang Yangning: "...?!"

Did Yun Chen actually encourage her to fall in love?

If Teacher Yuan finds out, he will be beaten to death!

How can Tianjiao artists fall in love? Hey, it seems that Teacher Yuan really didn’t emphasize that falling in love is not allowed?!

This chapter has been completed!
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