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1266: She finally became rich!

Wen Ying originally signed a stepped royalty contract with Zou Weijun.

The tiered tax rate calculation method of 6%-15% corresponds to the actual sales volume of "Teen Idol".

"Teen Idol" only needs to sell more than 20,000 copies, and the royalties will break away from the lowest calculation level of 6%, and if it sells more than 1 million copies, it can reach 15%!

15% is already the upper limit of royalties that publishers can give. This is a condition that only very well-known writers can negotiate, because writers who can sell 1 million copies of novels are definitely best-selling authors, regardless of age and gender.

receive such treatment.

At that time, no one could have imagined that "Young Idol" could sell more than 1 million copies. Zou Weijun's former leader agreed to such a stepped royalty, which was just to comfort and encourage Wen Ying.

Naturally, Han Qin could not have imagined it, otherwise she would not have gone to Rongcheng to discuss publishing conditions with Wen Ying with a arrogant attitude.

Wen Ying herself actually didn't expect it.

What’s wrong with being reborn? Can you become a best-selling author after being reborn?

Last year, I was very confident and submitted my article to a magazine for the first time, but it was rejected!

The sales figures of "Teen Idol" today are related to Wen Ying's creative ability, and not only because of the creative ability. There is no attention attracted by reputational lawsuits, and there is no boost from Li Mengjiao's variety show promotion and the popularity of "The Princess's New Clothes"

, Portal invited Wen Ying to join the blog... Every precise promotion made "Young Idol" sell better!

If "Teen Idol" had been written by another author, even if the content was exactly the same, it would not have become popular so quickly.

The book is a good book. After time and reputation, it can sell good sales, but if you want to achieve Wen Ying's current results, it cannot be copied by others - after all, it sold hundreds of thousands in just three months.

Book it!

It is very important that the number does not exceed 500,000 copies.

As long as the number of copies exceeds 500,000, the royalties will be calculated at 14%, and 500,000 to 1 million copies are within this royalty range.

If it just exceeds 500,000 copies, Wen Ying's royalty income is 500,000*32*14%, which is 2.24 million before tax!

This is no small amount of money.

Wen Ying did not make so much profit from transferring her shares in "Shrimp King" or investing in "The Princess's New Clothes"!

If it is less than 500,000 and exceeds 400,000, the royalty calculation ratio is 13%, which is only a difference of 1%. Just like the highest ratings of "The Princess's New Clothes" are only 0.03% short of 5%. After all, it is

A little regret.

So 600,000 copies is Wen Ying's fantasy, and 500,000 copies is her real expectation.

Not only Wen Ying is looking forward to the statistical results, but Chen Ru and Wen Dongrong are also concerned about the progress. However, the couple is so proud that since they said Wen Ying can save the money she earns, they are embarrassed.

Asked... Wen Dongrong was particularly embarrassed: How does it feel when your daughter publishes a book casually and the three-month royalties are more than his salary for many years of work?

Of course I really want to show off!

No, it involves money and is too sensitive to show off to the workplace.

The important thing is that Lao Li can't bear such a blow.

Wen Dongrong felt that the only thing Lao Li could bear was the "good news" that he passed the exam.

Alas, he has so many advantages, his only shortcoming is that he is too kind!

November 1, 2005, is a memorable day for Wen Ying.

On this day, the sales data for the first three months of "Teen Idol" began to be compiled, and Zou Weijun said it would take about two days to get the results.

In the afternoon of the same day, Wen Ying's independently created script, which is also the second drama of Tianjiao Film and Television, "Galaxy and You" finally started shooting!

Yuan Fenghui held a small launch conference. Not many media were invited, but they were all very important!

Director Fan originally wanted the launch conference of "Galaxy and You" to be held in Hunan Province, but Yuan Fenghui insisted on holding it in Chengdu.

Friendship is friendship. Before the terms are agreed upon, the copyright of "Galaxy and You" can't only be sold to Hunan Satellite TV. Tianjiao still has the right to make his own choices... There is another reason. Today is not the weekend, so the school only approved it for Li Mengjiao.

With half a day off, if the press conference is held in Hunan Province, Li Mengjiao will have to travel between the two places in a very short time.

There is nothing wrong with starting the phone in Chengdu.

In order to accommodate Li Mengjiao's time, most of the indoor scenes of "Galaxy and You" will be shot in Chengdu, and only a small part of the outdoor scenes will be shot in the Magic City. It is for this reason that Yuan Fenghui arranged to start filming in November.

After the filming is completed, during the winter vacation in more than two months, the entire crew, including the heroine Li Mengjiao, will be taken to the Magic City for location shooting!

Wen Ying, as the screenwriter of this drama, had no choice but to miss the launch conference.

It wasn’t that Wen Ying was avoiding being on camera, it wasn’t that she was pretending to be mysterious, it was the head teacher Lin Lin who didn’t approve her application for leave!

Wen Ying suspected that Teacher Lin's decision was influenced by Xie Qian, but Wen Ying had no evidence.

Wen Ying couldn't go, and Wang Shuang couldn't even go.

On the other hand, Mrs. Wang, who holds the title of Tianjiao Public Relations Manager, can be present.

I heard that Mrs. Wang was not very interested at first. After all, there was neither Chen Ru nor Zou Weijun at the launch conference, but Yuan Fenghui coaxed Mrs. Wang to go there by saying that a big star that Mrs. Wang had not expected would show up!

When Mrs. Wang arrived at the press conference, she was arrested and handed over a lot of work before she even saw the mysterious star. While receiving the invited media, Mrs. Wang scolded Yuan Fenghui in her heart.


It's really too much. Yuan Fenghui actually printed Mrs. Wang's personal business card without Mrs. Wang's knowledge.

He tricked Mrs. Wang into coming to the launch conference and took the opportunity to distribute Mrs. Wang's business cards to the invited media reporters.

"This is our Tianjiao's newly appointed public relations manager. From now on, she will handle all the work of connecting with friends from the media."

Mrs. Wang's eyes went dark.

Mrs. Wang, who has suffered from depression, can already foresee how many "work" related calls she will receive!

I really just want to hold an essay contest and don’t want to deal with so many media.

At this moment, Mrs. Wang suddenly had the urge to rush home and beat her child.

——If the stinky son at home hadn’t failed to live up to expectations, would the mother have been cheated like this?!

Mrs. Wang's mood did not become positive until the launch conference officially started, which seriously affected Mrs. Wang's social skills.

The press conference officially started, Yuan Fenghui announced the male and female protagonists of "Galaxy and You".

Not surprisingly, the male lead is Yun Chen, the female lead is Li Mengjiao, and the supporting actress is Zhang Yangning.

Zhang Yangning has been silent for a long time.

The last time she appeared was at the National Day Gala of Hunan Satellite TV.

The blog has gained some popularity, but it is not enough. The blog has not yet attracted the attention of traditional mainstream media!

Some reporters even just learned that Zhang Yangning switched jobs to Tianjiao.

"This is also a choice."

"Although Tianjiao is a new company, it has two popular stars, Li Mengjiao and Yun Chen. Zhang Yangning can take advantage of them!"

"Yes, the previous company signed so many draft players, and Zhang Yangning was not taken seriously at all. It would be good to switch to Tianjiao..."

Choice is sometimes greater than effort.

Choosing a company that suits you is a hundred times better than working in a useless direction!

At the launch conference, Zhang Yangning felt the eyes on her.

Whether he was looking at him or discussing him, it didn't matter to Zhang Yangning.

This is her job!

Now you can't bear even the slightest strange look. How can you have the courage to stand on the center of the stage when you hold a solo concert in the future?

If the choice of the male and female protagonists was expected by most reporters, Zhang Yangning's role as a heavyweight female supporting role made them a little surprised. Halfway through the launch conference, Yuan Fenghui announced that there would be heavyweight guests. The reporters

It was both expected and unexpected, and Mrs. Wang stretched her neck even more.

Mrs. Wang almost thought she had been deceived by Yuan Fenghui.

Needless to say, Li Mengjiao, even Yun Chen who was fascinated by Mrs. Wang while watching "The Princess's New Clothes", as long as Mrs. Wang is willing, she can go to Tianjiao to see the real person at any time.

Yun Chen's mysterious and low-key attitude is aimed at outsiders, not insiders.

No matter how handsome your face is, the more you see it, the less rare it becomes.

Until the heavyweight guest mentioned by Yuan Fenghui appeared, Mrs. Wang instantly came back to life with full blood, as excited as if she had taken ten tubes of chicken blood.

No one expected that the heavyweight guest Yuan Fenghui talked about would be the top mainland diva Hu Man!

Hu Man is an evergreen tree in the Mainland music scene. The year he became famous was when Wang Shuang was born. How old is Wang Shuang now? Hu Man has been popular for many years.

Mrs. Wang was not so excited when she met other queens. Hu Man is a singer that Mrs. Wang has liked for many years.

Not only was Mrs. Wang surprised, but the media reporters at the scene were also very surprised.

Hu Man did not appear alone. The person who accompanied Hu Man on stage was the famous musician Huang Yongjun.

These two people are golden partners in the mainland music scene. They have collaborated on more than one album together. At this time, they appeared together at the launch conference of "Star River and You", which aroused the speculation of reporters.

"Why is Human here?"

"Hu Man won't come to act in this drama!"

"Impossible. How can Hu Man act in a TV series? Is she going to sing the theme song of "Galaxy and You"? It's very possible. Huang Yongjun also showed up!"

The reporters guessed wrong.

Hu Man is going to star in "Galaxy and You". This drama is set in the entertainment industry. There is no problem with the popularity of Li Mengjiao and Yun Chen, but they are both very young, and the whole drama still needs some seniors to hold the show.

It's okay to invite some veteran actors familiar to the audience to play the role of seniors in the entertainment industry, but it is far less effective than inviting real seniors to guest star.

Yuan Fenghui said that Hu Man was a friendly actor and his role in the play was very important. The reporters' curiosity was piqued.

There was no news about this matter before. Li Mengjiao and others were as shocked as Mrs. Wang.

Not to mention these people, even if Wen Ying was present, she would still be shocked - Teacher Yuan is too strong, it is not difficult to convince Huang Yongjun, but through Huang Yongjun, he invited Hu Man to participate in the show as a friendship, which is too awesome.

That night, the launch conference made the news, and the media gave important coverage to the matter.

There is a saying that Yuan Fenghui made such a drama, "Galaxy and You" received much more attention at the beginning of filming than Yu Tianlin's drama!

This is a completely different situation than when "The Princess's New Clothes" was launched in a low-key manner, and it is a completely different promotional idea.

"When we don't have the strength, of course we have to keep a low profile for development. Why should we keep a low profile when we have the strength?"

Faced with Wen Ying's doubts, Yuan Fenghui explained this.

Wen Ying was very curious about how Yuan Fenghui invited Hu Man, "Is it really a friendly guest appearance?"

The so-called friendly guest appearances are based on friendship and are not paid at all.

Wen Ying didn't quite believe it.

Sure enough, Yuan Fenghui laughed, "Of course not, for a total of 3 episodes, I promise to pay Hu Man 3 million!"

There is no relationship more effective than the power of money.

Is this why "Galaxy and You" had a bigger budget than "The Princess's New Clothes"?

Wen Ying actually believed Yuan Fenghui's deception, thinking that all the extra budget for "Galaxy and You" was spent on music production... So as early as the National Day, when Yuan Fenghui and Huang Yongjun had just negotiated a cooperation

Did you just hook up with Hu Man?

Wen Ying suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Teacher Yuan, the budget for this drama——"

"I was just about to talk to you. The budget for this show is going to increase. Can you invest an extra million?"

Wen Ying suspected that Yuan Fenghui was targeting her unpaid royalties and would not give up until she drained the money out of her pocket!

——Where a man’s sincerity is, there is money. Wherever Wen Ying’s money is, there must be people.

——All the money has been taken out by Yuan Fenghui, so naturally he will be tied to Tianjiao!

This chapter has been completed!
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