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1344: Zhuo Chen's moral shackles are gone

My cousin and friends who were far away in the capital were happy to hear Yingying.

The Wen family who stayed in their hometown were really dumbfounded.

Wen Ying didn't expect that her promotional videos would cause a big storm in Lao Wen's house.

The Wen family had long known that Wen Ying had published a novel.

But knowing it is one thing, seeing Wen Ying's promotional video on TV is another thing... Grandma Wen doesn't understand whether she can publish a book or not, she will understand once she appears on TV.

Anyone who can be on TV is naturally very powerful.

Wen Ying's aunt Zhu Meiqun didn't know what to say. It took her a long time after the promotional video to find her voice:

"That girl Sakura, is she going to be a big star?"

Uncle Wen's face lit up, "It's not a celebrity, Dongrong said, it's to promote the essay contest. We old guys like us can't understand what the contest is. You just need to be good at it!"

They were all named Wen. His niece was promising. Uncle Wen was so happy that his face turned red with excitement. He was afraid that the old lady wouldn't understand the promotional video, so he even became a commentator.

Grandma Wen nodded frequently after listening to the explanation: "It's no wonder that the second child always boasts, who has such a child, the whole room is bright!"

I wonder if it will be broadcast tomorrow?

If it is still broadcast, we must inform our relatives and fellow villagers in the countryside.

Uncle Wen was not sure, "Then I have to ask my second brother!"

When it comes to Wen Ying publishing novels, the people in his hometown in the countryside don't understand. Their doubtful expressions of "Don't brag" can make Uncle Wen speechless.

It's different being on TV. It's been broadcast on TV, so how can it be fake?

Uncle Wen feels that niece Wen Ying's promotional video is as important as his son Wen Kai's admission to the Capital University of Aeronautics and Astronautics this year. They are both important events for the Wen family to honor their ancestors!

The mother and son were excitedly discussing their return to their hometown, while Zhu Meiqun on the side lowered her head and said nothing.

Zhu Meiqun was naturally happy, but her happiness was mixed with a little unexplainable melancholy.

Wen Ying used to stay still, but if she moved casually, she would throw Wen Kai away with one step.

The little girl who was obviously not outstanding at all last year has become so dazzling this year!

Zhu Meiqun was not vicious enough to curse Wen Ying for her misfortune, but as a mother, she always hoped that her children would be better than other people's children. The children who were usually compared together were the children of acquaintances and relatives.

Wen Kai indeed lived up to Zhu Meiqun's expectations.

After a year of re-study, Wen Kai was admitted to the Capital University of Aeronautics and Astronautics this year. What an outstanding kid, he is better than the kids around him. If there is anything he can't compare to Wen Ying, it's his family conditions, right?

Wen Kai went to college in Beijing, and Zhu Meiqun gave his son 600 yuan a month for living expenses.

Regarding the living expenses, Zhu Meiqun has inquired about them. The standard is usually 400-800 yuan, and there must be higher. However, based on her life circle, Zhu Meiqun does not want to give children living expenses higher than 800 yuan for a wealthy family.


The 600 yuan living allowance seems to Zhu Meiqun to be a lot.

Gritting my teeth, I can give you 800 yuan, but the couple both work in a small city, and their monthly salary is not high. An extra 200 yuan may not seem like much at first glance, but it will add up over time. In order to settle down in the city, the previous few

The money he earned every year was saved to buy a house. Now he not only has to support Wen Kai's college education, but also maintain household expenses. He even has to save money again to plan for Wen Kai's future marriage.

The income is only so much, and it has to be divided into several parts, so life is naturally tight.

Fortunately, the mother-in-law's living expenses are all borne by the second brother's family... Hey, the mother-in-law helped raise Wenkai and contributed the most to her own family, but she asked the second brother's family to bear the pension. Zhu Meiqun is not shameless enough to accept it calmly. It is true.

Life is stressful.

Therefore, his son Wen Kai may be better, but he was dragged down by his mediocre parents.

"Jingle Bell……"

The landline at home rang, and it was Uncle Wen Ying.

Uncle Wen called to talk about the promotional video. Uncle Wen was very excited. Uncle Wen had found a close friend. He was usually a dull person, so he couldn't help but echoed his third brother and talked on the phone for a long time.

Uncle Wen finally concluded: "Brother, do you think that girl Xiaoying has changed so much, does it have something to do with the education in the provincial capital? The second sister-in-law transferred her job to the provincial capital, and the second brother drives to two places every day, and outsiders watch.

It's tiring, but if this kind of tiredness can be exchanged for a child as outstanding as Xiaoying, it will be worth a thousand dollars. Brother, I have thought about it, I want to send my child to study in the provincial capital!"

When Uncle Wen dropped such news, Uncle Wen was stunned.

"Sent to the provincial capital to study?"

"Yes, people go to higher places, and water flows to higher places. The second brother and his family have gone to the provincial capital. I don't think they plan to come back, so we should go too. The second brother is the smartest person in our family. Follow

Second brother will definitely make the right choice."

Uncle Wen's thinking was smooth, and he might not have thought about it in a day or two, so he took advantage of today's opportunity to express it.

Uncle Wen was a little stuck, but he soon woke up and rejected Uncle Wen's idea: "No, you can't go to the provincial capital!"

Uncle Wen was anxious: "Third brother, we can't do this. The second brother has a wife and children to support. It's very difficult for him to drag our big family into the city and help us settle down one by one..."

It is not easy to settle down in a small city.

If he goes to the provincial capital to join Wen Dongrong again, wouldn't it mean that Wen Dongrong will be exhausted to death?

Uncle Wen suspected that Uncle Wen was eyeing his niece who had published a novel. He heard that writers can make a lot of money, but if an uncle drags his family to eat his niece, in the countryside, such a thing would be stabbed in the spine and beaten to death.

Even the uncle could not do such a despicable thing. Not only did he not know how to do it, he also warned Uncle Wen not to have such thoughts.

Uncle Wen also looked anxiously: "You're telling me that I'm going to eat Xiaoying. The provincial capital is very big and I have the hands and feet to work hard. I'm afraid I won't be able to make money?"

The two brothers were arguing, and Grandma Wen couldn't get a word in, but Zhu Meiqun seemed to be in a state of confusion, clearing the fog in her head.

Now of course there is no need to send Wen Kai to study in the provincial capital.

But Zhu Meiqun's thoughts about her son's future are exactly the same as Uncle Wen's.

She pushed her husband away and stood in front of the phone, "If your eldest brother doesn't go, I will!"

This time I heard that my uncle was surprised.


"You heard me right, I'm going to the provincial capital and I have to make money for Wen Kai!"

Zhu Meiqun was acting impulsively, but after speaking out, she became firm: "Youngest, you said our Wen Kaiyou is not good. He passed the college entrance examination last year and did not go to school. He repeated his studies for a year before going to the capital.

He just likes the capital and big cities. After he finishes college, he is asked to go back to a small place. Isn’t that delaying his future? I want to make money for Wen Kai. I want to help Wen Kai buy a house and let him live in a big city.

Stand firm!"

If you can't afford one in the capital, buy one in the provincial capital.

If you can't afford the big one, buy the small one.

There is no one-time payment, but I heard you can also make a down payment.

When parents help their children, the pressure on the children will be less.

People of their generation can move from the countryside to the city. When Wen Kai's turn comes, he will definitely be able to fight his way from a small city to a big city.

This chapter has been completed!
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