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1228: I will meet Daddy soon!

At the celebration party, Professor Fang was caught raping, and everyone forgot about Zhang Guangzhen.

Poor old Zhang went through a lot of psychological struggles before he shamelessly knocked on the door.

He thought that only Yuan Fenghui was there, after all, it was so late, and this was Yuan Fenghui's room. Unexpectedly, when the door opened, there were so many pairs of eyes staring at him, and Zhang Guangzhen felt a little stuck.

Damn it!

If this is rejected, it will be a huge loss of face.

I am no longer young, why don't I be more stable? Why can't I wait even one night?

Zhang Guangzhen laughed dryly, "Everyone is not asleep yet. If you have anything to do, I won't disturb you——"

Before he finished speaking, Yuan Fenghui pulled his sleeves and pulled him into the room.

"Okay, we have been old friends for many years. What are you and I doing here? There is no shortage of ordinary screenwriters, but we can never have too many good screenwriters!"

Yuan Fenghui slammed the door, straightened her clothes, and then extended her hand to Zhang Guangzhen: "Welcome to Tianjiao."

Zhang Guangzhen held hands with Yuan Fenghui, but Yuan Fenghui still didn't react.

It's that simple?!

"Teacher Zhang, welcome to join."

"Teacher Zhang, we will be our own people from now on!"

"Teacher Zhang……"

Wen Ying took the lead in welcoming, and the others followed closely and applauded. Except for Xie Qian, who was silent, the whole room was clapping and flattering, pouring sweet words on Zhang Guangzhen as if they were free of money. In the mouths of this group of people, Zhang Guangzhen seemed to be the best in the universe.

A great screenwriter, with his joining, Tianjiao will become China Entertainment's number one brother sooner or later.

Zhang Guangzhen was so stunned by the flattering welcome speeches from Wen Ying and the others that he sold himself to Tianjiao without even asking for compensation.

Of course, remuneration is the original driving force for work, but working with a group of people you don't like, even if you don't make less money, is really tiring!

After getting a positive answer from Yuan Fenghui and confirming that he could join Tianjiao, Zhang Guangzhen's pores all opened.

So comfortable and relaxing!

Zhang Guangzhen asked everyone what they were doing together so late at night. When Wang Shuang explained the matter, Zhang Guangzhen couldn't stop sweating.

During the celebration party, Zhang Guangzhen was thinking about joining Tianjiao. He was so uneasy that he didn't pay attention to the undercurrent in the venue during the last period of the celebration party!

It turns out something like this happened.

Yu Tianlin is more domineering and cruel than Zhang Guangzhen thought.

Xu Mei kicked him as he said.

If he hadn't modified the play according to Yu Tianlin's ideas, what would have been waiting for him?!

There was also Mr. Jin, the coal boss who had a tough attitude and asked him to continue changing the script.

All of them are ruthless!

Mr. Jin was dismissed by Xie Qian with a few words, and Yu Tianlin was wary of Yuan Fenghui. Zhang Guangzhen first broke into a cold sweat, and then felt an unprecedented sense of security.

Yu Tianlin, Jin is always ruthless, Xie Qian, Yuan Fenghui is a little more powerful than ruthless, they are Wolf Mie!

After joining Lang Mie's team, why are we afraid of ruthless people? From now on, we will also have someone to support us. Yuan Fenghui will take care of everything. Zhang Guangzhen can concentrate on creation and polish a truly high-quality script. Thinking of such days, Zhang Guangzhen can't help but reveal his emotions.

A sincere smile.

"I thought about the remaining reward over there, it's better than..."

As long as he can completely cut off contact with Yu Tianlin and others, Zhang Guangzhen is willing not to receive any subsequent remuneration.

Zhang Guang can really bear this loss. He even regards this loss as a pledge to Tianjiao. It doesn't matter whether it's money or not. He just wants to work for Tianjiao!

Unexpectedly, Yuan Fenghui intercepted Zhang Guangzhen's words, with an unprecedented serious expression: "Why don't you take your money? If you give in, they will think that the screenwriter is talkative and easy to bully. Fraudulent ideas often happen in the industry.

Big screenwriters like you don't get the remuneration they deserve, and those small screenwriters are even more exploited. If this continues, who will seriously create scripts?"

Story creativity is the cornerstone of film and television projects.

Without a good script, no matter how good the actors are or how great the director is, the audience will not buy it.

The audience is not an Oscar judge, so they cannot tell which of two actors of the same level performs more delicately and layeredly.

Audiences are not film critics, and they will not dig into the deeper meanings of film and television dramas through lengthy reviews.

But the audience can at least tell which TV series is good, and they will keep watching the good ones!

The audience will also watch the wonderful movie with full attention. After watching it, they will be hooked and spontaneously want to share it with their friends around them.

Good script, good songs, good lyrics... Yuan Fenghui wants to create a superstar. A superstar cannot do without the operation of an agent, let alone good songs and dramas. No one is concentrating on creation, so what can be used to create a superstar?


What Yuan Fenghui said was so beautiful that not only Zhang Guangzhen's cheeks turned red with excitement, but Wen Ying was also greatly moved.

Wen Ying is a writer, and Yuan Fenghui is a star-making promoter.

Wen Ying felt that she was being respected.

Yu Tianlin learned Yuan Fenghui's methods of doing things, but he could never learn Yuan Fenghui's style.

Painting a tiger cannot be compared to a dog, and Yu Tianlin cannot defeat Yuan Fenghui!

"Teacher Zhang, please think carefully about what I said. If you want to file a lawsuit, I can recommend a lawyer to you."

Wen Ying mentioned the old words again, Zhang Guangzhen nodded vigorously.

The conversation between the two became serious, and Yuan Fenghui smiled: "If we don't go to court, Lao Zhang will definitely get his reward."

After everyone chatted with Zhang Guangzhen for a while and discussed Xu Mei's misfortune, Yuan Fenghui broke up the party and asked everyone to go back to their rooms to rest.

Xie Qian walked to the door of his room, did not enter the room immediately, but went downstairs thinking about something.

——Of course Zhang Guangzhen will get the reward. Yu Tianlin is busy seizing power in Cao Bo's TV series project and will not start a war at this time. Knowing that Zhang Guangzhen has joined Tianjiao, Yu Tianlin will only urge Cao Bo to marry Zhang Guangzhen at a faster speed.

Clear balance.

Wen Ying mentioned several times that she would recommend a lawyer to Zhang Guangzhen, but Xie Qian became interested in something.

Xie Qian went downstairs alone and arrived at the front desk of the hotel. The lady on duty blushed when she saw him.

"Guest, we bought what you wanted for you."

The front desk handed Xie Qian a magazine.

The October issue of "EGGER" has just been released.

In the afternoon, Xie Qian specifically called the hotel to help him buy it.


Xie Qian gave him a hundred-yuan bill and didn't ask the front desk to make up for it. The extra money was used as labor expenses for running errands.

As I went upstairs and rummaged through, I finally found the apology statement.

Original page, "Eige" did not fool the court's decision.

Now only Han Qin's apology statement and financial compensation are in place.

Xie Qian smiled, and when passing by Wen Ying's room, he slipped the magazine under the door.

Wen Ying and Li Mengjiao were in the same room.

Li Mengjiao's voice came from the room. The idiot said that someone had inserted a small card, but when he took a closer look, it was a magazine.

"This is the October issue of EGGER. Wen Ying, please read it quickly. The magazine has apologized!"

The next moment, the door was opened and Wen Ying looked around.

Naturally, there was no one in the corridor.

Li Mengjiao asked who bought the magazine, and Wen Ying said she didn't know.

Li Mengjiao lowered her head and smiled slyly: Humph, who else could have bought it? It must have been Xie Qian!

I can only thank God for always keeping Wen Ying’s needs in mind and secretly giving, just like the plot of an idol drama.

——If Wen Ying and Xie Qian hadn’t fallen in love secretly, she would have chewed up the magazine in her hand and eaten it!

This chapter has been completed!
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