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1382: The real you come and go

Xie Yuping had given up the idea of ​​repairing the father-son relationship between Xie Jinghu and Xie Qian, and even had the idea of ​​divorcing Zou Weijun and Xie Jinghu, but Mrs. Xie was different.

In the old lady's heart, Xie Jinghu is her most beloved son, and Xie Qian is her most beloved grandson. When the relationship between father and son improves, the old lady feels truly at ease!

As soon as Xie Qian said he wanted to return to the capital, Mrs. Xie immediately notified Xie Jinghu to come over.

No matter how good a relationship is, it will deteriorate if they don't meet and communicate for a long time. What's more, the father and son have long had a quarrel. The old lady has worked hard for the relationship between her son and grandson, but it's a pity that neither the father nor the son will appreciate her love. Old lady Xie is certainly a person worthy of respect from others.

She is a woman who raised four sons as a widow. She possesses the tenacity of traditional Chinese women and is able to cultivate her four sons into talents, which further illustrates her insight and wisdom!

But no matter how wise Mrs.

——Divorce is not allowed. Without divorce, the family will not be complete.

As long as Zou Weijun doesn't mention divorce, there will be no way to compensate the daughter-in-law too much. This is the old lady's truest thought.

With the encouragement of Mrs. Xie, Xie Qian met his biological father Xie Jinghu as soon as he returned to the capital.

The last time father and son met was not a happy one.

This time in front of the old lady Xie, both father and son were more polite. This was actually a meeting that both parties were looking forward to.

Xie Qian wants to see Xie Jinghu because he wants to take the initiative to cheat his father, but Xie Jinghu is actively defending to avoid being cheated - the old lady still has shares in Kumho Group. If he doesn't watch, Xie Qian will take away the shares from the old lady.

It will be very detrimental to Xie Jinghu!

In addition to preventing being cheated, Xie Jinghu also wanted to test the logistics company.

I heard that Xie Qian had a big fight with the manager of the logistics company.

Xie Jinghu felt deeply regretful that he could not see that scene with his own eyes.

The eyes of father and son collided, and they both had tacit disgust and dislike for each other.

Only Mrs. Xie was filled with precious grandsons. She took Xie Qian's hand and looked at it again and again. She repeated the old saying: "You have lost a little weight. Did you eat well in Chengdu? Is it that you can't eat the food there?"

If you don’t get used to it, why don’t you go back to the capital to go to school?”

Mrs. Xie misses her grandson, and also looks forward to the harmony between Xie Jinghu and Zou Weijun.

It is definitely not possible to live apart for a long time.

The old lady heard that Zou Weijun was doing well in the publishing industry in Chengdu.

Women, you really need a career. Once you have a career, your heart will not be entirely focused on men, and you will be more sensible when dealing with marital crises.

The old lady felt that Zou Weijun's illness should be cured, so she suggested that Xie Qian go back to Beijing to go to school. The subtext was to bring Zou Weijun back with him.

Of course Xie Qian will not return to the capital.

In the past, it was because of his mother Zou Weijun's condition, but now he has other concerns:

"It has nothing to do with eating. It's just that I'm a little tired from studying."

This is unusual, Xie Qian actually feels tired?

"Learning" has never been difficult for Xie Qian!

The old lady felt distressed and asked Xie Qian not to work so hard: "Don't push yourself too hard. It doesn't matter where you are in the exam. Those are all false. You will still have a long life in the future."

Of course the old lady is happy and proud to have a grandson who always takes the first place in the exam.

But if Xie Qian doesn't take the first place in the exam, then he is still Xie Qian. Compared with the length of his entire life, his test scores as a student are really not a big deal. Occasionally not taking the first place cannot be called a "stain in life."

The old lady didn't want Xie Qian to push herself too hard, so Xie Qian felt her concern.

In this family, Xie Qian regarded Xie Jinghu as an enemy, but other family members were very kind to Xie Qian. Xie Qian was nostalgic for such a big family.

Xie Jinghu saw his mother's pity for Xie Qian and suddenly felt threatened. He couldn't help but interjected: "I think it's not that he studies too hard, it's that he is tired because he has too many things to worry about. How can he just be a high school student?"

So tired?"

Xie Jinghu is really worried about the land in Magic City.

The name "Xie 200 Million" has been spread. Some friends will tease Xie Jinghu when they meet, saying that Xie Jinghu is willing to spend a lot of money to train his son, and he is so generous in training his son who is still in high school. Hearing this once, Xie Jinghu was born

Angry for once!

Is that what he is willing to give?


It was the wife who joined forces with her son and stole it from him.

Sensing that Xie Jinghu's tone was wrong, Mrs. Xie's expression was unkind. Xie Jinghu made a mistake and said, "Mom, I'm also concerned about him..."

"If you really care about Xie Qian, then act like a father and set a good example for Xie Qian."

Old lady Xie reminded me of this, and Xie Qian smiled instead: "Grandma, my dad really cares about me. Didn't I open a logistics company in Shanghai? My dad asked someone to deliver several large orders to me.


These words made Mrs. Xie reluctantly satisfied, and even a little surprised.

Xie Jinghu took the initiative to deliver orders to Xie Qian, which was like something his own father would do.

When you come and go, won't the relationship between father and son be repaired?

Xie Jinghu snorted: "It's just a few orders, it's nothing. Don't fight me usually. I can give you any order."

Xie Qian did not make Xie Jinghu proud, and changed the subject, "I came back this time just to make it clear to you in person that my small company cannot handle large orders and does not need your help behind the scenes. I don't want you to talk about it next year.

He said that I could not achieve an annual return rate of more than 20% on my own, and used this as an excuse to force me to study abroad."

Xie Jinghu was furious, "Is it harming you by asking you to study abroad? I sent you the wrong order!"

"I don't want to study abroad. You know why."

Going abroad is far away, and it is inconvenient to take care of domestic affairs. After a few years of studying and returning to China, the domestic environment has changed drastically, and it will be difficult for Xie Qian of Kumho Group to intervene.

In the past, Xie Qian never thought about studying abroad because he couldn't worry about his mother Zou Weijun, who suffered from depression.

Now, Xie Qian will not go abroad. Not only can he not let go of his mother, Zou Weijun, but he also can't let go of his good friends. He wants to grow up with his friends. This process makes Xie Qian happy.

Being accused by Xie Qian in person, Xie Jinghu couldn't stand it and said sarcastically: "If you have the guts, just push those big orders away."

"I have indeed asked the company's manager Gong to push the order. In front of grandma, I hope you promise me not to do such a thing in the future."

Xie Qian looked tired when he said this.

Xie Qian is showing weakness to Xie Jinghu and paralyzing Xie Jinghu!

No matter how smart a minor is, he has to take care of his studies and participate in the management of a company in Shanghai, which requires extremely high energy.

Xie Qian wants Xie Jinghu to see how tired he is, and wants Xie Jinghu to think that it is beyond his ability to take care of both his studies and the Magic Capital Company at the same time!

Seeing that the father and son were about to quarrel again, Mrs. Xie quickly smoothed things over: "Xie Qian has his own ideas. He wants to rely on his own abilities, so why don't you just stop sending him any orders?"

This chapter has been completed!
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