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1351: TV station's preference for Islam!

Wen Ying was so enthusiastic that she signed more than 100 copies of "Spark" brought out by the newsstand lady.

The newsstand sister was so awesome that she caught Wen Ying who was alone and forced Wen Ying to hold a small autograph session. Wen Ying could only comfort herself that this was the price she had to pay for conducting grassroots market research!

Little did they know that the eldest sister at the newsstand was very sorry. She only regretted that the newspapers were so noisy these days that "Teenage Idol" was almost out of stock, and the newsstand didn't have much stock. Otherwise, the eldest sister could not only hold Wen Ying down and give more than a hundred copies of "Spark"

》signature, she can also hold her down to sign more than 100 copies of "Teen Idol".

It takes some time to sign more than a hundred magazines. After all the Yingying work has been done, the grassroots market research must continue. I took advantage of the break to ask about the sales situation of "Spark". The eldest sister was very happy:

"It goes without saying that the sales are going well. There are so many people making reservations, most of them are students. There is a prize of 200,000 yuan for the essay competition!"

Newspapers have been clamoring all day long, questioning whether the 200,000 bonus is correct. The newsstand lady is obviously on the side of the organizer.

Those people are so strange.

They are not allowed to pay their own money. Someone has organized a competition and set up high bonuses. If they don't participate, just pretend they didn't see it. Why are they scolding the Spark Cup?

The eldest sister met the rightful owner today, and it was inevitable that she would express her own opinions:

"You must be annoying people by holding this contest. I have seen too many messy essay contests in the past few years. Eight out of ten are meant to deceive young children. Young children see advertisements for essay contests in magazines.

I sent my work to participate in the competition with high expectations. After a while, the organizer received a reply, saying congratulations on entering the semi-finals. How much money do you need to send to the organizer to receive the award? Bah, I think the trend of essay competitions is

You are the one who was led astray by these melons!"

Wen Ying gave a thumbs up to the eldest sister, "You see clearly."

The eldest sister holds her chest proudly.

That's not the case!

Those essay contests that are selling sheep over dogs are just money scams. The money the contestants are asked to send is not much, maybe tens or hundreds of dollars, but there are many people who can't stand it and fall for it.

One contestant can defraud hundreds of dollars, and a thousand contestants can defraud hundreds of thousands. If more than 2,000 contestants can be defrauded, an essay contest can generate hundreds of thousands of revenue!

The cost is to publish an advertisement on the inside page of the magazine, and then print certificates in batches and send them to the so-called players who have made it to the semi-finals. Compared with the benefits, the cost is basically negligible.

The model that the eldest sister mentioned is what really ruined the essay competition.

The Tianjiao Spark Cup is different. So far, the Spark Cup has been about throwing money away rather than trying to take advantage of the contestants. If domestic literature lovers are whetted by the Spark Cup, they will no longer be called literature lovers.

We participate in an essay competition that requires our own money... Silly leeks are not so easy to harvest.

So the newsstand lady is right, the Spark Cup Essay Competition has indeed offended the interests of some people.

Of course, the lady at the newsstand has not finished speaking. The Spark Cup has attracted so much opposition, not only because it violates the interests of the money-making competition, but also because the "Spark" magazine that hosted the competition is too high-profile and strong, which scares some colleagues.


Whoever has circulation, popularity, influence and the right to speak.

An essay competition can only increase the popularity of "Spark".

What if "Spark" does it every year?

Then "Spark" is the second "Grudge" magazine!

One copy of "Sprouting" is enough. It has a different positioning from ordinary campus youth magazines. Colleagues have accepted it - there is nothing they can do if they don't accept it. The new concept essay competition initially allowed many universities in Shijiazhuang to give recommended places. Other magazines

We can't afford to organize such a competition, and even jealousy is powerless.

When "Spark" came out, it was a bit foul to choose to cooperate with film and television companies and use money to increase its popularity.

If a rising star wants to become an industry leader by spending money, his peers will naturally not accept it.

Of course, there is no need to tell these words to the newsstand lady.

More importantly, Wen Ying had already signed all the magazines and books prepared by her eldest sister and had to run away quickly.

She was afraid that if she continued to stay, she would change from a fish against the current to a fish with broken fins. Seeing that she was easy to talk to, the newsstand lady might bring over copies of "Spark" from all nearby newsstands for her to sign!

Just like that, when Wen Ying left the newsstand, her fins, oh no, her wrists were shaking.

The eldest sister looked at a pile of magazines, laughed until her eyes narrowed, and called regular customers first to tell them that "Spark" had arrived and asked them to come and pick it up quickly.

“It’s signed by the fish against the current!”

"Fake? Fart, I'm not a blind dragon, I can still admit the wrong person!"

"How did you get it? Trade secrets!"

"If you have doubts, I will sell it to others at a higher price... Oh, you believe it, right? Then hurry up and get it!"

Of course, acquaintances cannot buy more than a hundred magazines. Even if acquaintances want to buy them all, the newsstand lady will not agree.

There will be no increase in price, but you can keep it secret and sell it slowly. You want those customers to know that you have signed magazines in your hands, know that you can get good things, and you are not afraid that they will not come to the newsstand!

Young people may not have deep pockets, but time is the most indispensable. It is not far to take a bus around half of Chengdu to buy magazines at a newsstand.

Magazines signed by Wen Ying are tempting bait to attract customers.

Several copies of "Young Idol" signed by Wen Ying are rare items that can really sell for high prices.

If Xiaoyu doesn't hold a book signing event in the near future, the few copies of "Teenage Idol" he owns will probably be the only signed collector's editions in circulation on the market.

This book cannot be sold to ordinary customers, but to avid readers of Xiaoyu.

The newsstand lady showed a sly smile.

On November 15, 2005, the first issue of "Spark" was launched, and sellers from various places reported that "Spark" was selling well.

Of course, the promotion of the essay contest is not limited to the Sichuan and Chongqing regions. The promotional videos and online promotions of Hunan Satellite TV are all for the whole country!

Most of the people who bought "Spark" for the first time were literature lovers. They wanted to know more information about the essay competition and get the registration form. After half a month of publicity and preparation, it broke out on the 15th——

On this day, countless literature lovers from all over the country will open the plastic envelope of "Spark" magazine with excitement.

Take a deep breath, there is the aroma of ink, and the smell of 200,000 bonus, it smells so good!

Sure enough, I quickly flipped through the first issue of "Spark" and found detailed competition rules at the end of the magazine.

The first is the genre of the entries.

The creative essay competition focuses on creativity and stories. Compared with prose and poetry, novels are the best genre to show stories. Therefore, whether it is a short story group or a long-form group, the entry genre is limited to novels!

This requirement discourages many literature lovers.

You don’t even need to go under the banyan tree to smell the cherry blossoms and you can guess that some people will jump.

But it doesn’t matter, just jump. Who is the organizer and who has the final say? For "Spark", Rongcheng Literature and Art Publishing House and Tianjiao Film and Television, good stories are the most valuable. If anyone feels that the "novel" genre is limited

If you don't want to perform well, then don't participate.

This chapter has been completed!
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